Se nos ha dicho durante mucho tiempo que es bueno ahorrar por si algo pasa y hace tiempo que está pasando ese “algo”. De cualquier manera y como millennial que algunas veces vive al límite me he visto en terribles momentos con 5 euros en el banco, no toda la vida he sido responsable pero he aprendido a partir de tener que apretarme a fin de mes./ We have been told for a long time that it is good to save money in case something happens and now that unexpected “something” is happening. In any case, and as a millennial who sometimes lives on the edge I have seen myself in terrible moments with 5 euros in the bank, I haven’t been responsible during all my life, but I have learned some tricks from bad experiences in order to set priorities.


Sin embargo y a pesar de que ahora tengo un pequeño colchón financiero, a veces me pregunto para que debería ahorrar primero…. ¿para alguna emergencia?, ¿para irme de vacaciones?, ¿para mudarme a un piso más grande?, ¿para invertir?, ¿para comprarme todo lo que Instagram me mete por los ojos? No hay respuesta clara y ahorrar es una habilidad que se va afilando con los años./ However, even though I now have a small financial cushion, sometimes I ask myself: what should I save for first? Holidays, emergencies, to move to a bigger apartment or to buy everything Instagram put in front of my eyes? There is no clear answer and saving money is a skill that can be improved over the years.


Odio los posts y videos que te dicen exactamente cuánto ahorrar, no todos podemos destinar cierto porcentaje de nuestro salario porque nuestras condiciones y nuestros salarios varian (si eres freelance, la cosa se complica) y sería injusto decirle a tal persona que vive de tal forma porque no sabemos sus necesidades y sus prioridades./ I hate posts and videos that tell you exactly the amount you need to save, not all of us can allocate a certain percentage of our salary because our conditions and our salaries vary (if you are a freelance, things get complicated) and it would be unfair to tell people to live in a certain way because we don’t know their needs and their priorities.


Prioridades, eso, establecer prioridades es una buena forma de empezar a administrar el dinero, pero aún así la información sigue pareciendo confusa y cada quien se debe convertir en un hábil jugador de Monopoly, capaz de comprar algunas cosas para generar ganancias, pero guardando siempre un dólar bajo el brazo por si hay que pagar alguna deuda./ Priorities, exactly, setting priorities is a good way to start managing money, but the information still seems confusing and everyone must become a skillful Monopoly player, being able to buy some things to generate profits, but always saving a dollar under your arm in case you have to pay any debt.

¿Pero cómo ahorrar para aquello que te gusta y que te emociona genuinamente? No todo en la vida es ahorrar-ahorrar-ahorrar, y es en esos pequeños gustos de vez en mes donde encontramos un placer genuino (aunque también en haber ahorrado por algo concreto durante mucho tiempo). Así que, ¿cómo hacer para darte ese gustito sin terminar en un bucle de insensatez? No lo sé, tampoco tengo la solución, pero si trucos que me están funcionando muy bien:/ But how can you save for what you like and that genuinely excites you? Not everything in life is save-save-save money, and genuine pleasure sometimes means to buy yourself those cool shoes or a new perfume. So how can you give yourself a little treat from time to time without ending up in a loop of nonsense? I do not know, I do not have the solution either, but these tricks are working very well for me:

In these photos: The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% & B5 + Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream + LE LABO Crème pour le corps + Kiehls Calendula Serum-Infused Water Cream + Lush Tea Tree Water Toner 

TRICK 1. 👀

Convertir tu pequeño gusto en otras cosas. Por ejemplo, hace poco me compré una crema un poco cara (oops) de cualquier manera pensé “no puede ser tan malo”, a veces se nos va el dinero en cosas muy efímeras, así que en mi cabeza hice un cálculo mental de “esta crema se puede pagar con unas 2 o 3 salidas a cenar”, no es demasiado considerando lo poco que dura esa hamburguesa en mi plato y lo mucho que durará el producto en mi baño./ Apply the conversion trick. For example, I recently bought a little expensive moisturizer (oops) anyway I thought “it can’t be that bad”, sometimes we lose money on very ephemeral things, so in my head I made a mental calculation of ” this moisturizer can be paid with 2 or 3 dinners ”, it is not too much considering how short that hamburger lasts on my plate and how long the product will last in my bathroom.

¿Suena bien, no? Lo mismo puedes aplicar este principio con otras cosas, como la cantidad de chicles o cafés para llevar, taxis, cervezas, etc. Una vez en el mercado me pasé a pensar, que pagar 100 euros por una compra grande no era demasiado, si interpretaba eso como una cantidad pequeña de comidas fuera./ Sounds good doesn’t it? We can apply this principle with other things, such as the amount of chewing gum or take away coffee, cabs, beers, etc. Once in the supermarket I started to think that paying 100 euros for a large purchase was not too much, if I interpreted that as a small amount of meals outside.

Así que si quieres un nuevo par de zapatos puedes pensarlo en una cantidad de comidas fuera que puedes sustituir por un tupper o por decidir quedarte un par de veces en casa./ So if you want a new pair of shoes you can think of a number of meals outside that you can substitute for a tupper or for deciding to stay home a couple of times.

TRICK 2. 👀

Pero no todo es sustituir esos gastos por comidas fuera, yo también disfruto mucho ir a restaurantes y a cafés, pero volvemos a la palabra PRIORIDADES. Siempre es bueno fijar un presupuesto aproximado para tus gastos más comunes o ir apuntando todo gasto en una libreta, Excel o app./ But it is not all about substituting those expenses for meals outside, I also really enjoy going to restaurants and cafes, but let’s go back to the word PRIORITIES. It is always good to set an approximate budget for your most common expenses or write down all expenses in a notebook, Excel or app.

El caso de Tori Dunlap, quien fue quien inspiró esta serie de posts, me gusta porque pudo ahorrar sin dejar de tener pequeños placeres, lo cual no es malo, para eso estamos aquí. Un truco de Dori es es tener “tres categorías de valor” o cosas de tu vida que de verdad disfrutas. Para ella eran viajes, comer fuera y cosas de casa; mientras que la ropa y el maquillaje no eran tan importantes para ella./ Do you remember the case of Tori Dunlap, who inspired this series of posts? I like this case because she was able to save money while still having small pleasures and setting priorities, which is not bad, we’re here to enjoy. Dori’s trick is to have “3 value categories” or things in your life that you really enjoy. Her 3 categories were trips, eating out and nesting (plants, cushions, candles, etc); while clothing and makeup were not that important to her.

En mi caso pondría cosas de casa (plantas, flores, velas), cuidado de la piel y comida que realmente disfruto. Puedo prescindir de comprar ropa muy seguido, lanzamientos de tecnología o alcohol. Elige tus 3./ In my case I would put nesting (plants, flowers, candles), skin care and food (restaurants and cafés). I can survive without buying clothes very often, technology or alcohol. Choose your 3 value categories.

TRICK 3. 👀

El préstamos propio. El último recurso es tomar prestado de mis propios ahorros, pero esto solamente cuando aparece un descuento en un artículo que llevaba buscando por mucho tiempo. Eso sí, siempre aseguro devolver el dinero a ese pequeño rincón del ahorro./ Own loans. The last resource is to borrow from my own savings, but this only when a discount appears on an item I’ve been looking for for a long time. Of course, I always make sure to return the money to that little corner of savings.

¿Qué trucos te han funcionado para comprar esos pequeños placeres?/ What tricks have worked for you to buy those little pleasures?


💸 👛 👀 💵


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  • Hey Fungi!!

    I hope you are having lovely day! Your article about money is always great, and it help me!

    “Own loans” sounds so wonderful, so I will try it soon!! I have never think about “3 value categories”. Probably my 3 value is fashion, interior, photoshoot for blog. This weekend I would love to consider it.

    Those pictures are so lovely and perfect composition!
    That peach and flower are so fantastic 🙂
    Thank you for sharing true luxury ideas, Fungi!


    • Thanks dear Akiko, glad to read that these small tips would help you a little bit 🙂

      As you interior (or nice things for my house) is one of my essential values! 😀 I enjoy being at home so much that this is crucial!

  • I love this feature on your blog. Your money saving tips are excellent. I think it is important to know that we cannot have it all. This applies to all aspects of our life. You often have to give up on one thing to be able to afford another. The same goes for time. When I started blogging, I pretty much stopped watching TV. There isn’t a single series I’m watching at moment. I rarely go to cinema. I have to give up TV in order to have time for blog. As you said, it is about priorities. There is always something we enjoy less. For example, I enjoy films and series less than I do book. So, I only watch those things that REALLY interest me on TV. Sometimes that is as little as one show a week or a month. Moreover, books are more relevant for my occupation and job than is TV. I don’t currently teach literature ( I work as a SLA teacher at the moment), but I sometimes still do some free lance literature tutoring, so keeping up with my classics is important for me. I often reread classics. Reading books is important because I need to constantly develop my vocabulary and linguistically abilities since that is the field I focus on in terms of employment.
    When it comes to spending, I think it is important to save (I do believe in having a fund for rainy days) but also to treat ourselves from time to time. There are always things we can eliminate. For example, eating out- we can limit it to once a month until we save for something we want. We need to also think twice before buying something- is it something we really need? When we see a good deal on something we know we will use, be it a book, a dictionary, a nice coat or a quality skincare, then sometimes we need to seize the day! I think it is important to know one’s priorities. In addition, priorities are often subject to change and so are our spending habits. The important thing is to use our head.

    • Hello dear Ivana, I am super happy to read that you’re enjoying these posts, I think we all have to build a healthy relationship with money, specially in these weird days.

      The thing you mentioned about priorities is so true! Many people could have a Netflix marathon often, but of course it has to do with the priorities…. maybe you enjoy videogames, books or baking so you have to make some sacrifices in order to grow in your other hobbies.

      And as you I truly believe in eliminate things we don’t really enjoy that much….

      Thanks again for your lovely comment!

  • Love this series Pablo! Always interesting articles and point of view. I love that this article is kind of like, yes take responsibility and save but don’t do it at the cost of enjoying yourself! I’m all for a good balance of saving but also let yourself do those random, unmotivated, purchases. Such as a wine bottle that’s bit too expensive, a gorgeous pair of shoes or a scented candle that smells amazing. Thank you for the reminder!! Have a lovely weekend! Xx

    • Thanks for checking it out Mia, promise to bring more post from this series, there a lot of interesting topics to talk about when it comes to money and feasible tips!

  • Hey Pablo, how’s going your summer? Here in Rome is soooooo hot that you can’t think to go anywhere before the 6 pm.
    So my plan to do the tourist at home is pretty deleted indeed, I’m spending all my day on the terrace or at pool and just take some strolls at the evening…. Really this summer is the most boring ever!
    Hope that you’re enjoying your summer more than me there in Barcelona: we are young and it’s summer, shouldn’t this be the most fun period of the year for us? Damn pnademic!

    But there is a good side: since the start of the pandemic I’m saving a lot of money (despite my incomes are even lower)!
    Think that, since you can’t go almost anywhere, I don’t take the car (except for few times) since the start of the pandemic and only this made me save really a good amount of money!
    Plus, I’m going a lot less to restaurants, cinema, amusement parks, clubs and beaches and consequently I’m doing even less shopping,since I’ve got few chances to show off my new garments.
    But I know well that all this situation is just temporary, and that in normal conditions your tips really would really save your neck!
    I’ve lived alone for a period in Milan and I remember very well how feels to have an empty wallet… But, as you did, I had to learn quickly to separate my incoming in “what you need” and “what’s your pleasure”… sad but necessary ( and I was/am the kind of person who’d spend evey cent that’ve got on hand).
    Now my approach to money is very close to your, at the same moment I get money, I divide them to saving, needings and pleasures: and you know? the hardest thing was to learn to distinguish the “pleasures” that I really wanted from those that were just a “crush”.
    And I too think of “how many *thing I like* can buy with that amount” (usually my comparison are beauty/skincare products _we even use the same brands_): it’s pretty effective when you have to decide if it’s the case to buy another super cool pair of sneakers or not!^^
    But really every tip here is very very useful, I’d like to have read this post years ago, it would be of great help to me ( and my financial)!

    Have a great week end, my friend!

    • Hello dear Silvia, I’m doing well, thanks for asking! As you I’m living a boring summer but at least I’m saving a little bit of money, anyway I’m planning to do a short escapade close to Barcelona in the upcoming days 🙂

      As you mentioned some of us are lucky enough to save some money due to the situation, I didn’t know you lived in Milan, that’s cool! But in situations like that one, when you move to a new place it is a punch of reality since you have to very clever about your income, etc.

      Thank you so much for checking this out! All the best!

  • These are great money saving tips. We all need to save more then we do. And in these trying times it is even harder. Things here in the States are not good. I so wanted to get a few things from the Ordinary but they are sold out everywhere. And this FW in New York is going to be shortened to three days and digital only with no audiences. They tried this with Mens FW and Couture and it was a flop…

    Allie of

    • Hello Allie,

      I know, hard times are coming and the best we can do is to conscious about our spendings! Hope you manage to find new jobs opportunity in NY or somewhere else! 🙂

  • I love to read your money diaries.
    So many good tricks here.
    Now I try to not buy until I’m done with something like not buying a new book if I didn’t finish the last ones I bought etc..
    Same for fabrics but at the same things right now I’m feeling less guilty since we only have theses littles pleasures left with nothing much to do outside haha.

    • Thanks for checking it out Margot!

      The rule about a new book is SO GOOD, sometimes we just buy a lot of stuff and we still have a lot of entertainment at home right? Same applies to clothes, skincare, etc….


  • It is like I have been reading my own thoughts!

    I remember when I first moved to San Francisco as a student, all on my own – I had to quickly learn how to use my (somewhat limited amount of) money, so that I could cover all of my daily expenses and treat myself from time to time too. As a coffee addict, I must have at least one or two cups of Americano a day to fully function. Buying a Nespresso machine was a great step to save a lot of money. On average, I would spend about $ 2.5k a year on takeaway coffee alone! Whereas a single coffee capsule costs five times less than a takeaway cup. Plus, with a reusable travel mug, you don’t need to nervously queue before going to work or anywhere else. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy having my coffee at a cafe or restaurant, but a simple little hack like this one is quite helpful (and you know the quality of the beans and milk is excellent because you picked everything yourself). The idea of choosing three big spending categories is so good. I would definitely include skincare for myself too; as my mom always says “you can always find the time to buy good clothes, but you can’t reverse the time to buy good skin” xx


    • Hey dear Naya, thanks for stopping by!

      Didn’t know you used to live in San Francisco, how cool is that, but it is definitely one of the most expensive cities out there right?!

      I loved your experience with the coffee, that is a proof that we can still enjoying our biggest pleasures by replacing the daily coffees with a machine to have your drinks at home 🙂

      And the quote of your mom, can’t agree more with her! My new mantra haha!

  • Hey Fungi,

    You’re so right…it all comes down to your priorities. Something that is very important to one person might not be to another.

    I think I need to learn a bit more about finances. Sometimes I loose track because of everything I want… right away! hahaha

    Have a great day!

    • Thanks for checking it out Radi! 🙂

      As you my wishlist is so big but I always try to save money for the thing I want the most (or my priority at that moment)

      Best wishes!

  • These are good tips! I think it’s important to save and yet still treat yourself to things that are your priority! 🙂

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! 🙂

  • Love these money saving ideas! The conversion method works well for me. Then again, you are right it’s all about priorities and it differs from one person to anothee. Also i’ve never think thoroughly about my value categories, so it’s a very good point. My top 3 value categories would be trip (but is postponed during this period hahaha), good meal, and skincare

    • Thanks for reading this!

      We have similar value categories, saving those coins for a trips is so rewarding right?