Abril siempre me ha gustado. Más allá de ser el mes de mi cumpleaños me encantan la primavera (aunque por ahora sólo la disfrute desde la ventana y en ocasionales idas al supermercado) y la idea de que se puede estar con una chaqueta ligera y nada más, como decían en Miss Simpatía. / I’ve always liked April. This is my birthday month, but beyond that I love spring (although for now I’m only enjoying it from the window and on occasional trips to the supermarket) and the idea that you can wear just a light jacket and nothing else, as they said in Miss Sympathy.


No sé ustedes, pero durante todo el año me da igual la edad, tanto en mí como en otras personas, de hecho hay ocasiones en las que me preguntan ¿cuántos años tienes? y genuinamente se me olvida, pueden ser 27 o 30. Todo es alegría y jubilo hasta que miro el calendario y veo que mi cumpleaños está a una semana: las ganas de planear algo son nulas y aparecen cuestionamientos internos con cosas como: ¿Pablo, qué has logrado en estos años de vida?, como si todo esto se tratara de una competencia que comienza en mi propia cabeza. Eso sí, un día después todo se me pasa y no hay mayor problema./ I don’t know about you, but throughout the year I don’t care about age, both in myself and in other people, in fact there are times when people ask me how old are you? and I genuinely forget it, I could say “I’m 27” or “I’m 30”. Everything is joy and laugh until I look at the calendar and I notice that my birthday is one week away: the desire to plan something is nil and internal questions arise with things like: Pablo, what have you accomplished in these years of life? As if all this were a competition that begins in my own head. Of course, the next day after, everything disappears and there is no bigger problem.

In this photo Diptyque Tam Dao Eau de Toilette

Desde hace algunos años estoy en contra de la adoración y del culto a la idea de la eterna juventud, de hecho crecer me parece la idea más encantadora porque con ello viene el efecto de aprender un montón de cosas nuevas, aunado a la posibilidad de poder pagar, por mi mismo el pastel de cumpleaños./ Since some years ago I’ve been against adoration and the cult of the idea of eternal youth, in fact growing seems to me the most charming idea because with it, there’s an effect of learning a lot of new things, and also the possibility of being able to pay for your own birthday cake.

También estoy en contra de la edad como indicio de haber logrado algo. ¿Por qué hay que terminar la universidad a los 22, tener un negocio exitoso antes de los 35 y estar pagando una hipoteca antes de los 40? Que mi abuela empiece a flirtear con un señor me parece una idea tan bonita, así como ver campañas de moda donde se noten las canas y las arrugas y ver que hay personas de 55 años empezando un nuevo hobbie o una idea de negocio./ I’m also against age as a sign of having accomplished something. Why do you have to finish college at 22, have a successful business before 35 and pay a mortgage before 40? Seeing my grandmother  dating with a man seems to me such a beautiful idea, as well as seeing fashion campaigns where gray hair and wrinkles are noticed and seeing that some persons in their 50s are starting a new hobby or a business idea.

Eso sí, estoy sorprendido de que esa ansiedad pre cumpleaños es básicamente universal y que se puede comparar con ese sentimiento triste que muchos experimentan en la velada de Año Nuevo. Son momentos parecidos porque nos da miedo que todo sea anticlimático, y es que últimamente abogo por la idea de tener una pequeña fiesta un miércoles porque seguramente alguien está celebrando su cumpleaños en El Borneo./ Of course, I am surprised that this pre-birthday anxiety is basically universal and that it can be compared to that sad feeling that many people experience during New Year’s Eve. They’re similar moments because we are afraid that everything could be anticlimactic, and it is that lately I advocate the idea of having a small party on a Wednesday because surely someone is celebrating a birthday in El Borneo.

Me gusta más celebrar de manersa pequeña pero significativas, de hecho soy partidario de tener pequeñas celebraciones y rituales mágicos durante todo el año para recordarnos esos logros diarios y así dejar de juzgarnos tan fuerte. La presión de estar feliz porque es EL CUMPLEAÑOS a veces me gana, aunque mientras haya un libro por leer, una rebanada de pastel, una canción pop un perfume y los mensajes de la gente que quiero me doy por bien servido./ I like to celebrate in small but significant ways, in fact I am in favor of having small celebrations and magical rituals throughout the year to remind us of those daily achievements and thus stop judging ourselves. The pressure of being happy because it is MY BIRTHDAY sometimes beats me, although as long as there is a book to read, a slice of cake, a pop song, a pretty perfume and messages from the people I love, I consider myself well served.

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  • Hay Pablo cuanta razón siempre en tus palabras!
    soy de las que cada final de mes piensa en lo que logre y lo que no, que cada semana antes de su cumple, se pone a realizar cosas para que no queden para después y obvio la que antes del 31 de diciembre está haciendo todo lo atrasado que dejo en el año. Trabajo duro en eso, y espero lograr esa armonía que me permita algún día ser un alma libre sin pensamientos al día del fin de algo.
    Espero que este cumpleaños para ti sea un día lleno de cosas lindas, hay tanto que se puede lograr hoy con internet, sin duda no sera un año para olvidar. Te deseo todas mis buenas vibrar y espero que ese día pongas la música a todo volumen y bailes como si no hubiese un mañana, aunque sea sólo en casa. <3 un abrazo!


    • Hola Carmen,

      Creo que a todos nos pega ese momento de análisis donde podemos ser un poco cruel con nosotros mismos, también el 31 de diciembre, por eso creo que hay que celebrar cuando tengamos logros pequeños pero importantes 🙂 ?

      Gracias por tus buenos deseos y un abrazote ❤️

  • Hey Pablo. how’s going the lockdown? I’ve heard that there in Spain the whole covid situation is pretty though, but I hope you’re safe and healthy!
    Anyway, OMG, you always seems to read my mind!
    Really I’ve always been pretty indifferent about aging, that it was to became adult or became older: another birthday never had the slightest effect on me, despite everyone around seems so concerned about (some of my girl friends in first place, many of them had this thing that they should have absolutely got married by the age of 30, ABSOLUTELY! And in fact they even did, even if the result not always was so good…).
    I have to say that I’ve always had the support of mu parents in it: they never put on me any pressure about.
    I’ve always celebrate in the way I liked the most, sometimes with big parties, sometimes just with my family, with no things like “you’re 30 stop partying, or you’re 22 have to party in the disco”: my life my decisions!
    So, even if for me it never really been a problem, still I think that the awarness you’ve get is really a great goal for you: you’ve earned your own freedom!
    I can see how much people can be obsessed with this thing of aging and I’ve always thought…why? Who establishes when is the moment to do what, for you??? Only you can know it!
    Why to become a slave of a thing that you can’t control and that has the only result to make you feel frustrated and inadequate?
    I’m very happy that you get to this result, my friend, and I really hope that you can enjoy your birthday at the best even in the middle of this absurd situation! wishing you all the best with all my heart!!!

    Ps: Try this trick against the limstone (calcare in italian) in the water (even here in Rome this is a great problem) for when you wash your hair: put a couple of spoons of apple vinegar in 1/2 l of water and use it for the last rinse. Your hair’ll became light and bright, and this even nourish them!
    Try and see! 😉


    • Hey Silvia, everything under control, we’re starting to ease the lockdown little by little, wish you the best for this new and strange season in Italy.

      And I totally agree with your comment, there are many pressures and deadlines, and that added to the idea that life is already a bit hard, so why to complicate it even more by putting unrealistic goals? Good to know that your parents support you by not putting these limits 🙂

      PS: Thanks for the tip to prevent damages from the limston, I’ll try it to help my hair a little bit 😀

      All the best Silvia!

  • Acabo de ver tu comment en mi blog y ahora vengo a enterarme que es tu cumpleaños. ¡FELICIDADES! Aquí tienes, lo hice yo mismo:

    Excelente post, tienes toda la razón. Muchas veces menos es más y en las cosas más sencillas están las mejores experiencias de la vida. Que estos tiempos no te arruinen el momento y si quieres celebrar después podrás hacerlo. Pásala bien contigo mismo el día de hoy.

    Pd:. El mío es en Agosto 16. Estás invitado. ✨

  • Hello dear friend. First of all, happy birthday to you and many happy returns. As always I enjoyed reading your thoughts about life. The topic of birthdays is an interesting one. I agree there is often a pressure that comes with it. I think that is why some people have started to celebrate their birth month instead of a birthday. To me it sounds like a wonderful excuse to celebrate life so I might copy that sentiment. Wonderful art collages as well. The way I see it, growing old is a privilege. I’m also happy to see wrinkles and grey hair in fashion editorials. Aging is normal, not something to stress about. I could relate with things you wrote about. I don’t get stressed about being a year older, but I’m sometimes not sure how to celebrate my birthday. It is a lot of pressure put on one day, isn’t it.
    I’m also an April baby btw. No wonder we have so much in common. My birthday is soon as well. I’m not sure how to celebrate it yet.

    • Hey dear Ivana, thanks for your warming message, it put a smile on my face 🙂

      Ooooh and thanks for that information, that’s why I have seen many blogs and IG accounts talking about “birth month” instead of just one specific day 🙂

      As you said aging is normal and we should embrace every phase of life, I don’t understand why many people is obsessed with youthness, learning stuff within the years is such a beautiful thing 🙂

  • Happy birthday to you! I hope you had a nice time celebrating 🙂 Birthdays look so different now in this new world of home isolation!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend 🙂

  • ¡Hola Pablo!

    Te comprendo tanto con esto de los cumpleaños… Tendría que ser siempre un día para tener una absoluta felicidad, sobre todo porque has llegado a disfrutar de otro año completo, pero en muchas ocasiones la víspera de ese día es horrorosa. Por lo menos para mí. No sé por qué, pero desde hace unos años odio ser el centro de atención de mi propio día y espero con ansia que se termine ese día lo más rápido posible. Será que estoy notando que cada día me hago más adulta y que los 30 están casi a la vuelta de la esquina.

    Sin duda alguna, este año recordarás para siempre tu cumple, porque es un año totalmente atípico y del que seguro aprenderemos un montón de cosas y a valorar más la vida y los pequeños detalles 🙂

    ¡Espero que estés súper bien y estés llevando esto lo mejor posible! Ya nos va quedando menos ^^

    Un besito ♥
    Melania | mimalditadulzura.com

    • ¡Hola Melania! Qué gusto me da verte por aquí de nuevo 🙂

      Gracias por tus palabras, jajaja la verdad es que la víspera de ese día si es fea, bueno en algunas ocasiones, debo decir que esta ocasión fue la cosa más rara con esto de la cuarentena, pero definitivamente lo recordaré y no ha faltado comida para celebrar ❤️

      Un abrazo hasta el norte,

  • Happy birthday Pablo! i hope all you are wishing for come true.
    this is so beautifully written
    I agree with you, Accomplishing something doesn’t have to be defined by your age.
    And yes celebrating in a small but significant way is great too !

    style frontier

    • Hey dear, thanks for your lovely message and for reading this 🙂

      All the best and stay safe,

  • I always love to read your thoughts.
    I’m pretty similar to you when people ask my age, sometimes I totally forget how old am I but I hate to see my age changing. But since it’s nothing we can do, I tend to like to see me aging even if I never realize it but there is definitely pressure in our society about age. It’s better to finish studies before this age, get married before and after this age and have baby before or after this age. It’s really crazy ! It shouldn’t matter. Now, thanks to your article I love the idea of being old and still trying new things. Hopefully when I’ll get older I’ll still be able to travel. 🙂
    And actually feel anxious when it’s my birthday when I try to make the day significant when I realize at the end of the day it’s just an other day. I also always love to keep it small. I don’t like to stay the center of the attention for too long but I love to wear a pretty dress, have my piece of cake and receive all the loves from my family and friends to make the day a little bit extra and I’m not gonna lie I also love to receive presents…Haha!

    I wish you again a really happy birthday and I hope you finally get this piece of cake. 🙂

    • Thank you so much for reading, Margot! And good to know that you don’t care too much about your age too, I love the idea of getting a little bit older because that’s mean we’re growing.

      Hahaha as you I don’t like to be the center of the attention, but I won’t say no to a big and beautiful cake 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!!

    Happy birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful year!
    The article about birthday is so lovely and true, so I would love many people to read it:)

    Those images are so beautiful! That green leaf is grown by you, right? TAMDAO is so you, and your selection of books and cups are also so you! All of them is perfect composition, Fungi!

    I am 50 years old this September, so your grandmother’s story is fantastic for me!
    Please stay safe!!


    • Hey Akiko, thank you so much for this lovely comment ❤️

      And yes, that one is Tam Dao, currently my favorite essence. Thanks about your compliment for the graphic work.

      All the best Akiko!

  • Such an interesting article on age and birthdays Pablo! I’m unfortuanetly one of those people that are anxious about getting older. I feel like there’s so much to discover in life and every birthday is a reminder that there’s more life to live. I always feel like I should’ve done more in the past year than what I’ve done. Well anyways, I like your perspective. It’s healthy to embrace a more casual approach to ageing and life in general. Wise as always Pablo! Xx


    • Thanks for your comment Mia 🙂

      Your comment brighted my day, you wrote something beautiful “there’s more to live” definitely a good reminder to take into account before blowing the candles of the cake 🙂

  • Hola amigo. I’ve read this twice and I cried reading this because I am just so happy for you. Birthdays are special days for me and I’m glad that miles apart I have an amazing friend who exist.
    I’m also very much inspired by your post and learned so much. I thank you for reminding us your readers that age is just a number and wisdom and special moments and memories matter you. Very timely and I wish I could let every people read this one. Most of the oldies here in our country finds it rude when someone asks their age. Hahaha. I don’t get them but I don’t wanna think like them. Jaaja so glad you had and great birthday celebration! I love your photos so much, I mean all photos you take and share are so good!
    Checking out all the posts I missed teeheee
    Love lots,

    • Thank you so much for this beautiful message, Tin! ❤️ These words put a smile on my face and I’m so happy to have cyber friends like you around the world!

  • Ay Pablo, ojalá esto lo hubiera leído hace 2 meses, mi bajón de pre cumpleaños hubiera sido otra cosa.

    En definitiva conforme más años cumplimos más se nos exige, y a veces con estándares fuera de lo real, aunque es inevitable el bajón a veces, al final lo que importa es pasar el día de cumpleaños dándote gustitos ya sea en privado o con amigos y tener en mente que cada uno logrará cosas en la vida a su propio ritmo.

    ¡Un abrazo post-cumpleaños Fungi!

    • Gracias por tu mensaje Adán. Al final la edad no es más que un número y a veces esas metas y deadlines nada más están en nuestra cabeza, aunque es bien complicado lidiar con ellas 🙂

      Como bien dices cada quien va logrando las cosas a su ritmo y cada historia es bien distinta a la de otros 🙂

  • Hola querido amigo!
    Me siento super identificada contigo… es tan bonito lo que escribiste. A mi me da igual cumplir años la verdad es que ya ni los cuento jjajaja me siento super joven y me da lo mismo hacer lo que me guste aunque tenga 60 años! Un abrazo amigo, no siempre me da para comentar pero siempre te leo 🙂
    Nuevamente feliz cumple atrasado 🙂

    • Qué bonito tu comentario Cher ❤️

      Por mucho tiempo en el que podamos seguir haciendo lo que tanto nos gusta y gracias por tu felicitación 🙂

  • Happy happy ‘belated’ birthday!! It’s a crazy time for birthdays, even for those who aren’t huge celebrators. It’s different celebrating a year older and not being able to step out of your home without restrictions. I used to be hard on myself when I would get older and didn’t have a $80,000 career. I’ve given up that thought because life really is about being happy and doing things that increase that happiness, you know? Partly why I started my blog a few years ago without the intention of making money off it. I just wanted to do something fun and creative. But anyway, here I am ranting. So sorry! I’m glad you were happy on your birthday.
    Thanks for sharing this post! Stay safe!!

    Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com

    • Hey Des! Thanks for your lovely message, this was definitely one of the strangest birthdays but I had a good day thanks to zoom and to delivery food 🙂

      Good to know that this post was useful to you, don’t worry about a number, keep enjoying the way and embrace the unexpected but cool experiences!

  • Well first I just want to say Happy Birthday! And I agree people should not have so much pressure to fit in to a particular mold or be on a rigid timeline. Agism is huge problem in the U.S. culturally we are obsessed with youth and pander to the under 30 crowd, in marketing. And agism is a big problem in in the work place as well. It is America’s dirty little secret…

    Allie of