Hay ocasiones en las que me siento un adulto responsable por el simple hecho de tener suficiente chocolate en mi alacena, en otras ocasiones alcanzo ese mérito cuando pago mis facturas a tiempo y últimamente cuando llevo a cabo mi rutina de skincare. Y este MONEY DIARIES trata sobre ahorrar un poco a la hora de cuidar nuestra piel./ There are times when I feel like a responsible adult for the simple fact of having enough chocolate in my cupboard, on other occasions I achieve that merit when I pay my bills on time and lately when I accomplish my skincare routine. And this MONEY DIARIES is about saving a little when buying skincare.


Todos en algún momento hemos tenido que apretar el cinturón con nuestros gastos (o tal vez seas Paris Hilton y has caído en este blog por casualidad) y es cuando nos damos cuenta de las prioridades: para mí, el skincare, que más allá de la vanidad es por una cuestión de salud y porque me encanta empezar y cerrar mis días (sobre todo los estresantes) con ese gesto de auto cuidado./ At some point all of us have had to tighten our belts with money (or maybe you are Paris Hilton and you have found this blog by chance) and that is when we realize priorities: for me, skincare, which beyond vanity is more related with health and because I love to start and close my days (especially stressful ones) with that gesture of self-care.

Hay meses en los que después de ver la cuenta bancaria quiero escribir ¡AYUDA! en mi agenda y se acercan momentos de incertidumbre financiera a nivel mundial, sin embargo el cuidado personal es imprescindible en muchos espectros y aquí algunos tips para gastar bien ese dinero que tanto cuesta ganarnos./ There are months when I want to write HELP! on my agenda after seeing my bank account and moments of financial uncertainty are approaching worldwide, however skincare is essential in many specters and here are some tips to spend well that hard earned money.

✌🏽 DUPES ✌🏽

Por supuesto que me encantan los productos con empaques bonitos, de hecho hay momentos de estrés en los que me levanto de mi silla para ver mis perfumes y evadir la realidad, pero no siempre se puede tener la crema más cara ni el suero más instagrammeable./ Of course I love products with beautiful packaging, in fact there are times of stress when I get up of my seat just to take a look at my perfumes and evade reality, but you can’t always have the most expensive cream or the most instagrammable serum.

Hace poco descubrí SKINSCOOL, una web donde puedes buscar dupes (versiones similares) y más económicas del 90% de los productos disponibles en el mercado. ¿Resequedad? Nunca. ¿Ahorro? Bienvenido. Guarden SKINSCOOL en sus bookmarks./ I recently discovered SKINSCOOL, a website where you can search for dupes (similar versions) of products available on the market. Dryness? Never. Savings? Welcome. Save SKINSCOOL in your bookmarks.


El ecommerce nos pone todo a un click de peligro, pero hay que alejarse de tiendas como Sephora lo máximo posible para no tentar al diablo y caer en tentaciones./ E-commerce puts everything at a click of danger, but you have to stay away from stores like Sephora as much as possible to avoid tempting the devil and fall into temptations.

Entiendo la ventaja de tener todo en una misma tienda, además hay productos que sólo están disponibles en tiendas multimarca. Mientras cuidamos el dinero, mejor buscar ofertas que sólo puedan encontrarse online o farmacias que ofrezcan precios más competitivos./ I understand the advantage of having everything in the same place, there are products that are only available in multi-brand stores. While we take care of the money, it is better to look for offers that can only be found online or pharmacies that offer more competitive prices.

In this collage: The Body Shop Drops of Youth Cleanser + Lush Angels On Bare Skin Fresh Cleanser + Sesderma C Vit Serum + The Ordinary Serums + Glossier Super Pure Serum + Kiehls Calendula Serum-Infused Water Cream + Isdin Fusion Water SPF 50


Por más triste que suene no necesitamos esencias, lociones, mascarillas, sheet masks, boosters, exfoliares de labios, etc. De hecho toda esta cantidad de productos hace que mucha gente se aleje del skincare al verlo tan complicado./ As sad as it sounds we don’t need essences, lotions, masks, sheet masks, boosters, lip scrubs, etc. In fact, this amount of products makes many people move away from skincare ‘cause it looks “too complicated”.

Enfócate en la rutina perfecta de skincare: limpiar, tratar, hidratar y proteger. De base no se necesita nada más./ Focus on the perfect skincare routine: cleanse, treat, hydrate, and protect. That’s all if you want to follow the basics.

Hay una diferencia entre desear y necesitar, así que antes de comprar esa mascarilla de lujo pregúntate si alguno de tus productos ya cumple esa función./ There is a difference between wanting and needing, so before buying that luxury mask ask yourself if any of your products already fulfill that function.

Encuentra un excelente limpiador, un suero que trate ese problema específico (manchas, resequedad, envejecimiento, etc.), una hidratante indicada para tu tipo de piel y un bloqueador solar, ese escudo diario para prevenir cáncer, manchas y envejecimiento./ Find an excellent cleanser, a serum that treats that specific problem (blemishes, dryness, aging, etc.), a moisturizer indicated for your skin type and a sunscreen, that daily shield to prevent cancer, blemishes and aging.

Por supuesto que a todos nos gusta darnos un lujito, a mí por ejemplo me encanta utilizar un toner después del limpiador o de vez en cuando mimarme con una mascarilla, pero eso ya es customizable y comenzarás a mejorar tu rutina de acuerdo a tus necesidades específicas. No necesitas la rutina de belleza coreana de 10 pasos para tener una piel sana./ Of course we all like to indulge ourselves, for example I love to use a toner after the cleanser or from time to time pamper myself with a mask, but that is already customizable and you will start to improve your routine according to your specific needs . You don’t need the 10-step Korean beauty routine to have healthy skin.


Los amantes del skincare queremos probar todos los productos del mercado y corremos el riesgo de convertirnos en acumuladores de cosas que al final tienen una fecha de caducidad./ As skincare lovers we want to try all the products on the market and we run the risk of becoming accumulators of things that have an expiration date.

No desperdicies espacio y dinero, termina esa hidratante antes de probar otra. Además, si experimentas una reacción inesperada, puedes identificar fácilmente la causa del problema al tener una rutina de skincare de pocos productos./ Don’t waste space and money, finish that moisturizer before trying another one. Also, if you experience an unexpected reaction, you can easily identify the cause of the problem by having a short skincare routine.

In this illustration: Aesop Fabulous Face Cleanser + Issey Miyake L’Eau D’Issey + Byredo Sundazed Eau De Parfum + Diptyque Lys Candle + Glossier Invisible Shield + The Ordinary Serums + Kiehls Calendula Serum-Infused Water Cream + Saturday Skin Serum 

2 EN 1 / 2 IN 1

De ser posible intenta optimizar con productos 2 en 1. Por ejemplo, si usas tónicos, hay algunos que a su vez exfolian como el Youth To The People Kombucha (LINK) o limpiadores que ayudan a hacer una exfoliación física suave como el Angels On Bare Face de Lush./ If possible try to optimize with 2-in-1 products. For example, if you use toners, there are some that in turn exfoliate such as Youth To The People Kombucha (LINK) or cleansers that help to do a gentle physical exfoliation like Angels On Bare Lush’s face.


Amamos recibir ofertas, ¿no? Las newsletters con descuentos siempre son bienvenidas, pero esa urgencia de saber que las ofertas desaparecerán puede hacernos gastar más de la cuenta./ We love receiving offers, don’t we? Discounted newsletters are always welcome, but the urgency of knowing that offers will disappear can make us spend more than we planned.

Haz una lista de aquello que realmente necesitas y suscríbete a las marcas que de verdad ames./ Make a list of what you really need and subscribe to newsletters by brands you really love.


Habrás notado que este post no es específicamente una guía de productos de skincare low cost, pero ten bien identificadas las marcas buenas que hacen el trabajo y que además son baratas./ Maybe you have noticed that this post is not specifically a guide to low cost skincare products, but let’s identify the good brands that do the job for a good price.

Para mí son The Ordinary, Cerave, The Body Shop y algunos productos de Lush y otros de Neutrogena./ For me they are The Ordinary, Cerave, The Body Shop and some products from Lush and others from Neutrogena.

¿Qué haces tú para ahorrar a la hora de hacer skincare? Por supuesto que todo tiene que ver con necesidades específicas y con prioridades personales, y mi expertise se basa en mi historia personal y en horas de ver Youtube./ What do you do to save money in your skincare routine? Of course, everything has to do with specific needs and personal priorities, and my expertise is based on my personal history and hours of watching YouTube.

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  • I love this money diaries series, it’s so good Pablo! I think you’re listing some really clever points here. Like sticking to a functional routine, empty the bottles and ask yourself if you really need the product. I wanted a new eye makeup remover, but I’ve forced myself to use the one I already have at home – although it’s not the best. But I can definitely finish it and then invest in a better one! I think reading reviews is also a good way of not buying products you don’t need. You avoid investing money in products that are not good, which you would’ve discovered if you would’ve done some research before! Great article as always Pablo! Stay safe, Xx

    • Mia, hi! Glad to read that you found some interesting points in this blog post 🙂

      And exactly, that’s why I like reviews from beauty bloggers, if they are serious they can point the benefits and the contras and you can decide if you want it or not 🙂

      Stay safe dear!

  • Hello Pablo!
    How is going your lock down? Are you getting used to it? I hope so.
    Try to enjoy this new amount of time we’ve got and don’t overthink to much, my friend! 🙂
    About skincare: how do I do to save money in my skincare routine? well, really not to much…
    I’m kinda of obsessed ( and love) with skincare, since I’ve got a very delicate skin (with freckles too) I could cut my food but not my skincare products!^^’
    Plus I’ve a kind of idea that only basics are not enough for me and I really need all the extras to avoid spots or pimples on my face. I know that probably is only in my mind but… that’s it!
    To be honest the only thing I really do to save money is to buy products on sale everytime I have the chance, so that I’ve got a several stock products but at the end I manage to save money in long term!
    On the other side I use a lot the trick of dupes in my make up products, (where really I tend not to spend too much), that site, skinscool, is a very great suggestion I’d fdefinitely gonna use it a lot! Tank you very much! 😀
    Another thing you’re absolutely right is AVOID SEPHORA: It’s the evil for your money! To be honest I love to go to Sephora, but every single time I came out with a lot of products i don’t really need and my wallet empty….
    Instead, since I use many Lush or Caudalie products, for example, I go there (or shop online) only when there is some kind of sale and stock up: at the moment seems a pretty huge spending, but then i don’t need anything for months!
    Anyway your tips are very clever and useful, definitely to keep in mind ( and i’m pretty proud to say that I almost do everything yet )!
    Keep safe and healthy, dear! Sending you all my good vibes!

    • Hey dear Silvia, as usual thank you for stopping by and for sharing with me so meaningful comments, your feedback means a lot for a small content creator like me 🙂

      Cutting some food out of our diets is also a nice way to take care of our skins, you mentioned such a good point!

      And I have to try Caudalie, I have heard a lot about this brand and I also know they work a lot with fruity ingredients right?

      All the best for you too!

  • Ooo a toner that is also an exfoliator that IS a good idea! Yes super expensive cosmetics is not doable for a lot of people right now. And I so want to try The Ordinary’s eye gel with caffeine I have heard good things. And I always like the Body Shop and Lush not jus for their price point and great products but their humanitarian and environmental agendas as well. Great post!

    Allie of

    • Yes Allie, there are some products like that one that are like a 2 in 1, nice if you’re trying to save money but also to compress your routine.

      And yes…. Body Shop and Lush are not only doing something for the environment, they have also really good prices!

  • Hey Fungi!

    I also enjoy taking care of my face and really like that you did this kind of post. This is the first time I hear about this dupes site and will be sure to check it out.
    I’m think I’m pretty good at finishing products and buying new ones only after I’ve completely emptied the ones before.

    Hope you’re doing well. Best wishes!

    • Hi Radi! I know that skincare is also important for you so I’m glad you found some interesting tips that could be adapted to your habits 🙂

      Best dear!

  • I love your money diaries series. You always come up with awesome topics to write about.
    I like the tip about that website with dupes, I’ll have to check it out once this crazy situations stops.
    Your scare tips make sense to me. I’m a bit lazy with skincare and like to use as little products as possible. For me it’s all about cleansing and moisture.
    As always I enjoyed your illustrations.

    • Hey Ivana, thanks for your nice feedback as usual! Hope everything is going well with your beloved ones!

      Cleansing is definitely the most important step, specially before heading to bed 🙂

  • Hey Fungi! Great topic, THOUSANDS of people spend COUNTLESS DOLLARS on skincare products/makeup! The high end brands can really do your wallet in. Some people may call me cheap but I lean more towards drugstore products because they’re simply more affordable. I don’t feel like I would be able to sleep at night if I spent $50.00 on a moisturizer to be honest . I’ve been using my exfoliator, cleanser, and moisturizer for years! I’ve found what works and is within my price range so I don’t really care to change it up. I like to keep to my basics lol.
    Funny thing, I noticed I get all these newsletters but when I go shopping I’m never reverting to an email to get a discount code or see an email and then feel the urge to shop because I see a discount code. Lol, you’ve just made me realize I really should unsubscribe from all these newsletters and save my inbox LOL!
    Love coming back to your blog! You always write about interesting topics!
    Hope everything is safe on your side ✌

    Des |

    • Hey Desire! Thank you so much for stopping by!

      I could imagine the budget rise up when you include make up, specially nowadays with the endless possibilities and combinations available in the market! HAHAHA loved your comment about the moisturizer, the same happens to my, I prefer to invest maybe in a serum that I know is going to last for more months.

      Thank you so much for all the love!

  • I love to read about your money diaries. Your articles are also so interesting and creative !
    And thanks you so much for sharing all theses amazing tips.
    Now I’m definitely gonna check Skinschool ASAP ! It sounds like a real money-saver. It’s so smart ! I didn’t know it exists.

  • Love your illustrations here Pablo, so cute! I haven’t heard about Skinscool before, but will definitely check it out the minute I am done typing this comment. While I love skincare, I am not an expert and it always puzzles me when I see some girls on Instagram rotate between more than ten serums, essences and other lotions and potions every morning and night. Some say they use them all at once, with little breaks in between to let the product fully absorb. Personally speaking, just a thought of applying ten products one by one freaks me out! I don’t think my skin would be able to take in any of that (and I am dry as Sahara!) and no one needs that much skincare to begin with. Although I do try different brands and love switching up between products, I keep my routine as simple as possible. Cleanse, tone, hydrate. Occasionally exfoliate or wear a mask or two. Lately I have been enjoying a fairly inexpensive, yet very nice brand called Good Molecules. Everything I have tried from them so far, was very good! Currently testing their eye patches which are so hydrating (eye patches are my weakness). Let me know if you get a chance to check them out. Hope you are doing well, lots of hugs xx


    • Hey Naya! Thanks for your valuable feedback and good to know you’re getting some useful tips from this post.

      I know! I have seen a lot of people on instagram trying many things at the same time and I’m not an expert but I’d say saturation is not good for your skin, right?

      Hahaha you made me laugh with the quote “dry as Sahara” actually you could just invest in a very good serum and a nice moisturizer and that could work for a regular dry skin, no big deals and if you need extra hydration go for a facial mask from time to time right?

      I’m gonna check Good Molecules! I’ve heard a lot about this brand in recent days!

  • Hey Fungi!

    I really love your illustration of a marble bathroom sink and beauty products!
    In addition, it is so amazing that you put products with tape!
    I always struggle with rolling products when I want to take a picture.

    To be honest, I don’t buy expensive skincare products because my skin is tough although.
    Occasionally I get expensive products from different clients, so I use them.
    Usually I use skincare products from MUJI, and I think it is good.
    I also love Body shop and Lush, too<3

    Anyway, it is good to know that you are safe!!
    I am safe, too<3


    • Thank you for reading Akiko 🙂

      Hahaha yes, taking pictures of them out of context is difficult so I thought it would be nice to put them in another location, different from the beauty drawer in the bathroom.

      Yes, I also do not buy very expensive products, I prefer to put my budget in things that I go deep into the ingredientes, they don’t have to be the most luxurious tho.


  • Great tips Pablo! I’ve really been feeling the pinch the past month because my hours were cut and so I’ve had to improvise in my skincare too. I’m really lucky because have a drawer full of samples I never used and am utilising them now. I have quite the selection of eye creams hahahaha! It’s great to take stock of what you actually have on hand and what you can cut back on. For me I’m cutting back on exfoliators since there’s a lot of DIY recipes out there that you can make with ingredients at hand like coffee or sugar granules.


    • thanks for reading Sonia! of course, this is the time to take care of our savings and I’d say many things in skincare routines can be replaced for cheaper or home made options 😉

  • Hola Pablo,
    Hace uno par de meses que decidí invertir un poquito más en productos de skincare, la verdadera razón por la que no lo había echo antes es el miedo a que veía muchos productos, no tenía ni idea de qué o para qué era un suero un toner, etc., me da un poco de vergüenza decir que que aunque nunca me salto lavarme el rostro día y noche, no usaba ni siquiera una buena crema humectante y de vez en cuando ni bloqueador. Pero ahora mi poco conocimiento sobre el tema es gracias a cuentas en Instagram dedicadas a informar sobre skincare, ahora me estoy volviendo una viciosa y sólo quiero checar si hay descuentos de algún producto que me interesa. ¡Ah! otra razón por la que no me aventuraba con el skincare es el precio de todo. creo que la inversión vale la pena cuando de verdad nuestra carita necesita un poco de amor y cuidados. Algo en lo que me estoy empeñando es en usar marcas mexicanas, afortunadamente voy encontrando productos buenos a buen precio.
    Aún no completo mi “kit” ideal de skincare porque estoy probando y aprendiendo, pero he notado ligeros cambio en mi piel.

    A lo mejor no era la intención del post, pero me apunté algunas marcas que mencionas para probar después JAJA.
    Un gran saludo, que estés muy bien.

    • Mil gracias por pasarte a comentar Azucena, yo estaba igual que tú hace unos años y la verdad es que toma tiempo investigar y saber que le va a venir bien a tu piel, además hay mil cosas que de repente cuesta saber que comprar primero o en que invertir.

      Haces muy bien en probar marcas mexicanas, ojalá pudiera conseguir algunas por aquí pero ya será cuando vaya a México 🙂