Esta nueva categoría del blog, dentro de la sección LOST IN TRANSLATION, no es precisamente una guía con las recomendaciones más hot de las ciudades. Para eso ya existen guías muy bien trabajadas y mi historial de ciudades visitadas no es tan amplio como me gustaría. Estos posts tienen como objetivo hablar de las ciudades como si se tratara de personajes que evocan miles de historias, sentimientos y experiencias sensoriales. La primera ciudad elegida es Lisboa./ This new series of posts of the blog, within the LOST IN TRANSLATION section, is not exactly a guide with the hottest travel recommendations. We can already find very well curated city guides and my history of visited places is not as extensive as I’d like. These posts aim to talk about cities as if they were characters that evoke thousands of stories, feelings and sensory experiences. The first city chosen is Lisbon.


Unas vacaciones virtuales es justo lo que necesito y a menudo me pregunto si las aerolíneas me guardarán esos puntos de viaje que tanto prometieron. Y sobre Lisboa voy a ser un honesto: es uno de esos lugares que se anidaron en mi cabeza gracias a las fotos de Instagram: colores pasteles, azulejos hipnóticos y miradores en las colinas./ A virtual holiday is just what I need and I often wonder if airlines will save me those promised travel points. And I’ll be honest about Lisbon: it’s one of those places that got nested in my head thanks to Instagram photos: pastel colors, hypnotic tiles and breathtaking views on top of the hills.

Puede que lo que más me haya conquistado de Lisboa (aunque a algunas personas les pueda impacientar) fueron la cadencia y el ritmo poco acelerado. A pesar de ser una ciudad grande se siente una tranquilidad que es difícil de encontrar en otros sitios grandes./ Perhaps what has conquered me the most about Lisbon (although some people may be impatient about it) was the cadence and the slow pace. Despite being a big city, you can feel a tranquility that is difficult to find in other large places.


Lisboa es como un tren a gran velocidad, pero donde puedes optar por un viaje en la cabina silenciosa. Si la ciudad fuera un personaje (no sé por qué en mi mente lo visualizo como una mujer) sería alguien que mezcla las buenas elecciones clásicas con otras cosas más contemporáneas, que lo mismo elige cenar en un restaurante con propuesta fusión y después ir por unas cervezas al bar más tradicional, ese al que los turistas no entrarían. Es un contraste entre la aventura y la relajación, un espíritu mixto con el que me identifico mucho./ Lisbon is like a high-speed train, but where you can opt for a ride in the silent cabin. If the city were a character (I don’t know why  I visualize it as a woman in my mind) it would be someone who mixes good classic choices with other more contemporary things, who chooses to dine in a restaurant with a fusion proposal and then decides to go for a few beers at the most traditional bar, the one that tourists would not enter. It is a contrast between adventure and relaxation, a mixed spirit with which I identify a lot.

Puede que haya definido la personalidad de Lisboa como aventurera pero relajada, después de haber subido a pie esas colinas que hacen que cualquier ejercicio en el gimnasio sea un juego de niños, teniendo como recompensa una bebida en lo alto de uno de sus famosos miradores./ I may have defined Lisbon’s personality as adventurous but laid-back, after hiking those hills that make any exercise look like a child’s play, rewarding yourself with a drink at the top of one of its famous viewpoints.

🎨 Color Palette 🎨

No voy a mentir, la paleta cromática de Lisboa me recuerda a todo lo que me gusta: estampados y colores pasteles en grandes cantidades. Es como si yo interior se convirtiera en el plano de una ciudad donde siempre hay espacio para el color y donde hasta los edificios grises tienen un pequeño azulejo para recordarte que hay días malos y días buenos. Si fuera por una razón estilística Lisboa sería mi residencia por muchos meses, por eso y también por los pastéis de Belém (unos pastelitos de hojaldre y crema)./ I’m not going to lie, the Lisbon color palette reminds me of everything I like: prints and pastels in large quantities. It’s as if my inner self became the plan of a city where there is always room for color and where even gray buildings have a small tile to remind you that there are bad days and good days. If it were for a stylistic reason, Lisbon would be my residence for many months, for that reason and also for the pastéis de Belém (ego custard tart pastries).

Es un destino al que Hollywood no le ha sacado mucho partido, pero es la ciudad a la que tenía que volar Ingrid Bergman en Casablanca (1942) y creo que es un sitio muy cinematográfico, ya que pocas ciudades en el mundo pueden mantener pasado y presente en perfecta armonía, es como una ciudad en constante ebullición./ Hollywood has not taken much advantage of this destination, but Lisbon is the city that Ingrid Bergman had to fly to in Casablanca (1942) and I think it is a very cinematic place, since few cities in the world can keep past and present in perfect harmony, it is like a city in constant boiling.


Canciones que me recuerdan a Lisboa, no precisamente porque hablen de portugal, pero que sonaban en el momento en que me subí al avión o mientras hacía las maletas (posiblemente a ultima hora)./ Songs that remind me of Lisbon, not precisely because they speak of Portugal, but these were playing at the moment I got on the plane or while I was packing my bags (possibly at the last minute).

🎶 Do-Si-Do x Peter Bjorn and John + Everything Now x Arcade Fire 🎶

¿Has estado en Lisboa?, si no es así, ¿qué idea tienes de ella? Creo que lo más emocionante de un viaje es la idea preconcebida que luego se transforma y adopta otro tono. Porque al final lo maravilloso de los viajes es romper los esquemas e pensar en todas las historias que han ocurrido en ese lugar para que tú puedas disfrutarlo en el presente./ Have you been to Lisbon? If not, what idea do you have of this city? I think the most exciting thing about a trip is the preconceived idea that later transforms and takes another tone. Because in the end the wonderful thing about traveling is breaking the schemes and thinking about all the stories that have happened in that place so that you can enjoy it in the present.



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  • Oh wow the way you describe Lisbon it sounds like such a wonderful city to live in with the best of both worlds. It is funny that people in other parts of France think Paris is super fast paced but compared to NY I feel like people there take time to live. I would love to get to Lisbon one day. It looks and sounds beautiful.

    Allie of

    • Hey Allie,

      I totally get your point! Same here in Barcelona, you can see that the city is really busy in certain areas but at the same time people is taking the time to grab some coffee or enjoy life in some simple ways 🙂

  • Hey Fungi!

    I still remember your Lisbon travel guide. It was totally what I pictured when thinking of this city. I’ve never been but your post made me want to add it to my travel bucket list after Barcelona.

    Thanks so much for your nice comments and hope you enjoy this spring season!

    • Hey dear Radi, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by 🙂

      See you on your blog!❤️

  • I loved reading this post about Lisbon and your illustrations are so beautiful. I always love your art. The way you represented Lisbon with your collages, photograph and illustrations is fantastic. I also enjoyed your descriptions of this city. I remember reading about Lisbon in some of your other posts and you always did such a great place of showing this city to us. You allow us to travel virtually with you!

    • Thanks for cacthing up Ivana.

      Your series of traveling with my art inspired this post 🙂 !

      Hope to bring new more similar stuff soon!

  • I’ve not been to Lisbon, so totally enjoyed hearing your feelings about it. I think I would enjoy the architecture, due to the pastel colors. The only city that I’ve been to the boasts a pastel color palette is Miami / Miami Beach. I loved it!

    Hope your week is going well!


  • I have never been to Lisbon but it looks and sounds lovely! this is a really fun way to write about it and your experiences with it 🙂

    Hope you’re having a good weekend 🙂

  • I’m so hype with this new topic on your blog to make us travel virtually.
    I love Portugal. I went twice with my parents as a teenager but I actually never visited Lisboa.
    We did Porto instead.
    I would love to come back to Portugal. Portuguese are also very nice. I have so many great memories from this country.
    We actually try to get stationed to Lisbon but unfortunately we didn’t get pick.
    And I love your illustrations. The tiles details are my favorite in Portugal.

    • Hey Margot, thank you for your warm comment 🙂

      You have to visit Lisbon one day, Porto is another great city but I’d say I prefer Lisbon since there are many things to do!

      And thanks for the compliments, those tiles are my favorite thing about Portugal, there are many designs full of colorful motifs!

  • Wow this was such a fun way to experience Lisbon through your writing! I grew up in the suburbs of a small city. When I visit bigger cities like San Francisco for example, I feel overwhelmed by the business. It’s nice to hear that Lisbon is quiet for a big city. I would really love to visit! I love listening to music on the plane. It makes me feel like the main character in a movie haha


    • Hello Jill, thanks for your kind words!

      I felt about that when I visited San Francisco or Los Angeles, even Barcelona has that vibe of busy city so finding places like Lisbon is like an oasis!

  • Hey Pablo, how you doin?
    How went your Easter holidays? Hope that you had the chance to enjoy those few spring vacations days somehow 🙂

    Well, first of all: I’m becoming addicted to your illustrations and collage style, totally want a full guide of many turistic cities like this!^^
    You’re so talented in both fields, You’ve got all my admiration!

    I’ve been in Lisbon just one time years ago for like half day passing by, so I didn’t visited it very well, but if I just wanted to come back there before, now I want it even more!
    I remeber the pastel colors but nothing much more, and after reading your post and seeing your pics want totally feel that atmosphere!
    Seems the perfect place to visit for an aesthetic and photography lover like me! Can’t wait to go back to travel….

    Take care and stay safe dear friend!

    • Hello Silvia,

      I hoped you enjoyed your Easter break, thanks for asking 🙂

      And thanks for your kind compliments in this blog post, I am trying to upload more illustrations and doing my best to bring something entertaining to the blog. Really appreciate this!

      And hopefully we will travel again soon! I would love to write about Rome for example, since Italy is one of my favorite countries so far!

      All the best, xx

  • Hey Fungi!

    I hope you are having great time! Lisbon seems so lovely city, and it is the city for you!
    I have never been there, so I would love to travel to Lisbon someday with those songs<3
    Peter Bjorn and John is one of my favorite musicians, Second Chance is in my iTunes.

    Your Lisbon illustration is really beautiful, Fungi! I was so excited with your instagram!! Thank you for fascinating inspirations always<3


    • Hey Akiko,

      Thank you for your beautiful words! Hope you can visit Lisbon and other places of Europe in the upcoming future! 🙂
