Esta es una temporada de mi vida donde no me queda más remedio más que levantarme temprano. Digamos que tampoco es que sufra mucho, ya que llevo algunos años siendo lo que el internet llama “una morning person”, aunque no tan morning para levantarme a correr a las 5.00 am (mis respetos para los runners comprometidos)./ This is a season of my life where I have no choice but to get up early. Let’s say it’s not that I suffer much either, since I identify myself with the term “morning person”… although I don’t reach the level of a morning person who wakes up for a run at 5:00 am (my respects for committed runners).

En un intento por hacerme la vida un poco más armoniosa y menos complicada, decidí incorporar a mi rutina una serie de pequeños hábitos mañaneros que me harían la transición del descanso al trabajo un poco más bonita (o menos tortuosa)./ In an attempt to make life a little more harmonious and less complicated, I decided to incorporate a series of little morning habits into my routine that would make the transition from rest to work a bit more beautiful (or less tortuous).


🍳 1. Un desayuno como ritual / Breakfast as a ritual ☕️

El pequeño gran esfuerzo de levantarse y abrir la ventana es una gran satisfacción cuando sabes que viene un buen desayuno por delante. Desayunar despacio, 10-15 minutos de calma para después ponerse manos a la obra es un primer paso para tener un buen día. También podemos pensar en el desayuno como una tarea pensada y completa que ya es hacer algo, un pequeño logro que además es una forma de autocuidado que tu cuerpo y tu mente agradecerán./ The little big effort of waking up and opening the window is a great satisfaction when you know a good breakfast is ahead. Eating breakfast slowly, 10-15 minutes of calm and then getting down to work is a first step to have a good day. We can also think of breakfast as a thoughtful and complete task that is comparable to a small achievement that is also a form of self-care that your body and mind will appreciate. Definitely add it to your morning habits.

📝 2. Planear el día con antelación / Plan the day in advance 📝

Me ha funcionado para levantarme con la menta muchísimo más despejada y con las ideas más claras, sabiendo por donde empezar o que es lo más prioritario. Suelo planear mi día una noche anterior o durante el desayuno, teniendo un propósito en mente que me ayude a identificar por qué me estoy levantando temprano. / Something that has worked for me to wake up with a much clearer mind and with clearer ideas, knowing where to start or what is the priority of the day. I usually plan my day the night before or during breakfast, having a purpose in mind that helps me identify why I am getting up early.

3. Limpiar mi espacio de trabajo / Clean up my workspace

Lo siento, soy del club de personas que no pueden empezar a trabajar con el escritorio en desorden. Tener mi escritorio limpio, con mi agenda, mis velas y lo esencial para empezar el día le da a mi mente la sensación de tener las cosas bajo control…. aunque a veces durante el resto del día todo esto se termine haciendo bolas./ Sorry, I’m from the club of people who can’t start working with a messy desk. Having my desk clean, with my agenda, my candles and the essentials to start the day gives my mind the feeling of having things under control…. although sometimes during the rest of the day all this ends up being a mess again. But hey, a good and a clear start should be part of a list of morning habits.

🛏 4. Hacer la cama / Make the bed 🛏

Parece muy simple, pero es una señal visual que indica que ya no es momento de dormir Es un gesto sencillo para ordenar tu habitación, pero también tu mente./ It seems very simple, but it is a visual signal that indicates that it is no longer time to sleep. It is a simple gesture to tidy up your room, but also your mind. Probably the most effective of morning habits.

⛅️ 5. Hacer algo por la mañana que te guste 💛 / Do something you enjoy

Y esto va ligado al concepto de mimarte en el desayuno, pero también puede ser una lectura, escuchar un podcast, encender una vela o cualquier otra cosa que te ayude a iniciar el día con un poco de alegría./ And this is linked to the concept of pampering yourself for breakfast, but it can also be a reading, listening to a podcast, lighting a candle or anything else that helps you start the day with a little joy.

En pocas palabras, hacer de la rutina de mañana algo sencillo y romantizar tu vida, sí, romantizar tus mañanas en la medida de lo posible. El cuerpo es inteligente y si le enseñas a seguir un ritmo pausado pero con una rutina clara cada mañana, acabará adaptándose con energía y con ganas de hacer. Crea una serie de pasos que te ayuden a enfocarte, estas son mis recomendaciones personales pero cada persona puede tener el suyo. A veces es necesario levantarte poquito antes para poder disfrutar de un momento de calma./ Simply put, make your morning routine simple and romanticize your life, yes, romanticize your mornings as much as possible. The body is intelligent and if you teach it to follow a slow pace but with a clear routine every morning, it will end up adapting with the necessary energy to start. Create a series of morning habits that help you focus, these are my personal recommendations but each person can have theirs. Sometimes it is necessary to get up a little earlier to enjoy a moment of calm.

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  • These are good tips! I’m definitely a morning person – I like the quiet early morning before lots of people are around, although with little kids I don’t get a lot of quiet time to myself before they wake up, haha! It’s nice to have a few minutes to myself though, I find I’m most productive in the morning 🙂

    Hope you are having a good weekend 🙂 We went out to a market day this morning and the kids enjoyed the petting zoo.

    • Thanks for checking out the post, Mica 🙂

      I imagine having kids require different schedules and a bit of time each morning just for you could feel good before the whirlwind.

      All the best and thanks as usual! xx

  • These are great morning habits to adopt. I love setting some time in the morning to enjoy a cup of coffee in peace or eat breakfast calmly, sometimes I also like to
    listen to some music to help me get in a good mood.
    Fantastic illustrations! I love your illustrating style, so pretty.

  • I also consider myself a morning person even if me neither I don’t wake up at 5 am.
    I love to take my time to wake up then I work out and breakfast before to get ready for my day.
    I actually love to have a routine. I think it helps me a lot.
    Just like you I love breakfast and take the time to eat my breakfast. It’s definitely my favorite meal of the day.
    And during my childhood my parents never force me to make my bed so I never did but then I met my husband and he told me something he learnt from someone. This someone told him even if you have a bad day having your bed made when you go to sleep can totally change your mood when you go to sleep.
    And I loved this idea so now I always make my bed and It really affects my mood if my bed is not made haha.

    • Thanks for your visit, Margot!

      I see that our habits are pretty similars and that we try to focus on the same activities, cause breakfast is also my favorite meal of the day (probably because it mixs sweet and salty things haha).

      Hope you’re having a lovely spooky season!

  • I actually removed breakfast from my daily routine since 1) I never wake up early enough for it (oops) and 2) I’m trying to fast for 16 hours for health management, but I agree that having a quiet meal, or maybe even just 10-15 minutes of quiet time with tea when you get up, is so uplifting! I don’t make my bed (another oops) but I really should attempt to do it!

    • Hey thanks for stopping by!

      Hahaha I used to avoid breakfast many years ago, back at university. But now it is something that I really enjoy.

      Anyway I think it is good to change routines and see what works best for you 🙂

  • Hola Pablo, how you doin’?
    Here, despite that the temperatures suddendly dropped, there is still a nice weather and pretty warm days to enjoy.
    Guess that the situation is similar there in Spain: this is the perfect moment to play with fashion, isn’t it? and to go out and show our most whinìmsical ensamble!^^

    Anyway, let’s pass to the topic of the day!
    Despite I consider myself a morning person, I really hate when I have to wake up before a certain hour (7.30-8.00 am): regardless the number of hours I’ve slept, I feel like wanting to sleep more…
    Your idea of creating some good habits to enjoy that moment (despite that all you want is just to go back to the bed), is very brilliant: in fact I follow a simlar routine too (I think that a good routine is always of great help in stressful situations).
    Especially taking few moments for myself , doing my breakfast with calm, and a good organization of the day ahead are essentials to me: to start the day without anxiety and too much stress.
    If I can, I even try to found an hour to go running: to me it’s the best way to fully wake up and start the day with energy!^^

    As usual your ideas are very smart and of great help!
    Have an amzing week ahead, my friend!

    • Hey Silvia, doing good! I’d say the weather report is very similar here, so time to play with fashion and trends 😉

      As usual it is so lovely to read your opinions, you always leave me thinking about new possibilities and it is so nice to see other perspectives of the topic.

      I see that we have similar habits and as you I try to enjoy the moment, a momenet of calm before stress or dealing with other tasks. I always look at your golden hour pic, it is a nice motivation to wake up a bit earlier and enjoy the sun!

      All the best ❤️

  • Excellent advice! I am not a morning person – more of a mid-morning person. LOL! But in any case having a nice routine does help to start your day on a positive note. I like the idea of doing something in the routine for a little self-care. I never did that when I was working. I think it would have made the routine nicer.


    • Thank you for checking out the post, Michelle!

      It doesn’t matter if you’re not a morning person, some people tend to be more productive at night and that’s good too as long as you get a proper rest!

      All the best, xx!

  • Hey Fungi!

    How are you? Is it getting cold in Madrid?
    Tokyo’s morning is very cold lately, but your fantastic morning routine makes me so warm:)

    I really love the phrase, “make your morning routine simple and romanticize your life” <3
    Two illustrations totally express it! That coffee cup is so cute in the first illustration, and the gif animation is really romantic! My morning routine for 15 minutes might be complex…because I get tired, hahaha.
    Thank you for your great post always, Fungi<3


    • Hey Akiko,

      I am in Barcelona and the weather here is really nice, nothing too cold, maybe just in the morning 🙂
      I hope you’re enjoying autumn in Tokyo, it must be magical!

      Thanks as usual for checking it out! I am happy to read that you found some inspiration while reading the blog post ❤️

  • This article came at the right time Pablo!! My morning routine has been all over the place lately, and I definitely need to find some structure again. Get up on time, having breakfast, relax a bit and get going with the day. I should definitely start the day before with that needs to get done, right now I’m just winging things as they’re happening. So thank you for the inspiration and ideas!! Hope you’re having a great week!! Xx

    • Hello Mia!

      Thank you so much for checking out the blog post 🙂

      I am super happy to read that you found this article in the right time! I see we have very similar routines, so if you have any other tip to improve my morning routine feel free to send me a message!

      Best, xx!

  • I’ve been travelling for the past month so all of my habits have gone completely out of whack, so this post came just at the perfect time!

    Having breakfast each morning is such an important thing, and yet, I feel as though a lot of people don’t value how important it is. Even if I don’t have time for breakfast, I find that grabbing a couple bananas and peanut butter works a dream. Planning the day in advance is another thing that I find to be especially useful, although I tend to do it in my head just before I fall asleep, if I have no meetings or the like booked. Although sometimes, it doesn’t work like that – last night I made plans to go ice-skating, but this morning, all I want to do is is vibe at home and work on my computer lol. Still, there’s always tomorrow!

    • Hello Amy, I am so happy to see you here once again! Thanks for checking out the post.

      I imagine being a traveler could be really tricky when it comes to keep track of habits. But I would love to experience that too 🙂

      I know, breakfast could really change the mood of the wholeday. As you well said just a simple combo like bananas and peanut butter is good enough to boost our mood!

      Thanks again for stopping by ❤️

    • Ooooh sorry to hear that Avi 🙁

      Hope you can find some rituals (even small rituals) to bright up the routine.

  • Hey Fungi,

    I love this and totally agree with your morning tips. I also enjoy having everything in order and set and clean so I can start the day fresh and productive. I actually became a morning person this year and that completely changed my life in a good way.

    Hope you’re having a happy autumn season! Greetings from Vegas!

    • Hello Radi, thank you so much for checking out the blog post!

      I see that we have similar habits and routines, if you have something interesting to share… let me know!

  • This is such a wonderful post, Pablo. I am really not a morning person and I struggle having mornings that are productive without being rushed or lazy. I love the tip about slowing down to eat breakfast. I’m always in a bad mood on days when I have to eat quickly before leaving. I love making the bed to start the day too!


    • Thanks for your lovely comment Jill 🙂

      I used to hate mornings back in the day, when I was studying uni. But nowadays I feel like there’s something magical in mornings 🙂

  • Romanticize your mornings as much as possible! Así o más claro? De hecho acaba de hacer la cama, ya prendí las velas que me gustan, y me estoy tomando mi cafecito mientras escribo esto. La verdad, las mañanas me encantan y se me hacen super mágicas! Es un placer leer tu blog, Pablo! Have a great rest of your week!
    PerlaGiselle |
    ♥ | 

    • That quote is fascinating, Perlita…. “Romanticize your mornings as much as possible!” Thanks for sharing it! ❤️

      Yo también encuentro algo súper mágico en las mañanas, esta mañana fui temprano a la playa y me cambió el mood del día 🙂

  • It was interesting to read about your morning routine. I think that having a solid routine in place is so important since it can set you up for the rest of the day and determine whether it will go well or not. I agree that making the bed is such a great morning habit. I will actually not let myself leave the bedroom before doing that. And I love what you said about romanticizing your mornings as much as possible. I am a morning person and doing that may make me enjoy morning even more 🙂
    Your artwork is lovely btw!

    • Hey Rowen, thank you so much for stopping by 🙂

      Hope to see you soon again in an upcoming post and thanks for your lovely compliments too!