¿Por dónde empezar? Quería hablar de este tema desde hace tiempo y un post escrito por una colega blogger sobre el futuro de los blogs me hizo pensar en lo mucho que ha cambiado la blogosfera y en la manera en que consumimos contenido en 2020./ Where to start? I wanted to talk about this topic for a long time and a post written by a blogger colleague about the future of personal blogs made me think about how much the blogosphere has changed and how we consume content in 2020 .


Ejercitemos nuestra memoria, ¿no les asombra pensar que del 2009 al 2019 nuestros hábitos de consumo de contenido cambiaron tan rápido en comparación al pasado? Por ejemplo el VHS apareció en 1976 y para que llegara el DVD tuvimos que esperar casi 20 años. O los egipcios estuvieron más de 3000 años sin modificar muchas cosas, o en el siglo XX las cosas daban un cambio notorio cada 10 años, pero hoy todo está en un movimiento constante y cada 10 minutos hay un nuevo filtro de Instagram, 43 nuevos emojis (muchos inútiles), una nueva persona cancelada en Twitter y 11 nuevos influencers que me tratan de vender una crema hidratante./ Let’s exercise our memory, don’t you think is incredible that our content consumption habits changed so fast from 2009 to 2019? Specially if we compare them to the past? For example, the VHS appeared in 1976 and we had to wait almost 20 years for DVDs . Either the Egyptians spent more than 3000 years without modifying many things, or in the twentieth century the humanity had a noticeable change every 10 years, but today everything is in a constant movement and there’s something new every 10 minutes: a new Instagram filter, 43 new emojis (many useless), a new person canceled on Twitter and 11 new influencers trying to sell me a moisturizer.

Abrí mi blog en 2010 como un espacio para poder compartir mis ilustraciones porque las clases de dibujo en la universidad se quedaban cortas, así comencé a practicar y en poco tiempo vi que podía empezar a narrar historias. Comencé a conocer a bloggers (amistades que aún conservo), a experimentar con la moda y el diseño, a colaborar con creadores alrededor del mundo y de hecho, gracias a mi blog tuve uno de mis primeros trabajos importantes y sin ser famoso pude participar en proyectos con Keds, Elle México o Farfetch./ I opened my blog in 2010 as a space to share my illustrations because the drawing classes at the university were unsatisfactory, so startedpracticing and in a short time I saw that I could start telling stories. I began to meet bloggers (friendships that I still have), to experiment with fashion and design, to collaborate with creators around the world and in fact, thanks to my blog I had one of my first important works and without being famous I could participate in projects with Keds, Elle Mexico or Farfetch.

Recuerdo las horas que me pasaba descubriendo blogs, viendo los looks de Susie Bubble o Bryan Boy, leyendo las historias de Tavi Genvinson (Style Rookie), siguiendo los DIY de Style Scrapbook o analizando un look de pasarela que pudiera replicar con prendas de H&M. Es una romántica idea de los blogs que se ha desvanecido y que tal vez sólo la primera generación de bloggers conserva y cada vez menos./ I remember spending hours discovering blogs, looking outfits of Susie Bubble or Bryan Boy, reading the stories written by Tavi Genvinson (Style Rookie), following the DIY tutorials by Style Scrapbook or analyzing a runway look that I could replicate with H&M clothes. It is a romantic idea of blogs that has faded and that’s only something that the first generation of bloggers conserves.


¿Qué pasó en el camino? Esto da para hacer una serie de televisión, pero muchas cosas: el cambio de status con el que los bloggers se volvieron celebridades, la aparición de muchas redes sociales y sobre todo Instagram, que cambió las reglas del juego (no sólo las de los blogs, sino las de la industria editorial y del entretenimiento), haciendo que muchos bloggers enfocaran su contenido en esta red./ So what happened? A story long enough to make a tv show, but many things: the change of status from bloggers to celebrities, the emergence of many social networks and especially Instagram, which changed the rules of the game (not only for blogs, but also for editorials and entertainment industry), causing many bloggers to focus their content on this app.

He escuchado personas a las que la palabra blog les da repelús, que se asocia a una idea de contenido banal, pero un blog nos ayudó, a mí y a mucha gente a potenciar nuestro trabajo y a experimentar una manera diferente de consumir no sólo moda, sino el periodismo y el entretenimiento. La figura del blog es la piedra angular que hace que hoy entendamos muchos de los medios digitales del 2020./ I have heard people who are disgusted by the word blog, which is associated with an idea of banal content, but a blog helped me and many people to strengthen our work and experience a different way of consuming not only fashion, but journalism and entertainment. Blogs are the cornerstone that makes us understand many of the current digital media.

En los blogs había textos e imágenes que no se podían encontrar en los canales tradicionales, era gente real que abordaba la moda desde un mundo con el que yo y muchos otros nos sentíamos identificados. Hoy en 2020 nuestras posibilidades son infinitas y eso es hermoso, pero estamos en una línea casi invisible donde las fotos de Instagram a veces cuentan poco de la vida real y la improvisación-no-tan-improvisada en Stories y Tik Tok va a la velocidad de la luz y es imposible digerir todo./ In blogs there were texts and images that could not be found in traditional media, they were real people who approached fashion from a world that felt real, so me and many people felt identified. Today in 2020 our possibilities are endless and that is beautiful, but we are in an almost invisible line where Instagram pictures tell just a little about real life and improvised-not-so-improvised content on Stories and Tik Tok goes at speed of light and it is impossible to digest everything.


Mucha gente dice que los blogs son obsoletos, que ya nadie los lee (por supuesto, su consumo ha bajado), pero se olvidan de que muchas de las cosas que hacemos hoy todos en Instagram y Youtube se cocieron en los blogs allá por 2010./ Many people say that blogs are obsolete, that nobody reads them (of course, visits have dropped), but they forget that many of the things we do today on Instagram and YouTube were all baked in blogs back in 2010.

“¿En serio sigues escribiendo un blog? Deberías pasarte al formato video, es lo que la gente consume hoy” “Blog? O sea compartes tus outfits?” “Blog, pero si eso nadie lo lee ya….”/ “Are you really still writing a blog? You should switch to the video format, is what people consume today ”“ Blog? So you share your outfits? ” “Blog, but nobody reads them anymore …”

Las redes sociales son maravillosas, pero van y vienen. Creo que si tienes un verdadero interés por compartir tu trabajo y expresarte, no hay mejor inversión que un espacio propio en internet (no me refiero solamente a un blog), un sitio donde se tenga el control de todo y que nadie pueda arrebatarte ese pequeño rincón en el que la gente pueda encontrarte siempre, para mí ese espacio es esta página y la sección blog es lo que puedo actualizar de forma constante./ Social media are wonderful, but they come and go. I think that if you have a real interest in sharing your work and expressing yourself, there is no better investment than getting an own space on the internet (I don’t mean just a blog), a place where you have control of everything and nobody can take that little corner where people can always find you, for me that space is this website and the blog section is what I can update constantly.

Este blog (que antes tenía otro nombre) ha sido por unos 10 años mi cuaderno de bocetos, mi estudio digital, mi galería a la que vuelvo cuando quiero echar un ojo a mi yo del pasado, mi escape personal, un punto para conocer gente de todo al mundo e incluso para colaborar y trabajar con otros (muchas veces con dinero real de por medio)./ This blog (which used to have another name) has been for about 10 years my sketchbook, my digital studio, my gallery where I come back to when I want to keep an eye on my self from the past, my personal escape, a point to meet people from all over the world and even to collaborate and work with others (sometimes with real money involved).

Austin Kleon de “Steal like an artist” dice que no hay que ver a los blogs como una máquina autopromocional (aunque es guay cuando eso pasa), sino como una máquina de autoinvención constante. / Austin Kleon, the author of “Steal like an artist” says that you should not your website as a self-promotion machine (although it is cool when that happens), but as self-invention machine.

¿He estado tentado a abandonar mi blog y dedicarme por completo a una red social? ¡Claro, muchas veces! Pero no sé si Instagram vaya a desaparecer el día de mañana y eso de poner todos los huevos en una sola cesta nunca me ha convencido. ¿Pasarme a video? Yo me siento poco cómodo con ese formato y creo que se notaría. Mi blog ahora se ha convertido en una extensión de mi trabajo, de acuerdo, supone horas de esfuerzo en escribir, ilustrar o aterrizar temas, pero lo sigo haciendo por gusto y porque me llena y me parece bonito seguir contando con un espacio personal y totalmente libre en un mundo digital cada vez más saturado./ Have I been tempted to abandon my blog and devote myself completely to a social network? Yes, many time! But I don’t know if Instagram is going to disappear tomorrow and putting all the eggs in a one basket has never convinced me. Move to video? I feel uncomfortable with that format and I think it would be noticed. My blog has now become an extension of my work, okay, it means hours of effort in writing, illustrating or landing topics, but I still do it for pleasure and because it fills me and I think it’s nice to have a personal and totally free space in an increasingly saturated digital world.

Personal Blogs Hey Fungi 4

Man Repeller (que de hecho ahora es una revista pero Leandra Medine lo comenzó como un blog personal) ha dicho que lo bello de que sigan existiendo los blogs personales, es que se quedaron algunos con buen contenido y hacen que la gente siempre vuelva a por más, que se sienten como tesoros especiales en un abismos digitales./ Man Repeller (which in fact is now a magazine but Leandra Medine started it as a personal blog) has said that the cool thing of personal blogs in 2020, is that some are still posting  good content, making people coming back for more, they are like special treasures in a digital abyss.

¿Los blogs desaparecerán? No lo creo, más bien las experiencias y nuestra forma de consumir contenido se está transformando. En este 2020 estamos inmersos en los podcasts, pero estoy seguro que así como pasó con los blogs o con los videos de Youtube, se quedarán solamente aquellos que entre la saturación estén dispuestos a ofrecer una propuesta y una moneda de cambio diferente. Al final de la línea cada quien elige los formatos que mejor se le acomodan, a mi por ejemplo me gusta escuchar podcasts mientras hago trabajos monótonos, leer blogs y revistas digitales mientras desayuno o mientras hago el café de la tarde, consumir youtube a la hora de la comida y libros antes de dormir./ Will blogs disappear? I don’t think so, rather the experiences and our way of consuming content is transforming. Right now, in 2020 we are immersed in podcasts, but I am sure that just as with blogs or YouTube videos, only those who are willing to offer a different proposal will remain among the saturation. At the end of the line everyone chooses the formats that best suit them, for example I like to listen to podcasts while doing monotonous work, reading blogs and digital magazines while having breakfast or while I make myself a cup of coffee in the afternoon, consume youtube during lunch and books before bedtime.

En la variedad está el gusto, pero de lo que si me he dado cuenta es que conecto mucho más con aquellos creadores de contenido que ofrecen algo más allá de instagram: newsletters con información valiosa para mi semana, Q&A, talleres o algo que vaya incluso más allá de una app. Al final, todas estas líneas de comunicación tratan de englobar una experiencia 360. Alguna vez pensé en volver esto una revista y todavía me gustaría, pero es verdad que son tiempos difíciles para ese negocio. Hoy me siento mas motivado que nunca a seguir escribiendo historias./ Possibilities are endless, but what I have noticed is that I connect much more with those content creators who offer something beyond instagram: newsletters with valuable information for my week, Q&A, workshops or something that goes beyond an app. In the end, all these lines of communication try to encompass a 360 experience. I once thought of turning this into a magazine and I would still like it, but it is true that these are difficult times for that business. Today I feel more motivated than ever to keep writing stories.

Ah y gracias por estar leyendo esto 🙂 / Oooh and thanks for reading this 🙂

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  • Yes it is quite true so many bloggers have left the platform for IG. In some ways to me this seems like supreme laziness. Though I get it. But more importantly it is that IG and who owns it FB and MZ control EVERYTHING, that is everything not controlled by Google. Having everything in one or two sets of hands is very scary. Also on IG people fly through it so quickly, is anyone really looking?? Back in the day you bought a magazine b/c you wanted the content, you did not buy it get a like or follow back. I love that Th Man Repeller said, so true. Also these social media giants own your content not you. And in the case of YT they are already making money off the content people make. They now run ADS on almost all videos even ones with less then 100 views. The YTuber is not making money off these ADS Google is…just saying.

    Allie of

    • Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts with me, Allie!

      As you said here we have more control of our content and yes, it is scary that Google owns almost everything at the end of the day…. honestly I’m also tired of trying to figure out how algorithms work on IG, that’s why I prefer to focus on my personal site.


  • amo cuando en mi lista de blogs aparece una nueva entrada de “Hey Fungi” realmente sabes que de lo bueno poco! y cuanta calidad en el contenido ADORO!
    Somos de la vieja escuela, de la que no va por los 30 segundos que dura la foto en instagram, de la que más allá quiere contar una historia pero con hilo conductor. De esos que el trabajo duro es más tentador que el llegar y llevar.
    Espero que la industria de los blogs se transforme en “vintage” y así tendremos una segunda vuelta, las modas son ciclicas, y si tenemos que volver al fotolog? hahahah ok, me fui muy atrás.
    Que tengas un excelente día y no dejes de tener tu espacio tan cuidadito por aquí. un abrazo !

    • Querida Carmen, qué alegría me hizo leer tu comentario. Gracias por estar ahí siempre….. y sí, a lo mejor nos toca volver al fotolog en algún momento, aunque instagram es eso en cierta medida pero con muchas más cosas pasando al mismo tiempo, ¿no? jaja


  • Wonderful inspiration. I love what you said about blogs, they are truly be our little space on the internet, a place where we can express ourselves and our creativity- I love your blog, your writing, your art and illustrations, everything about it really. It is always a pleasure to visit.

  • I totally feel you, Pablo! And I really think the same about this topic.
    That nostalgic feeling about the starting (I’ve opened mine in 2012/13) and the doubts about the evolution of this kind of platform.
    Really when I’ve started the blogger community was pretty huge and active (I remeber that could be like 150 comments under a post) and I really liked that athmosphere: was so new, stimulating and full of creativity! Then, with time, many bloggers I have known started to leave the blogs to work only on socials (or closed blogs with the drops of visits and stop), and really I thought to do the same too many times.
    But I feel like socials aren’t enough for me: too restricted, too impersonal, too “all the same” and quick to forget, and yes, asyou said, too poor of contents.
    I need a space to express my ideas and inspirations as I like, that I can keep “forever” and this is what I looking for in blogs, but I cannot imagine to find the same on socials: you know, to write a blog post needs much more work and efforts than posting a pic on Instagram or to make a video of your cat on Tik Tok, and, to me, is all here the difference; the quality.
    Plus, who knows how thing gonna change? Probably sooner or later people will start to have enough to see another selfie and gonna look for something more, and actually right now only blogs can satisfy that need, not even YT.
    Anyway I love my little space on the web and the community around, and if I can earn money though it it’s better, but if not it’s the same!

    • Ooooh Silvia, first of all I can’t thank you enough for your words, thanks for stopping by my blog! I feel so happy when it comes to meet nice people from around the globe like you, that’s why I like blogging so much despite all the changes 🙂

      As you I want to keep everything forever, I mean I dont know how my site is going to evolve, but I want to keep it as my personal diary 🙂

      All the best for you!

  • Such an interesting and well-written article Pablo! So true that many bloggers have left their blogs/websites for IG or Youtube. I get it, I do. But There’s nothing like being fully creative on your own blog with long texts, pictures and comments. Instagram is too fitted in a specific format, and with the algorithms being updated ever so often, it’s just something that’s out of your control. Same goes for Youtube. But with your blog, it’s all yours and you’re changing the content, the tone, the dialogue. I like that, I appreciate it. But with that said, it’ll be interesting to see where we’ll head next. Difficult to imagine instagram 10 years ago, and difficult to imagine what it will look like in 10 years! Have a lovely week Pablo! Xx

    • Thanks for your kind words, Mia!

      And yes, IG is too fitted, sometimes I try to do more experimental things and I have so little feedback that I feel that nothings compares to your own platform when it comes to explore your creativity.

      Thanks for being here! Let’s see what happens with IG in a few years 😮

  • It is interesting to see the change of blogs over the years! I’ve been blogging for a while, and 8 years on my current blog. I like having my own place, and I don’t use Instagram as much as I should, blogging is my favourite 🙂

    Hope that you are having a great weekend 🙂

    • Good to know that you’re still working on your own personal project Mica!

      Thanks for visiting mine 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!

    That article about a blogger motivates me because I agree you!
    I love your words, “a place where you have control of everything…”!!

    You always know great people, this time I could knew Austin Kleon for the first time 🙂
    “A blog is self-invention machine” is really true and exciting!!
    I am not good at promote, but I think that continuation of self-invention relative to self-promotion.

    There are many readers who don’t post, just reading and watching.
    It is difficult to understand what they want, but your last paragraph teach me the answer!
    Thank you so much, Fungi!! Have a lovely weekend<3


    • Hey Akiko, as usual thank you for your kind words 🙂

      Google Austin Kleon if you need motivation for your personal project, he has very good tips and advices for creators 😉

  • First let me say a big thank you for visiting my blog! And for the kind words. I was really surprised because you have such a cool eye and amazing content on your blog! Secondly thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. It seems like an issue, but not really an issue, if that makes sense. There is a lot of talk about how blogs are dying out, but I don’t think so. There is no denying that there is less people on the blog scene as there was when I first started back seven years ago, these people are focusing rather on Instagram. But I feel like blogs are such a rare gem these days. Instagram is too fast paced. You post something and it is essentially irrelevant after an hour. That is if it even reaches who and how many people you want it to reach (and I mean without paying Insta to “boost” your feed). When you post something on a blog, it archives but it doesn’t stay lost. Depending on your SEO or other social media sites like Pinterest or Tumblr people sometimes end up on older pages. I know this happens a lot with my own blog. You don’t get that with Insta. The older stuff you post you kind of look back and cringe because that filter is “so yesterday” or you can’t believe you added that bokeh effect. Insta is draining. I stay away from it as much as possible. I only jump on because a friend DM’s me memes hahahaha. I end up liking and commenting on the first photo that appears on my feed though. That’s the best I can offer right now. Sometimes I want to go back to creating but at the same time it’s not as rewarding as blogging for me. You have complete control of your blog, what you post and who sees it. There’s also a beautiful community of bloggers who visit and support you. Something I don’t think you get on Insta anymore thanks to that algorithm. Or at least it makes it VERY hard to keep up with everyone.


    • SONIA…. THIS COMMENT MADE MY DAY! Thank you so much for your kind words and for making the time in your agenda to visit my site, I’m glad to know that it inspires you one 🙂

      Good luck with your personal project, you never know where your site is gonna lead you.

      And you mentioned something very remarkable, now we forget about IG posts in a matter of minutes…. while I do remember a lot of blog posts from the first blogging years…. curious right?

      Best regards from Barcelona!

  • OMG I love your article so much,
    You put words in everything I think about blogging nowadays.
    I just think instagram is not enough. I mean it’s fun to post a picture but at the same time something bother me. I think it’s the way we now consume thing. Everything has to be fast, way too fast. Just like you I think it’s crazy to realize how technology has changed so fast ! That’s why I still love blogs because one picture doesn’t tell the all story. I think it’s still great to still have a blog and share your own universe and passion with other peoples. I just think blog can maybe connect people more easily. Yeah it just gives you the all story and not just one picture you’re gonna like and forget in the next second.

    • Hey Margot, thank you for your words, one of the things I like the most about blogging is to find cool people like you 🙂

      And I totally agree with you, sometimes I would like to go slower, but it seems that everything should be done in a matter of hours :/

  • ¡Pablo me ha encantado este post!
    En ocasiones me da la tentación de sólo dedicarme postear en instagram pero luego recuerdo que la razón por la que abrí mi espacio era porque quería dejar fluir todos mis pensamientos y creo que aunque la red social del feed perfecto no te limita a una cantidad de caracteres siento que te obliga a resumir tus pensamientos en un caption cool pero manteniendo en primer lugar lo visual. Claro que le funciona a muchas personas, si eres fotógrafo probablemente instagram te funcione como una galería y tu blog sea sólo para documentar pero para los que queremos enfocarnos más en el compartir nuestros pensamientos más allá de unos diez renglones los blogs son y seguirán mi herramienta favorita.

    Por otro lado, a veces me dan ganas de comenzar un daily vlog en youtube y tal vez me anime pero no con la finalidad de volverme una youtuber famosa invitada vip del vidcon pero si para regresar a revivir tal como lo hago con mis escritos en Talk & Tipo.

    ¡Me da mucho gusto que sigas por estos lares! Definitivamente mi lista de lectura se ha reducido pero me encanta que la calidad de contenido ha mejorado muchísimo.

    ¡Un abrazo!

    Bibiana B.

    • Hola querida Bibi, muchas gracias por pasarte 🙂

      Me siento igual que tú, digo yo le saco mucho partido a IG pero de repente se me queda corto y es aquí donde puedo explayarme mejor. Por lo pronto sigo menos blogs pero lo que sigo tiene muchísima más calidad 🙂

      Espero que sigas posteando mucho en Talk & Typo 🙂

  • omg I think about this topic all the time and I think about discontinuing my blog as well. It has just become such a normal part of my routine now that I feel like I still want to keep documenting the way I always have. Thanks for speaking on this, it really made the think!

  • Very interesting topic! I started my blog SUPER late. I started blogging in 2018, and I did it because I enjoy writing and I wanted a more creative space than just uploading pictures to Instagram. I don’t know where blogs will be in the next few years but I feel like as long as you enjoy what you do and are proud of what your blog represents than I say KEEP IT UP! While Instagram has consumed and became my favorite social media network, I still enjoy reading blogs!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this really great topic! Hope you have a great week!!

    Des |

    p.s. I TOTALLY appreciate the translations in your blog!

  • Hey Fungi,

    I’ll forever be a blog lover. Things have definitely changed throughout the years, but for me blogs are like a little diary through which you can totally express yourself and connect with others. It feels more personal as you’re the writer of your own story. Hopefully blogs will always exist as we continue to share our love for fashion, travel, recipes and even beauty.

    Hope you’re having a great day.

  • It’s so interesting to think back to the history of blogging and reflect on where it has come from, and where its going. Ten years ago, I was about to start my first ever blog (which was really bad!). It was about books, and consisted of me posting at least once a day updating my readers on how a single book was going (as you can tell, I didn’t really understand the concept back then!). It eventually developed into a fashion and lifestyle blog, where it received a lot more readers and I started getting things for free – before I realised that I didn’t actually care about what I was getting. Then two years ago, I decided to make the switch to a travel blog. I had written about travel many times before, and found that I really, really loved it. So I turned my blog into what it is today, and now am very happy with it. I write about things that bring me great joy, and I think that that shows through!

    I think that even though a lot of blogs are turning to vlogs, because people are now more interested in watching things than reading, its still very important. It’s like with books – sure, a lot of people like e-readers, but good old fashioned paper books are still important, and perhaps even so much better.

    I think that writing is a great way to talk about things, and it gives people the chance to sit down and really listen. I’m so glad that you’re still running this blog and you haven’t given in to IG or Vlogs – I love your blog and we would all be very sad to see it turn into something different. I think that its good that blogging has come so far – but its still very relevant and something we should not lose.

    Much love,
    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

    • Hey Amy, thank you so much for taking the time to read.

      I think blogs are a good resource to see our evolution, not only as talking about our professional profiles, but also as human beings. It is good to hear that you are happy with your content, keep documenting your trips please, cause I really enjoy your content!

  • Pablo, what a wonderful article. You mentioned so many valuable points here. When I created my blog, I did it because I was looking for an outlet where I could express myself freely, share my knowledge and hopefully inspire others to celebrate their own uniqueness and beauty. Unfortunately print media these days is filled with ads and press releases; you do not really see actual writers share valuable information about products or at least (in my case) explaining how to use them. To be very honest, most days I wonder if major publishing houses even hire beauty editors anymore. Plus seeing how sales assistants push random products for customers to buy, I always felt the need to be that voice who could help my readers choose products based on what is best for THEM, not the store owner. But I do get how someone can get frustrated when (as you mentioned) ten “influencers” try to sell you the same moisturizer on Instagram. Personally speaking, I myself rely on and follow a selected group of like-minded bloggers and makeup artists, whom I can trust. I am also extremely happy when I come across blogs like yours, because I can tell that despite differences in topics or content, we still hold similar values. And that is staying true to yourself and using this platform as a creative outlet, first and foremost. I shake my head whenever I see someone act entitled and call themselves a “blogger” but they do not even have a website or page online. These are the people who give the rest of us the bad rep. Bloggers, Youtubers or Instagrammers who are only in it for money – they will come and go. I always say that you do not have to be on every social media outlet out there, just pick and choose what feels right for you. Plus with all of the weird algorithms and under-carpet games happening on social media, where subscribers do not even see your content anymore, it is so crucial to lead an active blog-life xx


    • Thanks for your kind comment Naya, I really appreciate that you took the time to share your personal thoughts with me… I think these are difficult moments for editors and other creators related with the media, but we still have possibilities and I think our personal sites are definitely good tools to keep generating content that could be remarkable in a saturated world.

      All the best and keep the good work!

  • First off, i really love your arts here! I’m now a fan of your work. My blog domain has expired a week ago and i’m still eager to keep on writing and renew it, even if it actually just seem to have no sense and i’m basically wasting money as i don’t monetize it. Thanks for bringing this list, it’s inspiring and keeping us in check why we still blog.

    • Hey Steve! Keep putting effort in your personal project! Just checked your site and it is full of useful information!

  • ¡Hola Pablo!
    Este post fue un golpe de nostalgia universitaria, fue en la primer mitad de los 2010s cuando comencé a descubrir blogs de moda, me gustaban justo lo que mencionas, era una perspectiva más realista que las revistas y cualquier posibilidad era real, en su momento era fan de un hombre que posteaba looks para chicos plus size (tristemente el blog desapareció)….

    Era como un mini ritual, tomarme un ratito de mis cosas y leer los post, ahora con la tiranía de insta todo es tan visual que apenas y escribimos, y nos sobre saturamos de contenido, aunque afortunadamente existen bloggers como tú, me fascina la cantidad de temas que se abordan aquí.

  • Aiñññ, amooooo que tocarás este tema.
    Muchas veces me han dicho que me vaya a otra plataforma, que ya nadie lee, que si quiero crecer toca moverse, pero ¿cómo me dejaría a mí cómo booklover si dejo de escribir? ¿Realmente quiero esos contratos que se presume en redes sociales? ¿Realmente puedo lograrlo delante de una cámara?
    No lo sé, no lo creo, lo poco a mucho que he conseguido en el área laboral ha sido gracias a mi blog, por alguien que lo leyó, por alguien que cree en el valor de las letras y de un contenido que toma bastante en desarrollarse, aparte siento que sería darle la espalda, siento que sería darle a la espalda a quien realmente soy, sólo una persona normal que escribe sobre aquello que todos piensan, pero que al igual que yo, les cuesta expresarlo.
    Soy una consumidora de blogs, me gusta leerlos para entretenerme, y para aprender. El 90% de mis búsquedas cuando tengo alguna duda o toca investigar de algún tema siempre es de blogs escritos. Y claro, consumo Videos, podcasts y demás, pero creo que a diferencia de los blogs, no hay nada más honesto que las palabras escritas, por mas edición que se haga, cuando escribes, lees, editas y relees, siempre se busca plasmar los ideales sin importar quien esté de acuerdo o no, tal vez es el anonimato, tal vez es porque escribir es un arte, tal vez es porque se sabe qué hay alguien en algún otro lugar del mundo que está pasando por lo mismo y está buscando las palabras que sólo un texto puede transmitir.
    -Gabriela, xoxo.

    • Hola Gabriela, mil gracias por leer. Tu comentario me alegro el día ❤️

      Así como tú te sientes identificada con esto, yo me siento identificado con tu comentario, de hecho al igual que tú, muchas de las cosas laborales y personales de las que me siento más orgulloso las he conseguido en parte a este pequeño blog 🙂

      PS: Y es verdad, la palabra escrita nunca podrá ser reemplazada, cada medio tiene lo suyo y hay que darle a los escritos el lugar que se merecen.