El invierno en Barcelona es bastante cómodo (a comparación de otras ciudades de Europa) y tal vez es la época del año donde salgo más: no hay tantos turistas y no corro el riesgo de abrasarme de calor. En ocasiones me descubro queriendo hacer demasiados planes a la vez, y no sé si ese frenesí tenga que ver con la pandemia de c*vid y el miedo a no aprovechar los planes lo suficiente. Como sea, en este journal invernal hay un montón de sensaciones y detalles que me han ayudado a romantizar la temporada (y alguno que otro fracaso, también)./ Winter in Barcelona is quite comfortable (compared to other cities in Europe) and perhaps it is the time of the year where I go out more: there are not so many tourists and I don’t run the risk of scorching myself. Sometimes I find myself wanting to make too many plans at once, and I don’t know if that frenzy has to do with the c*vid pandemic and the fear of not taking advantage of plans (also known as fomo). Anyway, in this wintry journal there are a lot of sensations and details that have helped me to romanticize the season (and some failures included).



Los días más fríos siempre son un reto para el styling, siento que a veces termino llevando el abrigo oscuro con tal de no pensar. Afortunadamente he encontrado algunos accesorios de colores (como esta bufanda de lana que compré en un mercadillo de segunda mano) que han rescatado mi optimismo. También di con un blazer oversized por 10 € en otro mercadillo de mi barrio y tengo grandes planes para esta prenda./ The coldest days are always a challenge for styling, I feel like sometimes I end up wearing the dark coat just to avoid thinking. Fortunately I have found some colorful accessories (like this wool scarf I bought at a second-hand market) that have rescued the optimism in this wintry  journal. I also found an oversized blazer for €10 at another flea market in my neighborhood and I have big plans for this item.

El color en muchas culturas termina siendo relegado a las vestimentas de verano, pero en mi opinión es durante el invierno cuando más se necesita esa dopamina cromática./ Color in many cultures ends up being relegated to summer clothing, but in my opinion it is during winter when that chromatic dopamine is most needed.


No he gastado demasiado en skincare en estos meses, sólo reponiendo lo necesario para no castigar aún más a mi cuenta bancaria después de la temporada festiva. Sin embargo, los artículos que se quedaron en mi mesita de noche fueron los siguientes:/ I have not spent too much on skincare in these months, only replenishing what is necessary so as not to punish my bank account even more after the festive season. However, these are the items on my nightstand:

– Un cosmético para la piel seca: la crema Advanced Snail 92 de COS RX recomendada por JILL (su blog tiene recomendaciones de belleza increíbles). Me encanta que una dosis muy pequeña es suficiente para sentir una nutrición intensa, además de que tiene un efecto regenerador por su alto porcentaje en mucina de caracol./  A cosmetic for dry skin: COS RX Advanced Snail 92 Cream recommended by JILL (her blog has incredible beauty recommendations). I love that a very small dose is enough to feel intense nutrition, plus it has a regenerative effect due to its high percentage of snail mucin.

– Una esencia: Tam Dao de Diptyque, me queda muy poca y me gusta que es amaderada pero suave al mismo tiempo. Ese recuerdo a sándalo que deja en los abrigos hace que siempre vuelva a ella./ A perfume: Tam Dao by Diptyque is the perfect choice for this wintry journal, even tho I have very little left. I like that it is woody but soft at the same time. That sandalwood memory that it leaves on my coats makes me always come back to it.

– Un sérum: el Vino Perfect de Caudalíe (recomendado por mi amiga NAYA, su blog de belleza también es una joya), probablemente uno de mis descubrimientos favoritos del año pasado y que no sólo aporta luminosidad sino que además corrige manchas, haciéndome recordar que no debí haberme pellizcado ese barro hace unos años./ A serum: Caudalíe’s Perfect Wine(recommended by my friend NAYA, her beauty blog is also a gem), probably one of my favorite discoveries from last year. It not only provides luminosity but also corrects spots, reminding me that I shouldn’t have pinched that pimple a few years ago.


El struggle constante con lo que me puede dar un trabajo freelance a un trabajo en una oficina. Disfruto mucho mi trabajo, pero en los últimos meses no he logrado potenciar ciertos proyectos por falta de tiempo y administrar las finanzas es súper complicado./ Ok this wintry journal is not all about happy stuff. Lately the constant struggle of the comparison between my freelance job versus a 9 to 6 office job. I really enjoy my job, but in recent months I have not been able to promote certain projects due to lack of time and managing finances is super complicated.

Ser emprendedor requiere un esfuerzo extra que en ocasiones me deja el cerebro drenado. Es en momentos como ese en los que tengo que recordarme a mi mismo la importancia de ver “The big picture” como dicen los Americanos y apreciar todos los pequeños pasos y logros que me han llevado a este ese lugar./ Being an entrepreneur requires an extra effort that sometimes leaves my brain drained. In moments like these  I have to remind myself of the importance of seeing “The big picture” and appreciate all the small steps and achievements that have brought me to this place.


– Redescubrir la ciudad y apostar por ir a otro barrio o a ese café que estaba en mi lista de guardados en Google Maps. Siento que en ocasiones peco de ir siempre a los mismos barrios y mi versión de la ciudad puede verse “reducida”./ I am currently trying to rediscover the city and go to different zones of the city or to that cafe that was on my Google Maps lists for months. I feel that sometimes I commit the sin of always going to the same neighborhoods and my version of the city can be seen as “reduced”.

Este año tengo un par de propósitos “fáciles de cumplir”, como ver más películas en lugar de series y hacerme espacio para visitar sitios nuevos en la ciudad (barrios, cafés que no conocía, restaurantes que no he probado, tiendas curiosas, etc.)./ This year I have a couple of “easy” resolutions, like watching more movies instead of series and making space to visit new places in the city (neighborhoods, cafes I didn’t know, restaurants I haven’t tried, curious shops, etc. ).

– Hacer cosas especiales sólo porque sí. Encender esa vela especial para que no coja más polvo, ponerse el perfume favorito aunque sólo sea para salir a dar una vuelta al barrio o usar esa prenda favorita sin ningún motivo especial a la vista. Todo con el fin de hacer más bonitos los días./ Do special things just because. Light that special candle so it doesn’t collect more dust, use that favorite perfume even if it’s just to go for a walk around the neighborhood or wear that favorite item of clothing for no particular reason in sight. The aim of this wintry journal was to make days a bit more beautiful and these tricks can help.

– El libro: Circe de Madeline Miller es una reinterpretación de uno de los personajes más castigados de la mitología griega: la diosa y hechicera Circe. La forma de escribir de Miller es tan mágica que este libro es perfecto para viajar a otros mundos./ The book that saved my wintry journal: Circe by Madeline Miller is a reinterpretation of one of the most punished characters in Greek mythology: the goddess and sorceress Circe. Miller’s way of writing is so magical that this book is perfect for traveling to other worlds.

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  • Oh wow your winter sounds sooooo cozy and productive. The skincare products sound excellent and loving all your looks here. And your illustrations with the photography is so fun and creative. Ah yes working for yourself is not the easiest. It has it rewards but there is a lot of hustling. Winter sounds very nice there. We barely had winter this year. It fel like perpetual spring with no snow.

    Allie of

    • Thank you very much for checking out this post, Allie 🙂

      I really appreciate your compliments! And hope you have a magical spring in NY! ❤️


  • Hey Pablo,

    I’ll take any book right now to travel to another world. I feel your failure of the month, being on the path of being an entrepreneur and doing a full or part time roll, such as myself. Can often leave me feeling drained too. I/ we need to remember that 1% rule for sure! Stepping out into your own city with out tourist is a pleasure. I love both outfits, I love the look of an oversized blazer and, just the other day was I thinking about getting loafers. I hope you have a great rest to your week : )

    • Hey Natoya,

      Thank you so much for checking out the blog post! And I think talking about the negative side of a job can help a little bit…. not to solve the whole problem but at least you let it out haha 🙂

      Thanks for the love again and hope you have a magical spring in London xx,

  • I totally agree about wearing bright clothing in winter too. It’s so much more cheerful. And I LOVE the green Zara jacket and colorful scarf combo. Your blazer is gorgeous too. You have such a good eye for color. I don’t know why humans have the tendency to “save” certain clothing, candles, quilts (yes that happens). These things are meant to be used. And yes, I have been guilty of that too. The pandemic showed me how ridiculous that was, and I work hard to break it.

    I have never been an entrepreneur like you, but I did have a job where worked only on commission. I was a financial advisor. Sadly, this is job where people who truly needed my services didn’t have much money and those who had money really didn’t need my services. But it was thrilling for awhile. I loved that I could make my own schedule. I didn’t love that I was working 50 hours a week. I didn’t love that in summer when school was out, people couldn’t meet, and I then feared I couldn’t pay my bills. I only lasted a year. So I kind of have a grasp of the complexity of which you speak. You have a better product than I do though.

    Oh as to comments on my blog. I have comment moderation turned on, so I have to approve comments before they appear. To many idiots leaving inappropriate comments trying to sell something.

    Have a great weekend!
    Michelle /

    • Thanks for your comment Michelle 🙂

      Same as you I prefer to add a bit of color every season, specially during the colder months of the year, I feel like just wearing black/neutral could get boring haha. And thanks for the extra compliments, you are the best, I get inspired by your color combinations lately 🙂

      And thanks for the cheers up, it is difficult to be self-employed, it has a lot of rewards tho so I guess I should focus on the brighter side of it.


  • Hola my friend! How’s going there in Barcelona?
    Guess that, as here in Rome, you can see tha first hints of Spring: I really can’t wait for it. it’s my fav season!

    Anyway I always love your way to romanticize the current season: its really unique and inspiring (it’s because you’re an artist?… maybe^^)
    Even if , even here in Rome winter is mild and pretty short, I always arrive to a certain point that I have enough of rain, cold wind and all those heavy clothing.
    Don’t misunderstand me, I like winter fashion, it’s much more varius and versatile than the summer one and it’s fun to put on more complicated outfits, but really now I’m wishing for light glothes, pastel colors and fancy shoes that I don’t fear to dirt!
    I try to stay away from the typical wintry clothing dark colors as much as possible, but, like you well said, now I tend too much to my grey/black coats…
    I’ve found very good the idea to enjoy every step and little thing at it max: wanna try to do it too!

    Anyway, despite some little mishap seems that your winter proceded pretty well, At least you’ve discovered many good skincare products and a new way to enjoy your city, isn’t it?
    That Vino Perfect line from Caudalie is very good: I use it too and works even on my very sensitive skin!

    PS: I’ve found that Circe book on amazon, can’t wait to start reading it, thanks for your advice!
    Amazing illustrations and I really like your outfits: You’ve got a pretty unique style!
    Enjoy your days, Pablo and good luck for your job!
    Take care

    • Hey Silvia, doing well and receiving spring with arms wide open!

      I think romanticizing every season (and everyday life) is crucial in order to see the brightest side of every situation right? I am ready to do that wirh spring too. I really like Winter, but honestly it is not that rude in Barcelona in comparison with other European cities, so I can’t complain 🙂

      And yes, Caudalie is very good, I am eager to try more products from this line 🙂

      Have a wonderful spring season my friend!

  • Hey Fungi!

    This is amazing. Definitely the only way I can get through winter is by wearing more colorful clothing. I can’t wait for spring/summer. I feel like winter even in Vegas was a long one this year…
    Me too…trying to visit and try new places in my city.

  • Hey there Pablo! It’s good to hear that winter in Barcelona has been treating you so well. It’s great that you’ve found ways to make the most of the season and the way you’ve expressed this through your wintry journal is most charming and creative. I’m impressed with your stylish and colorful winter wardrobe and accessories. Your colorblock scarf and vintage blazer are such great statement pieces. Totally agree with you that color is essential during the colder months when it is more likely to be dark and dreary. I like to call it bringing your own sunshine. That is the reason I own many colorful sweaters. Of your skincare picks, I’m most intrigued by the COSRX Advanced Snail 92 Cream. Your description of it sounds lovely and snail mucin is one of my fave ingredients. I swear by the COSRX Advanced Snail Radiance Dual Essence and I have tried most of the brand’s essences but amazingly I’ve never used any of their moisturizers before. Adding this one to my try list on your recommendation. I’m also with you on doing special things just because… I mean life is short and nothing is promised so we may as well make the most of every day. I sometimes put on my jewelry and even my special occasion dresses when I go downstairs to get the mail or a package. Circe by Madeline Miller is a new totle to me but I just went to look to it up because the way you described it sounds very compelling. I mean who doesn’t want to be transported to another world when reading. Adding this one to my reading list. Thank you for sharing your inspirations with us. I can’t believe that February is almost over already. Hope the rest of this month goes well for you. Enjoy a marvelous weekend! Thank you for comments. I always enjoy your hearing your thoughts and feedback!

    • Hey Rowena, thank you so much for your lovely comment over the blog!

      Your compliments are a really good motivation to keep up with my creative processes 🙂

      Let me know if you try any of these recommendations in the future and hope you’re having a marvelous start of spring!


  • This is a wonderful wintry journal! Thank you for the mention, I am so happy you’re enjoying the Cosrx snail cream!!! I loved Circe so much, Madeline Miller’s writing is phenomenal, I can’t wait for her next book. I need to try that fragrance, I loveeee sandalwood scents. Hope you are doing well!


  • Hey Fungi! I hope you are doing well in the beginning of March!
    I really love your outfit illustrations and photos with lovely ideas.
    All of them look so comfortable and cool.
    Those colors of socks are beautifully accented, and your colorful wool scarf is so you!
    First, I thought you got Loewe scarf at last! Your amazing trick is perfect, Fungi <3
    Your beauty products always make me uplifted because I am lazy for my skin care, hahaha.


    • Thank you so much for stopping by Akiko 🙂

      Seeing your comments always draw a smile on my face. I hope to have the Loewe scarf one day, one of my dream purchases *_*

  • Your art always amazes me.
    I loved reading your winter journal.
    For me this winter was hard because I had to work sick….. but I hope that the viruses are behind me now.

  • Couldn’t agree more on the fashion insights! I think we’ve already discussed it, but I agree indeed that during winter is the time people need color more than anything. Like as your beautfiul colorful scarf, it’s crazy what big of difference that splash of color makes. If more people would just realize this!

    As for freelance vs 9-16 job, I still think freelance wins everytime. But yes, it’s not easy to get all the pieces together. I hope though you’ve found a better balance now and that the jobs are coming in as they should 😉 But yeah it’s so easy to focus on the creative part and forget the administration/marketing/everything else you need to fix.

    Hope you’re having a lovely start to the week Pablo! Xx

    • Thanks for the comment Mia!

      I was heavily inspired by the color tips you often share on your blog so thanks for that 🙂

      I do think that freelance wins in many areas, but in the end you work a little bit more in comparison to an office job. Still trying the find the perfect balance tho 🙂

      Thanks for the love and happy spring!

  • “Chromatic dopamine’ is such a fun term! I will be using them in my writing whenever the opportunity strikes. Thank you for the inspo, Pablo! WOW, let me just say I am so impressed with your wintry journal ideas. Your outfits are especially so fun in that you’re unafraid to introduce colors and patterns into your cold weather wear. I really like how you merged your outfit photos into your fun illustrations! Please do more of these as it’s just creative and a way for me to view how one does a seasonal outfit according to your unique style inclination. On going to new cafes and spots: I’m with you on this one! How fun it is to explore spaces around us and get a bit of a surprise every now and then even though I’m the kind to over-visit certain fave spots.

    I look forward to your next post. Till then take good care and happy wishes your way 🙂 xx

    • Oooh Shanaz so happy to see you over here 🙂

      Thank you so much for your lovely compliments, I am often inspired by you so thanks also for that dose of happiness 🙂

  • Such a great article. It was good to hear about what helped you to go through winter. I actually miss winter a lot. I used to have a colorful scarf similar to yours. I miss wearing it.
    Your green cardigan is also so nice. I love wearing colors even more I think when it’s cold outside.
    I always need to watch more movies and I want a Dyptique candle or perfume.
    And I always heard good about this book. I need to read it.

    • Thanks for your comment Margot!

      I imagine there is no winter time in your new home, but hopefully you will manage to wear coats if you come back to France in the winter time 🙂