En un mundo cada vez más saturado de opciones de entretenimiento digital, el oasis que suponen las actividades de creatividad emocional son un refugio para los sentidos y para conectar con cosas que creíamos olvidadas. Un movimiento señalado en el reporte de tendencias por Pinterest llamado “Creatividad emocional” donde a través de lo digital se salta a lo analógico, volviendo a los básicos para tener actividades terapéuticas con journal, pintura, mixed media, escritura, etc…. muy interesante porque significa que la respuesta para muchas cosas siempre estuvo en los entornos conocidos./ In a world increasingly saturated with digital entertainment options, the oasis that emotional creativity activities represent is a refuge for the senses and for connecting with things we thought were forgotten. A movement indicated in this trend report by Pinterest called “Emotional creativity”. It is a bridge from digital to analogue, returning to the basics to have therapeutic activities with journal, painting, mixed media, writing, etc… very interesting because it means that the answer for many things was always in the known environments.
Yo llevo años escribiendo en este blog, en el que no tengo tantas ataduras a diferencia de otros trabajos. Escribo, dibujo, hago collages y fotografías, todo bajo una línea de diseño que me identifique pero sin tantas ataduras y que me sirve muchísimo para mantenerme creativo en otros ámbitos de mi vida, no sólo en el profesional./ I have been writing in this blog for years, and the pro is that I do not have so many ties unlike other jobs. I write, draw, make collages and photographs, all under a design line that identifies me, but without many rules and that helps me a lot to stay creative in other areas of my life, not just professionally.
¿Qué hacemos cuando logramos tener (o crear) ese anhelado espacio de tiempo libre?/ What do we do when we manage to have (or create) that long-awaited space of free time?
A veces esa rara idea del tiempo libre es más un peligro que una oportunidad. Intento escapar de aquello que tiene pinta de parecer una tarea, el hecho de que ahora haya series y contenido que te pide consumir otro contenido para entender ese contenido. Con tantas opciones, creo que a veces hay que apelar por aquello que el cuerpo nos pide y que seguramente nos nutrirá para seguir haciendo mejor aquellas cosas que si son una obligación. Darse el permiso para sentir, experimentar y volver a los básicos./ Sometimes that weird idea of free time is more of a danger than an opportunity. I try to escape of activities that seems like tasks, the fact that now there are many tv shows and content that asks you to consume other content in order to understand that content. Options are endless, so I think that sometimes we have to appeal for what the body is asking us and that activity will surely nourish us. Give yourself permission to feel, experiment and go back to basics.
En este reporte de tendencias, Pinterest dice estar consciente de los trastornos emocionales y apuntan a los beneficios de que las generaciones Z y millennial busquen cuidar su bienestar mental con actividades como la pintura, la escritura y otras formas de creación. Me agrada saber que en 2023 hay una consciencia por estos temas y sobre todo opciones que son lúdicas y funcionales./ In this trend report, Pinterest claims to be aware of emotional disorders, they also highlight the benefits of generation Z and millennials seeking to take care of their mental well-being with activities such as painting, writing and other forms of creation. I am pleased to know that in 2023 there’s an awareness of these issues and the availability of options that are playful and functional.
Hay algunas opciones propuestas por Pinterest, pero hay muchas más en el radar y lo mejor de la creatividad es que puedes hacer tus propios combos: por ejemplo, la idea de recolectar flores y plantas para prensar y después incluirlas en collages es algo que he descubierto tras hacer algunas mezclas. Hacer journaling y pegar algunas de estas flores prensadas también es algo que me ayuda a poner en orden el ruido de mic cabeza./ There are some options proposed by Pinterest, but there are many more on the radar. The best thing about creativity is that you can make your own combos: for example, the idea of collecting flowers and plants to press and then include them in collages is something that I have discovered after doing some mixing. Journaling and gluing some of these pressed flowers is also something that helps me to tide up the noise in my head.
Lo mejor de las actividades para el bienestar emocional es que en muchas opciones no son necesarias herramientas costosas para echar a andar las ideas:/ The best thing about activities for emotional well-being is that in many options expensive tools are not necessary:
🖊 La escritura y journaling / Writing and journaling🖊
Su poder es transformador y desenredar el caos mental poniendo nombre a lo que sentimos a través de bolígrafo y papel. Si quieres ir un paso más allá, una confección de apuntes bonitos con pegatinas y papelería chula, la experiencia se eleva./ Its power is transformative and unravels mental chaos by naming what we feel through pen and paper. If you want to go one step further, look for stickers and cool stationery to elevate the experience.
✂️ Scrapbook + collage 💌
Lo mejor es hacer collages manuales. Me gusta que a diferencia del collage digital, con el collage manual tengo que trabajar con lo que tengo a mano en ese momento, haciendo que mi mente se tenga que adaptar a los recursos existentes para crear una composición. Los resultados son inesperados./ Best if you work with physical collage. I like that unlike digital collage, with manual collage I have to work with what I have at hand at that moment, making my mind have to adapt to existing resources to create a composition. The results are unexpected.
📒 Un diario artístico / An artistic journal 📒
Es un poco mezcla de los dos puntos anteriores y puedes involucrar toda clase de recursos: recortes, dibujos, papelería, etc./ It is a bit of a mix of the two previous points and you can involve all kinds of resources: clippings, drawings, stationery, etc.
🍃 Mi propuesta, la recolección de plantas y flores para prensar. / My proposal, collecting plants and flowers to press. 🌸
🎨 Otras recomendadas por Pinterest, como la musicoterapia y la pintura./ Others recommended by Pinterest, such as music therapy and painting. 🎶
Ahora la pregunta del millón, ¿es necesario tener talento artístico?/ Now the million dollar question, is it necessary to have artistic talent?
Por supuesto que no, la creatividad emocional es una cosa que se separa de lo que se pueda llamar talento, que al final es un concepto tan elástico. Pueda que al principio pintar sin haber pintado parezca hasta poco natural, pero el proceso creativo es el punto más gratificante porque evolucionas con esa actividad. Esas emociones y sentimientos presentes en estas actividades desencadenan reacciones que permiten explorar fases de nosotrxs./ Of course not, emotional creativity is something that is separated from the word talent, which is such an elastic concept by the way. At first, painting without a previous experience may seem unnatural, but the creative process is the most rewarding point because you evolve with this activity. Those emotions and feelings present in these activities trigger reactions that allow us to explore phases of ourselves.
La finalidad de la creatividad emocional no es la parte estética, sino el autoconocimiento que poco a poco irá derivando en algo que puedas ver como “bello”. Explorar esa capacidad para poder imaginar algo y luego crearlo, ganando confianza y autoestima en nuestra capacidad creadora./ The purpose of emotional creativity is not the aesthetic part, but the self-knowledge that little by little will lead to something that you can see as “beautiful”. Explore that capacity to be able to imagine something and then create it. During the process you’ll gain confidence and self-esteem in our creative capacity.
I love this post! For so many, and I was once one of them, people are afraid of doing creativity wrong. As if there is a right and wrong way. But quilting for which there are step by step instructions if you need them to feel confident, quickly allows ways to make a quilt uniquely your own by way of color choices, the way you arrange the blocks, etc. Before you know it, you’re confident enough to create your own quilt. And the freedom I learned from quilting, I take to Procreate – which I realize is the opposite of what your post is saying. I have no drawing skills. But I like to play with geometric designs, and it gives me a lot of pleasure, so this my emotional creativity. I guess I’m backwards.
Btw, I love the artwork you shared in this post.
hello Michelle,
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I totally agree with you in the comment that people is afraid of doing creativity wrong, but what’s the metric for that?
Thanks for your constant inspiration 🙂
Yes I can understand the desire to step away from the screen and go analogue. I mainly stick to computers for my creativity. Though I do need to step away. Sundays are my no digital/social media day. I stay off completely. Your collages are just lovely, I love them!
Allie of
Thanks for stopping by Allie!
So good that you have a day off to stay away from screen 🙂
Journaling, doodling and collage art are all things that help me relax emotionally. I like the improvisation factor. Making collages with random stuff feels super creative and fun to me.
It is important to figure out what works for you.
When it comes to classical/ tradional art, I noticed that it really drains me emotionally, physically and financially. The better I get at it, the harder it becomes.
Thanks for visiting Ivana, I am happy to hear that you experience these feelings while doing creative ideas, that’s the most important things.
But obviously, trial and error and you have to find what suits you best 🙂
I like the digital illustrations you created with the flowers! it’s great you can be so inspired by the flower pressing and create so many different things 🙂
I do agree that it’s good to get involved in offline things – I’ve taken up reading more, although that’s not exactly creative, it’s nice to spend time away from a screen!
Thanks for your lovely compliment Mica 🙂 I think you can expand the life of flowers in many ways, so thanks for noticing!
Reading is also a good way to stay creative in my opinion, you can unleash a lot of new thoughts and feelings that can lead you to live your life in a more creative way 🙂
Hey Fungi,
You’ve got beautiful art going on here. I think creative people tend to inspire us the most because they go after their art hundred percent and you can see the love with which they create their craft. Love it!!!
Thanks for checking it out dear Radi!
Hola Pablo, how are you!
Here the weather lately was been so bad that it barely looks like May, seems to be in autumn instead with all this grey and low temperatures….
Luckily all this rain brought even a lot of flowers litelly everywhere, so I can enjoy every step out even if under this humidity that makes my hair looks like a furball….
Anyway the topic of the day is very interesting: in fact there been periods in my ife ( and sometime keeps on happen when I’m short of free time) that I’v got so much to do that I really considered my free time another task to perform more efficiently possible!
So I’ve transformed a moment to relax and take a break into another source of stress (like: I have to finish that book, take all those photos for socials, and so on….)
Now I can detect when I’m triggered for it and try to avoid just doing what you’ve said here: something creative and staying away from screens. Even just taking a coloring book and doing it: the important thing is that has to be something not useful but pleasant to me.
To me you really master the art of emotional creativity: your illustrations are the best but I like a lot even your collages!
Enjoy spring time my friend!
Hello Silvia! I hope everything is going well on your side and hope you’re enjoying the first days of summer!
Thank you so much for your love in this blog post, it is such a meaningful article to me since I have daily experiences with creatiity and I think anyone can improve its life thanks to this 🙂 Just with a colorfing book for example, just as you well mentioned 🙂
Thanks also for the beautiful compliments ❤️
I love how inspiring this all is and colourful. It is bold and really creative. Plus it looks like a great way to unwind and relax.https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2023/05/how-to-style-golden-goose-sneakers-this.html
Thanks for stopping by !
Lo mucho que me llegó este post, quien diría que lo analógico sería la respuesta en esta época de sobresaturación digital. Gracias por ser una inspiración para entrar al mundo del prensado floral, es la actividad más bonita de todas… se siente correcto hacer algo sin tanta presion y por el mero disfrute sin esperar un gran resultado a cambio.
Se extrañaban tus post.
Ay Adán qué bonito tu comentario ❤️
Procederé a enmarcarlo y no sabes lo bonito que es leer que estés teniendo experiencias con el presnado floral 🙂
Hey Fungi! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Thank you for the great post about emotional creativity with those beautiful collages!
I am so glad to know that because I am also a big fan of creativity with hands and heart<3
Digital tools are so useful and we can keep clean on the desk. However, I feel like that my heart becomes colder and colder… Drawing ink pen, I can get myself back.
I really love the last paragraph! Yes, that process is so beautiful time:)
Love all of your artwork! In particular, no.2 that postcard! It makes me imagine happy time:)
Hey dear Akiko ❤️
Thank you very much for your lovely comment 🙂
It is always a pleasure to welcome you on the blog and I take a lot of inspiration from your work!
Thanks also for the lovely compliments 🙂
Hola Pablo, hope you’re having a wonderful month of May. Emotional creativity can be be such a enjoyable and fulfilling path to wellness. I like that it offers multiple benefits and can help anyone who is willing to try. You are so right that it’s not so much about the aesthetics as much as the journey of self exploration it provides. My husband works in tech where he deals in logic and problem solving and he started drawing as a creative outlet and to de-stress. At first he was so worried about not being good but I told him that he shouldn’t be concerned about that and just enjoy the process. It has become a great creative outlet for him and he has gotten better with time. I’m big on stepping away from the computer screen as much as possible and I find that activities like writing short stories and hand lettering are good way to relax and allow me to create without any pressure. My husband and I have been talking about trying painting together. We attended a class a few years ago where we created a painting in a few hours and it was so much fun. I think it’s so cool that you engage in flower pressing. It’s a pretty medium and a lovely way to make use of flower petals which are often just discarded. Your self portrait is really cool btw! We get a little peek here but I bet most of your collages are probably nice enough to display ^_^ You’ve definitely inspired me to want to give this a try the next time I buy flowers. Thanks for giving us another compelling topic to ponder and discuss.
I can’t believe that May is almost over and it’s almost June. The weather in NYC has been all over the place. Some days it’s like summer and some days it’s like spring. I vote for more spring of course but the better weather in general brings me outside more. I just finished flipping our closets for the warmer months and am getting stuff together to sell in a yard sale our building complex will have soon. Organizing and moving on from things that no longer work gives me life LOL
Thank you as always for sharing your perspectives with me. I’m so intrigued by Spanish strawberries since you mentioned that they are some of the best in the world. I mostly eat them as is or have them in smoothies but I also like to make “nice cream” during the summer. It works better with frozen strawberries for the texture. Have you tried it? You just need to run a pound of strawberries, 2 bananas and a half cup of milk through a food processor or blender, pour into a loaf pan and freeze. It’s such a wonderful treat and much healthier than store bought ice cream.
I hope that writing down your goals has given you a sense or perspective and that it’s helping you break away from that rut that you mentioned you’ve been experiencing. Sending you positive energy from NYC!
Hey Rowena,
Thank you so much for the support and for your meaningful feedback! How’s everything going on your side? I hope you’re enjoying the first days of summer 🙂
Thanks also for sharing all these experiences with me, I think creativity has a lot to do with problem selving even in the tech field or in more steady scenarios, in the end the capacity to think outside the box could be applied in many fields.
And I’ll make sure to try the recipe with the spanish strawberries, promise 🙂
Thanks also for the positive vibes 🙂
Wow! I love the idea of channeling and catering more to our emotional creativity. To be honest, creating trendy videos can be so exhausting, but i love that I can always go back to writing and journaling as a source of comfort. It’s always a pleasure reading your blog posts. You have always been so inspiring!
Have a great weekend!
PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com
♥ | instagram.com/iamperlita
Hey Perlita, welcome back and thank you so much for your lovely comment!
I am really enjoying your collages here and on Ig, Pablo! You have a creative way of mixing a variety of media together and the resulting mixture of color, print, texture create a very soothing mood that’s also very uniquely you! I think keeping with the basics when one dives into creative pursuits are especially the best. At least for me. For example, when I limit my choices to a few colors when I’m doing acrylic painting that’s impromptu, I find it easier to focus within that limit and stretch out my abilities in other ways by focusing on how I utilize say, the brush and how it goes on the paper canvas. It’s nice to have digital options but when we use our hands to really touch the tools of creativity, it’s a very therapeutic thing as the mind and body work in tandem 🙂 Always a delight to come to your space, Pablo. I hope you will continue sharing with us your creativity, especially the pressed flowers! I love those actually. I might give it a try one of these days too. Thank you for inspiring me, my creative friend. Stay blessed <3 xo