Vi este video de Atherion empezando el 2023 y sentí como si ese contenido me estuviera hablando a mí expresamente. ¿Han experimentado esa sensación? En ese video, Atherion propone centrarse en esas metas que no son urgentes pero que si son importantes para el desarrollo personal: escribir esa novela, hacerte más tiempo para tu arte o hacer ejercicio o ver la lista de películas, etc…. una lista de cosas que si no se llevan a cabo no harán que se muera nadie, pero que si harán una diferencia en la manera en la que vivimos (y recordaremos) nuestras vidas. Sí, el dilema de querer hacer muchas cosas y no tener ganas es un muro con el que me he topado muchas veces./ I watched this video by Atherion in the first months of 2023 and I felt as if that content was speaking specifically to me. Have you experienced that feeling? In this video, Atherion proposes to focus on those goals that are not urgent but are important for you as a personal development: write a novel, make more time to make artor for exercise or watch that endless list of movies, etc… nobody will die if this list is not completed, but it will definitely make a difference in the way we live and remember our lives. Unfortunately I have run into this problem many times, the dilemma of wanting to do many things and not feeling like.

😶 Wanting to do many things and not feeling like 😶

Anhelamos hacer un montón de cosas, de hecho esas cosas realmente nos hacen genuina ilusión, pero no las llevamos a cabo por estar esperando al día en el que amanezcamos con las ganas y la energía para hacerlas…. sorpresa lamentablemente, ese día no llega. Este video apunta de hecho a la parte más dolorosa: incluso cuando tenemos tiempo de ocio o de sobra, terminamos haciendo algo que nos entretiene en el momento: exacto, scroll down infinito. Y en un par de años nadie va a decir “qué increíble, me acuerdo cuando pasé 4 horas viendo Instagram”. Sí, esa frase del video me dolió pero pude verme reflejado en el sentimiento de querer hacer muchas cosas y no tener ganas./ We long to do a lot of things, in fact those things genuinely excite us. But then we don’t jump into action because we are waiting for the day when we wake up with the energy to do them…. Unfortunately, that day never comes. This video actually points to the most painful part: even when we have free or spare time, we end up doing something that entertains us at the moment: exactly, infinita scroll down. And in a couple of years nobody is going to say “amazing, I remember when I spent 4 hours looking at Instagram”. Yes, that phrase in the video really hurt me, but I could see myself reflected in the strangeness  of wanting to do many things and not feeling like.

El placer de hacer cosas sólo porque si ya es muy bonito. Y si esas cosas que nacen de una pasión luego pueden integrarse a un crecimiento profesional o de otra categoría, qué mejor./ The pleasure of doing things just because it is already beautiful. And if those things that are born from a passion can later be integrated into professional growth or another category, that’s even better.

En lugar de recrearme en mis fallos (que seguramente aparecerán de vez en mes), comencé a apegarme a un plan para evitar esa especie de comida rápida mental y escarbar en las posibilidades de mi agenda para poder hacerme más tiempo para lo que realmente me apetece. Entendí que esperar el momento perfecto, el ambiente perfecto y el tener las herramientas perfectas no me iba a llevar a ningún lugar y que centrarse en este tipo de metas pequeñitas es tan importante para el autocuidado personal como cualquier otra meta que se suele etiquetar como “éxito”. / Instead of dwelling on my failures (which are sure to show up from time to time), I started sticking to a plan to avoid that kind of mental fast food and dig into possibilities in my schedule so I could make more time for what really matters to me. I understood that waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect environment and having the perfect tools was not going to get me anywhere. I realized that focusing on these types of tiny goals is just as important for personal self-care as any other goal that is usually labeled as “ success”.


Paso 1. Diferenciar lo urgente de lo importante / Step 1. Differentiate the urgent from the important

El paso más importante, donde identificamos lo urgente y lo importante y después una mezcla de cada categoría:/ The most important step, where we identify the urgent and the important and then a mix of each category:

– Cosas importantes y urgentes. / Important and urgent things.

– Cosas urgentes, pero no tan importantes que en el largo plazo no te van a aportar nada más: contestar mails, llamar al banco y dejar de posponer la lavandería./ And the most dangerous. Urgent, but not so important things that won’t bring you anything else in the long term: answering emails, calling the bank and stop postponing the laundry.

Cosas importantes, pero no urgentes y aquí entran todos esos placeres que quieres tener y que por no tener esa categoría de apremio terminan por irse al final de la agenda./ Important- but not urgent things, here are all those pleasures that you want to have and since they do not have that category of urgency, they end up going to the end of the planner.

– Y lo más peligroso, aquello que no es ni urgente ni importante, pero que por alguna razón terminamos priorizando en nuestros huecos de tiempo. No puedo evitar pensar en la cantidad de ocasiones en las que en vez de hacer algo de la categoría “importante pero no urgente, decidí scrollear “por sólo 5 minutos” que se terminaron convirtiendo en 1 hora./ And the most dangerous, things that are neither urgent nor important, but for some reason we end up prioritizing them in our time slots. I can’t help but think of the number of times that instead of doing something in the “important but not urgent” category, I decided to scroll “for just 5 minutes” that ended up turning into 1 hour.

Paso 2. Identificar las prioridades/ Step 2. Identify priorities

La clave es no priorizar tu agenda, pero agendar lo mejor posible tus prioridades. La misión es crear un balance donde tanto obligaciones como aquello que te apetece hacer, puedan convivir. Identificar esos pasos y los pequeños momentos donde pueda haber un ratito para llevar a cabo esas actividades. / The key is not to prioritize your agenda, but to schedule your priorities as best as possible. The mission is to create a balance where both obligations and what you want to do, can coexist. Identify those steps and the small moments where there may be a little while to do your pleasure activities.

Tristemente nunca te va a sobrar tiempo, más bien hay que darnos ese gustito de “crear” dicho tiempo extra./ Sadly, you will never have more hours in your day, rather we have to give ourselves that luxury of “creating” that extra time.

Paso 3. Combatir al monstruo / Step 3. Fight the monster

Todo suena muy bonito en la práctica, pero en el momento en que la pereza se apodera de mi cuerpo, todas estas bonitas palabras se diluyen. En estos casos, algo que me funciona es pensar en la recompensa. / It all sounds very nice in practice, but the moment laziness takes over my body, all these nice words are diluted. In these cases, something that works for me is to think about the reward.

Dar el primer paso es tal vez la parte más dolorosa del proceso, pero me gusta recordar la sensación que se me queda en el cuerpo y en la mente una vez termino la tarea. Es como cuando hay un día duro de trabajo pero al final del día habrá un postre especial o un plan que me alegra la jornada./ Taking the first step is perhaps the most painful part of the process, but I like to remember the feeling that stays in my body and mind once the task is finished. It is like when there is a hard day at work but at the end of the day there will be a special dessert or a plan that makes my day happy.

Paso 4. El hábito

Hacer que ese nuevo hábito permanezca. En Febrero de 2023 hice un post sobre la sencilla pero eficaz regla del 1% que es lo que a mí me está funcionando.

Step 4. The habit

Make that new habit stick. In February 2023 I made a post about the simple but effective 1% rule, which is working nicely for me.

Hay miles de tácticas como dicha regla y hacer un poquito cada día en lugar de centrarte en grandes cantidades de tiempo. Creo que tener las cosas claras y por tanto en una lista es el gran primer paso, simplemente eso da la sensación de darle un reconocimiento a las cosas que de verdad te van a llenar./ There are thousands of tactics like the 1% improvement rule that focus on doing a little bit each day instead of focusing on large amounts of time. I think being clear-headed and have list is the great first step, it simply gives the sensation of giving recognition to the things that are really going to fulfill you.

Intenta tener esa lista en un lugar visible e importante, y no en el cajón que va a acumular recibos de la compra y cupones olvidados. Si la intención es dibujar más, hay que poner la libreta y el lápiz en un lugar que incluso te estorbe y rodearte de los estímulos necesarios (herramientas, frases, canales de youtube que hablen de eso) para que el hábito se quede./ Try to keep that list in a visible and important place, and not in the drawer that will accumulate forgotten purchase receipts and coupons. If the intention is to draw more, you have to put the notebook and pencil in a place that even gets in the way and surround yourself with the necessary stimuli (tools, phrases, YouTube channels that talk about it) so that the habit stays as you live together. with that.

A mí me funciona apuntar esas cosas en mi agenda, en una sección especial del día/ semana que me haga sentir eso como una especie de premio para mí./ What works for me is to write those things down in my planner, in a special section of the day / week that makes them feel like a kind of prize for me.

Alejarse de la sensación “quiero hacer muchas cosas, pero no tengo ganas” es complicado, pero recuerda que nuestro tiempo aquí es cortito. Date el lujo de hacer tiempo para lo que más te llena 😉  Ve esa película, lee ese libro, ve a ese nuevo parque y no importa si hay prueba y error, hay que hacer cosas./ Getting away from the feeling “I want to do many things, but I don’t feel like it” is complicated, but remember that our time here is short. Give yourself the luxury of making time for what fills you up the most 😉 Watch that movie, read that book, go to that new park and it doesn’t matter if there is trial and error, you have to do things.

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  • this is such a lovely post Fungi! totally agree with identifying the priorities and creating the habit that we can follow everyday.
    i update my to do list everyday and put slots in my calendar so i can be more productive

    also love all the illustrations in this post!

    • Thanks for stopping by!

      Same over here, I try to keep on with my lists,sometimes it doesn’t work but at least the habit is sticking 🙂

  • Such an inspiring post!
    Sometimes we are not aware of how much time something that is not important ( for example social media or TV) actually takes.
    We need to make time for things that are actually important!

  • This is timely post. I recently read a rant from a quilter who was sick and tired of people trying to get her to monetize her quilting. She was frustrated by the insinuation that doing something only had worth if a person could make money from it. Isn’t creativity meaningful all by itself? But your post addresses more than that. We have to give ourselves permission to relax as well. By failing to see relaxation and creativity as meaningful, we end up scrolling through social media, filling time until the next “productive” (something that makes money) comes up on our schedule. Of course, I am at that fortunate place in life where I am retired. But even so I feel the constant drive to be productive (even though money is not part of the equation now). I need to take walks in nature, more than I need to do the laundry.

    Excellent post!


    • Thanks for your lovely comment Michelle 🙂

      I know! Not everything need to be monetizing, some activities are just done for pure pleasure 🙂 As you well said permission to relax and to create needs to be more extended.

      Hope you’re having a lovely season!

  • Yes setting priorities can be a challenge. And today more than ever with so many distractions. I have to say I am pretty good at being disciplined. I work 4 ten hour days and have a long commute. I commute for an hour and half to work, work from 7:30 in the AM to 6:30 in the PM, then commute an hour half back home. And then I spend an hour on the computer working. I use IG on the train when I am commuting. I would never spend 4 hours on the platform LOL.

    I have to fight the urge to be a couch bumpkin and just binge Netflix and Youtube all day.

    Allie of

    • Hey Allie, hope you’re having a lovely season.

      Setting priorities is probably one of my hardest challenges, specially as a freelance.

      At least you can catch up on your social media while you commute, but I understand that sometimes it could be draining.

      Best ! xx

  • Hola Pablo! How’s going there In Barcelona?
    I bet that with spring, longer days and the good weather it’s nicer than ever to enjoy your beautiful city!
    Did you noticed that this is the 1st year after the pandemic that we are (finally) really free? I was just thinking of it few days ago enjoying a stroll in Lungotevere without masks or restrictions: it’s a so nice feeling after all this time!

    But lets pass to the topic of the day!
    This time you’ve putted on the table a trichky question.
    I mean: I know as well the feeling that you’ve described here, but, trying on doing everything, I’ve even sperimented the pressure of “making the best use of my free time” that transform the pleasure on doing someting is another cause of stress.
    Oc, spending all your free time scrolling Tick Tock or Ig is wrong from every poin of view, but even forcing yourself on reading quickly any book to end the pile or watching a serie in 2x to keep the pace is not fun and relaxing.
    To me, one should found his/her own domension and listen his/her body and mind: sometimes you don’t have forcefully exercise just because “today I’ve got time” if you feeling tired, as well as you don’t have to finish that book if you want to go shopping, for ex.
    We all have strict schedules for work and all, relaxing shouldn’t became another job to check.

    Anyway I totally agree with all the 2nd part of the post: creating habits, fighting laziness and a certain organization is mandatory, even if with a certain elasticity, for a good gestion of the few free time we’ve got.
    And always remembering to put yourself first!

    Great post and amazing photos and illustrations (I need a lilac suit!!!)!
    Take care!

    • Hey Silvia, I hope you’re having a great spring season!

      We’re having a nice weather in Barcelona but currently facing a drought emergency and I know that some places in Italy are in risk of this too 🙁

      Thanks for your detailed feedback! I can totally understand the feelings you are talking about since sometimes I pressure myself to “do something” or to “use my time as best as possible”. You gave a good idea for a topic that could be linked to this one. That’s why I mentioned that this “goal” could be something linked to a pleasure: like a list of movies you want to watch or a new park you want to visit. So always putting ourself first is the main priority and you made a really nice input 🙂

      And thanks for the compliments! This lilac suit is divine, right? *_*

  • Ah Pablo, the points you’ve brought up here really speak to me as I’ve often said to myself if only there were more hours in a day to do everything that I want to do. Your advice is very sound and practical. Since this is essentially a time management issue, it does come down to effective scheduling and being able to create a balance between our obligations like work or home chores and something pleasurable like a hobby or learning something new. I have to admit that I used to struggle to find the time to work on my hand lettering and learning Korean but then I realized that it was simply a matter of making the time. As you said it is a luxury we should afford ourselves. Cutting down time spent on social media really helped me to regain my time and I also learned that I could combine activities I enjoy like watching cooking shows and learning new recipes and tips while also practicing my hand lettering and doing crafts or going down to the park to read my book outside.

    Thank you for sharing your morning routine with me. I’m always interested in seeing what works for other people and yes I’m not surprised at all that you’ve succeeded in romanticizing your daily tasks as you are are quite the expert at that ;p and I love that you also practice gratitude when you wake up. I find it really helps to put things into perspective and boosts my mood. I hope Spring is treating you well so far. As much I like the warmer weather and having more daylight, my allergies going crazy makes it less fun but I’m not going to let that deter me too much LOL You should watch The Glory if you get the chance. As an artist, I think you will really appreciate the aesthetics and cinematography as well as the narrative. Take care and be well amigo <3

    • Hey Rowena, thank you so much for your lovely compliments! I really value that you take the time to check out the blog post and your thoughts always help to thinki about new possibilities and ways to approach the topic of the blog post 🙂

      Same as me, I struggle to find time (or to make the time) to do the activities I like the most, and sometimes my lack of energy tends to go down but I least try to save a fraction of my weekend to the activity.

      Thanks also for your suggestons, promise to check out The Glory soon soon!

  • Hey Fungi!

    Wonderful post here to remind us that the “perfect time” doesn’t exist. For me it definitely helps prioritizing things otherwise I have no clue where to begin or what to do first.

    Hope you’re having a great week!


  • Ah yes this is always the conflict. More so now than ever with so much social media and so many distractions. It can be hard to stay focus and motivated. I think creating a lose schedule and starting slow and sticking to a plan/schedule can help and yes writing things down helps. Very insightful post and I hope you find the balance you are looking for.

    Allie of

  • I was so excited to read your article because I thought this topic was especially talking to me.
    I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who has a lot of things to do and just end up scrolling down my phone when I have free time.
    I hate how my phone can get so time consuming and I hate to lose my free time on it and yet I still scroll on my phone for way too long. Especially when I have a list of all the creative hobbies I want to make.
    I truly need to fight this bad habit of scrolling on my phone and prioritize what truly make me happy like you explained in this article.
    Thanks you so much for sharing this and not making me the only one in this position.

    • Thank you so much for checking it out Margot!

      And don’t feel guilty, I have experienced that feeling too and sometimes it is hard to fight but it is possible 🙂

      I know you have a lot of nice hobbits, so I hope you can make some time for them 🙂

  • I appreciate this very motivating post! It’s especially a challenge when one has ADHD because then the mind is split everywhere and nothing gets done, I feel. I like that you mention about organization in the form of journaling. I do it on my mobile phone to keep it simple by focusing on tasks-to-be-done-for-the-day. It’s actually easier this way, kind of like your 1% improvement technique. When there are too many things to do, I feel like it can get overwhelming and this can contribute to the feeling of not wanting to approach any task at all but of course that too is impossible unless one has the privilege of staying in bed forever scrolling! Hahah. I do a bit of scrolling but I am proud to say I’m quite disciplined at stopping myself as the act of scrolling through feed isn’t really productive and I miss out on the present moment where I am! Thank you as always for keeping us all inspired with your post and pretty visuals. I hope you will continue to share more of your outfits too because the suit one here looks fabulous! Take care, Pablo. See you in another one!

    • Thanks for checking it out Shanaz 🙂

      I didn’t know that you had ADHD but I imagine it could complicate this topic a little bit.

      Let me know if you use some of these tricks, they have work for me but I have to say that practice makes perfect and I try to incorporate them in my daily life as much as possible.

      Big hug xx

  • I couldn’t have read this article at a more perfect time! I find myself way too often in “just five minutes on the phone going 1 hour”. It’s crazy how it can be like that? Haha I once read that maybe procastination is just you being tired and need to rest instead of starting another project. I don’t know, maybe our brains are just constantly overwhelmed with so much information and impressions and 24/7 society that we’re tired in a different way? Or….maybe it’s just all discipline! But with all of this said, I’ve decided that April is my month of detoxing all digital stuff. No more random internet time or youtube. Just quality over quantity and spend more time getting lost in a book or movie rather than social media.

    Wishing you a great start to April! Xx

    • Hey Mia, I am so happy to know that this article just found you in the perfect time! So let me know if you use some of the tricsk I shared!

      All the best!

  • I forgot to write- the first time I visited- this colour looks great on you. I think all shades of purple suit you well but especially so the lavender and lilac shades. Lavender and/or lilac suit…a match made in heaven,
    I hope you have had a lovely Easter weekend! Happy Easter holidays all the best.

    • Don’t worry Ivana, thank you so much for the extra comment on this blog post…. I really appreciate it :)!

  • Me siento tan identificada con lo que dices… ni siquiera se que escribir porque tus palabras describen tal cual como me siento. Tengo que hacerme las ganas para salir de este loop vicioso y auto boicoteo en el que no invierto más tiempo en lo que quiero hacer porque yo misma me limito.
    Gracias friend por recordarnoslo