A todas las personas que están haciendo un proyecto creativo y exponiéndolo ahí afuera…. mis felicitaciones y todo mi respeto. No tenía un motivo concreto para escribir este post, pero vi un tweet de @laqerfeld hace unas semanas que me puso a pensar en el largo camino que he recorrido y en la felicidad que me da compartir textos, collages e ilustraciones en el blog y en instagram./ To all my creative mates who are doing a project and exposing it out there…. my congratulations and all my respect. I did not have a specific reason to write this post, but I saw a tweet from @laqerfeld a few weeks ago that made me think about the long road I have traveled and the happiness brought by sharing texts, collages, illustrations and other creative resources on the blog and on instagram.
Después de algunos años en este viaje creativo -aderezado por un blog y una cuenta de Instagram que creo luce bonita- he hecho el balance de lo bueno y de lo malo de un trabajo creativo, desde las horas que supone aterrizar una idea hasta las facturas y afrontar la página en blanco o el proceso de ejecución que no siempre sale como uno planea, así como proyectos que nunca llegaron a completarse. No me quejo, pero si tienes un proyecto creativo te aliento a que hagas una pausa y mires hacía atrás para felicitarte y darte una pequeña celebración (con carbohidratos es mejor) porque todos esos logros se aprecian mejor en retrospectiva y son mucho más grandes que cualquier frustración ocasional que hace que quieras tirar la toalla./ After a few years on this creative journey – led by a blog and an Instagram account that I think looks pretty – I have taken stock of the good and bad of creative work, from the hours it takes to land an idea to the invoices and facing the blank page or the execution process that doesn’t always go as planned, as well as projects that never got to be completed. I’m not complaining, but if you have a creative project I encourage you to pause and look back to congratulate yourself and give you a little celebration (carbohydrates are a good option to have a small party) because all those achievements are better appreciated in retrospect and are much bigger than any occasional frustration that makes you want to throw in the towel.
Sé que suelo fijar una temática concreta para cada post, así que esto puede rayar un poco en lo personal, pero se trata también de una carta para todos mis compañeros creativos que están ahí afuera haciendo y exponiendo cosas, es algo que requiere muchísimo valor y que además supone una inversión de tiempo, post its y cafeína./ I know that I usually set a specific theme for each post, so this can be a bit personal, but this is also a letter for all my creative colleagues who are out there doing and exposing things, it is something that requires a lot of courage and which also involves an investment of time, post its and caffeine.
Me quedé pensando en todo lo conseguido gracias a esta plataforma y en lo que he aprendido creando ilustraciones, textos y diseño gráfico, tanto para otros como para mí mismo. Y creo que el truco principal es recordar el motivo por el que empezamos y como dije, celebrar las pequeñas victorias: un nuevo cliente, el poder comprar equipo nuevo para trabajar o descubrir que a alguien le fue de ayuda tu post./ I kept thinking about everything I have achieved thanks to this platform and what I have learned creating illustrations, texts and graphic design, both for others and for myself. And I think the main trick is to remember why we started and as I said, celebrate the small victories: a new client, being able to buy new equipment to work with or finding out that your post was helpful to someone.
En el actual panorama donde la cantidad incesante de información nos satura, he decidido elegir mis batallas, por ejemplo, por ahora no estoy en TikTok o Reels, pero tampoco lo descarto y si bien algunos me han sugerido hacer video tutoriales, honestamente no me siento con la energía de hacer videos en Youtube. Creo que tanto marcas como creadores independientes y empresa pequeñas tenemos que admitir que lamentablemente no podemos estar en todas las plataformas y que sobrevivir en un mundo con muchos estímulos se vuelve complicado y tomar el bus a tiempo ya es suficiente para sentirte un adulto responsable. Hay que elegir tus propias batallas./ In the current scenario where the incessant amount of information saturates us, I have decided to choose my battles, for example, for now I am not on TikTok or Reels, but I do not rule it out either and although some have suggested I could do video tutorials, I honestly don’t feel with the energy to make videos for Youtube. I think that both brands and independent creators and small companies have to admit that unfortunately we cannot be on all platforms and that surviving in a world with many stimuli becomes complicated and taking the bus on time is enough to feel like a responsible adult. You have to choose your own battles.
Seguro que ha llegado ese punto donde estás en tu estudio o pequeño rincón acondicionado como oficina haciéndote la pregunta “¿por qué sigo haciendo esto?” o “¿a alguien ahí afuera le importa?”, aderezado con el hecho de que hacer esa sesión de fotos tal vez te quite tiempo para salir el fin de semana. Y si eres freelancer es un poco peor, porque no hay un jefe que te esté diciendo que haces un buen trabajo o que eres el empleado del mes, así que nos podemos convertir en nuestros peores críticos (aunque eso da para otro tema en el blog)./ Surely you have reached that point where you are at your studio or at the small corner set up as an office in your apartment asking yourself the question “why do I keep doing this?” or “does anyone out there care?” spiced up with the fact that doing that photo shoot might take time out for the weekend. And if you are a freelancer it is a little worse, because there is no boss who is telling you that you’re doing a good job or that you are the employee of the month, so we can become our worst critics (but that could be a separate blog post for the upcoming months).
Exponer tu proyecto creativo y echarlo a andar supone también otras labores para las que tal vez no estábamos preparados, si eres freelancer “hola trabajo de contabilidad y cuentas”. Por ejemplo, ahora estoy escribiendo esto un Martes a las 10 de la noche con una pila de platos esperando a ser lavada, pero hey, algunas cosas exigen sacrificios y todos los trabajos vienen con algo de m*erda, así que prepárate. ¿Mi consejo más honesto? De nuevo, recuerda el motivo por el cual empezaste y felicita a tu yo del pasado que tuvo esa emoción creativa./ Exposing your creative project and starting it up also involves other tasks for which perhaps we were not prepared (if you are a freelancer “hello, accounting work”). For example, now I am writing this on a Tuesday at 10 at night with a pile of dishes waiting to be washed, but hey, some things demand sacrifices and every job come with its shit, so be prepared. My most honest advice? Remember why you started and congratulate your past self who had that creative emotion.
PS: Un agradecimiento a todos los artistas, creativos, creadores de contenidos que me inspiran:/ PS: A thank you to all the artists, creatives, content creators who inspire me:
– Cher, por ayudarme a echar a andar la parte técnica de este blog y por tus maravillosas fotografías./ Cher, for helping me get the technical part of this blog going and for your wonderful photographs.
– Akiko por tus ilustraciones que siempre me sacan una sonrisa./ Akiko for your illustrations that always make me smile.
– Ivana, por demostrarme que siempre se puede encontrar tiempo para echar adelante tu pasión./ Ivana, for showing me that you can always find time to pursue your passion.
– Margot, Silvia, Mia por compartir su pasión y a todas las personas que se toman un momento del día para leer este blog./ Margot, Silvia, Mia for sharing your passion and to all the people who take a moment of the day to read this blog.
Beautiful words Pablo !
I really question myself theses words a lot : ” Why do I keep doing it” but then I remember I have time and most of all it makes me happy so I keep doing it.
But I must admit I’m never satisfied with the work I do. I hope one day I’ll be proud of what I achieve.
Keep doing all the good work you’re doing. I love your creativity with all your beautiful illustrations and I love to read about your thoughts.
And thanks you so much for mentioning me.
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment Margot!
As you I ask myself that question from time to time, but the best is to remember why you started!
Welcome back on blogging world, Pablo!
Hope you’re better now, guess you’ve really passed a very bad moment…
But you’ve overcame even tha virus all alone, you’re really great!
And such sweet post today!
First, thanks for including me among your “creative” friends! I’m really honored!
The life of a creator is not easy, definitely, but I guess that every person that enter this world couldn’t bear to life an ordinary and “ordinary” life, isn’t it?
Personally I’ve never really considered myself a “real” creator (even if I’ve worked too as an illustrator for a fashion magazine years ago) since I know many so people like you that are much more creative and professional than me!
Some of my friends from the Fashion School I’ve attended started their own business in many different fields and I can say that it was and is still really hard for every of them….
But they keep on going, and I and you too, why? I guess because we are all that kind of people who want feel the satisfaction to live a live full.
To be honest I’m not the kind of person who’ s stops and think of how far has come or the goals achieved, I’m more like always looking for the next goal or for some kind of improvement, and really that’s what gives me a lot of energy and enthusiasm even in the worst moments, (guess that the moment I’ll be totally satiesfied of my work will be the same monent I’m gonna bored of it and I’ll drop) but your argument is not wrong at all.
Stopping by and looking at the results can be realieving in a moment of discourage and tiredness (that happen sooner or later).
Persoanlly I admire a lot all the creatives that, despite any trouble they frontt, keep on going, they’re the best people to me!
So keep on going with your amazing work, Pablo: you know how much I love your illustrations and I’m totally sure that one day you’ll be a famous illustrator!
But in the meantime take care of yourself and rest as much as possible!
health first! 😉
Dear Silvia, can’t thank you enough for all the kind words and the constant support you always share with me, I am so happy to have meet you in the internet world, thank you!
And thanks also for your opinion about this topic, there are many layers when we talk about this topic and of course many ways to understand and live creativity through many different activities and perceptions.
And you’re doing great! I would like to more than you, sometimes I hesitate a lot when it comes to decide about the next goal and step!
All the best and feeling much better now!
I love this post! While I have always quilted and crocheted, those items were meant to be given away to friends, family, people I knew. People who are going to love an item, because they love me. It takes a lot of courage to put your creative work out there and have the audacity to ask for payment, which I do for my jewelry. Luckily, I am retired and do not need to make a living from my creative endeavors, but it gives me a total appreciation and respect for those who can make a living with their creativity.
thanks for your lovely comment Michelle!
you mentioned something really important: to ask for a payment, but we as creator have to talk about the topic and raise awareness with clients and other creators about the importance of getting paid 🙂
Welcome back to the blogging world honey! I too have a lot of respect for creatives! It surely requires a lot of courage. Have a great day!
thanks for checking it out ❤️
Hello Pablo! I’m so glad that you are back to the blogging world. I hope you have enough rest and doing well
You know what, one thing that i love about blogging is that it gives us a “Real life” overview of what other people is going through. Above all the pretty pictures or the perfect grammar, it’s the connection that really matters.
I’m very glad to find a creative friend like you who always inspire me to blog and your illustration always remind me that art is what makes the world go round. I hope you never stop illustrating and sharing your beautiful piece with us.
I also agree that as an independent creator it’s very hard to be in all platforms. At the moment I’m only focusing on blog and instagram and I think it’s fine too. We don’t have too burn ourselves because it’s the quality over quantity that matters.
PS: can’t wait for your shop to be open (:
Hi dear, thank you so much for your visit!
You’re right, and blogging will always have something special and different, you can’t find nothing compared on Instagram and the most important part is that you’re able to connect with other people around the world.
I am super happy to read that my work is inspiring you, can’t thank you enough! Specially in these hard times!
Dear Pablo! First of all, thank you for your kind messages and your mention. Your posts always inspire me. Your art and illustrations just as much as your words. Your letter to creative mates is both touching and inspiring. Creative work can be very rewarding but also draining, not as easy as some think.
I’m sorry to hear you have been ill. I hope you’re feeling better and that you’ll get a chance to relax this weekend.
Hey dear Ivana,
You’re welcome, you know you are one of my biggest inspirations too! Thanks for all your constant support over the years ❤️
Ay amigo sabes que leyendote me dieron sentimientos encontrados y mucha nostalgia… todo lo que dices es tan real (me mato eso de que una pila de platos te esperaban mientras escribias este post) en mi caso este camino de creación de contenido ha sido de altos y bajos, tu has sido testigo de cuanto power le puse a mi difunto blog pero al final no logre mantenerlo a flote por falta de tiempo y energía. Las redes sociales explotaron y muchas veces me he preguntado amigo querido si vale la pena seguir haciendo lo que hago como bien dices uno pospone cosas importantes como disfrutar tu dia libre o salir con amigos… muchas veces tuve que quedarme en casa creando contenido en lugar de disfrutar más la vida real PERO al final me di cuenta que no está bien, crear contenido debe ser parte de mis actividades y no quitarme de las otras.
Admiro mucho tu trabajo friend, y también admiro que mantengas este espacio tan valioso! Eres un creativo con muchas cosas bellas que enseñarnos y me encantaria algun dia podamos coincidir en algún lugar <3
Te mando un abrazo amigo querido y gracias infinitas por la linda mención, todo un honor para mi 🙂
Querida Cher,
Qué lindo leer este mensaje en el blog, sobre todo porque recuerdo que tu blog era uno de los que me inspiraba más y hasta la fecha todo lo que haces sigue significando mucho para mí como creativo.
Sobre si vale la pena seguir creando contenido, yo también lo pregunto a menudo, pero yo creo que si, a veces hay que sacrificar un poquito de tiempo pero mientras logres inspirar a alguien ya hiciste bien ese algo ❤️
Hey Fungi,
Yeah so important to take a few minutes and look back at all the work you’ve done. That fills you up and excites you for what’s to come.
I know how much work being creative takes…hours and sometimes even sleepless nights.
Talk soon and can’t wait to see more!
Hey Radi,
Thanks for your beautiful comments over all these years!
Sleepless nights are of course part of this equation, right?
Take care!
I always have this particular image in my head (it is an old caricature) of a man digging a tunnel and quitting because he lost hope; little did he know that he was so close to discovering diamonds and if he kept of digging he would have found the treasure.
Every time I question myself or ask the same things like “do people care?”, “should I be doing more/something else?” that image with a man pops up right in my head and it helps to keep me push forward (even if I don’t see noticeable results right away).
I hope you are feeling better, Pablo! We all missed seeing your beautiful art and I am happy to see you blogging again! xx
Naya, thank you so much for a such a beautiful analogy!
As you, those questions appear in my head from time to time, but then I try to remember the reason why I started and the good moments or comments I have collected through all these years and it gives me the necessary motivation ❤️
Just stopping by to wish you a great start of the week.
Hi Pablo!
I loved this post. I’ve been on a creative slump for quite a while now but after reading this, it made me look back and realize why I do what I do. You seem like a great person and this post motivated me so much, so thank you!
Thank you also for dropping by my website every now and then.. I haven’t been active lately but I appreciate you dropping by. Have a great day!
Hey Bee,
So happy to see you here and hope you’re doing good! Thank you so much for your lovely feedback and hope to see more content from you soon!
Fungi! Al fin tengo oportunidad de volver a leer tu blog después de unos meses tan complicados.
El trabajo creativo es un eterno ir y venir del bajón… Tanto que nos esforzamos aunque a veces a los ojos ajenos parezca que se hizo poca cosa, no?.. En definitiva me pasa igual que tú que demasiadas veces me pregunto si vale la pena, pero al final son las pequeñas alegrías y satisfacciones las que hacen que valga la pena.
Ay qué alegría me da verte de luego por aquí ❤️ Gracias por pasarte Adán!
What good advice! It’s important to be kind to ourselves and acknowledge the work we do, even if we are not freelancers – it takes a lot of hard work and dedication and I agree we need to be sure not to stretch ourselves too thin and say yes to too many things! I don’t do as much on my blog as I could, as mum life is always more important, for sure!
Hope you are having a good weekend 🙂
Hello Micca, thank you so much for your comment.
Of course, any creative project (even if you are not a freelancer) requires time and dedication and of course we have to establish priorities in order to survive. As you I’d like to blog more often, but sometimes I have to put my work first.
Have a great week ahead!
Hey Fungi!
I hope you are doing well. Wonderful article! Thank you for your lovely message, and I am so excited:) Your blog style is really great, so I bet it must be a book!
That portrait GIF illustration is so cool! It is fantastic that you can turn problems into inspirations. Those sneakers from Isabel Marat? I love the styling white items with the yellow jacket<3
It is true that a freelancer keep to post on many different SNS. Your opinion frees me from the pressure! Thank you always, Fungi!
Hey Akiko,
Thanks for checking out this post, you know you are one of my biggest inspirations in the blogging world, so keep doing your amazing work 🙂
Pablo, this article was magical! As I was reading, I was saying “yes, yes, yes” in my head. It’s not easy to be young and to choose your own creative path, rather than to follow a “safe” path. As I wrote in the post on The Fashion Folks 5th anniversary, I don’t really know why I do what I do, but I know that I have to do it. I have this feeling that I need to do what I’m doing, not because it’s pleasant, but because it’s a must. I never really enjoyed the creative process too much, but I don’t know what to do without it either.
Anyway, as I thought this post couldn’t get any more magical, you’re the absolute kindest to mention me as someone who inspires you. That’s a compliment in its purest form. Thank you. You inspire me too, undoubtedly. I’ve already told you how much I love your illustrations and your eye for visual communication – they’re always so entertaining and I always want to see more. It was so much fun discovering your Pinterest too and see what inspires you. We definitely speak the same visual language! Xx
Hope you’re having a lovely weekend! Xx
Hey Mia, thank you so much for this comment, it made my day! 🙂
I totally understand you (and congratulations for one more year of The Fashion Folks) I know a project like this takes a lot of time and effort, but as you, I am so used to my blog that this is an important part of my life right now 🙂
Happy Sunday!