Una de mis asignaturas pendientes era visitar el sur de España, tal vez la zona más llena de clichés y la que ha ayudado a moldear (para bien o para mal) los tópicos más comunes de este país. Este otoño tuve la oportunidad de escaparme a Sevilla, Andalucía y de paso tomar un día para descubrir lo más bonito de Córdoba, con kilos de deliciosa comida como una de las cosas que hay que resaltar de este itinerario./ One of the the places that was on top of my bucket list was southern Spain, perhaps the area with more clichés and the one that has shaped (for better or worse) the common ideas when you think about Spain. This fall I had the opportunity to go to Seville, Andalusia and I also took a day to discover the most beautiful areas of Cordoba, with kilos of delicious food as one of the things that should be highlighted from this itinerary.


La calidez de la gente, el arte a nivel de calle, los patios andaluces con decenas de plantas, la comida (no todo es frito, pero las porciones suelen ser contundentes) y el color dorado de sus fachadas son una postal perfecta para cualquier viajero./ The warmth of the people, the breathable art in the streets, the Andalusian courtyards with dozens of plants, the food (not everything is fried, but the portions are usually blunt) and the golden color of its facades are a perfect postcard for any traveler.

Sevilla es la capital de Andalucía y durante la Edad Media, esta y otras zonas de lo que actualmente conocemos como España estuvieron bajo poder musulmán (en ese entonces parte de la península ibérica se conocía como Al-Ándalus), de ahí a que esto haya configurado esta zona de una manera muy peculiar que no se suele ver en otras partes del país: muchos vestigios del arte musulmán y mudéjar y patios inmensos que recuerdan a las historias de Las mil y una noche, etc./ Seville is the capital of Andalusia and during the Middle Ages, this and other areas of what we currently know as Spain were under Muslim power (at that time, part of the Iberian Peninsula was known as Al-Andalus), hence this configured this area in a very peculiar way that is not usually seen in other parts of the country: many vestiges of Muslim and Mudejar art and immense courtyards reminiscent of the stories of One Thousand and One Night, etc.

Lo mejor de Sevilla es que es una ciudad fácil de recorrer, diría que no hace falta utilizar el transporte público (sólo para el aeropuerto), así que un par de zapatos cómodos será tu mejor aliado…. y seguramente gafas y protector solar si vas en verano, ya que me han contado que el calor te achicharra en esa época del año, yo por eso he preferido visitar Andalucía un poco después y aún así me encontré con buen clima y me fue suficiente una chaqueta ligera./ The best thing about Seville is that it is an easy city to travel, I would say that it is not necessary to use public transport (only for the airport), so a pair of comfortable shoes will be your best ally…. and surely glasses and sunscreen if you go in the summer, since they have told me that the heat makes you crush at that time of the year, that’s why I preferred to visit Andalusia a little later and still I found very nice weather and a denim jacket was more than enough.


Es una lista de imprescindibles y otros no tanto, pero también recomiendo guardar horas para simplemente callejear por el casco antiguo de Sevilla y perderte, seguramente encontrarás un patio bonito al cual asomarte o una tienda con encanto./ Here’s my to do list, but I also recommend saving some hours to simply wander through the old town of Seville and get lost, you’ll surely find a beautiful patio to look out at or a charming shop.

*Real Alcazar: Verás una fila enorme, pero vale la pena, aunque te la puedes evitar si compras los boletos online. En el corazón de Sevilla se encuentra la joya arquitectónica más preciada de la ciudad: mezcla de arte musulmán, mudéjar e incluso gótico posterior a la Reconquista. Los jardines son una fantasía y muchas de las habitaciones son hipnóticas./ You’ll see a long queue, but it is worth it, although you can avoid it if you buy tickets online. The most precious architectural jewel of Seville is located in the heart of the city: a mixture of Muslim, Mudejar and even Gothic art after the Reconquest. The gardens are a fantasy and many of the rooms are hypnotic.

Patio de Banderas, s/n, 41004

*Plaza España: Muchísima gente me había hablado maravillas de esta plaza y sí, confirmo que me quitó el aliento. Es de esos sitios que aunque sean muy turísticos siguen transmitiendo una magia que está por encima de las multitudes./ Many people had told me wonders about this place and I confirm that it took my breath away. It’s one of those places that have a magical aura despite the crowds.

Av de Isabel la Católica, 41004

*Las Setas: O también conocido como proyecto Metro Parasol. Es una estructura de madera con locales comerciales a nivel del suelo y un mirador. En este sitio se reúnen skaters y es muy fotografiable, además de que contrasta con el estilo arquitectónico que tiene el casco antiguo./ Also known as the Parasol Metro project. It is a wooden structure with stores at ground level and an scenic viewpoint. You can find skaters here and it is very photo worthy, the contrast of the place with the architecture of old town is also beautiful.

Pl. de la Encarnación, s/n, 41003

*Santa Cruz: El barrio más transitado de Sevilla, pero algo que me encanta de los cascos antiguos de Europa es que mientras una calle está abarrotada puedes girar la esquina y encontrarte callejuelas sin gente y con un encanto atípico./ The busiest neighborhood in Seville, but something I love about old towns in Europe is that while a street is crowded you can turn the corner and find empty alleyways with an atypical charm.


Andalucía es de esos lugares del mundo donde hay que llevar el estómago vacío. En realidad muchos sitios ofrecen más o menos los mismos platos, así que los mencionados en esta lista son esos lugares que destacan por un buen servicio o por un plato en particular./ Andalusia is one of those places in the world where you have to arrive with an empty stomach. In fact many sites offer more or less the same dishes, so the restaurants mentioned in this list are those places that stand out for good service or for a particular dish.

*Bar Baratillo: Adriana (@iamgadriana) me había dicho que este sitio tenía las tres B’s: bueno, bonito y barato. La selección de platos típicos es inmejorable y ten por seguro que saldrás rodando./ Adriana (@iamgadriana) told me that this places had all three B’s: bueno, bonito y barato (good, pretty and cheap). The selection of typical dishes is unbeatable and you’ll leave the restaurant rolling down the river.

Calle Adriano, 20, 41004

*La Comidilla: Justo al lado de nuestro alojamiento en Triana encontramos este lugar con propuestas un poco más imaginativas: salmorejo de betabel, buenos filetes de pescado, etc. Mención honorífica para una de las mejores tortillas de patata que he probado en España./ Right next to our accommodation in Triana we find this place with slightly more imaginative proposals: beet salmorejo, good fish fillets, etc. Honorable mention for one of the best tortilla de patatas (Spanish omelette) I’ve had in Spain.

Calle Callao, 1, 41010

*Petra: Se trata de tapas con una vuelta de tuerca. La carta es corta pero cada opción es digna de mención honorífica. Lo mejor el risotto de pato y las tostas de sardinas./ These are tapas with a twist. The menu is short but each option is worthy of honorable mention. The best? Th duck risotto and the toast with sardines.

Calle Alfalfa, 5, 41004

*Filo: Si la saturación de croquetas y pescaito frito te hacen sentir pesado, este sitio es una buena opción para comer algo más ligero, tanto desayuno como comida./ If the saturation of croquetas and fried fish make you feel heavy, this place is a good option to eat something healthier, both breakfast and food.

Calle Hernando Colón, 19, 41004 + Paseo de Catalina de Ribera, 5, 41004


Teníamos varios días en Sevilla, así que decidimos dejar uno exclusivamente para descubrir Córdoba. A unas dos horas de camino en bus y con uno de los casos antiguos más bonitos que he visto, todo en una perfecta paleta de colores con flores por doquier que te dejará una cantidad apabullante de fotos./ Since we had many days booked in Seville, we decided to leave one exclusively to explore Córdoba. Two hours away by bus and you’ll get to discover the most beautiful old town, all in a perfect color palette with flowers everywhere that will leave you with a bunch of beautiful pictures.


Mismo caso que Sevilla, no es necesario ningún tipo de transporte una vez en la ciudad y tus pies serán tu mejor aliado, además de que es mejor hacer un poco de ejercicio para quemar todas las croquetas y la tortilla de patatas que sin duda comerás./ Same as Seville, no public transport is necessary once you arrive and your feet will be your best ally, besides it is better to do a little exercise to burn all the croquetas you’ll definitely eat.

*La Mezquita: Nuestra primera parada y sobra decir que es imprescindible hacer una visita. Uno de los espacios más peculiares que he visto en España, ya que se trata de una mezquita árabe a la que se añadieron modificaciones en tiempos cristianos./ Our first stop and needless to say, it is a must. One of the most peculiar spaces I’ve seen in Spain, since it is an Arab mosque with modifications that were added in Christian times.

*Los patios: No he visto patios más bonitos en mi vida, muchos son gratis y a nosotros nos tocó ver intervenciones artísticas de varios floristas, aunque esto varía según la época en la que vayas./ I haven’t seen more beautiful patios in my life, many are free to enter and we had the chance to see artistic interventions by florists, although this varies depending on the time you go.

*La Judería: Calles estrechas y sinuosas donde seguramente encontrarás algún detalle bonito o un buen sitio para comer algunas tapas. Vale la pena buscar el callejón de las flores./ Narrow and winding streets where you’ll surely find some nice detail or a good place to eat some tapas. Don’t forget to look for the famous alley of flowers.

Sevilla (y Córdoba) son de esos lugares que se me quedarán en mi corazón por mucho tiempo./ Seville (and Córdoba) are one of those places that will remain in my heart for a long time.

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  • All the times I’m so impressed by your collage. You’re so creative !
    And I love how you went into a yellow and blue moodboard.
    I could truly imagine your collage in a moodboard for fashion design.
    And you truly made me want to visit Sevilla one day.
    Then I’ll make sure to remember all your recommendations.

    • Thank you so much dear Margot! And yes, sometimes I work for fashion brands o projects and I am super happy when it involves collages and illustrations :D!

      Hope you can go to Seville soon !

  • Hey Pablo! How you doin? Are you ready for Xmas time? I hope you’re enjoying this wonderful period, my dear! 🙂
    That’s fun, did you know that I went to Sevilla (really I visited the entire Andalusia region) in June?^^
    And yes, the weather was hot but it was nothing compared to Rome in Summer! The climate there is dry and windy from time to time, you can easily bear the sun and the temperatures!
    In fact me and my parents walked aroud all the day lond with no problems; here in Rome in Summer you could die if you go out at noon, since the weater is not only very hot but even wet and sultry!
    Anyway you reminded me so many places I’ve benn too! Did you climbed on the Parasol at the sunset? The view is wonderful! You can see the entire city!
    But the thing that amazed me more (then) was how long was the daylight! The sunset was around 11 pm! Incredible (and really great! I’d like to have those looong sunny days here!)!
    Sevilla apart, I have to say that the entire region is very very interesting (except Cadiz, it was the city i’ve liked less), even just driving among all those huge sunfloers fields as far as the eye can see was wonderful!
    I really love Spain, it’s such interesting country, the food is good and people are so open and fun that you make friends in no time everywhere you go! 😀

    • Hey Silvia, everything is going perfect! Tons of work but I’m happy, hope you too 🙂

      Ooooh really?! Seville in June must be hot but as you mentioned Rome has high temperatures during many months so I imagine it wasn’t too hard for you haha!

      Yes, the Parasol is amazing but I didn’t visited it in the afternoon, I’ll have to do it in my next time in this city 🙂

      Hope you can come back to Spain many times, Italians are always welcome here 🙂

  • Oh my this trip looked amazing! Andalusia is sooooo picturesque, I did not know it was under Muslim power in the middle ages very interesting and the architecture is incredible and the food sounds so good. It seem a great place not just to visit. but to live as well. I still wish I could live in Paris and then travel to other countries and cities. Thanks for the inspiration, great photos!!

    Allie of

    • Yes! It is a city where you can get tons of beautiful pictures! The Muslim architecture and history is so interesting to explore 🙂

      And yes, the thing about Europe is that easy trips are a possibility 😀

  • what a lovely place! I did know a bit of its history but it is always good to learn more…and how lovely it is to see more! Your photo collages are pure art. Beautiful photographs. I also really like your outfits. The red bomber jacket is delicious…and the yellow toned outfit is fab as well.

  • I really like the way you did your blog post. Your photos and the way you’ve compiled them give me a scrapbook feel, which I’m really digging. AND, I appreciate the fact that you included the English translations in your post!! Thank you! Lol. Seville looks like it has so much history and adventure just waiting for travelers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences!!

    Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com

    p.s. love the denim on denim look you sported on the last photo! dope!

    • Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the blog!

      Seville is such an interesting city, hope you can go soon 🙂

      Happy holidays!

  • Hey Fungi!

    This travel guide is incredible! Ohhh I can’t wait to see your travels of 2020. I love the photos you take along the way, they really represent each place and make me want to pack my bags right now. haha

    Happy Holiday my friend and see you in 2020!
