Mientras escribo este post me he asegurado de consumir una taza de té matcha 100% orgánico con leche de coco ecológica, en una posición de yoga lo suficientemente erguido para salir bien en una foto que subiré en unas horas a mi perfil./ While I write this post about morning routines I’ve made sure to consume a cup of 100% organic matcha tea with coconut milk, in a yoga position straight enough to look well in a photo I’ll share with you in a few hours.


Seguro te has dado cuenta de la obsesión por las rutinas de mañana de emprendedores y personas exitosas (ese término me sigue causando más dudas que el final de Inception) que sigue creciendo y pareciera que ningún buen hábito se puede cocer después de las 7 am, pero creo que levantarse religiosamente temprano no es la única manera de impulsar tu productividad. Tal vez te guste leer un libro, tomar un break en el parque o comerte ese snack saludable a media mañana. Tal vez tu agenda es un poco más convencional y el trabajo de 9 a 6 no te permite tantas libertades, pero obtienes otros momentos de motivación por la tarde./ I’m sure you have noticed the obsession with morning routines by entrepreneurs and successful people (whatever it means) that continues to grow and it seems that no good habit can be cultivated after 7 am, but I think that getting up early is not the only way to boost your productivity. You might like to read a book at a certain hour, take a break in the park or eat that healthy snack. Maybe your schedule is a bit more conventional and a 9 to 6 job doesn’t allow you so many free moments, so you get your motivation in the afternoon.

Estas rutinas de mañana se venden como la solución para encaminar nuestras carreras a la cumbre, pero algunas parecieran estar pensadas para hacer sentir mal a otros acerca de como llevan sus vidas profesionales. Una búsqueda rápida en Google arroja muchos resultados: celebridades, influencers y entrepeneurs que equiparan una cuenta de banco rebosante con el ser zen, con una lista de consejos que suelen ser siempre los mismos: alarma antes de las 6 am, no ver el email, hacer el ejercicio de moda, beber un smoothie exótico y trabajar hasta dejar 0 mails sin leer, todo esto pretendiendo ser un boss entrepreneur que habla poco sobre los fallos o sobre lidiar con asuntos más mundanos como lavar la ropa, perseguir facturas o pasear al perro./ These morning routines are sold as the solution to lead our careers to the top, but some seem to be designed to make others feel bad about how they lead their professional lives. A quick Google search yields many results: celebrities, influencers and entrepeneurs that equate an overflowing bank account with the Zen being, with a list of tips that are always always the same: set your alarm before 6 am, avoid checking your email, do the trendy exercise, drink an exotic smoothie and work until your hit inbox zero, all of this pretending to be the successful entrepreneur boss who talks little about failures or on how to deal with more mundane issues such as washing clothes, chasing bills or walking your dog.


¿Has intentado seguir la rutina de algún famoso? Yo sí y tratar de encajar mis hábitos con la versión exitosa de alguien más es frustrante y no funciona. En un intento por alcanzar mi versión más glamourosa olvidé que para crear mi rutina de mañana necesitaba tomar en cuenta mis necesidades específicas, mis hobbies y las metas que quiero alcanzar. Por ejemplo, conozco a un amigo que tiene su negocio propio y le va bien despertarse a las 10 am, pero a cambio trabaja mucho los fines de semana. ¿Yo haría lo mismo? Tal vez no, mis horas más productivas son las de la mañana. ¿Mi amigo está mal? No. ¿Mi rutina es mejor? Tampoco./ Have you tried following a celebrity’s morning routines? I did and trying to fit my habits with the successful version of someone else is frustrating and it doesn’t work. In an attempt to reach my most glamorous version I forgot that to create the morning routine I needed to take into account my specific needs, my hobbies and the goals I want to achieve. For example, I know a friend who runs his own business and he likes to wake up at 10 am, but in return he works a lot during weekends. I would do the same? Maybe not, my most productive hours are in the morning. Is my friend wrong? No. Is my routine better? Neither.

Lo que tal vez los emprendedores de éxito han olvidado decirnos es que no siempre han tenido la misma rutina de mañana y que ésta se fue formando con los años a base de prueba y error. Muchos de esos emprendedores ahora cuentan con una oficina y un equipo que les apoya contestando mails o haciendo tareas pequeñas pero que quitan tiempo, mientras ellos se ocupan de delegar y de otras tareas importantes./ Maybe successful entrepreneurs have forgotten to tell us that they have not always had the same morning routines and that those habits are cultivated over the years based on trial and error. Many of these entrepreneurs now have an office and a team that supports them by replying emails or doing small but necessary tasks, while they are in charge of delegating and working on big commissions.

No hay que casarse con una sola rutina de mañana y mucho menos si es propuesta por alguna celebridad de internet, enfócate en crear un esquema propio que funcione para ti a base de prueba y error, crea un hábito de mañana que te ayude a llevar tu día de la mejor manera. Lo que a mí me está funcionando en lo que va del año es intentar modificar pequeños hábitos, prueba y error, por ejemplo:/ Do not follow a single routine tomorrow and much less if it is proposed by an Internet celebrity, focus on creating your own scheme that works for you habits, go on trial and error, create a morning habit that helps you carry your day in the best way. What is working for me so far this year is trying to modify small habits, for example:

1) Decidí contestar los mails por la tarde, después de sufrir el letargo de la comida, en vez de hacerlo a primera hora de la mañana y ponerme a merced de todo el mundo./ 1) I decided to reply emails in the afternoon, after suffering the lethargy caused by my meal, instead of doing it first thing in the morning and putting myself available for everyone.

2) Prefiero ver Instagram después de desayunar, decidí que no quería llenarme la cabeza con las inquietudes, ideas, preocupaciones y deseos de otras personas sin siquiera terminarme el café./ 2) I prefer to check Instagram after breakfast, I decided that I didn’t want to fill my head with other people’s concerns, ideas and wishes without even finishing my coffee.

3) Enfocarme en un máximo de tres tareas importantes, evitar la saturación tanto como pueda (a veces es imposible, pero lo intento)./ 3) Focus on a maximum of three important tasks, avoid saturation as much as I can (sometimes it is impossible, but I try).

4) Un poco de ejercicio para activarme (cardio o pesas), porque intenté hacer yoga a regañadientes y estrenarme por llegar temprano a una clase no parece la cosa más consecuente./ 4) A little exercise to activate my body (cardio or weights), because I tried to reluctantly do yoga and it didn’t work since I was stressed to arrive on time to the class, 0% consequent.


Por cierto, si sirve de algo para decidir como mejorar tu rutina de mañana, encontré este estudio que menciona que hay una “ventana” de dos o tres horas después de levantarte en la que eres un 30% más productivo. Por ejemplo, si te levantas a las 7 am, tu momento más productivo sería entre las 8 am y las 11 am. Identifica este rango de horas y pon aquí las actividades más importantes. Cultiva tu rutina de mañana semana a semana, intenta nuevas cosas y si tienes un sistema que ya te funciona, ¿por qué cambiarlo por el del entrepreneur de moda?/ By the way, if it helps to decide how to improve morning routines, I found this research that mentions that there is a “window” of two or three hours after waking up in which you are 30% more productive. For example, if you wake up at 7 am, your most productive time would be between 8 am and 11 am. Identify this range of hours and put here the most important activities. Grow your morning routine week by week, try new things and if you have a system that already works for you, why change it to the one proposed by the trendiest entrepreneur?

Pero bueno, no voy a pretender que mi rutina de mañana es perfecta, que mi agenda se cumple al 100% cada día y que mis objetivos semanales son siempre alcanzados. Hay días en los que lo único que quiero es un pastel de chocolate, ver una película de Disney, comprarme una revista bonita y encender una vela de Diptyque. Hay una que otro mimo que de vez en mes viene bien para sobrevivir./ But well, I’m not going to pretend that my morning routine is perfect, that my agenda is 100% fulfilled every day and that my weekly goals are always achieved. There are days when all I want is a chocolate cake, watch a Disney movie, buy me a nice magazine and light a Diptyque candle. There is an occasional pampering that comes well sometimes to survive.

Disclaimer: Tengo un amigo que ha mentido sobre la taza de té matcha ecológico…. está bien, el amigo soy yo./ Disclaimer: I have a friend who has lied about the cup of organic matcha tea…. Ok, the friend is me.

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  • Such a great post! I couldn’t agree with you more. Not everything works for everyone. Most mothers, for example, cannot have the ‘ideal’ morning routine because they tend to wake up when their kids to and tending to their needs is the most important thing, especially if they are infants. I wake up at different hours depending on when I go to work. I don’t really have a morning routine. I do like to enjoy my cup of coffee in peace and quiet so I tend to get up half an hour earlier because of that- but I don’t get up at a fixed hour. Sometimes I get up at 6 am, sometimes at 5 am, sometimes at 8 or even 9 or 10 am.
    Getting up as early as possible has been romanticized as the best thing to do. However, an entrepreneur and a regular person who works 9 to 5 cannot really be compared. An entrepreneur might get his power nap in the afternoon, a regular person can’t. Moreover, not everyone can or goes to bed early. I go to bed early only if I’m sick or something. Some people are night owls and are most productive at night. One of my students told me she studies only during the night and sleeps during the day, mostly in the afternoon. She has top grades so obviously it works for her.

      • Hey Ivana, hope everything is going good in these weird times!

        Thanks for your feedback and for sharing your routine with me and good luck with everything these days 🙂

  • I have to say I am more then a little tired of these posts where people say Oh do this morning routine and you will be as successful as Anna Wintaur etc. Over simplified click bait if you ask me. They never talk about two other things: 1) All the hard work that does on all day by said successful people, and 2) The second more import reason: GOOD LUCK. That is one thing almost no one in the first world likes to admit to, random good luck, or who knows maybe it is not random. But either way it is the random good luck breaks that is often they key to many successful people that you know about. There are just as many or actually MORE people who work just as hard but don’t experience these random good luck breaks. No one really knows why, I guess that is why religion was invented. To explain away what is “not fair”.

    But yes I do think getting up earlier then later can be more productive. Will you have lots of good luck? Who knows, but you will be more productive at least by having more productive time in the day.

    For me it always amazes me when people do all these other things before they eat breakfast. Not me lol. I have low blood sugar and I eat breakfast within 30-40 minutes of getting up, after a 20 minute yoga stretch. 🙂

    Allie of

    • Hahaha thanks for your comment Allie! In the end every profile is different and good luck is definitely a factor to consider when you see other morning routines, especially those proposed by famous people 🙂

      Stay safe!

  • Hahahahaha, you’re so fun Pablo! The last period made me laug alone!
    Anyway, how are you, dear? Hope your week’s going great! Here we are in quarantine for coronavirus, but really I took it like an half vacation, i’m improving my yoga skills, doing face masks and reading alot these days!^^
    But talking about morning routines, here is a huge fan of it!^^ I wake up every day at 6, smoothie, go running for 12 km, beauty routine, big breakfast and start working! This could sound as hell but works really well for me, and went very natually with time, so I guess that everyone is different and should find it’s own routine.
    For ex. I’m the kind of person who easily wake up early in the morning but in I’d never stay awake until the 2 of night scrolling socials, if I don’t go out, at 22 I’m sleepy yet! At the contrary my best friend loves to stay awake and work during the night and sleep until the noon, and she’s totally ok with it!
    I don’t check my mails before luchtime, when my work is yet started and well organized, while it’s the first thing for the major part of people I know… I mean, everyone has different timing and focus time, so the best thing should be that everybody find the own and follow it, despite science and influencers! 🙂

    • Hahaha thanks for your visit dear Silvia!

      Hope you manage to improve some of your skills and habits in this quarantine days. Are you still running in these weird times? Actually exercising is something that really cheers me up and makes me forget about all this madness.

      Stay safe!

  • Amazing post like always.
    I think I always start my comments to tell you how much I love my illustrations but this is true I really love your illustrations. You’re so talented !
    I also think I’m more productive in the morning but at the same time I take forever to wake up good. I think I should use your tip and not open my instagram before breakfast. Maybe it’ll help to get up faster.
    But what works good for me is to work out every week days. Even if I’m lazy after It makes me really energic for the rest of the day and I love to take my time to have my breakfast since it’s my favorite time of the day.
    But during the week ends I have no energy and just like you I just want to watch Disney movies in the morning. 🙂
    Oh and the disclaimer at the end of your article is so funny haha !

    • Hey Margot, thank you for the good vibes!

      Oooh I am so jelly by your skills creating clothes! Thanks for the compliments, I’ll ask you about sewing tips in the future, so if you need any advice about illustration and drawing just let me know!

      And I feel the same about exercise…. I like to work out in the morning and then I feel that my day is way more productive 🙂

  • Fungi! Tu post me hizo pensar en la rutina matutina y la presión que a veces implica… Es horrible sentir que desde que despiertas te sientes super presionado por hacer mil cosas, me ha constado tiempo encontrar lo que mejor funciona para mi, pero al fin me siento satisfecho de alcanzar a hacer pendientes importantes antes de salir a la oficina y no llegar a casa en la tarde-noche a hacer mil cosas.

    Super buen tip no ver insta / correos / whatsapp en el desayuno! Si pasa que en tu primer gustito del dia hacemos a nuestra mente trabajar demás entre stories o tweets,.. Tu impacto! Lo voy a implementar.

    • ¡Gracias Adán! Es terrible que desde que suena el despertador ya llega la presión de ser una working girl de éxito, pero creo que sea cual sea debe haber un ritual que te ayude a sobrellevar el día de mejor manera 😉

      No ver Instagram hasta después del café me ha funcionado, al menos no me llena de un montón de ideas antes de siquiera empezar a ver que pasará con mi día jeje.

  • It is so interesting how many people are obsessed with mimicking the lives of famous successful people in hopes of achieving the same results. I have never done it, but I can see why this come become stressful in the long run. My ideal morning routine is only possible when my husband is not traveling because I can workout and work on my blog in peace while he stays with Luna, but this is never consistent. Me encantó este post un millón! Un abrazote!
    PerlaGiselle |

    • Hahaha you made me laugh Perlita! And unfortunately I don’t have the same resources like Gwyneth Paltrow.

      Keep safe dear!

  • Hahah first when I read about your organic matcha tea I was like, naaah he can’t be serious, he must be joking or he’s actually one of those people who try really hard at following trends and being perfect. So I was quite happy to see that you were joking indeed 😉 I’ve been trying to adjust my morning routine lately. My new routine is to do 15-20 min of stretching and meditation before eating breakfast. I haven’t been succesful every morning but I’ve done it more mornings than not the past months, so it’s something! But yeah, it’s so weird that so much focus is centered to the mornings and waking up super early. I partly get it, but still – I don’t think people should stress out too much if they did 30 min of extra sleep instead of matcha tea and yoga one morning.

    Thank you for this article Pablo, it was so interesting to read especially as I know all about the entrepreneurs and coaches who talk about “winning the morning”. Gotta stop following them on youtube, lol! /Mia, Xx

    • Haha hey Mia, thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to leave a comment 🙂

      Ooh thanks for reminding me that stretching after waking up is crucial! I’ll try to remember it!

      Keep safe and all the best for you !

  • Hola, comencé a leerte hace poco y sólo quería decirte que lo disfruto mucho, tu estilo de contar las cosas es ligera y entretenida ♡

    Para mí es muy difícil definir mi rutina, porque suelo levantarme a distintas horas, y lo detesto pero es un hábito que no he podido cambiar, pero dependiendo la hora de levantarme, me preparo el desayuno tranquilamente y tomo mi cafecito, juego con mi perrita y ya después me pongo a trabajar. Tomaré en cuenta el dato sobre las primeras 3 horas más productivas y quizá cambie algunas cosas.
    Creo que cada quien va estableciendo su propia rutina, aunque para otros resulten un tanto locas, pero a cada quien le funcionan dependiendo lo que hagan o a qué se dediquen.

    Un saludo enorme, ten un buen día.

    • ¡Hola Azucena! Qué linda, muchísimas gracias por visitarme y me alegra que los posts te sirvan y te alegren un poquito el día ❤️

      Yo creo que no hay rutina mala y siempre se pueden ir haciendo ajustes e intentar cosas nuevas… ¿Qué es lo peor que puede pasar si no te funciona? 🙂

      Abrazos y cuídate!

  • You nailed it when you said not everything works for everyone. I think we all need to find what works for us and then stick to it and change it up when something no longer works. I find I am more productive in the morning. Though I don’t always stick to this and those days I end up starting later than I should are always the days I find myself rushing and never finishing what I need to on time. I have to admit I do love to read about people’s routines. There is something fascinating about it to me. Sometimes I’ll take one or two points and try to incorporate it into my own. I’m not really sure what is better, early morning starts or late nighters. I’ve seen so many conflicting studies over the years saying early birds really do get more done. Then another saying night owls are more productive. It’s all so confusing but I think the key is you know what is right for you at the end of the day and to just do what works. I do think a little exercise is important too!


    • Thanks for your kind comment Sonia! I think each profile is different and we can always try something different ’till we build the perfect morning routine for us, not the one that works for an influencer.

      Hope you get the time to achieve all of your resolutions! 😉


  • Hey Fungi,

    So interesting how someone else’s morning routine most likely won’t work for you. I think there is no right or wrong routine… it’s whatever makes you happy and feeling more productive. I don’t have much of a morning routine because here in Vegas I’m used to going to be late and waking up a bit late, so no breakfast straight to brunch. hahaha

    Have a great new week,

  • Pablo, ¿habrá un post tuyo que no me saque risas? ¡Lo dudo!

    Mi naturaleza tiende a hacer rutinas, llegar al trabajo acomodar todo en mi escritorio y dedicarme la primera hora de la mañana en la oficina a leer noticias, ver blogs o actualizarme un poco en el mundo de los blogs, claro a esta serie de eventos le agregamos ir o preparar mi café. Durante lo que sigue del día me enfoco en mis deberes y tomo un par de descansos para comer un snack o darle scroll down a mi feed. No quiero tener un burn out de mi trabajo y aunque yo si requiero de rutinas para sentirme o estar más productiva, de vez en cuando no me cae mal el…voy a salir a caminar, o haré ejercicio a media tarde o dos capítulos más del libro.

    He intentado hacer las rutinas de varios vloggers, sobre todo en la cuestión de skin care o de journaling pero poco a poco voy descifrando que me sirve y que no. Amo correr a las 7 am pero ya irme a las 5am como los líderes de grandes empresas me parece innecesario o al menos en mi caso me viene bien más horas de beauty sleep hahah:P.

    ¡Un abrazo pablo!

    • ¡Ay Bibi…. gracias por tus cumplidos!

      Yo también necesito empezar el día con mi escritorio bonito, o al menos con todo organizado porque si no no me puedo concentrar.

      Y te entiendo perfectamente, de vez en cuando viene bien hacer algo diferente…. no se puede tener siempre todo bajo control y cambiar la rutina es esencial para no caer en la monotonía.

      ¡Abrazos de vuelta!

  • Hey Fungi!

    Lovely self portrait doodle in those collage arts and interesting writing!!
    I couldn’t wake up same time every morning.
    Sometimes I think that I am traveling foreign country, sometimes I am not happy with myself.
    Recently I am anxious about different my morning , but your post makes me happy 🙂

    I agree “Focus on a maximum of three important tasks” !!
    It is hard for me to narrow down the options, but I will try it again.
    I really love the last sentence, too<3


    • Hey Akiko, as usual thanks for your compliments 🙂
      It is good to heart that it was useful for you 😉

  • Great post here, Pablo! I am a daytime person, I try to be as productive as I can before the sun goes down (because so will my brain – it just wants to relax in the evening hah). Personally speaking, I find that procrastination is my worst enemy. Even if I wake up at 8 am, but then get sucked into a loop of checking my Instagram feed or chatting to a friend in a different time zone, by the time I put my phone down it is 10 am already. I guess my point is – it is best to know what slows you down and eliminate every distraction. It is a bit more difficult now under home quarantine, because as a swimmer – I miss exercising in water. It always helped me stay alert early in the morning. I will have to find a new way to de-stress and refocus while I spend so much of my work/life time at home. We all need a routine that works best for us, not someone else online. Hope you are doing well xx


    • Thank you for visiting Naya!

      I also prefer to work with sunlight, natural light is such a good booster and i feel more creative in the morning 🙂

  • That’s so interesting that there’s a window after waking up where you’re 30% more productive – I can completely understand that! I have been self-isolating for the past couple of days but there hasn’t been a routine, which I think has led to each day blending into one and me not really getting anything done. Starting from tomorrow, however, I’m going to wake up and work for three hours, then have breakfast and a break, followed by some yoga, then do some more work, then go for a walk through the building, and then have the rest of the day to do creative stuff that makes me feel better, such as painting.

    I hope that you’re staying safe during this coronavirus outbreak, and are feeling well. I have a friend in Badajoz who is really struggling with the quarantine, and my old au pair family is in Madrid which they don’t think is a great place to be holed up in a little apartment building. I hope that Spain is treating you better!

    Have a good weekend!

    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

    • Hey Amy! Thanks for visiting and for your kind message. Hope these tips are useful for you 😉

      Painting is definitely a good way to isolate your mind for a few minutes, it really works!

      And I’m doing good! The situation is really chaotic and the future is unpredictable but at least I can work from home.

      All the best and keep safe!

  • I have also found that I’m a lot more productive in the mornings – and I am a morning person, too, so I guess that also helps. I have tried celebrity workouts but honestly I hate them! I really miss my gym because I had a perfect routine, and it’s been hard to incorporate it into quarantine life. But I think I’m going to work out a personalised workout schedule – after all, I have a lot of spare time now!

    How is the quarantine treating you? I hope you are well!

    amy x

    • Hey Amy,

      Good to know you discovered that! Celebrities tips are nos useful for me most of the time, I prefer tips from bloggers, friends and micro influencers 🙂

      And I’m doing well! I’ve been busy so luckily I haven’t felt bored. Hope you’re doing great too!