Con el estrés que genera pagar las facturas a tiempo, la monotonía laboral y el frenesí de las redes sociales, cuesta mucho encontrar ese huequito personal tan preciado y que las newsletters se empeñan en vendernos en forma de producto con descuento. Hace un par de años logré recuperar un hábito que en mi niñez y en mi adolescencia disfrutaba mucho y que por algún motivo abandoné: LEER./ It is very difficult to find a personal space with the stress of paying bills on time, the job monotony and the frenzy of social media. A couple of years ago I managed to recover a habit that I used to enjoy very much in my childhood and that for some reason I abandoned: READ BOOKS.


Recuerdo lo mucho que me encantaba leer, especialmente en la secundaria y en la preparatoria. Como muchos lectores de mi edad comencé con Harry Potter para después ir descubriendo otras historias, también formé mimi propio club de lectura con amigos que disfrutaban de lo mismo (en el 2007 tener un book club no era el epítome de lo cool y escuchar un podcast era nadar en las profundidades de internet). Aunque después de terminar la Universidad pasé años sin leer y sentía cierta nostalgia cada que veía mis libros apilados y cubiertos de polvo./ I remember how much I loved to read, especially in high school. As many readers of my age I began with Harry Potter and then I discovered other stories, I also created my own book club with friends who enjoyed the same thing (in 2007 having a book club was not the epitome of cool and listening to a podcast was like swimming in the deep web). Although after finishing university I spent years without reading and felt a certain nostalgia every time I saw my books stacked and covered with dust.


Sant Jordi es un día especial en Barcelona en el que la ciudad se llena de puestos de rosas y libros, es como un San Valentín pero cambiando los chocolates y los globos por flores y libros./ Sant Jordi is a special day in Barcelona in which the city is filled with stalls of roses and books, it is like a Valentines Day but changing chocolates and balloons for flowers and books.

Mi primer Sant Jordi aquí me contagió de las ganas de volver a leer y compré un libro en un puesto de segunda mano (“La hija de la Fortuna” de Isabel Allende) y no voy a mentir, duré muchos meses leyendo este libro de bolsillo de unas 400 páginas, pero al menos había vuelto a la carga y una cosa fue llevando a la otra y hubo varios factores que me ayudaron a motivarme: la variedad de librerías en España, el descubrimiento del contenido de booktubers (este paso fue vital) y las portadas bonitas, porque sí, admito que prefiero tener una edición bonita si es posible./ My first Sant Jordi here led me to the desire of pick a book again and I bought one in a second-hand stall (“Daughter of Fortune” by Isabel Allende) and I won’t lie, I lasted many months reading this pocket book of about 400 pages, but at least I had returned to the load and one thing was leading to another and there were several factors that helped me to motivate myself: the variety of libraries in Spain, content created by booktubers (this step was vital) and the beautiful covers, because yes, I admit that I prefer to have a nice edition if possible.

Y no es que ahora sea una de esas personas que leen 56 libros por años, ya me gustaría, pero en 2018 pude leer 24 libros y en 2019 unos 20 o 21 títulos, lo cual considero bastante aceptable después de haber pasado años en los que no leía ni las especiales del súper. Es un logro personal del cual estoy muy orgulloso, sobre todo porque es algo que disfruto y que es inagotable./ Nowadays I’m not one of those people who read 56 books per year, I would like to, but in 2018 I read 24 books and in 20 or 21 titles in 2019, which I consider quite acceptable after having spent years in which I didn’t read nothing, not even supermarket weekly specials. It is a personal achievement of which I am very proud, especially since it is something that I enjoy and that is inexhaustible.


¿Así que cómo leer más? Aquí unos trucos muy sencillos que me han funcionado:/ Here are some very simple tricks that have worked for me:

1. Tiempo muerto: Siempre llevo un libro conmigo y utilizo los tiempos muertos para avanzar en mi lectura: en el metro, en las filas o en el aeropuerto. Cualquier lugar que me tiente a hacer scroll infinito en mi teléfono aunque sepa que ya no hay nada nuevo. Sí, siempre hay una oportunidad para leer y es en mis tiempos muertos donde suelo leer más./ 1. Dead time: I always carry a book with me and I advance my reading in dead time: in the subway, while making a queue or at the airport. Any place that tempts me to scroll infinitely on my phone even though I know there is nothing new. Yes, there is always an opportunity to read and it is in my dead times that I usually read more.

2. Hazte el tiempo: Entendí que nunca me va a sobrar el tiempo, y que tenía que poner a la lectura como una prioridad. Por supuesto que sigo viendo Netflix y espiándoles en Instagram, pero todo con moderación./ 2. Take the time: I understood that I will never have spare time, and that I had to make reading a priority. Of course I keep watching Netflix and spying you on Instagram, but all in moderation.

3. Tiempo dedicado para leer: Esto ayuda a crear el hábito y después todo sale de manera natural. Mi hora favorita para leer es después de comer y antes de dormir (maravilloso para relajarme y un antídoto contra el insomnio provocado por la luz del móvil, por cierto)./ 3. Time spent reading: This helps to create the habit and then everything comes naturally. My favorite time to read is after lunch and before bed (wonderful to relax and an antidote against insomnia caused by the mobile light).

4. Busca los temas que disfrutas: ¿Recuerdas esas lecturas por obligación que nos imponían en la escuela? Creo que es uno de los motivos que han hecho que mucha gente odie los libros, así que simplemente sé fiel a los temas que disfrutas, aunque de vez en cuando date la oportunidad de explorar cosas nuevas./ 4. Look for the topics you enjoy: Do you remember those obligation readings imposed by teachers? I think it is one of the reasons that have made many people hate books, so just be true to the topics you enjoy, although occasionally give yourself the opportunity to explore new things.

5. Tu fuente confiable de recomendaciones: El Librero de Valentina es mi referencia, también el club de lectura de Florence Welch y las listas de Man Repeller./ 5. Your reliable source of recommendations: El Librero de Valentina is my reference, also the Florence Welch reading club and the Man Repeller lists.

6. Comparte lo que lees: GoodReads es mi app favorita, además puedo hacer listas de lo que he leído y de lo que quiero leer. Instagram y los vídeos en Youtube también valen para este punto./ 6. Share what you read: GoodReads is my favorite app, I can also make lists of what I have read and what I want to read. Instagram and videos on YouTube are also valid for this point.

7. Aliados y clubes de lectura: Encontrar con quien comentar un libro y después pasar al chisme o por un café es maravilloso (¡Gracias @adanconacento!). Actualmente estoy buscando un club de lectura presencial./ 7. Allies and reading clubs: Finding someone to talk about that book and then go to gossip or coffee is wonderful (Thanks @adanconacento!). I am currently looking for an in-person reading club.

8. Múltiples lecturas: Al principio pensé que sería difícil pero lo probé y…¡Funciona! Me gusta tener dos libros de diferentes temas, así si me atasco en una lectura, la intercambio por otra por unos días./ 8. Multiple readings: At first I thought it would be difficult but I tried it and … It works! I like having two books about different topics, so if I get stuck in one reading, I exchange it for another for a few days.

9. Escucha libros: ¿Quién dijo que los audiolibros no están permitidos?/ 9. Listen to books: Who said audiobooks are not allowed?

10. Lee en sprints: Hay días que son una locura o en los que de verdad no tengo muchas ganas de ponerme con un libro. Marcar un cronómetro con 15 o 20 minutos para hacer una lectura veloz es perfecto para no dejar el hábito./ 10. Read in sprints: Some days are crazy or sometimes I really do not really want to pick up a book. Mark a stopwatch with 15 or 20 minutes to make a quick reading to don’t leave the habit.

¿Cuál es tu libro favorito? Pueden seguirme en GoodReads para compartir lecturas, en Instagram también voy dejando alguna que otra recomendación por mis Stories./ What is your favorite book? You can follow me on GoodReads to share readings, on Instagram where sometimes I share books on my Stories.

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  • Hey Pablo! How you doin? Hope everything’s great for you, dear! 🙂
    I am a huge book lover: and with time I’ve managed to find my time to read almost every day.
    Really I’ve started to love reading few times after High School, since at my school teachers kept on giving us a lot of books to read that I didn’t like at all! So, despite I totally loved to read Harry Potter, Narnia and These Dark Materials sagas, I started to read less and less.
    Then I’ve restart casually and I finally find my pleasure in having a moment of reading!
    Really I think that the only way to find time to reading is TO WANT to found time: I mean, if you start with tv, socials, netflix and so on you’ll never find time for it….
    Personally I love to read in the evening, when my day is over and I can relax myself with no more hurries, it’s quite an habit right now, but very often (almost always) I take advantage of every dead time in my day, since I really can’t break away from the story I’m reading (and thanx of ebooks I can have all my books always with me)!
    Your tips are very interesting and useful anyway, there are a lot of things I didn’t know or I’ve never thought of!

    • Hey dear Silvia, thanks as usual for letting me know your thoughts about this topic. I’m happy to know that you love books and you also started with HP, Narnia and Dark Materials, those are special sagas that have a special place in my heart.

      All the best and stay safe!

  • Booktubers? Wow, cool! I use to read much more too. Yes when I was in school I had no time to read and fell in to bed exhausted every night. But now yes with social media and blogging taking up all my downtime and uptime then streaming taking up the remainder of my actual downtime, there is almost not time to read anymore.

    Though I still do read, it just takes longer now to finish a book. Currently I am reading The Buy Side. It is about insider trading, and a trader that worked on Wall Street before and during the big crash.

    Allie of

    • Yes, I used to arrive to bed very exhausted, but then I gave it a try and now I read every night at least a few pages in order to disconnect from the real world 🙂

      Haven’t read The Buy Side, but the topic sounds really interesting! I’ll keep an eye 🙂

    • I don’t read a lot of motivational books, but I’ve been keeping an eye on Atomic Habits.

      Oooh last year I read a lot of Austin Kleon, really recommended in case you want a mix of motivation + creativity.

  • This is my kind of post! I’ve always love reading, it is one of my favourite things to do. Your tips for reading more are awesome and I apply all of them myself. If we want to read more, we just need to find the time. People always say they don’t have time to read but that it is a poor excuse. Many people work full time jobs and find time to read. It is all about how we organize our time. You cannot have everything in life. That applies to just about any activity. There are things we need to make time for like eating…and well, reading is food for the soul and the mind so making time for it is important. I could go on and on about this subject. I definitely agree that one should read what one enjoys…that’s the best motivation.
    Wonderful presentation and collages as always. Such an inspiring post!

    • Hey Ivana, you are one of my motivations when it comes to find bloggers that recommend books, there are not a lot and thanks for sharing your readings with us 🙂

      As you mentioned we just have to make the time and it applies to every single activity 🙂

      Thanks for all the motivation and compliments 🙂

  • I have to shamefully admit that as much as I love buying new books, I do not read as much as I used to even a few years ago. If that wasn’t bad enough, I developed a habit of reading multiple books at the same time, but unlike you – I never finish them. Shame, I know! 😀 I will be definitely cutting down my social media time to read something useful instead. I used to have GoodReads account and perhaps it is time to start a new one. Thanks for the tips, Pablo!


    • Yes, I used to read more a few years later, but don’t worry, you can always make time to read the topics of your interest 🙂

      Cutting down social media a little bit is a good alternative, I mean just a bit haha…..

  • Hey Fungi!

    Your article is always interesting with great illustrations and collages!
    I love to decorate some books in my room, so those collage arts inspire me.

    I am not good at reading books without images, but I try to read novels sometimes.
    Reading books until the last page is so difficult me, so there are many unfinished stories in my brain.
    Your great and lovely advises will help me! I agree Multiple readings, and I would love to listen audio books soon:)

    Anyway, I am obsessed a cashmere knit from Khaite which you drew on the previous post! It is so expensive, so I want to escape from it, and I want to be into books 🙂


    • Thanks for your lovely comment Akiko ♥️I forgot to mention that books make beautiful decoration, right?

      Hope these tips work for you, and if not you can always try audio books, they’re a great help!

  • Hey Fungi!

    I totally understand when you say there were years when you abandoned reading because I had years when I didn’t even touch a book. Now I have periods during which I’m very drawn to reading and I can read one book in 2-3 days. It’s something that I enjoy especially when I’m excited about learning something new.

    Happy reading to you and have a great week!

  • How cool was it to create a book club with your friend when you’re younger. So fun !
    I’m the same like you. When I was younger I used to read a lot more but now I’m slowly starting to every night shut down my phone and take more time to read.
    Oh And I see in one of your pictures you’re reading Lolita. It’s a book I’m currently reading. I made a break into it tho as It made me a little bit uncomfortable reading it. Now I’m reading something a lot more relaxed it’s a twisted tales of the beauty and the beast. And so far I love it !

    • Thanks for stopping by Margot!

      I’d love to have a book club in Barcelona, but I don’t know how to start haha!

      And Lolita is a good book, quite polemic but the narrative style definitely worths it! And having a more relaxed book on your drawer is such a nice idea, sometimes we just want to read something fun and forget about the world right?!


    • yes! I would like to read 56 books a year but that’s not possible for now haha!

      But one book a month is such a good way to start!

  • Ooooh Sant Jordi sounds SO COOL! I feel like that would be something very memorable to experience. And hey, reading 20 books in one year is a crazy achievement!! I couldn’t get through ONE last year, even though I started like four… LOL (but I’m definitely working on it… I did a post on this for one of the days in blogmas).
    I’ve been having some trouble sleeping lately and I can’t lie… a huge part is because I’m on my phone in bed. I think I’ll try to do better at reaching for a book rather than reaching for my phone before I call it quits for the night. These are great topics!! I found the ‘read in sprints’ the most interesting! Another thing I could possibly try!
    I enjoy your writing Pablo! Thanks for this post!!

    Des |

    • Hi there!

      Sant Jordi is a nice day to celebrate love and books, if you ever come to Barcelona try to do it in April, the city looks so magical with all the petals.

      Oooh and don’t worry, getting back to the reading track is not that easy, but don’t give up, find something of your interest and go for it!

      Thanks for the support and best regards!

  • I really like this post! I have been studying English for my degree and it involves a LOT of reading, so I’ve just kind of fallen out of love with it. This post has breathed a fresh breath of air into me though, as I really want to start reading properly again. I’m going to start turning off my devices before I go to bed, and will use the one – two hours before I sleep to be productive in reading. I like buying books, so will definitely start reading the ones I already own!

    Have a good week! 🙂

    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

    • Glad to know this post is helpful for you, Amy!

      And I think buying books (used or new) is one of the best sensations in this world, so let’s take advantage of it!

      Best, xx

  • Justo lo que necesito! También deje de leer en college y le hecho la culpa a todo lo aburrido que me ponían a leer. Voy a cargar con un libro y tratar de leer antes de dormir…esos tips me encantaron. Solo falta que mi Luna Lunera me deje en paz por un momentito jaja Gracias por este post tan lindo, my friend! Have a great week!

    PerlaGiselle |


    • Thanks for stopping by Perlita!

      Espero encuentres temas de tu interés, tal vez puedas leer algo con Luna pronto 🙂


  • ¡Pablo!
    ¡Que bonito aparecer en cameo digital en tu post! Te agradezco muchísimo nuestro ciber club de lectura, me ha servido para retomar el hábito de leer, una parte de mí se frustraba un poco de no tener con quien compartir impresiones de lecturas, ahora que hemos comenzado a leer 2 libros en conjunto me encanta ir avanzando en el libro y compartir perspectivas.

    En definitiva es un hábito que cuesta (re) tomar, pero una vez que le hallamos de nuevo el gusto se disfruta mucho,

    ¡Un abrazom,Fungi!