Últimamente intento que el contenido de mi blog sea atemporal, que pueda ser de ayuda o un recurso inspirador a pesar del tiempo. Tenía muchas dudas sobre si debía hablar de… cof, cof…. el monotema. No puedo aportar mucha información científica sobre el Corona Virus y creo que ya hay datos suficientes en los medios (por favor verifica y no compartas de más) que insisten en la importancia de quedarse en casa y en que te laves las manos al ritmo del coro de “Oops I did it again” de Britney Spears./ Lately I’m trying to make timeless content for this blog, helpful or inspiring resources despite the time. I had many doubts about whether I should talk about…. cough cough…. the topic. I cannot provide much scientific information about the Corona Virus and I think that there is already enough data in the media (please check and do not overshare) that insist on the importance of staying indoors and on how to wash your hands to the rhythm of Britney Spears’ “Oops I did it again”.


Millones de opiniones se cuecen en redes sociales y el bombardeo de información más que algo bueno parece una maldición. Espero este post te sea útil, independiente de que lo leas por el Corona Virus (que nos arruinó los planes de Primavera a todos), estés en casa esperando un paquete, tengas poco dinero para salir o simplemente estés agotado del ruido diario./ Millions of opinions are popping on social media and the bombardment of information seems like a curse sometimes. I hope this post is useful to you, regardless of whether you read it: in quarantine due to the Corona Virus (which ruined Spring plans for all of us), or if you are indoors waiting for a package, or if you have little money to go out or if you’re simply exhausted from the daily noise.


Apagar el teléfono incluso en momentos de aislamiento trae tantos beneficios, y es que en Internet hay una agenda de la optimización y la eficiencia personal que nunca para y que pareciera castigar a aquellos que nos queremos tomar un break y nada más. No pasa nada si no te unes al live de Instagram o no haces un curso online. Lee la novela que comenzaste hace dos meses, vuelve a ver la serie de televisión con la que creciste en los 90 o túmbate en el sofá a ver las grietas del techo./ Turning off the phone even in moments of staying indoors brings so many benefits, the Internet has an optimization and personal efficiency agenda that never stops, it seems to punish those of us who want to take a break indoors by doing nothing for a little while. It does not matter if you don’t join an Instagram live or an online course. Read the novel you started two months ago, rewatch the 90s TV show you grew up with, or lie on the couch to see the cracks of your ceiling.


Seguro hay películas o series de televisión consideradas “clásicos” que no has visto. Piensa en lo que nunca has podido ver por culpa del ajetreo diario y adelante, así cuando alguien en una reunión saque a colación “Lo que el viento se llevó”, podrás dar una opinión sustanciosa./ There are movies or TV shows considered “classic” that you have not watch. Pick one you have never been able to watch due to the daily hustle, then if someone in a meeting talks about “Gone with the wind”, you’ll be able to give a substantial opinion.


Mucha gente te dirá que hacer yoga es lo ideal, otros que una mascarilla y alguno insistirá en que “La magia del orden de Marie Kondo” cambiará tu vida. No importa tu elección, pero elige algo que tenga la magia de aislarte por un minuto de todo lo demás. A mí, dibujar y bailar me aíslan totalmente./ Many people will tell you that doing yoga is the perfect choice, others prefer a sheet mask and some will insist that “The magic of the order of Marie Kondo” will change your life. Choose something that has the magic of isolating you for a minute from everything else. Drawing and dancing are my choice when I want to block reality.


Si después de situaciones como ésta no hacemos una reflexión, nos merecemos el Apocalipsis. Pero si te ha tocado quedarte en casa por no tener dinero para gastar, puedes pensar en modificar tus hábitos de consumo, en cómo aportar algo de valor en el futuro con tu trabajo o en un plan para volverte millonario como la Rosalía./ If after a situation like this, we decided to go on as if nothing had happened, we deserve the Apocalypse. But if you have had to stay indoors because there’s no money to spend, you can think about modifying your consumption habits, or on how to contribute with something valuable in the future with your work or you can devise a plan to become a millionaire, just like La Rosalía.


Hace tiempo hablé en ESTE POST sobre las grandes ventajas del aburrimiento. ¿Por qué incluso en tiempos de descanso tenemos que estar en una vorágine de producción 24/7? No pasa nada por tener un momento de quietud pensando en algo como el susto que se ha de haber llevado la primera persona que escuchó a un loro hablar./ A few months ago I wrote THIS POST about the great advantages of boredom. Why even in times of rest, there is a pressure to be productive 24/7? There’s nothing wrong with having a moment of stillness thinking about something like, what happened to the first person who heard a parrot speaking? Did he or she got scared?

PS: Si necesitas algo (excepto papel de baño) estoy por aquí o por Instagram./ If you need anything (except toilet paper) just tell me here or on Instagram. Stay safe indoors!

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  • So many great points here. I was laid off 2.5 years ago from my magazine job, my UE ran out after 6 months and I have been living off savings and some contract jobs. In fact I found two freelance gigs right before the outbreak that more or less dried up. It is scary how long term the economic impact could be and where this could lead. Not good. I often think of moving to Paris maybe an English tutor to children and have a simple quite life. When I was in Paris for FW this past fall I ran in to a women from the states she was staying with a friend who lived in an area on the RER right outside Paris. She was astonished that her friend was paying $600 for the flat which she said was decent. Why was she astonished? Because there is NO WHERE in the U.S where one can pay $600 for rent. I was paying $600 a month in rent in 2001 in Seattle.

    Today this apartment is around $1800 a month though salaries have not budged much for many people. They say %70 of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and this in a supposed “booming” economy…#fakenews. So I feel like this country is very much on the edge. I hope it all ends well. But Paris still calls me lol.

    I hope things are well with you. I hope your work was not too impacted. I hope things go well in your country. And let us all pray this crisis ends sooner then later.

    • Hi Allie, thank you so much for stopping by! I also appreciate that you opened your heart about this strange situation we’re all facing.

      I think this definitely a good time to set up our priorities and to devise new ways of diversify our work in order to grow not only financially, but personally 🙂

      All the best for you,

  • Hi, lately I´ve been seen your comments on every blog, I am glad I have decided to check out your page, it´s great!
    Stay safe at home, I hope coronavirus will go away soon

  • This is such a great post – I love the idea of going back to basics and consuming content in original ways! I’m so with you on dancing and drawing, but also on the importance for stillness. Sometimes, it’s so good to take a moment and ground yourself. Thanks for sharing <3

    // xx

    • yes! I have watched a lot of movies and tv shows I used to love in my childhood 🙂

      keep safe! thanks for visiting tho ❤️

  • Hola Pablo! es verdad. Llevamos por aquí casi un mes de cuarentena y ya no queremos oír más del tema. Sólo vemos cifras desalentadoras, así que hemos estado buscando entretenernos haciendo otras cosas. Siempre dentro de casa claro! En lo personal soy una amante de la tranquilidad y tener mis momentos de no hacer nada, pero nunca estamos conformes verdad? vamos a ver que sacamos en limpio de todo esto. Un Beso y buenas energías! nos cuentas como te queda la pizza!

    • Gracias por pasarte Carmen, la verdad es que yo intento ver noticias muy poquito… 1 o 2 veces al día como mucho, porque si no me vuelvo loco.

      Te cuento cuando haga la pizza! Espero poder conseguir los ingredientes que me faltan, por lo pronto ya tengo para la masa 🙂

  • Hey Pablo? How you doin?
    This is all so surreal, isn’t it? but I hope you manage to keep your good mood despite everything. This is very improtant!
    Anyway, after 2 weeks of lockdown I can say that at the everything change pretty quickly staying at home all day long, everyday.
    I mean, at the start you pass from “i’m gonna fill my day with everything I’ve never found time to do” to “All I want is to go out!!”, then you start spending all your day among Netflix and socials, but in few days you get tired of it , so you slowly start doin things, pretty randomly like cooking or doing beauty things or tyding… and then you tend on concentrate on only 2 or 3 and keep on doing happily them avery day.
    In short in about a week you’ve got a brand new routine. And I bet everyone has its own, (re-?) discovering own passions and inclinations!
    For example, since I was used to go running and do work out every day except week end, I’ve organized a gym at home and started a yoga program (other than a crossfit program to do at home), and i have to say that I totally love it! Now every morning I start my day with at least 1 hour of yoga!
    And I’m finaally reading a lot! With calm!
    The most right point among all tose you’ve listed here is to turning of the phone! Really it can be overwhelmed in this moment: messages and calls at every moment!
    Once you try to turn it off, even for a couple of hours, it’s very life-changing!
    Anyway, very smart and helpful tips, my dear friend, and I love the close ups of your interiors: your home seems to be very modern and stylish!
    Stay safe stay healthy and stay strong, sending you all my good vibes!

    • Hi Pablo. I’ve been so busy with online school, learning to work in new programmers and making 100 lessons plans scenarios for 10 different situations (for we never know what will happen next), worrying about my pupils and what will happen, that I hardly had the time to worry or to notice that I’m in self- isolation….but your points are absolutely brilliant. I do agree that it is important to turn out our phones and news and focus on little things and rituals that bring us joy. Taking the time to study or pursue a new hobby is a fantastic option, too. I want to congratulate you on such a beautiful art and article. Thank you for sharing. Stay safe!

      • Hey Ivana, thanks for stopping by! Actually I saw your mention to my post in your site and can’t thank you enough!

        Take care and read a lot 🙂

    • Hello dear Silvia, your comments always make me smile and I really appreciate that you take the time to read and comment my posts ❤️

      And yes! I’m experiencing what you mentioned in this comment, my routines has changed from the first and second week, now I’m having a struggle to concentrate, but hopefully I’ll manage to keep my good humor, taking into account that I love my home but wouldn’t mind to walk the streets for a few minutes haha!

      All the best for you!

  • We’re approaching some really scary times and it is so imperative people follow good hygiene and stay indoors. But it’s so hard when some of our leaders put out so many conflicting regulations. These industries must stay home but schools and shopping centres stay open. In Australia we’ve moved into stage 2 lock down which is merely hairdressers and beauty salons are now closed and businesses should be working from home. I don’t have the luxury with my job, I am out and about having to visit supermarkets. I have seen just how many people are cramming into stores and how NO ONE remembers to follow social distancing. You have no idea how angry I have been getting. I would love to be able to stay indoors and keep myself and my family from harms way but I don’t have that luxury. Firstly my employer is all “it’s business as usual” and likes to remind us how we are employed under a casual contract ie don’t turn to us for help. Unfortunately I can’t afford to tell them no, my health is a priority right now. I hate being out there, people walking into me and pushing me constantly. I really feel for supermarket workers who also have no choice and unlike me have to remain in that store for longer than an hour. It really upsets me to see so many people out and about. Especially today, after we were moved to stage 2 conditions, to see so many people at the shops and on the streets was so disheartening. And it is a slap in the face to those of us who must continue working. They’re putting our lives on the line unnecessarily too. It’s so sad that after the bushfires in Australia and seeing so many people here and overseas rallying in support yet no one can find the means or kindness to be considerate and respectful to others? We haven’t even began with this virus over in Australia. It will hit us BIG if people don’t start wising up.

    Stay safe

    • Hey Dear Sonia, hope you’re doing good even in these strange and weird times.

      I am sad to hear that the situation in Australia is taking this course, specially after the situation with the fires 🙁 I’d say this is a good time to think about our habits and the way we behave and we can add something valuable with our work right?

      All the best for you, keep safe as much as you can and try to add something valuable to other’s life in these hard situation.

  • Hey Fungi!

    Hope you’re doing well and are keeping safe.

    I know this spring is so uncertain and we all want to return to our normal lives but there is beauty in staying at home. I’ve been doing yoga a lot, meditating and listening to different podcasts to keep busy and sane. It feels great having time to do the things we enjoy the most!

    • Hola Radi! I’m glad to hear you’re doing good 🙂

      Listening podcast is such a great companion, specially if you’re working from home like me 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!

    I really love your blog! Your message is true, humorous, heartwarming, and beautiful! Those pieces of your home inspire me, so I would love to post about home on my blog 🙂

    A friend of mine gave me a DVD, “Gone with the wind” 20 years ago. Whenever I have a very bad problem, I remember that movie and play the theme song in my brain, hahaha.
    I didn’t know about La Rosalía, so I just watched her on YouTube. She is so cute<3 I am glad that I know about different people!

    Thank you for sharing your great collage arts, I was so moved by the last paragraph!! Stay safe <3


    • Hey Akiko!

      Your comments always put a smile on my face and I’m happy to read that they inspire you a little bit, specially in these weird days.

      Hope you’re able to discover new and old content in these lockdown days!

      Stay safe in Tokyo!

  • I always love to read your post.
    Lately It really works for me to try to not check the news too much in one day as it always make me more worry and stressed. And this last week I just wanted to do nothing and do my best to try to relax and stay in my bubble play animal crossing and watching Disney movies haha.
    And It’s so good to read your post and not feel guilty to not just want to be super energetic like we can see all over Instagram haha.
    Sometimes I think it’s just good to take the time to just relax, pick a classic book or watch a classic movie or just do some rituals like you said even if well right now we don’t really have the choice to do anything else. haha.
    And. I love all the red details in your decorations.

    • Hey Margot, happy to see you’re back and thank you so much for your compliments here and on IG!

      As you I try to check news as less as i can, maybe one or two times per day to focus my mind in the things i like and not only being panicked about the situation. As you watching Disney plus is my comfort zone for now haha!

      Let’s relax and enjoy some free hours, we can also stay away from the phone and nothing will happen 🙂

      All the best for you!


  • ¡Hola, que bueno leer esto!

    Mi primera semana en cuarentena la pasé sólo atiborrándome de información y torturándome viendo los números de muertes a causa del virus y casi entrando en pánico pensando en que mi familia podría contagiarse y sufrir lo peor, fue horrible. La siguiente semana decidí buscar buenas fuentes de información sobre el coronavirus y ya no estresarme más, sólo leer lo necesario, y me dediqué a ver películas y pude terminar varias series atrasadas, creo que eso fue bueno. Pero esta tercer semana me entró la ansiedad, porque no pude hacer muchas cosas “productivas” y ver cómo otros hacen cursos, aprenden x cosa nueva, etc, me desalentó un poco. Y leerte “No pasa nada por tener un momento de quietud” me ha ayudado. Creo que está bien pasar por esa crisis, de alguna manera es la parte de conocerte a ti mismo y aprender.
    Hace años ví Lo que el viento se llevó y me dieron muchas ganas de verla nuevamente.

    De verdad espero que estés bien y todos a tu alrededor, que salgamos victoriosos de esto. Un saludo a la distancia.

    • ¡Fungi! Vivo por el styling en rojo de tus fotos de interiores, pero más por el texto!

      Tu post es un respiro de tranquilidad entre toda la hiper productividad que se respira online… Mi primer semana de cuarentena fue de ver cosas nuevas, ahora estoy poniénd0me al dia con programas pendientes, mi momento feliz de esta temporada es el dedicarme (aun más) a mis plantas…. En definitiva necesitamos detener esa exigencia multi task que siempre nos acompaña, por que aunque ciertamente hay más tiempo libre las prioridades han cambiado y la mente no siempre está tan despejada como en “los días normales” para tener la concentración para hacer algo nuevo o algo muy grande…. No triunfará el que salga de esta cuarentena con hábitos y aprendizajes nuevos, si no quien este con tranquilidad mental.

      ¡Un abrazo Pablo!