Un panorama tan apocalíptico entre pandemias, movimientos políticos y calentamiento global me hizo pensar en Blade Runner. Soy fan de la película y en 2020 leí el libro del cual se adapta, “¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas?” (Phillip K. Dick Año, 1968 LINK). Cada obra tiene un desarrollo diferente, pero muchos de los personajes y sobre todo la manera en la que se aborda el temor al futuro más radical y el esfuerzo por conectar con otras personas en un mundo en decadencia son los mismos que en la película./ An apocalyptic panorama between pandemics, political movements and global warming made me think of Blade Runner. I’m a fan of the movie and in 2020 I read the book from which it is adapted, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” (Phillip K. Dick Year, 1968 LINK). Each work has a different development, but many of the characters and especially the way in which the fear of the more radical future is addressed and the effort to connect with other people in a world in decline are the same as in the film.


Me fascinó que fuera una novela de 1968, y encontrar un montón de paralelismos entre el año en que fue escrita, los años 80 (cuando salió la película) y mi actualidad (2020-2021) con una pandemia donde la disponibilidad de información es tan valiosa como amenazante./ A fascinating fact is that it is a novel from 1968, but it has a lot of parallels between the year it was written, the 80s (when the film came out) and my present time (2020-2021) with a pandemic where the availability of information is so valuable as threatening.


Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) es un blade runner o un agente que tiene como misión deshacer de replicantes ilegales, androides tan sofisticados que son superiores en fuerza e inteligencia a los humanos./ Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is a blade runner or an agent whose mission is to undo illegal replicants, sophisticated androids that are superior in strength and intelligence to humans.

La cinta de 1982 de Ridley Scott tiene como escenario Los Ángeles en 2019 y un ambiente claustrofóbico y muy oscuro, que contrasta mucho con la visión que tenemos de la ciudad californiana. Es cine negro pasado por el filtro del futuro (o como se veía el futuro en los años 80) y es por esa mezcla que tenemos ese vestuario que a pesar de su extravagancia, perdura en el tiempo./ Ridley Scott’s 1982 film is set in Los Angeles in 2019 with a claustrophobic and very dark environment, which contrasts sharply with the vision we have of the Californian city. It is film noir passed through the filter of the future (or how the future looked in the 80s) that mixture is why we have that costume design that despite its extravagance, lasts over time.


Una versión distópica de Los Ángeles (San Francisco en el libro) donde los decorados y el vestuario de los personajes son también protagonistas. Pieles para soportar cambios de clima extremos, abrigos utilitarios ya sea para la lluvia o para pasar desapercibido, transparencias y hombreras gigantes que gritan años 80./ A dystopian version of Los Angeles (San Francisco in the book) where the sets and costumes of the characters are also protagonists. Leathers to withstand extreme weather changes, utilitarian coats either for the rain or to go unnoticed, transparencies and giant shoulder pads from the 80s.

Charles Knode y Michael Kaplan diseñaron el vestuario, creando una estética retro futurista que combinaba el punk y la tecnología con elementos de la estética japonesa y la moda de los años 40-50 (film noir). La mezcla, aunque en la teoría suene imposible, ha permitido que el vestuario soporte el paso del tiempo./ Charles Knode and Michael Kaplan designed the costumes, creating a retro-futuristic aesthetic that combined punk and technology with elements of Japanese aesthetics and 1940s-50s fashion (film noir). The mix, may sounds impossible, but it has allowed the costumes to withstand the passage of time.

Ese concepto high tech, donde los avances tecnológicos conviven con las prendas más clásicas ha servido de inspiración para películas como Matrix o para colecciones de McQueen para Givenchy, Jean Paul Gaultier, Paco Rabanne o Dior o en lookbooks de la década del 2010 de Zara./ This high tech concept, where technological advances coexist with the most classic garments, has served as inspiration for films such as Matrix or for McQueen collections for Givenchy, Jean Paul Gaultier, Paco Rabanne or Dior or in lookbooks from the 2010s by Zara.

Los personajes más rebeldes (los replicantes) llevan un look más ciberpunk y agresivo con chaquetas de cuero, impermeables transparentes, botas de combate, medias de red y maquillaje que desafía cualquier reto de Youtube./ The most rebellious characters (the replicants) wear a more cyberpunk and aggressive look with leather jackets, transparent raincoats, combat boots, fishnet stockings and makeup that defies any YouTube challenge.

Sin embargo los personajes más clásicos como los policías llevan corbata y abrigos largos con grandes solapas, mezclando lo clásico del cine negro con la modernidad. Por otro lado el personaje de Rachel (Sean Young) es un guió a la silueta típica de un traje Chanel, pero ideado para un futuro mucho más hostil./ However, the most classic characters such as policemen wear ties and long coats with large lapels, mixing the classic of film noir with modernity. On the other hand, the character of Rachel (Sean Young) is a guide to the typical silhouette of a Chanel suit, but designed for a much more hostile future.


Para muchos Devil Wears Prada es una película que ha definido la moda, pero yo me atrevo a decir que si una se ha mantenido intocable y sigue generando ideas para la moda contemporánea es Blade Runner.  Estilistas, fotógrafos y diseñadores siempre vuelven a ella (o viajan a su visión del futuro) para reinterpretar sus códigos./ For many, Devil Wears Prada is a film that has defined fashion, but I dare say that Blade Runner has remained untouchable and it continues generating ideas for contemporary fashion. Stylists, photographers and designers always return to the movie (or travel to its visión of the future) to reinterpret its codes.




Sources & references: Moda Es + It Fashion + IMDB + El Periódico + FAD

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  • I’m so happy to read a new “fashion in movie” kind of article in your blog.
    I also want to share more articles about this topic on the blog. This is so interesting.
    It’s also my dream to one day work as a fashion designer in a movie.
    You made me so interested about this movie. I never watched Blade runner and now I want to watch it.
    All theses look sound so iconic.
    Thanks you so much for sharing with us your review and this is also so interesting to see how a movie can inspired a lot of designers.

    • Hey Margot, happy to know that you’re liking this new series of posts 🙂

      Promise to bring more of these articles in the upcoming months!

      Let me know if you watch this, xx

  • Wow I had no idea it was based on this book “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” but interesting indeed. This book and the movie are ahead of their time for sure. Now I want to watch it again. The fashion IS super fun and yes one can take things from it and switch it up for the modern day. Love your collages here. And have you ever seen West World? I think you may like it. Oh yes big store here lol!

    Allie of

    • Hey Allie, yes! And the book is really interesting, it is basically the same plot but the movie developed in a very different way.

      I’ve seen West World, very good indeed!

  • I’m happy to see another post in your fantastic feature- Movies With Amazing Fashion. You’re right Blade Runner is a film that has had a profound influence on the fashion world. The costumes from this film are legendary. I loved them all. They managed to mix the metropolis aesthetic of Asian towns with punk/gothic elements and film noir style- the result was brilliant. As you said, these costumes stood the test of time. They are still relevant and they still inspire designers- as you have proven with your collages. Powerful outfits that look perfect for the harsh environment of the movie- both functional and beautiful. The costume design is a big part of this movie’s aesthetic.
    I loved your illustrations based on this movie. I loved both the film and the book. They are different one from another, but both very inspiring in their own way.

    • Hey Ivana, thank you so much for stopping to say hi and to read this 🙂

      I know right? You also brought Metropolis to the conversation and that could be a very good movie to analyze too!

      I love both versions too, film and books, it is a very peculiar case where both pieces are real good but in different ways, right?

  • I haven’t seen the Blade Runner actually, but it’s definitely on my list! But from the pics I’ve seen and what I’ve read, the use of fashion sounds really interesting indeed. I always analyse the fashion in a series or a film, regardless if it’s in centre or not. But simply because it’s says so much about a character and/or the storyline! Even better when you see how the fashion changes as the character evolves. I mean, yes, The Devil Wears Prada is a great and obvious example of this, but agree that there are more films where fashion plays a major part. I rewatched the Hunger Games series a few weeks ago, and it’s also an obvious example of how the protagonists/antagonists are dress. With that said, I definitely need to watch Blade Runner! Hope you’re having a lovely start to February Pablo! Xx

    • Hello Mia,

      Let me know if you watch it, it is a really good movie but even if you watch it just for the aesthetics, that will worth the experience 🙂

      All the best and thanks for your constant support!

  • Hey Pablo, how you doin? Hope that february started greatly to you!
    Do you think that it’s been almost at year from the start of this crazy pandemic??? The most strange year ever!
    But you know? right now I’m becaming even pretty use to the new lifestyle and don’t suffer for this forced cloister asmuch as in the begininning (not that I can’t wait to back to normal life asap), that makes me think….

    Anyway, I’m super happy that the fashion & movies articles are back (really one of my fav topic here)!!!
    And I’d say that Blade Runner is more than appropriate movie for the period!
    I’m a pretty fan of the movie (well, really, the bigger fan in my dad, I was introduced to it from him), and I became much more interested in it when I’ve studied how much it was important for the fashion world during my years at Fashion School!
    To be honest , I think that all the 80s decade was super full of inspirations and original ideas for fashion, and this movie was just another expression of all that creativity and uniqueness!
    In fact the recent sequel, even if still pretty interesting and with incredible effects and locations, is not even comparable with the original, at least in the field of costumes: you can see that they try hard to create a stetment but don’t get the same effect f the original (guess it was the same even with Star Wars…) .

    However I didn’t know there was a book that inspired the movie, that would be an interesting reading !
    And your illustration is super cool!!! Loved the Atari logo inside, so 80’s! ^^

    Well, take care, be safe and keep on being creative, my friend!

    • Hey Silvia, everything is going well, just a bit of work over here 🙂

      And yes I can’t believe it’s been a year since the start of this madness, bt I’m trying to keep as calm as possible, but sometimes it is difficult haha.

      Thanks for commenting tho, I didn’t know you like Blade Runner but it is so cool to read that! I’m sure you will enjoy the sequel too, actually is a very good movie and it adds a different perspective to this story.

      Stay safe and as usual thanks for your lovely feedback,

  • Hey Fungi!

    How do you always know the best movies with the coolest fashion? I swear, I don’t think I have watched this movie before and now I really want to check it out. Your illustrations are stunning!

    Hope you have a lovely February month. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.
    Talk soon!

    • Hey Radi,

      Thank you so much for checking it out 🙂 Let me know if you watch this movie, the sequel with Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas is also really good!

      Talk soon, xx

  • Hola Pablo!

    I must shamefully admit that I haven’t watched this movie yet, but I do remember seeing lots of ads for the sequel with Ryan Gosling etc. a few years ago. It is somewhat scary to think that these great works, written literally 50 years ago, are slowly coming true or showing some signs of resemblance in 2020-2021.

    I like how you showed parallels between the novel, the 80’s movie and current fashion trends. We might see more of this as we go along! Btw: wonderful collages and illustrations xx


    • Hey Naya,

      Thanks for checking it out! The sequel with Ryan Gosling is also real good, actually you can enjoy it even if you didn’t watch the first movie, but I’d say you’ll get a better experience by watching both 🙂

      All the best!

  • Hey Fungi! I hope you are having good day:)

    Blade Runner is one of my favorite movies. I can’t remember the story, but I really love the costume. Your writing in the last paragraph is so great, and I totally agree.

    Your illustration is so lovely! Japanese typography behind Harrison Ford and Rachael is so cool, too. I have to see the movie again. Thank you for your fantastic article, Fungi<3


    • Hello Akiko, thanks for stopping by and for leaving such a lovely comment 🙂

      I’m happy to read that you noticed the japanese typography in my main illustration *_*


  • I haven’t seen the movie or read the books but I agree we can get so much fashion inspiration from movies and often it can be a time capsule of the kinds of fashion that were around when the movie was made or when it was set! It’s fun to think about 🙂

    Hope your week is going well 🙂 It’s a busy one here!