Escribir una guía para visitar Londres es como intentar resumir la saga de Harry Potter en un video de 1 minuto: las opciones en esta ciudad son inagotables y estoy seguro que incluso los locales desconocen de muchos rincones. Guías de viaje y agendas de eventos hay muchos, así que he optado que este post sea más una carta de amor a Londres y mi experiencia personal, y no tanto una guía sobre cómo visitar la capital inglesa./ Writing a guide to visit London is like trying to summarize the Harry Potter saga in a 1-minute video: the options in this city are inexhaustible and I am sure that even  locals are still discovering many corners. There are many travel guides and event agendas, so I have chosen to make this post a little more personal, a love letter to London and my own experiences, and not so much a guide on how to visit the English capital.

Los posts de viajes siempre me resultan difíciles de escribir, sobre todo si se trata de ciudades tan fotografiadas y que tienen un podium destacado en la cultura pop: las cabinas telefónicas de color rojo, la realeza, los Beatles, los buses de dos pisos, etc./ Travel posts are always difficult for me to write, especially if I have to talk about cities that are so photographed and have a podium in the pop culture scene: red telephone booths, the royalty, the Beatles, double-decker buses, etc.


Lo más importante a tener en cuenta si viajas a Londres: es una ciudad cara que hace temblar incluso a los bolsillos con ahorros, las distancias recuerdan más a una ciudad americana que a una europea y un paraguas o chubasquero son siempre buenos aliados./ The most important thing to keep in mind if you travel to London: it is an expensive city that shakes even pockets with savings, the distances are more reminiscent of an American city than a European city and an umbrella or raincoat are always good allies.


Lo que más me gusta de Londres es que es una de esas ciudades donde hay postales de todo tipo: la Europa más clásica, zonas más modernas que recuerdan a películas futuristas, el hecho de poder vestir como quieras y que a nadie le importe y la diversidad de culturas en un ambiente que a pesar de recientes problemas políticos se siente como la ciudad donde siempre hay espacio para algo nuevo. Si te gusta el movimiento, Londres es una buena idea./ What I like most about London is that it is one of those cities where there are postcards of all kinds: the most classic Europe, more modern areas that remind of futuristic films, the fact that you can dress as you want and nobody cares and the diversity of cultures in an environment that despite recent political problems feels like the city where there is always room for something new. If you like movement, London is a good idea.

Esta fue mi segunda ocasión en Londres, así que pude dejar de lado las cosas más turísticas (que siempre son recomendables, especialmente si es tu primera vez) y explorar otras opciones más alternativas como el este de Londres, los mercados con muchas opciones de comida y pequeños diseñadores (Spitalfields y Borough son muy buenas opciones), las tiendas (y es que en Londres saben como poner un buen escaparate y cada compra resulta toda una experiencia), exposiciones concretas y hasta una obra de teatro (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)./ This was my second time in London, so I was able to put aside the more touristic things (which are always recommended, especially if it’s your first time) and explore other more alternative options like East London, markets with many food options and small designers (Spitalfields and Borough are very good options), stores (and in London they know how to put up a good showcase and every purchase is an experience), concrete exhibitions and even a theatre play (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child).

Mi viaje consistió en despertar muy temprano cada día, desayunar bien pero tampoco demasiado pesado (recorrer Londres requiere energía y dos buenas opciones no tan caras son Gails Bakery o Pret a Manger), calzarse unas zapatillas bien cómodas y comprar una Oyster Card, que te digan lo que te digan es la mejor manera de moverte por Londres./ My trip consisted of waking up very early every day, having a good breakfast but not too much (touring London requires energy and two not so expensive options are Gails Bakery or Pret a Manger), putting on some comfortable shoes and buying an Oyster Card, this is definitely the best way to move around London, no matter if people tell you or offer you other methods.

Al final Londres es uno de esos destinos, que independientemente de los altos precios y los cambios políticos podría repetir 3, 5 o 7 veces descubriendo un barrio que no conocía, asistiendo a una nueva propuesta cultural o simplemente viendo a la gente pasar desde la ventana mientras descanso con un café./ In the end London is one of those destinations, which regardless of high prices and political changes I could repeat 3, 5 or 7 times discovering a neighborhood that I didn’t know, attending a new cultural proposal or simply watching people pass from the window while I rest with a coffee.

¿Has estado en Londres o te gustaría ir pronto? ¿Qué es lo qué más te gusta de esta ciudad o que te gustaría descubrir en ella? ¡Hasta el próximo viaje!/ Have you been to London or would you like to go soon? What do you like most about this city or what would you like to discover here? Until the next trip!

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  • Hei Pablo, happy to see you!^^
    And happy to see that you had great timethose passed weeksin London!
    I loooove London (even if Paris keep on being my fav city), it’s lie an inexaustible spring on interesting, fun and original things to disconver! I’ve been there 4 times and I’d back there in no time if I could!
    Maybe it’s so charming to me even ’cause the whole lifestyle there is pretty different from Rome, here : there everything seems young, new, quick, efficient and stimulating, almost the opposite of my city!
    Did you really found London so expensive? I’ve noticed too that it isn’t cheap (especially compared with other cities I’ve visited) but really didn’t noticed it so much… even because the services are very efficent, so the cost worth it!
    The Oyster card is really a great advice, your did well to reccomend it!
    Anyway for the next time I’d like to advise you to visit even the region around London (the Cornwell), it’s really interesting and very different from the capital! And (naturally) the scotland is wonderfull as well, but
    to visit it you should land in Edinburgh!
    Amazing photos, dear friend!

    • Thanks for your lovely comment, Silvia 🙂

      As you, Paris is on top of my bucket list. Yes! I think pretty expensive compared to Barcelona or even to some cities in Italy, especially public transportation, but as you said it is really good 🙂

      I’ll take your recommendations into account, I have to see more of England and go beyond the main city 🙂

  • I would love to travel to London again sometime. I went there right after I graduated from high school. From what I remember it is quite a vibrant city and similar to NY. Yes there is political upset there…here too. The whole world really. Ugh. We have Pret a Manger here too. One of the docs is called “Do You Trust This Computer”

    Allie of

    • One of those cities that you can visit many times and will have a secret alley or a nice place to discover.

      Oooh really?! Didn’t know you have Pret in NY!

  • Such a great post as always Pablo! I love London and have visited the city several times. I’d love to live there one day (can they just figure out Brexit first though….). Haha I definitely agree with you when it comes to the things to keep in mind. The distance between things is big and there’s a lot of things too see and walking to be done! The museums are so great too, and terrific that they’re free of entracne. The east parts of London are really interesting, I love Spitalfields market, it’s such an interesting infusion of old London and new! Gosh, I want to go to London now haha 😉

  • What a lovely guide to London. Your collages are fabulous and I always enjoy your illustrations. Great outfits too. It sounds like you had a great time touring this iconical capital. How lovely there is a Harry Potter play! I would absolutely love to go to London. This city fascinates me. The culture, the fashion (I love British chic) and obviously the languge.

  • Pablito no se que ame mas si las fotos o los outfits!!! Me has dado ideas de looks, me encanta todo y sobre todo que cool que hayas vuelto!!

    muchisimos saludos y ya sabes que siempre agradecida por seguir visitando mi blog.


    • Hola Lizza, qué gusto verte por aquí!

      Me encanta haberte inspirado aunque fuera un poquito…. Ya sabes que eres de mis preferidas 🙂

  • Your illustrations are so beautiful. I really love your work like always.
    I all agree with you. London can be really expensive but this city has so much to offer.
    Las time I went in London We also went to the theater to see Aladdin and it was such a great idea. But we would of love to see Harry Potter as well. How was it ?
    You really make me want to come back to London now.

    • Thanks for your compliments about my work Margot! Would like to post more but sometimes life gets complicated!

      Aladdin is one of the plays I want to see! Harry Potter is very nice but way too long (two parts and almost 6 hours).

      Let me know if you go back soon!

  • Hey Fungi!

    Amazing post! I love travel diaries like this one. So many friends have told me that London is their favorite out of all the European countries. They have told me numerous times that I’ve got to visit soon. It looks so diverse and a true playground to explore.

    Hope you’re doing great!

    • Dear Radi, thanks for always being here!

      Hope you go to London soon! You could get a lot of fashion inspiration!

  • AHHHHHH I LOVE THIS POSSSSST SOOOOOO MUCH!! En primer lugar, ya sabes que soy muy fan de tus edits. Se nota que no fue tu primera vez en Londres, ya que muchos de estos lugares no los conocía jaja. Ughhh no puedo parar de mirar tus fotos. En serio, me encantaron! PerlaGiselle |


    • Gracias por pasarte por aquí Perlita! Me alegra mucho leer este comentario y saber que te gustan los edits ❤️

  • ¡Me súper muero de ganas por conocer Londres! Nunca se me ha plantado la posibilidad de ir, así que espero hacerlo muy pronto 🙂

    Al final, sin quererlo, te ha quedado una mini guía súper chula con los puntos clave de esta maravillosa ciudad e ilustrada con unas fotografías súper bonitas. ¡Me lo apunto todo, todito, todo! Y qué guay que fueras a ver la obra de teatro de Harry :3

    Un besito Pablo ❤
    Melania |

    • Espero que puedas ir pronto, de hecho volando desde España hay opciones muy económicas 🙂

      Gracias por pasarte por aquí 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!!

    Your London guid is so wonderful!!
    I love your phrase, “The Harry Potter saga in a 1-minute video”, hahaha!

    I went to London two years ago, and it was beautiful in Autumn.
    Oyster Card was nice for me, too.
    Next time, I would love to get different post cards.

    After seeing these images on your Instagram, I enjoyed again!
    Your collage arts are really great!!


  • London seems like a pretty place to visit. So happy you had a great time in a wonderful place amigo. 🙂
    Your photographs and illustrations about the place look really pretty as well. <3
    If I'll get my ass to London, Westminster Abbey is on my top list because historical places is really my type hehe