Mucha personas salimos del confinamiento del 2020 con una obsesión por hacer de nuestra casa un lugar más agradable y estético, y no solamente un sitio para llegar a dormir o una bodega de almacenaje. ¿Hay maneras de dar ese toque especial a tu espacio sin dejar muerta de risa la cuenta bancaria? En mi caso, vivo de alquiler, lo cual supone un constante sube y baja por si de repente te mudas a otro sitio. Pero a la vez da la ventaja (depende de como se vea) de adaptar con creatividad nuestro presupuesto a las condiciones del lugar donde nos toca vivir./ I’m sure you left the lockdown of 2020 with an obsession to spice up your home and make it a more pleasant and aesthetic place, and not just a site to sleep or to storage. Are there ways to ápice up your home without breaking your bank account? In my case, I live in a rental apartment, which means a constant up and down in case you suddenly move to another place. But at the same time it has the advantage (at least it is my perspective) of creatively adapting our budget to the conditions of the place where we live.


En general sigo una regla: seleccionar con mimo y con cuidado el mobiliario y decoración que entran en mi casa. En mi primer apartamento en Barcelona cometí el error de ir comprando cosas por ser bonitas o por estar de moda, sin pensar en mi estilo. Aquí una lista con elementos sencillos que pueden embellecer tu espacio sin gastar demasiado./ In general, I follow a rule: select with love and care the furniture and decoration that come into my house. In my first apartment in Barcelona, I made the mistake by buying things because they were beautiful or fashionable, without thinking about my style. Here is a list of simple elements that can spice up your space without spending too much.

🌿 Flores y Plantas / Flowers & Plants 🌿

Es probablemente el punto más obvio, pero a veces el más infravalorado. Se trata de elementos con un precio relativamente bajo, pero las formas orgánicas y el verde de las plantas acaban con los espacios rectos y su magia es que son seres vivos que te acompañan en tu viaje. Punto extra, si añades jarrones o macetas creativas a tu jardín personal./ It is probably the most obvious point, but sometimes the most underrated. These are elements with a relatively low price, but the organic shapes and the green of the plants break the straight spaces. The magic of plants is that they are living beings that accompany you on your trip. Extra point to spice up your home by adding creative vases or pots to your personal garden.

✨ Espejos / Mirrors

Durante mucho tiempo dudé en añadir espejos a mi casa, pero ahora me doy cuenta de que me tardé demasiado. Los espejos reflejan la luz y hacen que los espacios se vean mucho más amplios, con ellos es posible conseguir el mismo efecto que da por ejemplo, una ventana./ For a long time I was hesitant to add mirrors to my home, but now I realize it took too long. Mirrors reflect light and make spaces look much wider, with them it is possible to achieve the same effect given by a window, for example.

📦 Almacenaje Estético / Pretty Storage 📦

Tal vez es el principal problema que enfrentan los pisos en las grandes ciudades. Si al igual que a mí, los armarios y cajones se te han quedado pequeños, puedes optar por la opción de conseguir almacenaje que incluso se puede exponer: cajas de colores (las cajas HAY crate son bonitas y funcionales), un baúl o cestas de mimbre que lo mismo sirven para contener cosas que para hacer la estancia más bonita./ Perhaps it is the main problem faced by flats in big cities. If, like me, your cabinets and drawers are too small for you, you can opt for getting storage that can even be displayed: colored boxes (HAY crate boxes are beautiful and functional), a trunk or wicker baskets that contain things but also spice up your home as a decoration object.

🎨 Tu Colección de Arte / Your Art Collection 🎨

Se suele creer que coleccionar arte es una cosa estrafalaria y de celebridades, pero hay muchos pequeños artistas que tienen su obra a la venta. Tu espacio adquirirá un toque único y apoyarás al talento emergente. Independiente del estilo de tu casa o si te mueves de la ciudad, siempre habrá una pared blanca para mostrar esas piezas especiales. PS: nunca sabes si ese artista al que le compraste la obra crecerá mucho en algunos años ;)/ Collecting art is often believed to be a outlandish and celebrity thing, but there are plenty of small artists who have their work for sale. Your space will acquire a unique touch and you will support emerging talent. Regardless of the style of your home or if you move from the city, there will always be a white wall to display those special pieces. PS: you never know if that artist you bought the work from will grow a lot in a few years;)

✂️  Textiles ✂️ 

Ligado al punto anterior, los textiles (edredones, cojines, cortinas) tienen la magia de romper con el aburrimiento y por una suma de dinero que no se equipara con tener que comprar un sofá nuevo o pintar la casa./ Linked to the previous point, textiles (duvets, cushions, curtains) have the magic of breaking boredom and for a sum of money that is not equated with having to buy a new sofa or paint the house.

⬜️ Bandejas / Trays ⬜️

Y por último, pero no menos importante, las bandejas. Una manera más de mostrar tus objetos bonitos o tus piezas de colección (juguetes, cerámicas, velas). Intenta apostar por materiales naturales como mármol o madera, pero hay otros objetos que pueden servir como pedestal como un plato bonito o un libro de arte./ And last but not least, the trays. One more way to display your beautiful objects or your collectibles (toys, ceramics, candles). Try to go for natural materials such as marble or wood, but there are other objects that can serve as a pedestal such as a beautiful plate or an art book.


In this illustration: 1. Made.com Mosie Pillow Case + 2. HAY Design Bottoms Up Flower Vase + 3. Ferm Living Marble Tray + 4. Broste Copenhagen Layer Mirror + 5. H&M Home Wicker Basket

¿Cuál es el truco que crees que te puede funcionar y cuál agregarías a la lista?/ What is the trick that you think might work for you and which one would you add to the list to spice up your home?

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  • I love all of these ideas! Such a great idea to start with, to spice up your home. I love the idea of adding more plants, I already have a few but they add some much life to a place. Just love the pop of green they add too. Also agree that mirrors are great to add. They definitely reflect the light favourably and make a space feel much bigger. I could definitely need another mirror in my flat, something to fix for the summer! Have a lovely weekend Pablo, such a great article! Xx

    • Thanks for checking up the post Mia!

      I know, plants are amazing since they add that organic natural touch and you don’t have to spend too much money, at least when you get the plant, then vases can be an investment.

      All the best and thanks for your support, xx

  • Hola Pablo, how’s going the summer in Barcelona?
    Here in Rome we’re finally in White Zone, that means: all reopened and no more curfew! Yayyyy!!!
    Ok, we still have to pay attention, have the face mask and all, but there’s a hope for a not totally boring summer this year! finger corossed!
    Anyway we’ll see if all my enthusiasm will be justified.

    But passing to the topic of the day: I find these kind of posts super useful, not only for the (very smart and helpful) advices but even for tha illustrations that help a lot on giving the idea of what you’re talking of!
    Personally I’m the kind of person who loves to customize everything, and at the same time loves to change from time to time, and all this means that, even if I start with the best intentions, I tend to make a mess on home decor!^^
    When I lived by myself on a flat, I really did it wrong: i spent a lot, bought a lot of trendy things plus those that I liked, and… ended out having diffenrent styles and vibes and all toghether didn’t match! Anfd I had filled a 2 rooms flat!
    Now that I’m back to my parent’s home, I’ve got my spaces all furnished, so I can do just little adjustmnets and thats helpd me a lot on learning how to decorate home with a minimum of sense! one thing at time and paying attention to the details!

    Your advices are brilliant, I especially agree on the pants and the mirrors, just 2 elements that really can do the difference!
    A very interesting and useful post (as usual) , my friend!
    Enjoy your summer (but safely)!

    • Hello Silvia,

      Here the weather is pretty humid, but restrictions are not that hard at the moment, anyway I’d rather be careful in certain areas of the city. Wouldn’t mind to visit Rome right now!

      Thank you for sharing your experiences with me! As you I try to change from time to time, at least moving a furniture or a plant, in order to add that new touch to my house 🙂

      All the best, xx

  • Oh yes you hit all the points of good space design: mirrors really open up a space and make it look bigger and plants add that organic touch plus art and a being smart with storage really can bring an apartment together. Great advice here as usual.

    Allie of

    • Hey Allie, thank you so much for your comment!

      Smart with storage, that’s the key! I imagine NY apartments tend to be small right? So this could be an interesting topic to develope another blog post

      Best, xx

  • Hey Fungi,

    My favorite way to spice up my space and make it my own is with art on the walls. I have always loved art or photographs hanging that inspire me or bring back a lovely memory. Love that nowadays there are so many talented people and it’s much easier to get your hands on something you really like.

    Happy summer Fungi! (even though I know it’s not your favorite season).


    • Hola Radi 🙂

      That’s really good! Photographs are also a great way to add that special touch to our walls 🙂

  • Fantastic tips to spice up our homes. I love the mirror trick. I should use it myself. Mirrors add light to a place and they can make it look bigger. I also love your tip about adding plants. Nothing makes a home more chic then some lovely plants. Succulents are my fav thing because they are easy to maintain. I also love fresh cut flowers in vases. Nothing beats a nice bouquet or a nice plant, doesn’t it?
    Your tip about pretty storage is both practical and stylish. Storage place can make our life so much easier and it can look very chic too. It’s all about the design we choose. Trays are a clever trick too.
    As always, I absolutely adore your illustrations.

    • Thanks for visiting Ivana 🙂

      Let me know if you add some mirrors soons, they are the best specially to reflect the light and they could help you during your creative processes!

      As usual thank you so much for your love on the blog ❤️

  • Me senti tan identificada friend! antes del encierro tenía mi casa media “abandonada” a medio terminar pero al estar todo el dia aqui ya me dieron ganas de que fuera mucho más comfy y tome la decisión de cambiar casi todo! Mi gran problema es que soy muy minimalista y me cuesta un mundo encontrar muebles simples cómodos y bonitos… me pasé casi un año buscando un sofá xD
    Ahora ando en busqueda de rack y coffee table y la misma odisea lol

    Un abrazo querido, como siempre un gusto leerte 🙂

    • Hey Cher, mil gracias por pasarte a visitar 🙂

      Al igual que tú me encanta el interiorismo y también el encierro me hizo darme cuenta de que era necesario tener una casa no sólo bonita, sino también cómoda y habitable 🙂

      Lo del sofá es una odisea y lo sé jajajajaja, a mi también me costó encontrar uno para mi casa que se adecuara a mis necesidades jeje

    • Hey Michelle exactly! Learning to pause before buying, such a great recommendation that I’ll keep in mind ;)!

  • these are good tips! While we don’t have a lot of art on the walls we do have lots and lots of family photos – it makes me happy to see all the memories captured up there! There are still some spaces on the walls and I keep thinking about what to put up there – haven’t found the perfect photos or prints yet!

    Hope you had a good weekend! It was a quiet one here 🙂

    • Yes family photos are always a great way to decorate the walls and bring some motivation 🙂 !

      If you add the perfect frame that’s even better!

      All the best, xx

  • Hey Fungi!

    I hope you have a fantastic day! Now my home is very messy, so your interior’s article is so motivating!

    The words “spice-up” sounds so exciting, and I really love your selection:) I would love to sit on the chair by the Pahthella lamp. Hay containers looks so useful. Your bed room is perfect! I will put the PRADA book on my bed side table, too:) It is great that you found that perfect basket from H&M!

    Thank you for always sharing your many ideas with lovely illustrations, Fungi<3


    • Hello Akiko, thanks for checking it out! ❤️

      In fact I love your home and it always inspires me, I feel that your place is full of nice and interesting little details all around! And you have that PRADA pale blue book, I’m sure it will be a great addition to your bed side table, you can use it as a tray to display your lip balm or your jewels :3


  • Pablo! Hacía mucho que no me pasaba por tu blog ni actualizaba el mío. La verdad es que durante el confinamiento intenté hacer de mi casa un lugar algo más acogedor poniendo bandejas y figuritas. Al final acabé harta de ellos, sobre todo a la hora de sacar el polvo jajaja tomo nota de tu idea de los espejos para que la casa quede más luminosa

    Un abrazo enorme desde https://sophisticatedmeblog.blogspot.com/

    • Hola Sofía! Espero que estés bien y te echaba de menos por aquí 🙂

      Lo de las figuritas es todo un lío jajaja, porque el polvo es otro problema de la vida diaria no? Pero bueno para eso no tengo una solución concreta jajaja.

      Un saludo! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • Hey Pablo,
    thanks for being such a supportive reader of my blog 🙂
    Your comments are always the sweetest to read!

    This has been such a great post. I´m moving into a new apartment soon, so these tips come in the perfect moment for me 🙂
    As you might remember I moved to France for a year, cause my partner was studying here, but in two weeks the courses end and we will move again. I´m so looking forward to a new place, where I know we will stay for a bit longer. So as you wrote in your post, I will invest in some nice plants this time and I hope I can start painting again and hang up some nice pictures.

    have fun holidays in Mallorca,



    • Hey Tiziana, thanks for checking the blog post!

      And you’re welcome! You have nothing to thank, I really like the blog posts you’re sharing, really useful for the daily life ❤️

      I hope you can use some of these tips for your new house, moving constantly could be difficult but I like that these tips can be applied anywhere!

      Best, xx

  • Have been doing this around the place where I live so it looks less like a morgue, especially the windowless dining room, the trustees decided our colourful imagination is a bit too much and wanted to get us fired over it. Sadly I feel really inspired, but can’t do much around here.


    • Sad to hear that, Satanja!

      Unfortunately some landlords are a constant struggle! Hope you manage to find some ideas to spice up your room, even a small corner ❤️

  • Hola Pablo! Que tal? Espero que disfrutas tu sabado! 😀

    I absolutely love this post and every single illustration! So beautiful and fashionable. I have to agree with you on all of the points made here. Especially about decoration, it is always the little things that add a nice touch to your home and make it cozy. I am a big fan of throw pillows; even if you have the most basic looking sofa or bed, by adding fun looking pillows or covers you are able to turn into something special. I also couldn’t agree about buying art from small businesses or artists. I actually have two small oil paintings that I bought from a street artist in Barcelona (he looked so much like Antonio Banderas from Desperado btw haha!). I get so many compliments on them! xx


    • Hola Naya, espero que también estés bien. Muchas gracias por tu comentario 🙂

      Ooooh nice pillows in the couch or in the bed are also a great way to add that personal touch 🙂 And the good stuff about this is that you can change them from time to time 😉

      Best, xx

  • This is such a fun post Pablo! I definitely got way more interested in interior design when the pandemic started. I moved in with my bf right when lockdown happened and let’s just say the decor wasn’t pretty when I first moved in haha. I love the tip about finding pretty storage! I live in a small apartment too and it is so easy for it to look cluttered due to the small space. I need to add some more mirrors!

    I hope you are having a good weekend,


    • Hello Jill, thank you for reading the post, I always appreciate your feedback and the fact that you take the time to read 🙂

      Oooh storage, I bet it is the biggest problem in the houses of our generation right? Let me know if you find something interesting 😉


    • Thanks for checking it out Margot!

      I hope you can use many of these tips to improve your future home 🙂

      You have a lot of collectibles so I’m sure trays will help a lot!