Termina la jornada laboral y lo único que quiero es tumbarme en el sofá para ver una serie que me haga desconectar del ruido cotidiano. Supongamos que es viernes y me doy la libertad de pedir comida a domicilio, cuando la pizza llega al sofá toca la decisión más importante: seleccionar la serie./ Workday ends and all I want is to lie on the couch and watch some series to disconnect from everyday noise. Let’s suppose it’s Friday and I give myself the freedom to order food, when my pizza arrives, it is time to make the most important decision: pick up a TV show to watch.


No sé si les ha pasado, pero últimamente son tantas las opciones de entretenimiento que a veces cuesta decidir que ver primero. Hace algunos años hacía listas de aquellos contenidos que me interesaban, pero ahora me parece complicado seguir el ritmo de todos los acontecimientos: la serie nueva, la agenda musical, otra serie nueva, el spin off programado para el 2022 de esa serie nueva, el reboot de la película de mi infancia y la otra serie nueva que comentan tus compañeros de trabajo, tu grupo de amigos o Twitter y a la que hay que seguir el ritmo para no quedarte fuera de las conversaciones./ Has it happened to you? Lately there are so many entertainment options that sometimes it is hard to decide what to watch first. A few years ago I made lists of contents that I wanted to watch, but now it seems complicated to keep up with all the events: the new series, the musical agenda, more new series, the spin off scheduled for 2022 related to that new TV show, the reboot of the film of my childhood and the other new series commented by your coworkers, your group of friends or your Twitter lists. It feels that you have to keep up with the whole schedule to don’t miss out conversations.

Aún intento averiguar como le hacen algunos amigos para consumir tanto contenido, ¿acaso ver las series a velocidad 2.0 es la solución o existe otro truco que aún no he descubierto? Desafortunadamente, soy de los que no pueden estar en varias actividades a la vez y mi cerebro no es tan multitasking como me gustaría, pero me pongo a pensar si de verdad disfrutamos de todos esos contenidos o muchos de esos maratones de 10 episodios tienen  que ver con el FOMO (Fear of missing out o también conocida como la fiebre millennial)./ I still try to find out how some friends manage to consume so much content, is watching tv series at speed 2.0 the solution or is there another trick that I have not yet discovered? Unfortunately, I am one of those persons who cannot be in several activities at the same time and my brain is not as multitasking as I would like, but I start to think if we really enjoy all those contents or those marathon-viewing are related to FOMO (Fear of missing out or also known as millennial fever).

La tecnología puede ser tan frustrate como conveniente, algo que se agrava por el hecho de que ésta suele evolucionar antes de que podamos adaptarnos, a veces de maneras que requiere re-configurar nuestros hábitos. En cuanto al tema de las series, estoy cansado de pagar varios servicios de streaming (algunos compartidos porque “hashtag ahorro”) y en algunas ocasiones no saber a donde ir si quiero ver cierta serie o película. ¿Soluciones a la vista?/ Technology can be as frustrating as it is convenient, and it tends to evolve before we can adapt, sometimes in ways that require reconfiguring our habits. And talking about series and tv shows, I’m tired of paying for many streaming services (some shared with friends ‘cause “hashtag save money”) and sometimes I don’t know where to go if I want to watch a certain content. Solutions in sight?

Aproximarse a un estilo de vida minimalista no tiene que ver con espacios blancos y muebles escandinavos, de hecho diría que estoy a años luz de declararme como minimalista, pero en últimos meses y debido a un cambio de vida he entendido que puedo aproximarme a este estilo de vida siendo más selectivo en internet y sobre todo en cuanto a contenidos de entretenimiento se refiere. Creo que la habilidad de ser un buen curador de contenido será vital en los próximos años para no morir ahogado entre hashtags, arrobas, fake news, recomendaciones de series y memes./ Approaching a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t have to do with white spaces and Scandinavian furniture, in fact I would say that I am away from declaring myself as minimalist, but in recent months and due to a change of life I have understood that I can approach this lifestyle being more selective on the internet and especially with entertainment content. I believe that the ability to be a good content curator will be vital in the coming years, to not die drowned in hashtags, fake news, series recommendations and memes.


A veces llego a tiempo para participar en la conversación sobre ciertas series, a veces me tardo más tiempo y muchas veces le he dado horas de vida a shows que youtubers o amigos me vendieron como el santo grial y que al final no me gustaron tanto. Ahora más que nunca, con todas las plataformas que prometen venir, tengo que tomar decisiones y tal vez hacerme listas de nuevo de lo que de verdad quiero ver, ignorando el horrible FOMO./ Sometimes I arrive in time to participate in the conversation about certain series, but sometimes it takes me more time and many times I have spent hours of life in shows that youtubers or friends sold me as the holy grail and that didn’t worth it. Now more than ever, with all the platforms that promise to come, I have to make decisions and maybe make lists again of the contents I really want to watch, ignoring that horrible ghost called FOMO.

Hay ocasiones en las que hecho de menos ir a Blockbuster y tener un presupuesto limitado para dos películas y una bolsa de dulces….. Mentira, tener que correr para devolver la película o pagar recargos nunca fue bonito./ There are times when I miss going to Blockbuster and have a limited budget for two films and a bag of sweets… .. Ok no, I’m lying, having to run to return the movie or pay surcharges was never cool.

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  • I wonder where people find the time to watch all those series too, I’m struggling with finding the time to properly watch a music video. As of late, I’m totally ignoring series and only watch an occasional movie. I sometimes watch commentary on series and movies on TV, but I almost never watch them myself, usually they turn into a disappointed.

  • I know it is kind of crazy how much we have available today to entertain ourselves. I too remember Block Buster. And my parents remember days when there was just TV with 4-6 channels that’s it, AND no computer. My grandparents remember days with no TV just the movies outside the home. And thats the thing. People now leave their homes much less. Working from home, FW going all online, where does it end?

    I have been watching some scary documentaries about AI, Google and FB three of them on Amazon and a scripted series on Netflix called Colony about a dystopian future. Haha I am scaring myself lol. I am also watching The End of F***king World also on Netflix and it is pretty good.

    If you want the names of the documentaries let me know

    Allie of

    • Yes! I totally get it. I really appreciate many of the advantages that technology gives us today, but not to the point of isolating ourselves completely as you said.

      Sometimes I also feel the FOMO as I mentioned in the post, it is difficult to watch all the new stuff and I feel I have a saturation of information in many senses.

      But yes, I have watched “The end of f*cking world”, quite an interesting point of view 🙂

  • I hate how now when you watch a tv show you have to binge watch it because you’re too scared to get spoiled after.
    I never heard about the FOMO before but it does makes sense. Your article was really interesting like always ! I love how you find the best topic to talk about and I always love your drawings. You’re so creative !

  • Hey Fungi!

    There are so many series out there, but honestly I don’t watch any. The only one which I have become obsessed with is The Marvelous Ms. Massel. It’s amazing and I’m totally hooked. How you heard about it?

    Soon will be watching season 3 of it. Can’t wait!


  • Hey Pablo, how you doin? Hope everything’s great!
    It’s always a pleasure to read your post and toughts!
    And you totally get the point, Pablo!
    Netflix became from being our best friend to a kind of another “job”: somehow you feel like you have to be constantly “updated” about the last serie, movie or documentary! I didn’t know that FOMO phenomenon but i can say that its really has sense!
    And the question is: how can be that only I cant found time to watch everyhing the everyonelse seems to do???
    Plus, I’ve noticed that when I do binge watching of a serie, even if I liked it a lot, I tend to forgot it very quickly, while I still remeber even the most trivial episodes of the series I’ve followed on tv years ago (one episode per day)…
    So recevently I decided to watch just a couple of episode of a serie per day in the evening and every day a different serie, so that I can follow many series in the same time and still be pretty updated: lest’s see if its works… 🙂

    • Thank you so much for reading Silvia! I am good, dealing with work and dead lines but everything is cool, hope you’re having a nice month too!

      I totally get you and I liked your last point, I also feel like you…. now I tend to forget everything really quickly, but I still remember a lot of the tv shows I used to watch before the streaming mania!

  • Such an interesting article Pablo! I agree that there’s an overflow of information and options right now. I’m just like you that I have a long list of things I want to watch, but my options are too many so I just … barely watch anything! I like the idea of just having a few choices too, but honestly, I think it would be impossible to get back to that. Haha I just need to get better at relaxing and watching some series! And stop overthinking the process kind of. Just pop a movie or a series and be okey with the choice. And, hey, it’s okey to stop watching if it sucks! 😉 Xx


    • Thanks for stopping by, Mia! Yes, you had a good point: overflow of information…. I feel that we really need to make an effort in order to set priorities of what we want to consume 🙂

  • ¡Hey Pablo!

    No podría estar más de acuerdo con lo que escribes, hay tanta sobresaturación de contenidos: me pasa seguido que comienzo a comer mis palomitas o la pizza y para cuando decido que ver después del scroll infinito ya me quedé sin comida….

    Supongo que antes la falta de opciones nos hacía tomar mejores decisiones, por que ahora muchas veces vemos cosas por convivir y no por que nos convenzan del todo, me pasa que a algunas series llego tarde y para cuando las quiero comentar ya se les acabó el hype…. Al igual que tu no soy multi task, dificilmente puedo ver 2 shows al mismo tiempo, y leyendo tu post me cuestiono si todos los servicios de streaming que tengo son necesarios, pues por que #VariosSupers, espero en 2020 poder hacer una purga de gastos hormigas digitales.

    • Adán, muchísimas gracias por pasear a chismear y dejar tu comentario.

      Definitivamente hay que hacer una buena curaduría de contenido de lo que vemos, por así decirlo, o hacer una técnica parecida a la tuya que consista en listas.

      Y desgracidamente no soy multi task 🙁 jaja

  • Hey Fungi!

    Your article is so interesting because I also have problem about it.
    I pay Netflix, Amazon prime, and Niconico (Japanese interesting video) per a month.
    It is so hard to discipline myself to put up with them, and I was in despair.
    However I got fine because your illustration is so humorous!!
    I really love the collage art and the illustration <3
    Thank you always for your lovely article!!


    I have used Pomorodo since I knew about it on your blog.
    It is so great app!!!

    • Hey Akiko!

      This is the first time of Niconico, is it an interesting streaming service? Will search for it!

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I am also glad to hear you’re using the Pomodoro method, it is so useful, right?

  • Y nunca falta el eterno “KHA?! Cómo que no has visto X serie? No puede ser, tienes que verla! Es un must”. Y yo pienso: sí? de verdad es un must? de verdad no podría seguir con mi vida normal sin ver X serie? Últimamente se me antoja menos y menos pasar el tiempo en el sofá.

  • Haha! Another insight from you and because I’m no longer subscribed to Netflix partly because I literally have no time to watch films and these days, I now prefer watching movies in the big screeen with my family and friends. I just feel like reveling into the experience of watching a film with people you love is much better than watching a movie alone in Netflix. Though I know there are some really good content in Netflix , yes recommended by my circles. I’m trying my best not to watch any tv series and thankfully, I have finished some of the tv series I followed in Netflix. Teeheee..P.S I so love the film you have recommended me starring Jake G. “Nocturnal Animals.” 🙂 It’s one of the best I’ve seen this year!