Disfruto mucho de mi ritual de belleza y más que un protocolo lo veo como un momento de escape personal, minutos donde no hay cabida para pensar en perseguir una factura o contestar ese mail fastidioso. Creo que en la medida de lo posible, todas las personas deberíamos tener un ritual que suponga un refugio./ I really enjoy my beauty ritual and more than a protocol I see it as a moment of personal escape, no room to think about chasing an invoice or replying to that annoying email. I believe that as far as possible, all people should have a ritual that involves a refuge.

Veo el ritual de belleza no sólo como un ejercicio de salud, sino como una cuestión de entretenimiento y un momento de libertad para sacar la mejor versión de mi mismo a pesar de ese granito tras mucho chocolate o esas ojeras tras una intensa temporada de trabajo./ I see the beauty ritual not only as a healthy habit, but as a matter of entertainment and a moment of freedom to get the best version of myself despite an acne breakout caused by chocolate or those dark circles after an intense season of work.


¿Qué hacer para sacarle el máximo jugo a tu ritual de belleza sin terminar arrastrado por tendencias efímeras, productos que realmente no son más que un frasco bonito y miles de recomendaciones?/ What to do to get the most out of your beauty ritual without ending up swept away by ephemeral trends, products that are really nothing more than a pretty bottle and thousands of recommendations?

In this picture: Mabel & Meg Lumilixir Serum + Grown Alchemist Hydra Repair Day Cream + Byredo Cotton Poplin Candle + Avène Eau Thermale + Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream + Lush Prince Shaving Cream  + The Ordinary

Comencé a cuidar mi piel a consciencia hace tres años y mi ritual de belleza ha pasado de ser una antología de normas estrictas a algo menos rígido pero siempre investigando antes de comprar. Los 11 pasos de la belleza coreana suenan maravillosos, pero siendo honesto no todo el mundo los puede aplicar…. por tiempo, por pereza o porque muchas veces el cinturón económico aprieta./ I began to conscientiously take care of my skin three years ago and my beauty ritual has gone from being an anthology of strict rules to something less rigid but always doing research before buying. The 11 steps of Korean beauty sound wonderful, but to be honest, not everyone can apply them…. due to time, laziness or economy.

Decidí ver el ritual de belleza como una oportunidad para estar conmigo, en ese momento del día no hay podcasts, no hay música sonando y las notificaciones del móvil están silenciadas. ¿Los tres puntos en los que creo para exprimir mi ritual de belleza al máximo?/ I decided to see the beauty ritual as an opportunity to be with me, at that time of the day there are no podcasts, there is no music playing and the mobile notifications are muted. The three points I believe in to make the most of my beauty ritual?

In this picture: Malin & Goetz Eucalyptus Deodorant + Diptyque Tubéreuse Candle + Diptyque Philosykos Eau de Toilette

1. Acabarme hasta la última gota de la botella./Finish every last drop from the bottle.

En un mundo saturado de hauls de belleza con youtubers que muestran una cesta de compra con 40 productos, lo mejor es exprimir hasta la última gota de ese sérum (o regalarlo), recuerda que los productos caducan y hay que cuidar nuestro dinero, que tanto cuesta ganarse. En este blog siempre he defendido la compra consciente, aunque mis wishlists sean infinitas./ In a world saturated with beauty hauls with youtubers showing a shopping basket with 40 products, it is best to squeeze the last drop of that serum (or give that product away), remember that products expire and we must take care of our hard earned money. In this blog I have always defended conscious buying, although my wishlists are endless.

2. Lo esencial y después la customización./ The essentials and then the customization.

Cuando me empecé a aficionar por el skincare, me costó enterarme de todo lo que había que hacer debido a las infinitas opciones en el mercado. Hay recomendaciones de esencias, mascarillas, boosters, rodillos de jade o refrigeradores para cremas… Sí, muchos productos cubren necesidades muy específicas, pero hay otros de los que podemos prescindir. Lo mejor es seguir una serie de pasos básicos y de ahí customizar de acuerdo a necesidades específicas. ¿Lo ideal? Una limpieza certera, tratamiento para problemas específicos (suero), una hidratación profunda y protección contra el sol./ When I started to love skincare, it was difficult to find out everything that had to be done due to the infinite options on the market. There are recommendations for essences, masks, boosters, jade rollers or fridges… Yes, many products cover very specific needs, but there are others that we can do without. It is best to follow a series of basic steps and then customize according to specific needs. The ideal? Accurate cleansing, treatment for specific problems (serum), deep hydration and protection against the sun.

In this picture: Byredo La Tulipe Hand Cream+ Faace Tired MaskMalin & Goetz Eucalyptus Deodorant + Diptyque Philosykos Eau de Toilette

3. Los consejos como la bebida, con medida./ Advice wisely

Cada persona es un mundo, por lo que hay que tomar las recomendaciones de influencers como una guía./ Each person is different, so you have to take the recommendations of influencers as a guide.

No voy a negar que amo ver recomendaciones y armar listas de deseos, pero no es necesario que nuestro baño se convierta en el Gabinete del Doctor Caligarí y tener mil botellas apiladas. Lo ideal es apostar por productos que sean adecuados para nuestro tipo de piel, la etiqueta y el precio tampoco son condicionantes de nada y te puedes ver increíble y saludable utilizando el limpiador económico de farmacia./ I’m not going to deny that I love seeing recommendations and building wish lists, but it is not necessary for our bathroom to become Doctor Caligarí’s Cabinet and have a thousand bottles stacked. The ideal is to bet on products that are suitable for our skin type, the label and the price are not determining factors of anything and you can look incredible and healthy using the cheap pharmacy cleanser.


🐚💄👀 😌

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  • Ah yes 11 steps is a bit much I do not think I could pull that off I think 5 or less would do it. Much like clothing I think it is better to have fewer better quality items then a lot of less expensive things. You look like you have excellent taste here and your beauty items are quite well curated. I really like Malin & Goetz and use to use them and now they even have candles! And yes I missed Paris this year and hope to get there in 2021 would love to meet up with you there!

    Allie of

    • Hey Allie, I hope you’re doing good! 🙂

      My routine is maybe, 4 to 5 steps? 6 when I add a face mask.

      Thank you so much for your compliments! Malin & Goetz project is really good, I’m currently burning the Tobacco candle and it smells so good 🙂

  • I agree, I have never found the pricey products to be better than basic cleansers and moisturizers. I do think it is good to develop rituals where we can relax without the compulsion to be doing something else. It’s hard, because the world somehow can make us feel that we need to be ten things at once. But that’s why the rituals are important.

    Great post! I hope you are doing well and staying safe.


    • Hello Michelle!

      Those are the key products of every routine (and maybe a treatment like serum if you’re looking for something very specific). Thanks for sharing your experience with me!

  • Hello Pablo, how you doin?
    Hope you’ve started the year in the best of the ways!
    January is not a month that I like a lot since its cold and boring (february is even worst but there are V-day and Carnevale, at least…), but I hope you’re enjoing your super cool and stylish home. 🙂

    But let’s talk of the topic of the day: beauty ritual.
    I love my beauty ritual oments: are moments only for me and dedicated to me.
    When I was younger I considered them just a waste of time (and really my beauty routine was very essential and approssimative), but now are a chance to disconnect from everything for a moment and think only to myself and my wellness (with a bit of vanity too).

    Your tips are, as usual very clever: better quality over quantity, and over all think before buy (another error I did a lot when I was younger).
    Really I’m always pretty curious about news in the field and I like to try new products and routines (I’m even managing to follow the k-beauty routine every day – in a simplyfied way, to be honest- since I’ve noticed that it works pretty well on me), so I’m always tempted by new products and tools, but I’ve learned to take things easy and don’t jump into new trends as I did before!^^
    I was wondered to see that we almost use the same products (or at least the same brands)! 😀
    I have to follow your beauty posts much more carefully!

    Your photos are very cool, you really are creative at 360°!


    • Hey dear Silvia,

      I hope you’re having a good year so far, despite the current difficult times.

      I love that sometimes you have told me somme recommendations on Instagram and as you I used to think (when I was younger) that it was a waste of money and time, but nowadays it feels like something that has to be on my home!

      I promise I’ll be posting more beauty content! Thanks for all the recommendations!


  • This is good advice, especially about not buying too much! I have a really simple routine – cleanse and moisturise and that’s it really – I add a serum in at night but otherwise I don’t buy all the different products as I know I won’t have time to use them consistently, haha!

    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend 🙂 We went to the rainforest again yesterday, the kids had the best time!

    • Thanks for stopping by Mica! Sometimes time is a big issue, so looking for products with multiple purposes (exfoliating toner for example) could ge a breag optioN!

  • Hey Fungi! How are you? I love your “Ritual” series because I am a lazy woman, hahaha.

    Those photos are perfect composition, and they are so motivating for me!
    Your article gives me a lot of lovely hints to enjoy beauty ritual. I would love to try like you to decorate gorgeous perfume bottles and cheap pharmacy’s product.
    For example. Nivea! To be honest, I am a big fan of Nivea 🙂
    Thank you for always great ideas, Fungi<3


    • Hey Akiko!

      I loved to read your comment in this blog post, I used to be a lazy guy back in the day but nowadays skincare and some time of selfcare is my favorite part of the day 🙂

      Let me know if you find any of these products!

      PS: Nivea has really good products n.n

  • Just like your I love theses beauty rituals.
    Even if sometimes I get lasy I’m always consistent with my routine. This is such a relaxing moment.
    I love to receive my Korean box and try all theses different products. I actually love theses different steps in the Korean way even if it’s a lot !
    And I all agree with you I always use the last drop of all my products.

    • Thanks for your kind comment Margot!

      Sometimes I get lazy too but the cool thing is that there is always something new to try or something new to investigate 🙂

      Take care ! xx

  • Hey Fungi,

    Finishing any product to the last drop is a rule I live by. I have become really good at it as I don’t buy anything new until I have completely finished with the old. This saves me so much money and it’s nice to have just the essentials.

    Hope you’re having a great week. Talk soon!

    • Me too Radi! Sometimes if I got something new I try to finish the old bottle and then open the new one, is all about being conscious with the products you own 🙂


  • Wonderful tips! I love how you promote conscious buying in every aspect, not just in clothes but in skincare as well. That’s wonderful. I enjoyed your tips. I believe in less is more when it comes to skincare. I wash my face with a cleanser twice a day and make sure I apply face cream and often also sunblock. That’s my essential routine. I also like to do a Japanese face massage.

    • Thanks for your words Ivana, I think it is crucial to be conscious about our shopping habits!

      And Japanese massage sounds good! Need to try that :)!

  • Absolutely loved this post, Pablo!

    I too think that it is important to save these precious minutes for self-pampering. No interruption, no phone calls, no emails. I enjoy everything about this idea of disconnecting for a moment, yet giving your full attention back to yourself. It is healthy and more people should do it.

    I also agree about never-ending lists of recommendations. Although I review products, as a consumer I put a lot of time and effort into the research before I decide to cash out on something. I like that nowadays people are becoming very wise with their skincare choices. Reviews are here to offer information, but the ultimate decision is yours. In the sea of products, you have to know what works best for you xx


    • Hey Naya,

      Thank you so much for your words! For me, specially in these weird times, selfcare time is more than putting products in my face, it has to do with enjoying time with myself and forget about the world for a few minutes.

      And just to clarify, you’re one of the influencers I really trust, so thanks for your amazing job when it comes to do a review 🙂