Abundan los tutoriales y guías de Internet que me dicen como crecer en Instagram y en otras redes, y hubo un momento de mi vida donde intenté un montón de tácticas que a veces me ayudaban y a veces no. Expuestxs más que nunca a una saturación de contenidos, hay que hacer una buena curaduría de lo que seguimos y estar conscientes de a que le dedicamos nuestro tiempo. Y sobre todo, tener claro que no debemos de poner todos los huevos en una sola canasta…. o dicho de otra forma, no dedicar el 100% de nuestro tiempo a una sola red social./ There are many internet tutorials and guides that tell me how to grow on Instagram and other social media platforms, and there was a time in my life where I tried a lot of tactics that sometimes helped me and sometimes didn’t. We’re overexposed to content, so we must make a good curator of what we follow and be aware of what we dedicate our time to. And above all, don’t put all our eggs in one basket… or put another way, not dedicating 100% of our time to a single social media app or channel.


Desde hace un tiempo me decidí a ver Instagram como una herramienta para mi negocio, pero no el corazón de ellas. El tema de las redes siempre es fluctuante, así que constantemente me pregunto en donde puedo establecer las partes importantes de mis proyectos (o negocio). Tampoco creo que sea necesario estar en todos sitios, como contaba en el post de “PERSONAL BLOGS + WHY I KEEP WRITING ONE IN 2020?” / Some time ago I decided to see Instagram just as a tool for my business, but not the core of it. Social media channels are always fluctuating, so I constantly ask myself where I can establish the important parts of my projects (or business). Nor do I think it is necessary to be everywhere, as I said in this post “PERSONAL BLOGS + WHY I KEEP WRITING ONE IN 2020?”.

¿Qué pasaría si el día de mañana desapareciera esa red social a la que le has dedicado todo el esfuerzo del mundo durante años? La lección de no hay que poner todos los huevos en una sola canasta aplicada al terreno digital./ Imagine if tomorrow that social mediato which you have dedicated all the effort in the world for years disappeared… The quote “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is now applied to the digital world.


Hay muchas herramientas para compartir tu trabajo, sobre todo el de creativxs. Diversificar y encontrar espacios donde el trabajo pueda perdurar e incluso alcanzar otras audiencias. Sé que es complicado debido a que cada red social o plataforma exige un tiempo. En mi caso ahora mismo no puedo crear contenido específico para cada canal. Pero intento mimar mi blog (me encanta saber que este espacio siempre será mío y que me ayuda a reinventarme), subir videos casuales a TikTok, mis ilustraciones y collages a Pinterest e incluso me gustaría apostar por algún medio que no sea solamente digital, como algo impreso./ There are many tools to share your work, especially if you’re a creative. Diversify and find spaces where your work can endure and even reach other audiences. I know it’s complicated because each social media or platform requires time. In my case right now I can’t create specific content for each channel. But I try to pamper my blog (I love knowing that this space will always be mine and that it helps me reinvent myself), upload casual videos to TikTok, my illustrations and collages to Pinterest and I’d even like to try a non-digital media, like something printed.

Luego llega la otra cara de la moneda, ¿estar en todas las redes sociales? No lo creo, principalmente porque no hay tiempo, a menos que seas una súper empresa que se puede permitir los servicios de una agencia. Pero como comentaba, hacer una buena curaduría es crucial, entendiendo que cada canal ofrece una posibilidades, públicos y formatos diferentes./ Then comes the other side of the coin, being on all social networks? I don’t think so, mainly because there’s no time, unless you are a super company that can afford the services of an agency. But as I commented, doing a good curatorship is crucial, understanding that each channel offers different possibilities, audiences and formats.

Durante mucho tiempo me preocupó la repercusión de mi trabajo en Instagram: ¿lo estoy haciendo bien?, ¿estoy posteando lo suficiente?, ¿si esto no le gusta a determinado número de gente está perdiendo su valor?. Hace un par de años decidí que eso sería un asunto aparte y que no le iba a restar una valía a mi trabajo. Quiero ver el alma de mi proyecto como algo más que un número de likes: personas que confían en mi trabajo, oportunidades laborales y colaboraciones donde pueda impactar un poquito con collages, textos, ilustraciones, etc./ For a long time, I worried about the impact of my work on Instagram: am I doing it right? Am I posting enough? If a certain number of people don’t like it, is it losing its value? A couple of years ago I decided that this would be a separate issue that wouldn’t validate my work. I want to see the soul of my project as something more than a number of likes: people who trust my work, job opportunities and collaborations where I can make a little impact with collages, texts, illustrations, etc.

Confiar ese proyecto especial en el que has puesto empeño por meses o años a una sola plataforma que no te pertenece, es peligroso y no incluye garantías. Ir un paso más y asegurar todo lo trabajado en otros sitios, como Voldemort con los horrocruxes. No hay que poner todos los huevos en una canasta, sobre todo si es en una aplicación que no nos pertenece./ Trusting that special project in which you have put effort for months or years to a single platform that does not belong to you, is dangerous and does not include guarantees. Go one step further and secure that work on other sites, like Voldemort with the horcruxes. Make sure to don’t put all eggs in one basket, especially if it is in an appthat does not be3long to us.

Quiero empezar a hacer ciertas cosas porque me apetece y no tanto por obligación, aunque sabemos que en redes siempre hay un factor que involucra tendencias y rapidez. No poner todos los huevos en una canasta implica trabajar un poco más, pero también la posibilidad de encontrar nuevas formas de ver y mostrar tu trabajo./ I want to start doing certain things because I feel like it and not as an obligation, although we know there’salways a factor in social media that involves trends and speed. The quote “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” means a little more work, but also the possibility of finding new ways to view and display your work.

*PS: La vida ya es demasiado complicada para que Instagram o cualquier red social te la hagan un poco más difícil./ Life is already too difficult, so don’t let Instagram or any social media make it more complicated.

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  • Great advice! It is impossible for one person to have a continuous presence with great content on each platform. Since I am not using any of it for income, I had to take a hard look at each of them. I really do not enjoy Instagram. And the time I was spending trying to develop a presence there was taking me away from far more important things. I also had the feeling that Instagram rewards quantity instead of quality. With my blog, I am in control.


    • Thanks for checking out this post, Michelle!

      Same over here, well I still enjoy Instagram in some ways but I think that it is taking some time that I could be using for something else.

      Have a lovely month ahead!

  • Hola Pablo!
    Long time not to hear you, happy to have you back here again! 🙂
    Hope you’ve spent your days happily, anyway, and enjoyed this crazy autumn!
    Now here the weather is starting to become chillier and chillier so I can really start to feel like autumn (even if looking around seems yet full Xmas period ^^’); to be honest I prefer warmer temperatures, but it was really time to start to wear something heavier and to enter into the cold season mood!

    Anyway, let’s pass to the topic of the day.
    Your advice is totally right and very very wise: initially I’ve bet everything on IG too and it was a great error!
    I worked a lot and I grew up my profile pretty fast (but it was even the instagram at its beginning) but it keep on becaaming more and more harder, and that hateful algorithm!!!… totally craziness!
    So I’ve understood that was better to spread my efforts on many socials, from Facebook to Pinterest and, even if my Ig profile pratically stopped its grown, I’ve reached even more visibility for my blog with less efforts.
    I don’t know if its just me but I’ve got the impression that Ig and Tiktok really suck every drop of your energy and time if you want keep some visibility on them!

    Unlucky I fear that this is something that you can understand only with experience….
    Great post, anyway, very very useful!

    • Hola Silvia,

      So happy to read your comment after my short (probably long) hiatus. Last months were crazy so I decided to cut off some time from the blog and other activities.

      Thank you so much as usual for pushing me into create better content! I totally understand what you’re saying since the same happened to me at the beggining but now the algorithm thing is super difficult to understand and I simply don’t have the energy for that 🙁

      All the best, my friend!

  • Yeah I have probably mentioned this before but I have a love-hate relationship with social media in particular IG. I am not a huge fan but it has its uses for sure. I mainly focus on my blog and You Tube. I think IG is like eating a lot of candy while YT is more like having a good meal. I have not been on TT in a while I just don’t have the time. And yes I own my blog and all its content. With YT I have all the videos backed up so I can always upload them somewhere else if something happened. But yes there is no time to be on every platform

    Allie of

    • Thanks for visiting Allie!

      Same over here, sometimes I like the app, sometimes I hate it. As you well said Youtube could be a good option if you want to back up all the content for the future.

  • Hola Pablo! I hope November has been treating you well so far. I always look forward to your new posts because you address timely and relevant issues with such thoughtful insight as well as lovely visuals. Given what is happening at Twitter this week, this points you make here are quite timely and applicable. Your advice to not put all of your eggs in one basket is very sound. Like you I still choose to blog because of the sense of uncertainty with social media and the fact as you mentioned that ultimately social media sites don’t belong to you and offers no protection for what you put on there. And it’s true that there is so much fluctuation with social media networks. I found that with Instagram and it was exhausting to try to keep up with it, not to mention I don’t have that kind of time or energy to spare so much effort. I’d rather spend my time doing something I enjoy. Not to mention when I was more active on Instagram I would have brands taking my photos without offering credit all the time. That’s why I ended up stepping back and continue to concentrate on my blog. I’m a writer so I prefer long from content anyway and I prefer to share content that is purposeful and helpful as that’s the type of content i’m interested in. There’s nothing really helpful about a selfie or what is essentially an ad for a product which seems to be the kind of content that proliferates my feed these days. To me there’s nothing more gratifying as when someone tells me that something I wrote about helped them or when readers write to me asking for advice. I will say that I will miss Twitter though if it goes away since I use that as a source of information and exchange with like minded people on issues I care about. Anyway this is all just a longwinded way of saying that I absolutely agree with your point here.

    How is the weather in Barcelona now? Autumn in NYC has been unseasonably warm this year and it only started getting cold last week. While I did enjoy the warmth, the chillier weather does make it feel more like autumn though I fear it will be cold and snowy before we even know it. I’ve been in major decluttering and reorganizing mode and with the changes I almost feel like I’m getting a new space LOL We live in a one bedroom apartment so I also try to practice the one in, one out rule you mentioned so that a mess never builds up. Bummer that you haven’t been to find Otherland candles by you. Sephora in the US carries them but I’m not sure if they’re in Sephora internationally. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on my gift guide. It’s very helpful to get feedback so I know if my suggestions appeal to people. I really appreciate that you said that the recommendations on my blog feel real. It’s because I only share things that I genuinely like and I’m glad that comes across. And I actually do enjoy putting them together as well. I can’t believe we are already halfway through November. This year just seems to be flying by. Be well and have a marvelous weekend!

    • Hello Rowena, thank you so much for your lovely feedbakc in this blog post.

      I love to read experiences from you since you are also working in a creative field so it helps me a lot to spot new perspectives in the same topic.

      Same over here, BCN has been unusually warm but right now it is a little bit cold tho 😉

  • That was an insightful read and I quite agree with you about not putting all the eggs in one basket. As a creative person who is a designer, I can understand how you must be strategic with your usage of these platforms. I’m really glad to see you’re posting a lot more on your blog this year because I feel like it’s the best platform to create an in-depth look into an idea/thought you have and I quite enjoy this format. I hope you could maybe incorporate the video format in the blog as well as I am not on Tiktok. I enjoy your curation on IG as well even though I have inactive periods there and must thank you for always being motivating! Thank you so much Pablo. I now wait for you to join Youtube! Heheh 🙂

    • Hey Shanaz,

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment! I am in the video format but just on TikTok for now, I would love to have more time to jump into Youtube with vlogs tho 🙁

      But yes I still enjoy Instagram in many ways tho jeje 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!

    Hope you’re having a great week!

    For me it has been a little different. I had all these social medias going and realized I don’t really need them. I got rid of twitter and facebook and now am a lot more happier. My favorite has always been Instagram so that’s where I like to spend the most time creating. And of course, I still love blogging.

    • Thank you so much for stopping by Radi 🙂

      For me blogging is the best tool even tho there are many resources right now.

      I also got rid of twitter and facebook and same, I feel happier in many ways :)!

  • With everything that’s been going on with Instagram lately this is so true, and I see how frustrating it’s become for people who are full time bloggers/influencers to actually make a living out of the app that’s keeping them from growing all the time lately. I wish Instagram could go back to how it was prior to tending to eliminate other apps by stealing their concept.

  • Hi Pablo,
    Just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy December. This year will soon be over before we even know it. I hope life and everything else has been treating you well. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on my holiday gift guides. It’s good to hear what people think. I guess we are both design enthusiasts. I figured as much for you from the chic peeks we’ve seen of your home. You have such a good eye for styling your dwelling as well as your wardrobe.

    • Thank you so much, I just saw this message, Rowena!

      I really appreciate that you took to time to visit and write this 🙂

  • OMG the Voldemort reference had me laughing so hard! I wish more people knew not to put their eggs in one basket. There is so much joy in creating for platforms outside of Instagram that a lot of people miss out on. I definitely can relate feeling disheartened by Instagram and all the “right and wrong things” we’re supposed to be doing on there. It really takes the fun out of it when there’s many rules. I honestly thinking paying attention to the numbers kills a lot of creativity!

    I always love your thoughtful posts on the digital world. They’re always so refreshing and relatable!


    • Hey Jill hahaha, thank you so much for reading and I am happy to read that you liked the Voldemort reference

      Thanks also for sharing your thoughts about this topic with me, sometimes I feel the same about Instagram but then I remember all the good connections I have made thanks to this app with wonderful people around the world…. just like you for example :)!

  • Hey Fungi! I hope you are doing well in the beginning of December!
    Those collages are so beautiful, and they give me luxury Holiday mood.I am so glad to see that Japanese label on the MUJI note!

    Thank you for sharing the most important way to use SNS and a blog! In particular, “TO DIVERSIFY” is really true.
    It is still difficult for me, but I will do it because you showed clearly and inspired beautifully!
    Anyway, I will get a sample of SUNDAZED at a BYRED shop in Tokyo. Have a lovely weekend, Fungi<3


    • Hey Akiko,

      So happy to see you here and thank you so much for your nice comments! I do love Muji stationery 🙂

      Happy to see that you always like the things I share over here.


  • Hi Pablo,

    what a great post and I totally agree. Being on ALL social media platforms is just too much: too time-consuming, too energy drowning and there is never enough content you could create.
    The key is finding the sweet spot between prioritizing your main channels and really focusing on them without doing “too much at the same time and nothing properly”.

    I wish you a great holiday season,

    • Hey Tiziana,

      Welcome back and thank you so much for your comment!

      I totally agree with your words. Prioritizing is crucial when it comes to creating content in the current world.


  • hi fungi! i hope you are well!
    i really love how you present your thoughts in this blog post and i totally agree with you on not putting all effort in one platform but to diversify!
    love the visuals as usual
    happy new year my dear! wishing you a great 2023 (:

  • Hi Pablo!

    I totally agree, It is great to have your own platform, to take time to curate ones work. And yes, the thing about posting on social media, is that you are working with trends and the speed to get things out, before the trends dies off. I feel a lot of the time the audience on these socials (and rightly so) are on there to just be entertained, Harry Potter : ). And yes, I never thought of not putting your eggs all in one basket, a lot of work. But it is what’s needed to put in the work and reap the rewards. I hope you are doing well : )

  • Such a great article as always Pablo! I agree it’s important to focus on only one thing. I feel like Instagram has such a high status these days, still with the competition from Tiktok, but Instagram has better community functions I’d say. However, as always with the world and society, we move forward so I wonder what the next big thing will be? Hahah as always though, I stay safe with Pinterest and just looking at fashionable outfit and interioir! Xx

  • I love how your articles are always well thought.
    This is definitely true you can reach a lot more persons to post in different medias.
    I also love to keep posting on blog even if it may not be as trendy as it was because I prefer the slow content. In instagram I just scroll fast on each post while on the blogs I can take my times to read each article.

    • Thank you so much for your compliments!

      I know, same over here about the blog. I know it is not the trendiest format but for me is the best way to keep an archive that will be only mine despite the changes on social media, etc 🙂