Hay una serie de recomendaciones de decoración que habría deseado haber sabido antes de mudarme, no tiene que ver con el hecho de la mudanza en si (eso siempre es un incordio), pero tras haber habitado tres pisos/departamentos en Barcelona he aprendido algunas cosas. Ahora estoy mucho más seguro de ciertas características a las que sé que no renunciaría a la hora de buscar un nuevo hogar, por ejemplo, la luz directa es indispensable (tanto por salud como por cuestiones de trabajo), mientras que puedo ser más flexible con otros temas. Lo que es innegable es que conseguir una casa decente es complicado en las ciudades grandes, con pisos enanos y sueldos igual de apretados, por eso he recopilado una serie de deco tips que me hubiera gustado haber sabido./ There are a few deco tips that I’d have liked to know before moving in, it has nothing to do with the fact of the move itself (that’s always a nuhayisance), but after having lived in three flats in Barcelona I have learned some tricks. Now I am much more sure of certain characteristics that I know I would not pass up when looking for a new home, for example, direct sunlight is essential (both for health and work reasons), while I can be more flexible with other details. What is undeniable is that getting a decent house is difficult in big cities, with tiny apartments and equally tiny salaries, which is why I have compiled a series of deco tips that I wish I had known before.



Disfrutar el proceso de vivir un nuevo espacio y no decorar todo al 100% (si es que puedes, felicidades por tus abundantes cuentas de ahorro). Lo mejor es ir descubriendo las necesidades del nuevo espacio, encontrando los objetos que mejor convivan con ese hogar y dejando que todo tome su curso conforme pasen los meses./ Enjoy the process of living a new space and avoid decorating everything 100% (if you’re able to, congratulations on your abundant savings accounts). The best deco tip I could give you is wait to discover the needs of the new space, finding the objects that best coexist with that flat and letting everything take its course as the months go by.

No te preocupes acerca de los detalles, por supuesto que es genial tener un estilo en mente o una paleta de color bien definida, pero siempre se pueden añadir después cosas como cerámicas, textiles, macetas, cuadros, etc./ Don’t worry about the details, of course it’s great to have a style in mind or a well-defined color palette, but you can always add things like ceramics, textiles, pots, pictures, etc., afterwards.


Eso de trabajar desde la cama es el mito más grande sobre los freelancers. Destina un espacio concreto, aunque sea con una división como una planta, una alfombra, etc. Un santuario de concentración, aunque la procrastinación amenaza hasta al escritorio más bonito./ Working from bed is the biggest myth about freelancers. Designate a specific space, even if it is created with a division such as a plant, a carpet, etc. A sanctuary of concentration, though procrastination threatens even the prettiest desk.

Por si llega otra cuarentena, por si apetece relajarse o por si apetece volverse freelancer./ In case another quarantine arrives, in case you want to relax or in case you want to become a freelancer.

In this picture: HAY Colour Crate Boxes


Los apartamentos pequeños suponen muchos retos, pero tal vez el más grande tiene que ver con almacenar todo eso que nunca se ve en las fotos de Instagram y Pinterest: ropa de cama, escobas, carpetas con facturas, etc. Al día de hoy sigo arrepentido de no haber comprado la cama con cajones para almacenaje de IKEA. Ahora tengo unas cajas de colores de HAY que una vez que no las utilices se pueden ir plegando y no estorban. En fin, algo que he aprendido a la mala./ Small apartments have many challenges, but perhaps the biggest has to do with storing all that you never see in Instagram and Pinterest photos: blankets, brooms, folders with bills, etc. I still regret not buying the IKEA storage bed with drawers. Now I have some colored boxes from HAY that once you don’t use, can be folded and piled up to save space. Something I’ve learned the hard way.


Hay un antes y un después en una casa habitada con plantas. Siempre puedes consultar una de esas listas con plantas que son difíciles de asesinar y que aguantan como una guerrera (como la sansevieria o lengua de suegra). Di no a las plantas de plástico y date la oportunidad de tener una pequeña jungla en la urbe, verás un cambio favorable./ There is a before and after in a house inhabited with plants. You can always consult one of those lists with plants that are difficult to kill and that hold up like a warrior (sansevieria or snake plant is a good option). Say no to plastic plants and give yourself the opportunity to have a small jungle in the city, you will see a favorable change. More deco tips that are not a splurge!


Esas cosas que das por hecho que siempre han existido pero que son vitales, como las sábanas y las toallas, pero una vez que ves precios elevan tus gastos por las nubes. Seré honesto, no me gusta mi actual juego de cama y estoy en busque de uno nuevo, pero el punto a favor es que se trata de elementos que pueden hacer un cambio en la decoración sin gastar demasiado (al menos comparado con el precio de nuevos muebles)./ Those things that you take for granted have always existed but are vital, like sheets and towels, but once you see prices, your budget skyrocket. I’ll be honest, I don’t like my current bedding set and I’m looking for a new one, but the plus point is that these are items that can make a change in decor without spending too much (at least compared to the price of new furniture).


Muchos de mis amigos no quieren hacer agujeros en las paredes, pintar o comprar algún sofá cómodo por si se tienen que volver a mudar. ¿A quién le importa? Aunque vivas de alquiler, habita ese sitio de la mejor manera. Si comprar algo o trabajar en algún proyecto de interiorismo resuelve un problema de vivienda y te hace feliz, vale la pena. SPOILER: Posiblemente tengas que pintar ese departamento antes de dejarlo, así que mejor hacerlo de una vez./ Many friends don’t want to make holes in the walls, paint or buy a comfortable sofa in case they have to move again. Who cares? No matter if you’re renting, try to inhabit that place the best way. If buying something or working on an interior design project solves a living problem and makes you happy, it’s worth it. SPOILER: You may have to paint that apartment before leaving it, so better do it at once.


Guarda dinero y compra cosas especiales que realmente quieres y que sientas que puedan estar contigo para siempre o por un largo período de tiempo, en lugar de comprar algo solamente para llenar un espacio vacío. Esa es la mejor manera de construir un hogar de tesoros únicos. Por esto no me refiero a comprar las piezas más costosas, pero toma en cuenta tiendas de segunda mano, mercadillos o diseñadores independientes./ Save money and buy special things that you really want and that you feel can be with you forever or for a long period of time, instead of buying something JUST to fill an empty space. That is the best way to build a home of unique treasures. By this I don’t mean buying the most expensive pieces, but consider thrift stores, flea markets, or independent designers.

Las revistas de decoración creen que todos podemos permitirnos una reforma o comprar los muebles de un tirón con una temática súper definida, además de ser una mentira, creo que se nota cuando una casa se ha decorado de manera orgánica y una de las cosas más bonitas de tener un pequeño rincón es poder vivir ese proceso de decoración./ Interior design magazines believe that we can all afford a complete reform or buy furniture at once with a super defined theme, besides being a lie, I think it shows when a house has been decorated organically and one of the most beautiful things of having a space of your own is to be able to live the decoration process.

¿Tú que cambiarías si te volvieras a mudar?/ What would you change if you moved again? Do you have more deco tips like these?

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  • Really good points about decorating your space. To me home is my sanctuary and it needs to reflect colors and decorating that makes me feel happy. Sometimes it takes Living in a place for a bit to know how you want to decorate. I agree, the idea that you should decorate it all immediately not only is expensive, but takes away the fun of adding things bit by bit and enjoying each one.

    And you live in Barcelona! I have not been there, but I would love to see it. Such a beautiful city. My husband and I have toyed with the idea of leaving the United States if Trump gets re-elected. Spain is at the top of our list.

    • Hello Michelle, hope you’re doing good and thank you for stopping by!

      As you said a home is a sanctuary so we must feel as comfortable as we can, and you’re welcome in Spain any time! I’d say is a good place to live specially (depending on the area), but there are many good options here!

  • Ah these tips are spot on! Storage is key and I can understand you regret on the bed with the draws such a smart way to make use of limited space. I stayed in a studio in Paris and the owner was so clever with making use of limited space. Great post!

    Allie of ALLIENYC

    • Thanks Allie!

      Been having troubles with storage, now I have a bigger kitchen and a bigger bathroom but I am afraid to have less space to put the essential stuff!

  • i totally love love love this deco tips!
    i have stayed in 3 different countries in my life and each living space is very different, but i always love a place with lots and lots of sunlight
    and i totally agree with the working space esp in times like this

    I laugh when i read about the entire furniture that the decor magazine suggests hahaha
    in reality it takes weeks and months until the space becomes complete

    i hope you can do an apartment tour some day (if possible)
    just because i really love your decor style

    stay safe and well fungi!

    • thanks for stopping by!

      I’d say sunlight is one of the most important resources, you can play a lot with that and choose the color according to the kind of light you have in the apartment.

      stay safe too!

  • Another article right on spot Pablo!! Couldn’t agree more with this list. Decoration takes time and rushing things will only make you spending more money later on buying something else that fits you better. Haha, I love to work in bed but it’s definitely more productive to work at a desk, although I’m pretty good at procrastinating there too, hehe. Adding plants to your place is a great deco tips. They’re cheap, they add a bit of nature and it’s meditative to take care of them. Lol, I’ve killed too many plants, but at least I’m trying to take care of them! Hope you’re having a good week Pablo! Xx

    • Hello Mia, thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

      I hope you have better luck with your future plants!


  • Hey Pablo, how you doin’?
    So even there in Barcelona there was that sudden drop of temperatures??? Here we passed from shorts and tank tops to jeans and (heavy) hoodies in a couple of (rainy and windy) days!
    I thought it was a phenomenon limited to Italy, but seems that we went the same situation!^^
    Anyway I think too that the weather is gonna be better: usually October month is so warm and nice here in Roma (ps. If you want came here to visit the city this is -along with april/may months- the best period to do it), we have just wait and see.

    Then, about the topic of this week, what to say: probably the most useful post (to me) you’ve wrote since now!
    Really your you tips are so centered! I’ve done every single error you’ve descibed here in the few months I lived in Milan – and it was even a furnished flat! ^^
    I’ve started with apretty precise idea in my mind, but then: 1) I haven’t money enough to buy all I needed to realize my projects and 2) the furnitures in the flat clashed with my ideal design.
    On the other side I had this kind of fever to personalize my space as much as possible as fast as possible, so that I’ve eneded spending a lot of money with the only result that my flat seemed one of those youngsters Korean homes in the kdramas full with every kind of different decorative items, trying to make a sense of it…. I’ve even bought Orchids! Pratically the most delicate plant ever (in fact they died after few weeks)!
    It was really a big big failure! -_-
    I would really neede those tips at those times….
    Anyway now that I’ve kinda of understand the steps, I think I gonna keep them in mind forever!
    Thanx for share!!!

    Wishing you an amazing week ahead, my friend!
    Take care!

    PS: You absolutely have to buy a pair of Dr Martens! Really, I now that are not very cheap but they are comfy, dry and last long forever!!! Think that I bought my first pair when I was at High School and I still wear them, they’re are still perfect (except for some scratch because they’re pastel pink) despite I wore them a lot! 😉

    • Hey Silvia,

      Doing much better now! Thank you, I had some difficult weeks due to the virus but now I’m back with more energy and ready to enjoy these autumn days 🙂 I’d say the best season to come and enjoy Barcelona is autumn, not too hot and not too cold, but unluckily restaurants are closing at least for two weeks now….

      And thank you for your lovely comment! I am glad you liked this blog post! Thanks for sharing your personal experiences with me, I know there is a struggle when you manage to move to a new place ….

      And sure, I’m buying a pair of Martens as soon as possible!

  • I enjoyed reading your decor tips. When we first moved into our new home, we decorated it quite minimally. We bought the furniture, but we didn’t buy many decor items or plants right away. Instead, we moved slowly and keep adding things. With time, I ended up displaying more and more of my art in my home and I quite like how ‘arty’ my home ended up looking, especially the living room and the kitchen. I would say that I’m still in a process of decorating my home and that’s a beautiful process. Being able to play with décor and change things up is wonderful.

    I do resonate with all you wrote her and I appreciate your budget tips as at the moment I’m living in a tiny rental. I didn’t feel like decorating in this apartment because I will move out in a few months and return to my house but reading this makes me realize that perhaps I should decorate it! Why not make the most out of things while I’m here? You have given me some food for the thought.

    I loved your tip about resilient plants. That’s a great opinion because sometimes we don’t have the time or the lifestyle to take care of more demanding plants. Greenery definitely adds life to our living space. I love the plants in your home. Plus, your art is always inspiring. That illustration with coffee in bed really speaks to me!


    • Hello dear Ivana, I’m glad you enjoyed this blog post!

      Starting slowly (specially if you’re gonna live there for a short period of time) is the best, then you will notice the things that your specific new place is asking for.

      And hope you manage to have some good but not expensive details to make your temporary place a little bit charming 😉

  • Hey Fungi,

    This post makes me want to move again and start decorating. I like your tip about not trying to decorate everything at once. You’ve got to feel the new space and with time decide more clearly what you want to fill it up with.

    If I move in the future (which I’m hoping to), I will definitely apply your tips. Thanks!

    Have a great one!

    • Hello Radi,

      Do that! Haha no of course it takes a lot of time or effort, but take these tips into account in case you move again 😉

  • I was never really able to decorate much our place since we move from a country to an other one way too often but all your tips were amazing.
    Decorating takes time and I agree about investing in the things which make you happy.
    Now I want to work more on decorating my house.
    But when I picked just the little things which will be easy to move out like new sheets, new pillows etc it always bring me so much joy.
    And I also love to decorate my house for Halloween and Christmas.

    • Hello Margot!

      Moving constantly is also a big impediment when it comes to find the perfect style, but hope you can manage to find the perfect props that bring that cozy element to your temporary home 🙂

  • These are great tips and lovely photos too! thanks for sharing! We have a pretty minimal decorating style but I do love putting up lots of family photos! We have a few on our walls, we are running out of space actually, haha!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend 🙂

  • Hello Pablo what a great post!
    I love your little marble table by the way. I really liked your tips but for myself I try to do the opposite of your first tip of “DO NOT DECORATE EVERYTHING FROM THE BEGINNING ” 🙂
    In my last three apartments I always waited with deocrating and than I realized that everything that I haven`t done in the first two weeks after moving in stayed like that for months or even years. So now I tell myself to better decorate right away (to make sure it doesn`t stay empty or undecorated) and than I can rearrange or decorate newly later. Really liked your other tips though!!

    have a great week,


    • Thanks for visiting and for your lovely comment Tiziana ❤️

      I’d say that marble table is one of my favorite pieces in this apartment! And thanks for sharing your experience with me, every situation is different and as you said the best thing we can do is rearrange or move around things, the most affordable way to spice up the situation and change the mood with easy resources 🙂

  • Great post, Pablo!

    As much as I don’t mind moving, I do feel like having a separate work space for me is essential. I am a freelancer too and I know people believe that all freelancer sleep all day and work in bed, similarly to people working at the office – we too need an area that keeps us focused. Preferably a good desk and plants. Many plants!

    These days I do not rush to fill in every corner of my place with objects or things. I live there for a bit, see how I feel and add items accordingly.

    Hope you are doing well! xx


    • Hey Naya, so good to see you here!

      And yes, being a freelancer has changed the way I live in this space 100%, so a certain area for working is mandatory!

      Thanks for sharing your experience with me! Visiting your blog right now 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!

    How are you? Your article about DECO is really great. In particular, plants!
    I have looked for the best plant for me for a long time, and I didn’t know why some plants I don’t like very much are strong. My favorite plants dead soon…However your article inspired me! It is exciting that strong plants are warrior!!

    I also think that bed seats and towel that I really want are so expensive! I used to buy them Conran Shop, but now I get them from MUJI, hahaha. Anyway, your illustration of the bed room is so great, Fungi! Yellow tulips are so you!!

    • Hello Akiko!

      Doing much better now! Was a little bit sick for a few days but now I’m ready with new blog posts and illustrations!

      I am super happy to read that you found this post useful! Visiting your site right now 🙂

  • Yo creo que me he tomado súper al pie de la letra eso de no decorar todo de una, un poco demasiado tal vez XD porque tengo espacios vacíos aun en mi depto. Lo que si necesito urgente es un sofa couch cómodo y dioooos no encuentro uno a buen precio y que sea antigatos jajaj todos los que he visto y me gustan amigo son carisimos onda mas de mil dólares el sofa wtf
    No es fácil conseguir una deco linda e inmaculada como las que nos muestran en pinterest o en catálogos porque en la vida real existen los gatos, el polvo, que se te caiga el café etc y encima todo lo que es deco y muebles suele ser bastante caro 🙁

    Ahora tengo dos plantas, Aurelio (un ficus) y una suculenta NN que aún no tiene nombre, espero sobrevivan mucho tiempo!

    Abrazo amigo, me dieron ganas de ir a Ikea pero aun no llega a Chile XD

    • Cher, pues la decoración de tu departamento me gusta muchísimo! Eso sí, algo cómodo donde te puedas relajar al final del día siempre es indispensable, pero ese tipo de cosas son carísimas, a mi me costó años encontrar el sofá perfecto, espero que des con el!

      Un abrazo y gracias por pasarte por aquí

  • Algunos puntos fueron hechos! Que bonito es leer esto que ya habíamos platicado.

    Estoy leyendo tu artículo con el mejor timing, justo ahora que estoy en el proceso de establecer mi nuevo departamento.! Totalmente de acuerdo en no apresurarse en definir un estilo, no hay ninguna presión en hacerlo, y al final es más bonito como se va puliendo con el paso del tiempo .

    Definitivamente las plantas son y serán mi autotune del diseño interior, mis 100 plantas en casa lo avalan.

    • Ay gracias por pasarte Adán 🙂

      Creo que este post te cayó en momento perfecto, espero que puedas ir encontrando esos detalles bonitos y personales con el paso del tiempo. Mejor que solo comprar cosas para llenar un espacio vacío (total ese siempre lo pueden ocupar las plantas en lo que llega esa pieza especial).