Soy fan de hacer listas y en un intento por crear un armario más sostenible y resistente al paso de las temporadas, me he entretenido en enlistar lo que quiero comprar y como puedo combinarlo con cosas que ya tengo. Spoiler: la camiseta suele ser la protagonista./ Making lists is my passion and in an attempt to create a more sustainable and resistant wardrobe over the seasons, I have entertained myself by listing what I want to buy and how I can combine those new items with things I already have. Spoiler: the t-shirt is usually the protagonist.

Mi vida como freelancer suele ser adaptable pero a fin de cuentas caótica, así que siempre me verás utilizando camisetas y mezclándolas con chaquetas, blazers y camisas o, siendo protagonistas del outfit dependiendo de la ocasión. Aquí mis tipos favoritos de camisetas y su propósito en mis looks:/ My life as a freelancer is usually adaptable but ultimately chaotic, so you will always see me wearing a t-shirt and mixing it with jackets, blazers and shirts or, being the protagonists of the outfit depending on the occasion. Here’s my essential t-shirt edit and the purpose of each one in my outfits:


1. La Camiseta Clásica / The Classic T-Shirt

Lo ideal es que se acople a tu tipo de tu cuerpo. Para mí lo mejor es una camiseta con una línea de cuello alto (prefiero un cuello redondo) y una silueta holgada. Aunque esta opción suele cambiar dependiendo de tu estilo personal y/o tipo de cuerpo./ Ideally, it has to fit your body type. For me the best is a t-shirt with a high neck line (I prefer a round neck) and a loose silhouette. Although this option usually changes depending on your personal style and / or body type.

TIP: Ten varias en múltiples colores, los que se adapten a tu personalidad./ Try to have it in multiple colors, picking those that fit your personality.

2. La Camiseta Interior / The Under T-Shirt

La camiseta que me rescata cuando quiero crear un look a “capas” (layering). Suelen ser tonos sólidos o neutrales, para que la camisa o blazer que irá arriba resalte./ The t-shirt that rescues me when I want to create a “layering” look. They are usually solid or neutral tones, to highlight the upper shirt or blazer.

TIP: Presta especial atención al tejido y busca algo 100% algodón o mezcla algodón/lino para que tu piel respire mejor./ Pay special attention to the fabric and look for an option in 100% cotton or cotton / linen mix so your skin can breath better.

3. La Camiseta Gráfica / The Graphic T-Shirt

La opción para sobrevivir al “no tengo nada que ponerme”. Creo que este tipo de camiseta es la más personal del listado, pues no es lo mismo una camiseta gráfica con una fecha aleatoria, a una con frase en francés. Creo que no tengo demasiadas camisetas gráficas, sin embargo me gustan las opciones con películas retro o con una frase pequeña pero contundente que deje en claro mi amor por los carbohidratos./ The option to survive the “I have nothing to wear.” I think this type of t-shirt is the most personal on the list, since a graphic t-shirt with a random date is not the same as one with a phrase in French. I don’t think I have too many graphic tees, however I like the options with retro movies or with a small but powerful phrase that makes my love for carbohydrates clear.

TIP: Elige una opción que comunique tu personalidad y/o tu mood. PS: Un mensaje en francés es siempre una buena idea./ Choose an option that communicates your personality and / or your mood. PS: A message in French is always a good idea.

4. La Camiseta A Rayas / The Striped T-Shirt

Mi favorita. Creo que mi obsesión con las rayas tiene que ver con mi trabajo como diseñador gráfico: son sencillas pero lanzan un mensaje contundente. Además una camiseta a rayas es lo suficientemente poderosa para combinar con cualquier otra prenda de tono neutro./ My favorite. I think my obsession with stripes has to do with my work as a graphic designer: they are simple but they send a strong message. In addition, a striped t-shirt is powerful enough to combine with any other garment in a neutral tone.

TIP: Las rayas a blanco y negro son la opción segura, pero una opción a colores atrevidos siempre te rescata de un día aburrido./ Black and white stripes are the safe option, but a bold color option always rescues you from a boring day.

5. La Camiseta Extra Grande / The Oversized T-Shirt

Ideal para respirar en los meses de calor y para complementar con prendas más ajustadas (pantalones, faldas, etc.). La silueta oversized no es para todos los gustos, así que también puedes cambiarla por una opción ajustada si es un estilo. Ideal to breathe in the hot months and to complement with tighter garments (pants, skirts, etc.). The oversized silhouette is not for everyone, so you can also change it for a fitted option if it is your style.

PS: 💌

Akiko, una de mis ilustradoras favoritas publicó hace poco un post hermoso llamado FIVE THINGS INSPIRED BY HEY FUNGI, pueden leerlo haciendo click AQUÍ./ Akiko, one of my favorite illustrators recently published a beautiful post called FIVE THINGS INSPIRED BY HEY FUNGI, you can read it by clicking HERE.

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  • Hola Pablo, como eastàs?
    I was happy to hear (well, to see^^) some italian words from you: this friendship is becoming useful someway, isn’t it? 😀
    I’m trying to read your posts in spanish lately, and, compraing with the english transaltion, I’m learning many new words every time (raya-stripe, trabajo- job, ecc.): I’m getting ready to my next travel in Spain! ^^

    Anyway, about tees: it’s a staple for woman wardrobe, I can guess even more for a man!
    Really, reading this post, I’ve noticed how different is the approach to this piece among boys and girls: you are more about colors, prints and materials, for girls the most important things are things like fitting, and details like the neck line, the lenght and sleeves.
    Anyway a good basic tee is really an essential that can save you in multiple occasions, but I really ike even striped and graphic ones (well, you can easily say it from the amount of cartoon-printed tees i’ve got^^)!
    And I loved to see in the 1st pic the detail that (to me) makes the difference: the rolled sleeves.
    I do it it too very often when I wear a tee!

    To end: I’m very happy to hear that Akiko dedicated you a post: I follow her from time to time and she’s so talented and nice!
    It’s great tribute from an expert on your same field! Keep on going like this!


    • Hola Silvia, so happy to have your comment here as usual and thanks for your lovely good vibes! I really appreciate your words, specially when we tend to chat a little bit 🙂

      Exactly, you made such a good point! I think materials are also really important for girls when it comes to let our skin breath. There are many lovely options out there but many of them are made of polyester and it just screams SWEAT ATTACK hahah!

      Thanks also for your comment about Akiko, she’s one of my favorite bloggers (with you of course) so I was really happy to found my profile in her site!

      Best ❤️

  • Tee shirts really are so versatile. You can dress them up or down and they are available in so many colors and prints. All of mine are from concerts – a habit I picked up from my husband. I usually wear these for lounge-ware and motorcycle trips.

    Excellent post, Pablo! And now I;m off to read the post you inspired. 😀

    • Exactly Michelle! Oooh and I should include a concert t shirt in the next edition! They are another great piece to include in a wardrobe to add that rebel rebel look 🙂

  • Oh yes indeed I have all of these types of tees! I have a tone of tees in white, black, gray with French sayings and graphics and stripes! But I need to try and whiten my white tees that are not so white anymore I am going to soak them in hydrogen peroxide and detergent. Oh I follow Akiko! I so need to check out this post!

    Allie of

  • Hey Fungi,

    Completely love a great tee. I wore one today… I like colorful and graphic tees that express your personality in some way. They’re so fun with a nice pair of jeans. And really like your love for stripes. The more stripes, the better! hahaha

    Happy Summer!

  • Haha just yesterday I considered wearing my red striped t-shirt, and here you are with an identical illustration of it, lol! Haha now I feel like I need to wear it with a pair of denim shorts asap. Anyway, so true that “all roads leads to the t-shirt”. Such an important wardrobe staple and so likeable on so many levels. I have all the t-shirt styles you brought up in this post, and they truly have their own functi0n. My favorite t-shirt right now is my fitted, finely knitted, black t-shirt. It just goes with anything and it has such a luxe touch to it with the fitted design and the knitted style. Love the 90s vibe when I pair it with a silk skirt or high-waisted mom jeans. I’m going to read the article now, so exciting!! Xx

    • Hello Mia, thanks for checking out the post!

      I liked your quote, “all roads leads to the shirt”, in the end it doesn’t matter if you have a certain style, you will requiere a t-shirt (or many) in your life, even if you’re a glamorous working business person, but they are necessary in many situation, they can even look good in this kind of outfits.


  • Such a good list – I have all of these styles of tees! I always had a pretty casual wardrobe but now I work from home most of the time I wear a lot of tees! I really added to my collection recently! 🙂 I think stripes will always be my favourite though – I have so many striped tees!

    Hope your week is going well and you have a nice weekend ahead of you 🙂

    • Hey Mia, thanks for stopping by! You’re really good at spotting great staples and classic good tees! Obviously I took some inspiration from you 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!

    I hope you will have a wonderful day! Oh, it is a lovely surprise to see your writing about me<3 Thank you always, Fungi!!

    Your illustrations of T-shirts are really cool, particularly no.3 Croissant is so chic and cool<3
    I am big fan of stripe, too! I need the red stripe one:) Coincidentally, I just posted about T-shirts, so your great article is inspiring!!


    • Hello Akiko and thank you for your lovely comment ❤️

      Then I saw your blog post featuring your t-shirts, I should include these in a second part of this post 🙂


  • Oh Pablo what a cool post this is! I helped a friend this week to print and design some shirts for him and have two of the special paper that you use for it left, so I´ve been thinking about doing me one as well 🙂
    As I´m still living in France I might follow your little advice and go for a french saying 😉
    have a great start in the weekend,

    • Thank you for stopping by Tiziana!

      Good to know that you helped your friend with this little project, there’s nothing cool as having a customized t-shirt or garment!

      Best, xx

  • I adore your illustrated guide to wearing t-shirt. A neutral t-shirt can be a life saver. I also love that you wrote about the layering t-shirt, the kind we wear under blazers or jackets- or even some other layering pieces.

    My favourites from this list are the two: a graphic t-shirt and a striped t-shirt. I’m a big fan of colours and patterns, so this probably doesn’t come of as a surprise. I don’t have a lot of neutral t-shirt, most t-shirts I own have a print or wording of some sort. I have a few coloured t-shirts without prints but to be honest I plan to paint on them soon.

    P.S. I loved that post from Akiko. I read it! You’re an inspiration and it’s great when I see how two bloggers I loveand follow inspire one another!!!!!!! It makes me happy.

    • Hello Ivana, thank you for checking it up as usual!

      And good to know that you adored this post, means a lot since you’re one of the coolest artists I know 🙂

      The good thing about printed t-shirts (those are really good) is that you have the main character of your outfit, just a printed t-shirt + favorite skirt/pants/shorts and you’re done!

      And thanks for checking it out the post with Akiko, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️

  • This is such a fun post Pablo! I definitely feel the most comfortable in T-shirts and I love that there are so many options of stylish tees. I love a classic t-shirt and striped t-shirt. My wardrobe is definitely missing a graphic tee and I especially need on with a croissant on it given that I am addicted to croissants haha. I love all these illustrations and I hope you had a good weekend!


    • Thank you for reading it, Jill!

      You should get a nice graphic tee soon! These are perfect for the hotter months when you want to wear a statement, just add the perfect shorts or skirts and voilà! 🙂

  • Es que las camisetas son tan cómodas friend! en mi caso AMO las oversized y las graphic tee, de hecho cuando iba presencial a la ofi las mezclaba con blazer y se veian super cool y con un aire mas “formal”

    Oye ahora necesito esa con el croissant jajajaj deberias diseñarla friend 😀

    • Gracias Cher, es un gusto ver tus comentarios de nuevo por aquí 🙂

      Creo que esas opciones son dos de mis favoritas también 😉

  • While reading your article I’m listening to “la camiseta negra”. How perfect is that. The music pop up at the right time.
    Just like you I’m a huge tee-shirt lover especially the graphic ones.
    You can never go wrong with a white tee-shirt and I also love the striped ones.
    While in France I bought a marinière which is the striped jersey tee-shirt which are common to the French sailor outfits. It’s really typical from Brittany so I was really happy I finally got one.

    • Oooh hello Margot! That song takes me back to 2006 or so… how curious!

      Thanks for checking out the post, I have seen a lot of interesting t-shirts on your blog posts, and many of them really remind me of the French sailor outfits!

      Best, xx