Tengo la sensación de que no hemos vivido una primavera desde el 2019. Y como he explicado en este edit de OTOÑO 2020 soy una persona a la que le gustan los términos medios. La primavera me parece -casi- perfecta por muchas razones (y digo casi porque tenemos el tema de las alergias), pero se me ocurren más bondades que defectos: es cuando más variedad de flores hay, no hace demasiado frío ni demasiado calor y sólo necesitas una chaqueta ligera para sobrevivir./ I have the feeling that we have not experienced a proper spring since 2019. And as I have explained in this AUTUMN 2020 edit, I am the kind of person who likes medium terms. Spring seems -almost-perfect for many reasons (and I say “almost” because allergies are a amenace of the season), but I can think of more benefits than defects: the months with more variety of flowers, it is not too cold or too hot and you only need a light jacket to survive.

Con todo y que esta primavera aún tenga que quedarme varias horas en casa, me hace ilusión sentir mi lado más silvestre sin perder la compostura: comprar una fragancia nueva (en mi caso una vela), cambiar la paleta de colores, mover algún mueble, pedirse un café en la terraza (sin olvidar la distancia social) y pasar a comprar flores o una planta o lo que sea que el invierno y el frío te hayan arrebatado./ I know this spring will still require several hours at home, but I am excited to feel my sylvan side without losing the composure: buying a new fragrance (in my case, a candle), changing the color palette, moving some furniture around, order a coffee on the terrace (without forgetting the social distance) and go to the flowershop to buy whatever the winter and the cold have taken away from you.
In this picture: Boy Smells Kush Candle
Una misión cumplida: encontrar un sérum con vitamina C. El Lumilixir de Mabel + Meg da jugosidad y luminosidad a la piel, incluso después de una jornada de trabajo ruda. Por otro lado la crema Hydra Repair Day Cream de Grown Alchemist es una buena opción, si buscas hidratación y absorción veloz, además de ser una marca respetuosa con el medio ambiente./ Mission accomplished: find a serum with vitamin C. Mabel + Meg Lumilixir gives skin juiciness and radiance, even after a tough day’s work. On the other hand, the Hydra Repair Day Cream from Grown Alchemist is a good option if you are looking for hydration and fast absorption, as well as being an environmentally friendly brand.
Byredo es una de mis marcas de fragancias favoritas. La crema La Tulipe además de tener manteca de karité y rescatar las manos con textura de cocodrilo, huele a “limpio” y a tulipanes, que por cierto son una de mis flores preferidas./ Byredo is one of my favorite fragrance brands. La Tulipe hand cream has shea butter and can take away crocodile texture from your hands. It smells like “clean” and tulips, which by the way are one of my favorite flowers.
In this picture: Byredo La Tulipe Hand Cream + Mabel & Meg Lumilixir + Grown Alchemist Hydra Repair Day Cream
Quien visite mi casa seguramente verá alguna vela encendida. Así como buscamos un perfume acorde a nuestra personalidad, los lugares también pueden customizarse con un aroma. Tenía muchas ganas de probar la vela Kush de Boy Smells y ésta es bastante peculiar: ante, musk, tulipán y…. cannabis. No, no huele a esto último/ If you come to my house you should probably spot a candle burning. Just as we look for a perfume according to our personality, places can also be customized with a scent. I really wanted to try the Boy Smells Kush candle and this one is quite peculiar: suede, musk, tulip and…. cannabis. No, it doesn’t smell like the latter.
Hay muchas novedades en el mercado editorial y muy poco tiempo, pero soy defensor de que siempre hay que hacer hueco en nuestro tiempo de lectura para un clásico y esta vez tocó Cumbres Borrascosas de Emily Brontë. No se dejen engañar por la portada bonita, es un libro violento, pero que hizo mucho eco en el tiempo en el que fue publicado./ There are many novelties in the editorial market and very little time, but I am a defender that we always have to make room in our reading time for a classic and this time I picked Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Do not be fooled by the pretty cover with spring motifs, it is a violent book, but one that made a lot of echo in the time in which it was published.
Wuthering Heights on Good Reads
En mi mesita de noche también tengo la revista Apartamento, curada en Barcelona y que cuenta las historias de personajes en casas reales. Me encanta su autenticidad y que no es la típica revista de interiores sin cables, recibos en el escritorio o juguetes abandonados./ I also have the Apartamento magazine on my bedside table, curated in Barcelona and which tells the stories of characters in real houses. I love its authenticity and that it’s not your typical interiors magazine with no cables, receipts on the desk, or abandoned toas.
Si hay una ciudad con buen tiempo la mayoría del año es Los Ángeles. Hace poco vi Ingrid Goes West con Aubrey Plaza y Elizabeth Olsen que narra la relación aparentemente inofensiva entre una influencer de Venice Beach y una de sus seguidores. Hay consecuencias provocadas por tener que vivir de los likes, una historia con la que todxs nos podemos identificar./ If there is a city with good weather most of the year it is Los Angeles. I recently saw Ingrid Goes West with Aubrey Plaza and Elizabeth Olsen chronicling the seemingly harmless relationship between a Venice Beach influencer and one of her followers. There are consequences caused by likes and Instagram, a story that we can all identify with.
No estoy comprando mucha ropa últimamente, pero me estoy asegurando de hacerme con colores vivos de vez en cuando para suplir esa falta de policromía que Barcelona me quitó. Esta sobrecamisa de pana es perfecta para las tardes cálidas con amenaza de frescura./ I’m not buying a lot of clothes lately, but I’m making sure to get bright colors from time to time to make up for that lack of polychromy that Barcelona took from me. This corduroy overshirt is perfect for warm spring evenings with the threat of freshness.
Aunque Miranda Priestley odie esto, la primavera para mi si que tiene que ver con las flores. Creo que es el factor botánico lo que hace que me guste tanto esta temporada, aunque puede que también influya el hecho de que en Abril es mi cumpleaños y que es un pretexto inapelable para poder comer más de una ración de pastel./ Although Miranda Priestley hates this, spring for me is all about flowers. I think it is the botanical factor that makes me like this season so much, although it may also be the fact that April is my birthday and that it is an unappealable excuse to be able to eat more than one portion of cake.
Spring is my very favorite season! I love the flowers, and interestingly, here in the desert we do not lack flowers. No, they are not natives, but do well in the Spring and can survive our harsh summer temperatures. Some even manage to flower during the extreme heat of summer.
I agree, Los Angeles has near perfect temperatures. It is where my husband and I lived – in a rent controlled studio a block from the ocean – but we could not afford to retire there. But here in Las Vegas, the traffic is far more manageable, and when the pandemic subsides again, we will have access to some if the best entertainment in the world.
Like you, this year I have vowed not to spend much on clothing. My closet is full and I have no need to add to it. I’ve started with the idea that if I buy a new piece, I need to donate another.
Stay safe my friend!
Hey Michelle, it is my favorite season too, but the most beautiful days of the season don’t last long
Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words, I hope you’re having a wonderful week
Hey Pablo, how’s going this start of spring?
Here, as I’ve mentioned before, we are in lockdown (again), but luckily I can enjoy some bite of spring while running at park (I’m lucky to live close to a big park).
Seems that there in Barcelona things are bit better, isn’t it? At least you can go out for a walk and a stop on flower shop!
I really miss enjoying Spring as I used to do: this is my fav season and I feel so happy and full of energy with longer , sunny days.
Anyway you really hitted the spot: you can’t go out? Then refresh your “stay at home”! That’s the way!
I totally loved your tips and ideas, and guess I’ll follow many of them (first of all that Latulipe hand cream… but really wanna try all those beauty products you’ve mentioned): a good read, a nice scented candle and adding colors here and there!
I’ve noticed you’ve got the most stylish flower pot collection ever, I’m jelous! Since the pandemic was started I was into plants and flowers but really I’ve never made too many efforts on finding cool pots (except for those from Antropologie), I wanna a cool collection like your!^^
Anyway I loved this post full of hope and good ideas to enjoy life despite everything, it’s a breath of fresh air!
Not to mention your more and more cool and stylish photos!
Stay safe and take care, dear !
Hello Silvia! Enjoying the first days of spring, I hope you too! But here we still have some cloudy or cold morning, so i’d say we have to keep our jackets hanging there just in case haha!
As you I missed this season last year, is probably my favorite since the streets look so beautiful, like a postcard, at least I am able to walk around the city and take some photos.
And thanks! The vase is from H&M Home
But tuned up with pink paint.
All the best dear!
I too am so ready for spring. It is quite warm here today. I love candles too and that serum sounds amazing. Yes last spring was not a normal spring for sure a year spent indoors. Lets hope this spring is a bit better. I hope to get out for a walk to today.
Allie of
Hey Allie, I hope you’re enjoying the first bits of spring in NY
All the best and enjoy the city!
When I first moved to the states I thought autumn was my favorite season but I think it’s veering towards spring. You’re right, it’s not hot but not freezing cold either. It’s a very comfortable in-between. I recently purchased an eye cream from Versed that has Vitamin C and I will say I’m pretty happy with it so far. Eos has a great hand cream with shea butter too, ugh I’ve been struggling with dryness on my hands.
Ooh I like the color of your corduroy shirt! I love how you did your images, so creative and appealing.
Thanks for sharing your spring edit with us Pablo!
Have a great weekend!
Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com
Hey Des!
As you I loved comfortable in-between seasons, I don’t like the excess haha. Same happened to me when I moved to Barcelona 5 years ago, since we don’t have “seasons” in Northern Mexico.
Thank you so much for your love and support, xx
So many great home products! I love flowers and scented candles too, and that cord shirt is lovely on you and again a really nice colour for spring
Hope you are having a good weekend
Thanks for the good vibes Mica
Hola Pablo!
Loved reading this beautiful post (by the way I try to translate the Spanish portion first, then I move onto English hah – takes me a while, but your blog is amazing for practice).
I have to agree with you, mid-seasons are my favorite too. Spring and autumn in particular. You mentioned a lot of cool things here, particularly interested in trying that tulip hand cream you have mentioned by Byredo (some of my favorite flowers too!) and of course the candle sounds quite appealing as well. And of course you look amazing in the new corduroy shirt, the color is so good!
Any plans for the upcoming birthday? xx
Hey Naya, thank you so much for stopping by!
Haha don’t worry, feel free to practice Spanish, I won’t judge since my English is not perfect tho
Let me know if you tried some of these recommendations! Cult Beauty sells Boy Smells and the quality of this candle is really good!
No plans for my birthday, but I’m sure that I’ll have cake despite the situation haha!
I love your spring edit. Spring is a lovely season for sure, the only downside of it are the allergies. It’s great being able to have coffee outside again, isn’t it? Being able to get fresh flowers of all kinds is another advantage. I really enjoyed your collages with flowers. The photos are great. Thank you for your spring recommendations. I do agree about Wuthering Heights. The only thing romantic about it is the cover.
Still, it is a lovely read. Classics are always a great idea.
That cord shirt is so cool. Always nice to add some colour into our wardrobe. Have a great weekend.
Hey Ivana, thank you so much for your love!
Haha yes I totally agree with you, I love spring but basking in allergies is the worst about the season haha!
Best, xx
Such ana amazing post Pablo. I’m so in love with the aesthetic of your pictures and the compositions. It’s beautiful and it definitely screams spring.
I’m so sad here we don’t get to experience spring that much. I’m hoping I’ll be able to go back in France before summer so I could experience all the pretty flowers there.
Wuthering heights is on my list of classic books I want to read. This cover of this edition of this book is absolutely beautiful.
And just like you I love a good hand cream with an amazing smell.
Hey Margot, thank you so much for stopping by!
I hope you manage to experience spring again, I had to say spring it the “permanent” season in Mexico since we don’t have a real autumn or a real winter, just a bit of colder weeks haha.
Let me know if you read this book, I totally recommend it !
Hi Fungi! i haven’t visited your blog in such a long time. I hope you are well! I’m so glad to see this post
i totally love all of your decor ideas and how you took that pictures! that Boy Smells Kush Candle is probably one of my most favourite thing. I also agree that all the flowers make spring exciting! i always love all the ones you pick for the home.
Hey so good to see you back on track
Thank you for coming back and Boy Smells candles are really good! Excited to try more in the upcoming days!
THESE COLORS ARE SOO PRETTY! Pastels + spring go hand in hand. I love the photos you took!!
Love the purple candle, may I ask where the face statue right behind it is from? I neeeeed it, lol.
xx Sara
Hey Sara, thank you for your lovely message! I’m glad you liked the color palette
The statue is a design I found at Dali’s house in Cadaqués (close to Barcelona), it is a flower pot that belonged to her wife, Gala. I got obsessed with it but realized it was a really old piece and I found it at a market in Barcelona for 3 euros haha!
You know what, I don’t think I’ve been this excited about spring in such a long time. As you write, perhaps it’s because spring last year was kind of cancelled. Although things are still far from normal, it feels like things are more optimistic and brighter. So I’m all here for pastels, florals, dresses and bare legs, a drink or two outside etc etc. I think every new season is a fresh beginning, so I’m all for this level of inspiration. Thank you for the boost Pablo, I look forward to spring even more now! Xx
Hello Mia, thank you for your lovely message
Picking some recommendations from your latest blog post, excited to wear more colors and textures!
Hi Pablo,
oh I´m so excited about spring as well!! It used to be the season, which I cared about least but last year where the first lockdown month hit me so unexpected and I was suddenly stuck in the freezing cold Chicago instead of traveling around latam, I was so relieved when it got warmer!
This year I´m even more happy. The first time I heard the birds in the morning sing it felt like my heart got lighter. Today we even had 22 degrees in france which is insane! So amazing and everything is growing and blooming! I love it
have a great day,
Hey Tiziana, thank you for your comment.
I feel the same as you, last spring was really hard and even tho there are many challenges related to the virus, I am happy to be able to spend some time outdoors!
Enjoy the nice weather and thanks again, xx
Hey Fungi!
Yay it’s finally spring so happy spring!
Love what you said…Miranda Priestley won’t approve but I also love wearing floral prints for spring. Ayyy groundbreaking but shhhh don’t tell her that! hahaha
I feel like you know so much about great skincare products. You always throw in some brands I’ve never heard of before.
Already looking forward to your summer edit!!!
Hey dear Radi!
I know it is your favorite season too, so let’s enjoy it! Let me know if you try some of these recommendations
And of course, we won’t tell Miranda Priestly about this little scret haha!
This is such a great post welcoming spring! I completely agree with you that last spring was not experienced to the fullest since we were stuck inside. I love using Vitamin C serums too, especially to wake our skin up after a long dry winter. I really want to try Boy Smells candles. My hairdresser always has them burning in her salon and they smell delightful. Thank you for your review on the smell! I am not a huge fan of the smell of cannabis so I’m happy the candle doesn’t smell like that haha
Thanks for your love and support, Jill!
I feel the same about vitamin c serums, been trying a few in the recent months but this one works like a charm! Let me know if you have any recommendations
And hope you try these candles soon, the price range is good for their quality, many luxury candles tend to be a bit expensive but this one is an affordable luxury
Hey Fungi!
I hope you are having a lovely day! Thank you for sharing your spring, and you look so relaxed with your favorites!
I really love you and poppy flowers, and that corduroy over-shirt, too<3
Ingrid Goes West seems so interesting, so I just checked the trailer on YouTube! Maybe I will see it this spring:) Byredo cream also seems great, and I am interested in all of them in your images.
Anyway your composition with papers and curves by flower stems are so beautiful, Fungi!
Have a great weekend<3
Hey Akiko,
I love to read your lovely comments on my blog post, I hope you’re enjoying Spring season too! I would like to visit Japan one day but specially in this time of the year to see all the pink blossoms floating around!
All the best,
Happy Easter weekend!
Me ha encantado el artículo. Yo siento que desde que estamos confinados tengo más tiempo para pararme a admirar la privamavera, las estaciones en general… Procuro tener siempre flores en casa, pero el primavera reinan los tulipanes… Y en verano reinará las hortensias :p Y me encantaría probar algún producto de byredo, está en mi “to do list”
Un saludo!
Hola Laura! Mil gracias por pasarte por el blog
Al igual que tú me volví muchísimo más consciente de estos pequeños detalles en el primer confinamiento, antes no me preocupaban tanto pero es verdad que estas cosas te afectan en el día a día jaja, los tulipanes y las hortensias son de mis flores preferidas n.n
Ay y sí, Byredo tiene cosas que huelen delicioso, algunas son un poco caras pero valen mucho la pena!
what a cool concept!
thanks for sharing!!!