Quitarse capas durante el verano no sólo aplica a la ropa, sino también a la decoración de nuestras casas. Por mucho que eche de menos mi manta de sofá, creo que una mesa con decoración de verano es también apetecible y tal vez las frutas más bonitas estén en esta temporada: cerezas, melones y sandías muy jugosas. Una aproximación fresca y aireada para ser el fondo de comidas o reuniones especiales, o simplemente porque ese día te apetece poner la casa bonita para ti después de una semana cansada, tampoco es que se necesiten pretextos muy formales./ Taking off layers during summer not only applies to clothing, but also to the decoration in our houses. As much as I miss my cozy blanket, I think that a summer tablescape is also appetizing and perhaps the most beautiful fruits are in this season: very juicy cherries, cantaloupes and watermelons. A fresh and airy approach to be the background for meals or special meetings, or simply because you want to set a beautiful summer tablescape for yourself after a exhausting week, a formal excuse is not necessary.
Hoy vamos a decorar la mesa de verano con pocos recursos, sin gastar demasiado porque la creatividad es el factor clave en este blog. Lo mejor es que siempre habrá una decoración que después te podrás comer, ¿hay mejor incentivo que ese?/ Today we are going to style a summer tablescape with few resources, without spending too much because creativity is the key factor in this blog. The best thing is that there will always be a decoration that you can eat later, is there a better incentive than that?
Así como en las ilustraciones o en el diseño gráfico, elegir la paleta de colores para una mesa es un factor clave. Cambia mucho si decides elegir como inspiración un verano vibrante en Honolulu a un estilo minimalista donde el hilo conductor sean los colores crudos. Puedes ayudarte de un círculo cromático o de herramientas como Adobe Color./ Just like in illustrations or graphic design, choosing the color palette for a summer tablescape is a key factor. It changes a lot if you decide to choose as inspiration a vibrant summer in Honolulu to a minimalist style where the common thread is focused on raw color. You can help yourself with a color wheel or tools like Adobe Color.
La frase “decorar una mesa” puede sonar a gastar, pero echa un vistazo a tu casa e incluye objetos que puedan quedar bien con esa temática o paleta de color. Incluso si sólo tienes un número limitado de platos, puedes recurrir a alternar colores y patrones./ The phrase “style a summer tablescape” may sound expensive, but take a look around your home and include items that might work well with that theme or color palette. Even if you only have a limited number of dishes, you can alternate colors and patterns.
Los bouquets muy elaborados suelen ser costosos, pero en la floristería siempre hay opciones: puedes elegir unas cuantas flores y combinarlas con un par de hojas verdes muy escandalosas. Esto y el florero correcto pueden crear un impacto visual digno de acompañar tus cenas de verano y sin gastar demasiado./ Very elaborated bouquets are usually expensive, but at the florist there are always options: you can choose a few flowers and combine them with a couple of very outrageous green leaves. This and the right vase can create a visual impact worthy of accompanying your summer dinners and without spending too much.
Lo siento mamá, pero jugaré con la comida, que puede ser utilizada como prop y la decoración comestible es como un 2×1. En esta temporada puedes optar por uvas, melones o una torre de quesos curados./ Sorry mom, but I’ll play with my food that can be used as a prop and the edible decoration, that’s like a 2×1. A summer tablescape calls for grapes, watermelons or a tower of cured cheeses.
El mejor tip en estos casos es “menos es más”, claro, cuando el “menos” es lo suficientemente poderoso para atraer la atención de nuestros ojos. Cuando las temperaturas suben tampoco queremos vestir nada que se sienta como innecesario, ¿cierto?. ¿Por qué no hacer lo mismo con nuestras mesas?/ The best tip in these cases is “less is more”, of course, when the “less” is powerful enough to attract the attention of our eyes. When temperatures rise, we don’t want to wear anything that feels unnecessary, right? Why should our tables be any diferent?
La próxima semana subiré a mis historias de Instagram todas las opciones para votar y armar juntxs una mesa de verano, ¿qué les parece?/ Next week I will upload to my Instagram stories all the options to vote and set up a summer tablescape together, what do you think?
what a great post! A friend of mine brought to me a basket of home grown veggies and a big sunflower that I can use for decor. I put it on my coffee table and love the summer vibes this sunflower brought to it….such a great idea for a gift. So, I do agree with you. We don’t need to spend much to have a nice summer tablescape. It is all about being creative and seeing what invokes summer for us.
Love your art as always
Thanks dear Ivana, reading your comments always make me happy
In the end the creative factor is more important than budget, thanks again for reading!
I always love how beautifully you illustrate the points in your post with beautiful drawings! You’ve made me want a cute tablecloth like that too!
We tend to keep our dining table simple – it does have things like the kids plastic plates and placemats for easy cleaning, haha! We do decorate it for Christmas though
it would be nice to decorate it specially for more reasons through the year 
Hope you are having a lovely weekend
I had a fun night out with friends yesterday!
Hello Mica, thank you so much for your lovely words
I imagine setting a table with kids could be tricky, specially if you add too more crystal or ceramics, but there are really nice plates for kids out in the market.
Stay safe!
I love the colors of summer and you can bring those colors in with napkins, and placemats in addition to the tasty color palettes of summer fruits and veggies. I’ll be watching for your Instagram posts!
Thanks for stopping by Michelle:)!
Such an inspiring post you shared with us Pablo.
Flowers are truely the best to highlight a room.And yes it’s definitely a good idea to keep a color palette in mind.
I already can’t wait to move out to be able to maybe decorate a little bit more our house. It makes a different when your house is actually decorated with things you like.
And I can’t wait to play your game in instagram. It sounds so fun to create a summer tables cape together.
Thanks for your lovely comment, Margot!
If you’re struggling to get flowers, also a bit of plants could work in the composition, just add the plant to a nice vase and voilà!
Thanks for sharing.
The Style Fanatic
Choosing a palette to follow is so important! I think one of the key pieces to a summer table scape is fresh anything: flowers and fruits. I love the colors of summer, but boy do I dislike the heat. Awesome illustration as always!
Thank you so much for checking it out Ellis
just stopping by to wish you a great day ahead!
Hey Fungi!
I hope you have a fantastic day this summer! Your illustrations are really beautiful and chic! In particular, I love the illustration of flower decoration with Strelitzia!
It was the first time I know the word, “tables cape”, and I am so glad to know your great ideas:) I would love to do it soon and post the photo on Instagram stories! It is so fun to decorate with things I have without having to spend money:) Thank you so much for always sharing your lovely post, Fungi!
Hello dear Akiko, thank you so much for your lovely comment!
And you saw Strelitzia, a really nice plant don’t you think so :)?
Hope you can get a nice summer tablescape before the end of the season!
Ooo yes nothing better then a nice table scape and summer is grand time to experiment and yup I am all about the less is more. But truly the way you present something anything really in its best light the more impact it will have. And table scapes are fun all year round! I actually follow one blogger and she does this for a living.
Allie of
Hello Allie, thank you so much for stopping by!
And it is curious that many people create tablescapes for a living! Would love to have that job
loving these decor tips! Agree that the color palette can make or break the setting and tools like the Adobe colour is so helpful! I love your colour combination in these illustration. Can’t wait to see more decor tips from you!
Hi there, so happy to see you back on the blog
Glad to know you liked this one!
Just stopping by to wish you a great week ahead!
Hey Fungi!
Love this and really like and agree with less is more. Love how getting a table ready can really put you in a creative mood and there is so much you can do. I enjoy picking out the colors I want to mix and match on the table…favorite part seeing it all come along together.
Happy new month! Talk soon.
Hello Radi, so happy to know you loved this one
Same as you I loved the part about selecting color, kinda challenging sometimes but probably my favorite part when it comes to creative projects.
All the best, xx
I love this summer tablescape post! I always envy people on Instagram who have beautiful dining setups, but after reading this post, I’m learning that a beautiful dining experience is easy to put together! I love the birds of paradise flowers and fruits you designed! I love using adobe color too. I just love looking at color palettes lol!
Thank you for checking out the post and for playing on Instagram, Jill!
I hope you can plan a nice dinner with your friends or family or just for yourself and use some of these tips