Mis boards de Pinterest están llenos de fantasías de viajes pospuestas por muchos motivos, normalmente tiempo y dinero, aunque actualmente hay otro motivo que no nombraré para no colgarme del SEO de ese término gratuitamente, cof, cof, corona…. Si eres una celebridad o una persona con mucho dinero, probablemente llevar muchas maletas con un cambio de ropa diferente para cada día del viaje sea un recurso factible, pera para el resto de los mortales viajar no es tan glamuroso./ My Pinterest boards are full of travel fantasies postponed for many reasons, usually time and money, but nowadays there is another reason that I will not name since I don’t want to take advantage of the SEO of that term, cough cough, corona… If you are a celebrity or a person with a lot of money, probably carrying many suitcases with a different outfit for each day of the trip is a feasible resource, but for the rest of the mortals traveling glamorously is just an illusion.


La foto idílica sosteniendo un gelato frente a la Fontana di Trevi se vio empañada por tener que llevar una mochila, a la vez una inapropiada gota de sudor me resbalaba por la frente y mis ojos estaban en un estado de alarma por si aparecía un carterista./ The idyllic photo holding a gelato in front of the Trevi Fountain was clouded by having to carry a heavy backpack, at the same time an inappropriate bead of sweat was running down my forehead and my eyes were in a state of alarm in case a pickpocket appeared.
Vivimos en una época poderosamente fantasiosa y el tema de viajar glamurosamente se abre un hueco en esta ficción digital, fijando los estándares para nuestros viajes a través de imágenes cotizadas por likes y por supuesto llevando una agenda turística no sólo basada en los lugares más visitados, sino también en los más instragrammeables. De hecho me llamó la atención este artículo de “La razón por la que los millennials escogen su destino vacacional”…. bueno tampoco estoy tan sorprendido./ We live in a powerfully fanciful time and the theme of traveling glamorously opens a gap in this digital fiction, setting the standards for our trips through images quoted by likes and of course keeping a tourist agenda not only based on the most visited places, but also in the most instragrammable spots. In fact, this article on “The reason why millennials choose their vacation destination” caught my attention…. well I’m not that surprised either.
Paul Theroux dijo que “Viajar es glamuroso solamente en retrospectiva”, y no puedo estar más de acuerdo con él, sobre todo si como yo, extiendes las vacaciones digitales y exprimes el carrete de fotos para documentar tu aventura durante semanas. Una vez estás compartiendo esas fotos, quedan atrás el incordio de subir una pesada maleta al metro de tu ciudad destino en hora punta, el haber caído en una trampa turística o las dos horas de cola bajo el sol para entrar al Coliseo./ Paul Theroux said that “Travel is glamorous only in retrospect”, and I cannot agree more with him, especially if you are like me, extending your digital holidays and squeezing your photos to document that special adventure for weeks. Once you are sharing those photos, traveling glamorously is a state of mind and the hassle of carrying a heavy suitcase to the metro in your destination city at rush hour, that tourist trap or the two hours queuing under the sun to visit the Colosseum are left behind.
Atrás están quedando los días donde consultaba blogs y revistas con listas de lugares glamurosos para viajar, últimamente me he apegado a consultar contenido un poco más real con consejos factibles para viajar como un mortal…. aunque no le diría que no a un daikiri en Positano, pero me apego a mis propios estándares para no ponerme triste si no logro documentar mi aventura en la mejor pose o con el mejor outfit./ I used to consult blogs and magazines with visuals that appealed the idea of traveling glamourously, but lately I’m trying to check more real content with feasible tips to travel like a mortal…. Although I wouldn’t say no to a daikiri in Positano, but I stick to my own standards to don’t get sad if I don’t get to document my adventure in the best pose or in the best outfit.
Pero hablando de la mejor pose tengo que aplaudir a aquellos influencers que esperan con paciencia y con el outfit intacto para poder capturar esa foto frente al Golden Gate y sin turistas de fondo. Muchos minutos esperando, muchos intentos fallidos y sí… muchos likes./ But speaking of the best pose, I have to applaud those influencers that wait patiently in a pristine outfit, expecting to be able to capture that photo in front of the Golden Gate with no tourists in the background. Many minutes waiting, many failed attempts and yes … many likes.
Con todo lo que he pasado en el 2020 y con algunos viajes cancelados, me he dado cuenta que los viajes son ese placer que quiero seguir teniendo tanto como sea posible, y una vez pueda volver a subirme a un avión tengo la promesa personal de convertirme en un mejor turista…. al menos hasta que sea una celebridad que se puede costear un vuelo en clase VIP, camarógrafo y outfit diferente para cada atracción turística. Cuando eso pase si viajaré con glamour y sin reparar en los kilos extras de equipaje/ With everything that I have gone through in 2020 and with some trips canceled, I have realized that travel is that pleasure that I want to continue having as much as possible, and once I can get back on a plane I have the personal promise to turn into a better tourist…. at least until I become a celebrity who can afford a flight in VIP class, a photographer and a different outfit for each tourist attraction. Once that happens, I’ll be traveling glamorously.
Hahah this is so true! Yes travelling is amazing but it’s also a lot of “where should we eat”, waiting, being tired from all the walking, spending too much money and take the same pictures that have already been taken millions of times before. Yet, it’s very charming indeed and it’s a privilege I love. But yeah, the retrospective thing is so true. When I think back on some of my best trips and best meals I’ve enjoyed, and views etc, I ignore that museum visit was hours of waiting or the pasta that looked amazing but was only eaten after hours of looking for a place, lol. But there’s a charm in that too! Xx
Thanks for checking it out Mia! Sometimes we forget about the tricky part of traveling, like getting lost or taking the lost train or falling in a touristic trap….
Hope we can travel again soon!
Ha! Glamour and travel seldom belong in the same sentence in my experience. It usually takes a plane ride to get to those beautiful travel destinations, which often means needing to catch a connecting flight. So many of my travel memories include the stress of navigating long distances in an airport, hoping you’ve got enough time to make it to the next gate, which is never close, always at the opposite end of the airport in a different terminal. So you finally arrive, sweating, juggling your carryon luggage. Then you get to hurry up and wait. But hopefully, once you arrive at your vacation destination, you can chill and enjoy.
Thanks for stopping by, Michelle!
I have those memories too: running around to catch the flight, problems understanding the language, etc… but that’s part of the experience too so let’s embrace it
Hey Pablo! What’s up there in Barcelona? Hope that your week is going great (among glamourous travels fantasies)!
Here In Rome seems to be still in full summer, there were 35° today… I’m dreaming on spending my days on a desert Greeek island more than ever! XD
Anyway, what you wrote here is indeed a true: it must be pretty hard to look like you’re traveling glamourousely!
Really I think that’s almost impossible: even if you’re Paris Hilton, traveling is traveling, and spending many hours on a plane (even if it’s private jet) must be tiring, not to mention that wherever you go you have to stay with other people and tourists, so no way you can have your “Roman Holydays” like Audrey!!!
Yes, it’s a beautiful fantasy, indeed, but to me it’s just it (like the major part of the things we see on socials): a daydream.
For ex: maybe you know that in summer I ususally spent almost a month with my family on a boat in Greece, and when I say this, most people think that this must be a so relaxing, fun and glamourous way to travel: IT’S THE OPPOSITE!!!!
Small spaces, no water, looong dead times…. ok for me and my parents who like to explore the open sea, looong swim and stay in the most lonely and wild places is wonderful, but I can assure you that’s all but glamourous! You are salty, sweating and burning under the sun, stumbling constantly all day long !
Still I prefer having fun than look glam (not very like fashion blogger, isn’t it?)!^^
Anyway really can’t wait to back to travel, miss it so much….
Wishing you a wonderful week, Pablo!
Take care!
Hello dear Silvia, everything is going great over here! But we passed from the last bits of summer to a cold windy weather… Strange but just in case I won’t put away my lighter clothes! Hope everything is going well!
Hahaha, I totally love what you said because it is true: small places (now with CoVid it is even harder), the lines and those hours under the sun looking for an overpriced bottle of watter haha.
Hope we can travel back soon!
I read that article and I must admit that I’m not suprised to learn that most milleniums choose their travel destinations on the basis of how photogenic or instagramble they are.
I agree with you that travel is rarely glamorous. If it is glam, then it is so only in retrospect. I enjoy local travel and while that is usually less stressful, I often choose to dress comfortably.
I love your art and collages so much.
Hello Ivana! Yes, that fact is not surprising but now there is a whole study confirming it haha!
Hola Pablo! Yo también admiro a los influencers que son capaces de tomarse fotos perfectas cuando van de viaje. En mi caso, no suelo hacerme muchos selfies porque suelo viajar con ropa cómoda y poco glamurosa jajaja, prefiero patear las calles de una nueva ciudad con deportivas que con tacones. Un post muy interesante, besos desde https://sophisticatedmeblog.blogspot.com/
Jajaja, verdad?! Es tan complicado! Yo me suelo estresar y siempre siempre siempre voy en deportivas!
Hey Fungi,
Ohhh I like the sound of that…”traveling glamorously”. Would be fun to give this type of traveling a try and I’m sure I will not want to go back. hahaha
So true, traveling can bring so many challenges but that’s the fun of it all. You never know what you’re going to get.
Have a happy weekend!
Thanks for checking it out Radi!
All the best and exciting to catch up with your blog!
Your article was so funny and I also relate a lot.
I can’t wear a pair of heels or anything than a backpack when I travel haha.
I don’t know how influencers do to wake up that early to have just one picture. I feel like when I’m in vacation my time is too precious to waste time waiting in line for just THE picture.
I love to take tons of pictures but I don’t care if the backyard is crowded and if I wear the same outfit in all the pictures because well this is the real life after all.
Thanks for reading Margot! I am glad you liked it!
I feel like you, for me, my holidays and trips are a good time to relax and disconnect from my problems so I don’t wanna worry to catch up a place with no people to take a photo lol… but obviously if I get the change I do that!
Hey Fungi!
How are you? Thank you for the great post about travel!
I laughed at third an fourth paragraph because I experienced like that, hahaha.
Your article is so humorous and true, so it turned my sad experience into funny story!
Those illustrations are lovely and cool! In particular, Grace kelly!!
I have to say. Thank you for twice your comments for my birthday on my blog!!!
I am so happy! Have a lovely day, Fungi<3
Hello Akiko!
I’m doing good and I hope you’re doing great too! Thanks for visiting my site as usual!
have a great week ahead!
Love travelling and I also cannot wait to get back on the road. Cris
me too! stay safe!
Just stopping by to say hi and thank you for your comment.
thank you always Ivana
Hi Pablo!
This post is absolutely stunning. I have been waiting to see these illustrations ever since you posted a quick Instagram sneak peek. Beautiful work, illustrations, colors and collages are amazing.
And yes, I also cannot wait until we can safely travel again. I have this rule (or motto) of visiting at least one new country (or city) every year. I’ll have to double the amount next year to make it up for 2020 hah!
On a bright side, we had plenty of time to research where to go and what to do in new cities and places!
Have a great day xx
Hello Naya!
Can’t thank you enough for your lovely comments and for your compliments!
Hope you get to visit Barcelona soon after all this madness!
Stopping by to wish you a fantastic weekend. Here it’s raining but it is not bad to have some rain for the change.
this is such an interesting post!
honestly it’s such a challenge to maintain the glamorous sense while travelling hahaha
but lately i’ve been bringing less stuffs during travelling so i make my luggage more compact and reduce hassle
i might not be having each outfit for every attraction but at least i am enjoying the experience and being practical
on a side note, i really love this illustration of yours!
it has a vintage vibe and so sophisticated
I look forward to traveling again and like you I would like to be a better tourist. In my chase for having my photo taken in a beautiful outfit in an IG worthy spot, I realized that I had somehow missed out on the real experience of traveling, of learning and taking in the sights.