Ah, el dinero…. Tema que empapa discusiones políticas e ideológicas, pasando por configurar la manera en la que cada quien percibe el mundo y también algo que ha terminado con muchas relaciones de amistad, tanto como el “visto” de whatsapp./ Ah, money… An issue that goes from political and ideological discussions, going through setting up the way in which everyone perceives the world and something that has ruined many relationships, as much as the “last seen” of whatsapp.

No, no se preocupen, no voy a hacer un ensayo del dinero como tal ni de la actual sociedad de consumo, eso es una tarea de reflexión personal en la que no pienso ahondar, pero efectivamente este post va sobre dinero y la manera en la que yo como millennial con cuentas que pagar (y otros individuos de mi generación) me relaciono con este concepto. *Inserte aquí sonido de máquina registradora*./ No, don’t worry, I won’t do an essay about money as such or the current consumer society, that is a task of personal reflection in which I do not intend to delve, but in fact this post is about money and the way I relate to this concept as part of the millennial generation. * Insert register machine sound * here.

Decidí empezar esta serie de posts, The Money Diaries, a partir de haber leído la historia de Tori Dunlap para The Cut: una jefa de marketing de Seattle que logró ahorrar 100,000 dólares en un lapso de tres años con un salario neto de 77,000 dólares anuales./ I decided to start this series of posts, The Money Diaries, after reading the story of Tori Dunlap x The Cut: a Seattle marketing manager who managed to save $ 100,000 over a three-year period with a net salary of $ 77,000 annually .

Mi objetivo con Money Diaries es hablar del dinero de una manera más libre y honesta, tomando en cuenta que estamos en una generación de trabajadores con muchas desventajas: los alquileres por las nubes, miles de opciones digitales que son tanto una bendición como un agujero en el bolsillo, los precarios sueldos, la presión social por figurar tanto en Instagram como en la vida real, etc…. Mi misión es intentar desvanecer los estigmas cuando se habla de dinero, pero darle la importancia que merece el tema de unas finanzas saludables, sin volverse demasiado obsesivo, por supuesto./ My aim with Money Diaries is to talk about money in a freer and more honest way, taking into account that we are in a generation of workers with many disadvantages: high rents for small spaces in crowded cities, thousands of digital options that are both a blessing and a hole in the pocket, the precarious salaries, the social pressure to look wealthy on Instagram and in real life, etc…. My mission is to try to fade stigmas when talking about money, but to give it the importance that an issue like healthy finances deserves, without becoming too obsessive, of course.

Digamos que, The Money Diaries será precisamente una recopilación de diarios con algunas vivencias personales, ideas sencillas para optimizar esos bonitos billetes, consejos para ahorrar y hacer buenas compras e historias relacionadas con las finanzas reales, con problemas que pueda tener no sé…. mi vecina para pagar Netflix, ahorrar un poquito, pagar el alquiler y llegar con un poco de dinero a fin de mes, vamos, como yo. Ah, también abordaré la cuestión de trabajar como freelance, que puede ser una historia del terror, pero también una oportunidad para crecer./ Let’s say that, The Money Diaries will be precisely a compilation of personal stories, simple ideas to optimize those beautiful bills, tips to save and make good purchases and anecdotes related to real finances: the struggles to pay Netflix, save a little, pay the rent and have a little extra money at the end of the month. Ah, I will also address the issue of working as a freelance, which can be a horror story, but also an opportunity to grow in many senses.

A veces me imagino como sería mi vida si hubiera nacido en cuna de oro, pero como esa película por ahora solo vive en mi mente me pondré manos a la obra para aportar un poco al tema…. ¿Cuál es su opinión general sobre el tema de dinero y finanzas sanas? Stay tuned!/ Sometimes I imagine what my life would be like if I’d been born rich, but since that movie is only in my mind for now, I’ll get down to work to contribute a little to this topic… What is your general opinion about money and healthy finances? Stay tuned!

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  • These are definitely not easy times especially in terms of increased social pressure and limited work opportunities. The high-paying jobs are very limited (and few in between) and the competition for them is crazy. Secure jobs are very rare and usually mean a lower income. People often have to combine two jobs in order to survive. Every time has its challenges. Nowadays we can say that a lot of things are on our disposal, the opportunities for education are great but there is also a price to pay for that. You still have to work hard if you want to get good at something. Yes, it is easy to find an online course and study/learn something new, but with less and less time on our hands, one is always under pressure. We cannot afford to relax, because relaxing doesn’t look good on our CV.

    • Thanks for stopping by Ivana! I totally agree with your opinion, specially in the last part: relaxing doesn’t look good on our CV 🙁

  • Ah I am interest in this post and what you will have to say. Money is a big issue not just for millennials but also for Gen X what here in the states is being called the silent generation or the the forgotten generation and you could also call it the pessimistic/angry generation. Because this was the first generation to not do as well as their parents. There are more people in 2019 in their 50s that do not own homes then in 1989. Also in the states all the media reporting about a robust economy is BS #fakenews. There is another statistic: that %70 of Americans live pay check to pay check. Some of course earn a decent salary but live above their means and don’t save and this higher among millennials. But really the majority is because the salaries are too low.

    This is why Trump is president. I only hope things are a little better across the pond but it does not seem to be. But one thing I will say at least the French fight back. Americans don’t fight back, they accept everything and throw up their hands and then get angry and have ne0-Nazi torchlight parades and think Daddy Trump will save them…

    My advice to millennials save, save, save. In 15 years time %40 of jobs worldwide are going to be lost. So save now while you are able to earn.

    Allie of

    • Hey Allie! Thanks for stopping by!

      I imagine Gen X is also struggling with money due to the previous years of abundance, trying to adapt themselves to the problems of 2019. I don’t know a lot about the situation in the States, but sometimes I think many news that talk us about wellness in the US are not 100% truth….

      And yes! That’s something I like about French people, at least they fight for their rights and that’s something we must copy!

  • Hey Pablo! How are you? Hope everything’s great and you are enjoing the festive atmospere like me! 😀
    Wow, you choose a very interesting ( and stingy) topic: money!
    And I really very interested to see, and read, how you’re gonna to develop it, I’m sure it will be very informative and instructive!
    My opinion about money is based on 2 factors: 1) money is made to be spent and 2) nobody’s rich if waste money (really this is the basic lesson form my parents about money), so I tend to think well when I want to buy something ( Basically I think: what else could I buy with this amount of money?) but don’t live in restraint just to accumulate money.
    In fact when I gain money I put a part on my count (to save) and a part on 2 prepaid cards : one for monthly bills that are always the same and the other just to spend for fun.
    Basically I don’t touch the count except for travels or exceptional expenses , if I spend less one month, I can spend much the month after, but if the card is empty I stop expenses! Easy and clear!
    Really I think that even if I was very wealth my desires ( and environement) were much more expensive too, so I should limit myseld someway even in that case! So it’s ok like I am, the important thing is not to be very poor, isn’t it? ^^
    Can’t wait to read your tips, bet you’ve got many interesting aces in the sleeves can’t wait to know!

    • Hey Silvia! I am doing great! Thank you and thanks also for taking the time to leave your opinion on this topic 🙂

      Yes! Money is made to be spent, we just have to make smart decisions and think about our personal necessities (and desires) in order to have a healthy relationship with it.

      As you, my method is pretty similar: if I spend a lot one month, next I try to spend less 🙂

  • Hey Fungi,

    This is a great idea. I’m up to learning and taking any money tips. It’s such a big part of our lives that we definitely should start a conversation about money. I can’t wait to read what you have to say.

    Hope you’re having a wonderful December! Talk soon!

  • This sounds like such a great idea Pablo!! Agree that we need to become better at talking about money, help each other with tips on how to save and when to splurge. Such an important topic for a more sustainable lifestyle, and an improved on too. I really look forward to reading more articles from you on this topic! Xx

  • Hey Fungi!

    What a wonderful article about money!!

    I would like to quit some digital service, but it is difficult to set up to stop.
    I can understand complicated pages.
    To join is easy, but to leave is very very difficult!!

    It is good time because we can share different things, but we can’t rich easily.
    Free stuff or cheap net service make us addicted something.
    They stimulate our complex.
    However your article let me notice it, and your cool, lovely, and humorous illustrations make me happy!!
    I can think about how to do now.
    Thank you so much, Fungi!

    I really love your blog!!
    Have a lovely day<3


    • Aaaaah hope you get better at finance, it is not that hard! I recommend you Spendee app to see your daily consumption 🙂

  • Con muchas ganas de leer sobre esto, Pablo! En lo personal, creo que en la actualidad existen muchos gastos hormiga que no nos permiten ahorrar. Tengo compañeros del trabajo que a final de mes solo tienen 15 euros en la cuenta pero tienen Netflix, HBO, pagan tintorería, Spotify, compran orgánico, etc. Y yo pienso: sí, viven muy bien, pero a penas si llegan a fin de mes y yo personalmente no podría con la incertidumbre de saber que si me pasa algo o necesito dinero por una emergencia, no lo tendría. Tengo muchas ganas de leer las cosas que tienes para compartirnos! 🙂

  • I love this series so much because it is timely and realistic so I will be checking back to read up. It is quite unfortunate what millenials have to go through. The prospects of owning a home are very sad and the future looks bleak for many. The solution is to save but then after paying all the bills, what is left for most to save is simply peanuts. Hopefully, your posts would discuss some real steps people can take to make life more livable. Kudos to you for starting the conversation!

  • Wait. I thought this is all about Money Heist.
    hehe jk A friend was talking about the series lately. lol
    I love articles like this from you amigo. Definitely cutting off some things from my daily habits and minimizing most as much as I can. Honestly, most of my money rn goes to clothes (as if I don’t have much) just cause I’m tonta haha. Seriously, I am looking forward to more volumes form this blog series of yours. Definitely enjoyed and learned so much from the first. 😉
    Gracias amigo.