El 24 de Abril cumplo 30 años. Nunca me ha importado mucho mi edad, a decir verdad intento mantenerme un poco lejos de esos pensamientos macabros que lo único que van a lograr es carcomerme la piel. Pero a veces es inevitable hacerse preguntas como: ¿qué tanto he logrado en ____ años?, ¿estoy en el camino correcto?, ¿elegí la profesión adecuada?, ¿se supone que a esta edad tendría que poseer ciertas cosas?/ I turn 30 years on April 24th. I’ve never cared much about my age but I have learned a lot of beauty lessons, being honest I try to stay away from those macabre thoughts that the only thing they’re going to cause is a stressed skin. But sometimes it is inevitable to ask yourself questions like: how much have I achieved in ____ years? Am I on the right track? Did I choose the right profession? Am I supposed to have certain things at this age?


Prefiero no agobiarme y pedirme el pastel más grande y calórico, además de alguno que otro capricho que puedo justificar por hacerme más viejo, y un poco más sabio y por tanto fabuloso. Con 30 años, tal vez pueda despedirme de esa piel juvenil, la piel juvenil de Fungi que lo mismo aguantaba sin lavarse el rostro (sí, me da asco mi yo del pasado) o la que le daba igual ponerse hidratante o SPF a diario. Ahora estoy notando que el colágeno se va, una noche de desvelo pasa factura y que utilizar protector solar ya no es un capricho, sino una necesidad./ I prefer to avoid getting overwhelmed and ask for the biggest and most caloric cake, as well as an occasional whim that I can justify by getting older, a little wiser and therefore fabulous. At 30, maybe I can say goodbye to that youthful skin, Fungi’s youthful skin that used to survive without washing his face after a party (yes, I disgust my past self) or the one that did not care to use moisturizer or SPF daily. Now I have collected some beauty lessons and I have noticed that collagen is gone, a sleepless night takes its toll and that using sunscreen is no longer a whim, but a necessity.

In this picture: Youth To The People Kombucha + 11% AHA Exfoliation Power Toner

Durante algunos años creí que dedicar unos minutos al cuidado de mi piel, cuerpo y cabello era lo más trivial. Ahora hay un momento de mi día donde me la paso buscando cosmética y un pequeño frasco con un nuevo aceite puede hacerme inmensamente feliz. No atender estos pequeños aspectos puede traer no sólo una apariencia descuidada (lo que sea que eso signifique), sino consecuencias como envejecimiento prematuro y problemas dermatológicos./ For some years I thought that spending a few minutes taking care of my skin, body and hair was the most trivial thing. Now there is a moment in my day where I spend my time looking for cosmetics and a small bottle with a new oil can make me immensely happy. Not taking care of these small beauty lessons, can bring not only an unkempt appearance (whatever that means), but consequences such as premature aging and dermatological problems.

Tampoco invierto demasiado tiempo en un complejo ritual de 12 pasos (con la edad uno aprende que el tiempo es el recurso más valioso), pero unos minutos por la mañana y por la noche pueden ayudarte a alcanzar tu mejor versión. Aquí 3 lecciones de belleza accesibles que quiero tener presentes en mis 30 años y que tal vez es importante recordarte:/ I also don’t spend too much time on a complex 12-step ritual (I’ve learned that time is the most valuable resource). But a few minutes at morning and at night can help you achieve your best version. Here are 3 accessible beauty lessons that I want to keep in mind in my 30s and that maybe can be useful for your beauty routine too.


Esas repisas de Instagram dignas de un editor de belleza me provocan envidia mal sana, sí, yo también quisiera una. Pero cada vez me convenzo de que la acumulación de productos de belleza no sólo me quita espacio sino también monedas del bolsillo. Entre las crisis que se agudizan, los espacios cada vez más pequeños en las casas y una consciencia ecológica, hay una responsabilidad individual de por medio. Investiga, pide una prueba y experimenta pero siempre con responsabilidad./ Those Instagram shelves worthy of a beauty editor make me envious, yes, I’d like one too. But these beauty lessons have convinced myself that the accumulation of beauty products not only takes up space but also coins from my pocket. Between the deepening financial crisis, the increasingly small spaces in the houses and an ecological conscience, there is an individual responsibility involved. Do your research, ask for samples and experiment, but always with responsibility.

In this picture: Byredo Velvet Haze 

Apostar por una rutina simplificada, pero ideada con productos eficaces para decirle adiós a la saturación de información que hay en la belleza. Menos es más, cuando el factor “menos” es poderoso. Identifica lo que te pones en el rostro, analizando tus necesidades y presupuestos./ Bet on a simplified routine, but devised with effective products to say goodbye to the saturation of information in beauty. Less is more, when the “less” factor is powerful. Identify what you put on your face, analyzing your needs and budgets.


Probar nuevos productos pero siempre con cautela. Hay una tentación por añadir pasos a nuestras rutinas de belleza con lo nuevos lanzamientos del mercado. Lo mejor es ir con cuidado y conocer siempre los activos y los ingredientes, más allá de elegir las cosas por su fragancia, sus likes en redes o sus envases bonitos (que a mi me importa, pero la etiqueta y los componentes son lo primero)./ Try new products but always with caution. There is a temptation to add steps to our beauty routines with the new releases of the beauty market. The best thing is to be careful and always know the assets and the ingredients, beyond choosing things for their fragrance, their likes on social media or their beautiful packaging (which matters to me, but the label and the components come first) .

In this picture: Grown Alchemist Hydra-Repair Day Cream

La cosmética no es una serie de normas estrictas y lo bonito es experimentar y maravillarnos con nuevos trucos y productos. Pero no hay que exfoliar a diario, ni ponerse mascarillas todas las noches o utilizar esos productos que no van con tu tipo de piel. Aunado a esto, conocer lo que llevan nuestros productos nos ayudará a identificar si se están cubriendo nuestras necesidades. Punto extra si podemos identificar esas opciones que ayuden a poner un granito de arena en la industria (opciones libres de crueldad, proyectos con iniciativa, etc.)/ Beauty is not a series of strict rules and I love its playful factor: to experiment and marvel myself with new tricks and products. But you don’t have to exfoliate daily, or wear masks every night or use those products that do not go with your skin type. In addition to this, knowing what our products contain will help us identify if our needs are being met. Extra point if we can identify those options that help to add to many causes in the industry (cruelty-free options, projects to help specific communities, etc.).


Hay ciertos pasos que nunca hay que saltarse, como la limpieza o ponerse el protector solar así haya sol o lluvia. A veces pienso que sigo pagando los estragos de no haber utilizado protector solar durante mis 20, y es ahí donde entra la constancia para mejorar por dentro y por fuera. Hay que fijar rutinas pero que no sean un corsé o algo aburrido. Constancia es igual a eficacia y una rutina de cuidados se traduce en amor propio y en un oasis para escapar del mundo por unos minutos./ There are certain steps that you should never skip, such as cleaning or wearing sunscreen whether it is sunny or rainy. Sometimes I think that I keep paying the ravages of not having used sunscreen in my 20s, and that is where perseverance comes in. We have to establish routines but not in an strict or boring way . Constancy equals efficiency and a skincare routine translates into self-love and an oasis to escape from the world for a few minutes.

In this picture: Youth To The People Superfood Air-Whip Moisture Cream

Estoy en contra de ese culto obsesivo a la juventud que busca pieles sin arrugas y sin manchas y que condena las primeras canas. He aprendido que este ritual de belleza es para tener la mejor versión de mi mismo: con manchas, con un grano producto del estrés o con esa ojera por tantas horas frente al Photoshop que tal vez nunca se irá del todo./ I totally disagree with the obsessive cult for youth that looks for a skin without wrinkles, blemishes and that condemns the first gray hair. I’ve learned that the aim of this beauty ritual is to have the best version of myself: but a skin with a few spots, with a pimple caused by stress or with dark circles caused after working many hours in front of Photoshop.

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  • Hello Pablo! What’s up there in Barcelona?
    Guess it’s almost the same here in Rome: we can go out (again), but cause the curfew and the fact that many shops and places are still closed, really there is nothing much to do… Luckily I’ve got a big, beautiful park near home, so i can do some nice walking and running or pic nic with my family, or really I wouldn’t have known what to do!
    But as you’ve said (thanx for your constant support and kind comments, by the way), it’s still way better that the last year! Let’s hope for a better summer!

    Anyway, let’s pass to the topic of the day!
    I totally mirrored myself into the words of the first part of the post (or maybe is everybody like this in his 20s ?^^): until around the 30 (I’m 32 right now), I didn’t do almost anything for my skin (instead I’m caring my hair since my High School years).
    Luckily I’ve never wore much make up, but I was totally able to go to sleep without removing my make up after a party, and normally I just washed my face in the morning and in the evening, and that was more than enough as a full skincare!^^
    And my skin was totally perfect!
    Then started to come up pimples from time to time, and dryness and – worst of all – more and more freckles!
    So I’ve stared to looking for any kind of beauty routine online- literally, I’ve bought every product that seemd convincing to me, even those that was totally inadapt for may skin! And the situation became even worse!
    Then slowly I’ve started an approach more considerate to the beauty routine: I’ve asked help to my beautician and then I’ve adapted my skincare to my needs.
    Now I can say I’ve reached a pretty right routine: quick in the morning and longer in the evening, with the right products and putted in the right order, and, over all, I’ve learned to read the Inci!

    Your tips and experience are totally right and useful, I can totally relate with you!
    Plus I’m so agree with the last phrase: not to be obsessed with “forever young” but more into “ageing gracefully”: beacause you can really say when an older person take care of his/her skin or not, despite wrinkles and grey hair!

    Another very interestin issue, here!
    Have a nice week end and take care, my friend!

    • Hola Silvia,

      Thanks as usual for stopping by and for writting this detailed feedback, you know I really appreciate that you always take the time to read my blog posts 🙂 I hope we can manage to spend summer outdoors, it doesn’t matter if I can travel too far away, maybe just around Spain and I’ll be really happy.

      I didn’t know you are 32 by the way, you look younger haha! So I’d say you’re really good at skincare and you have shared a lot of cool tips and products with me in the recent years.

      I totally agree with you, we have to adapt skincare to our needs at the moment, but ageing gracefully is the best we can do in order to embrace beauty from another perspective.

      All the best and thanks for your support ❤️

  • This is very well thought out, Pablo. I agree, protecting your skin from the sun is one of the kindest things you can do for it. I learned fairly early, after several severe sunburns in my teens, to protect my skin. (I have considered bringing back parasols.)

    And I agree, we should not fret about normal aging. We should always embrace who we are rather than mourn our youth, or strive to emulate our youth. We can be fabulous at any age. I am 57, and am okay with it. There is a lot of wisdom that comes with age.


    • Hello Michelle!

      Thanks for your kind comments! Parasols are actually a good idea, I’d say protecting our skin from sun is the most important when it comes to skincare 🙂

      Have a wonderful week ahead ❤️

  • This is good advice! I have a very simple skincare routine, I only recently introduced serums, haha! I just cleanse and moisturise really – and I agree so much on sunscreen, it’s important to wear here any time you have to go outside!

    Hope that you are having a nice weekend! It’s a long weekend here 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by Mica!

      Even a simple skincare routine can make a whole differente 🙂

  • Hiii!!

    How are you doing?

    These beauty lessons are brilliant. So important + straight to the point, no BS.

    1. Less is more:
    Totally agree with you on this one. I also get overwhelmed when I have 10+ beauty products to use and find a way to incorporate into my routine. I find sticking to 5-6 and trying to use less products & more natural ways are a must for me!

    2. Experiment:
    YES! I find it easy to stick with the same old same old. You never know if you’re missing your favorite + best product yet! I also love the tip about taking caution before going fully in depth with a product.

    3. Consistency:
    Perhaps THE most important beauty lesson. Without consistency, there is no progress, simply put. Daily or even weekly rituals are a must for that amazing skin we all want!

    Loved this post!

    xx Sara

    • Hey Sara,

      Thank you for your lovely detailed comment and for expanding this topic! I really appreciate that you took to time and happy to know it was an useful and interesting topic!

      See you on The Clique :)!

  • First of all, HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY wishes to you my friend! I hope you had a fantastic time yesterday and every day (the image of that chocolate cake is still in my mind haha!)

    I have to agree with you on so many things here. Mostly the use of sunscreen. I will admit that I wasn’t the most avid user of suncare in my early 20s, but am trying to fix that now. As you have mentioned, it is not an open question, it is something you have to think about on daily basis. I believe that minimal, yet effective skincare routine is so much more valuable, than adding extra ten unnecessary steps. Our skin can “digest” only so much product, there is no need to buy every new thing that hits the market. As I get older, I find myself researching what goes on my skin a lot more than ever before.

    By the way, can we talk about these Vogue worthy photographs?! They are so stunning! Wonderful product photography xx


    • Hola Naya,

      Thank you so much for all your wonderful wishes and for your stories on Instagram 🙂

      As you I believe that a minmimal but effective skincare is also valuable, sometimes we can start from the basics and then adding the “extras” or customize the routine according to our specific necessities 🙂

      And thanks for your compliments about these pictures! I am really happy with the result n.n

  • First of all, happy belated birthday!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day and made the most of it, although life is as it is atm. I’m sure your 30s will be absolutely magical. So glad to have found your blog and your friendship, it’s always a pleasure to read your new posts and comments. You’re so talented and inspirational, and you always have thoughtful perspectives. I love the way you view visual communication and design.

    As for this article, agree that doing what works for you is the key. Also being consistent with your skincare is important, it definitely paves way for a more sustainable routine and approach to makeup and beauty. Also, yeeess to not having too many products. It’s just not realistic nor sustainable!

    Have a lovely week Pablo!! Xx

    • Hello Mia,

      Thank you so much for your lovely message and for your kind words! I’m eager to live my 30s with a lot of adventures in corona allows it. On the other hand you know I really appreciate that you always take the time to stop by and your blog is on my bookmarks, so the feeling is reciprocal 🙂

      All the best from Barcelona xx

  • Hey Fungi!

    Happy birthday, Fungi!!! Oh, I am 20 years older:)

    Today I read your two articles! These photos are really beautiful, and your favorites items are so you!
    I agree with the “less” factor and a skin without wrinkles.
    To be honest, Georgia O’Keeffe’s wrinkles are my goal…

    Anyway, Youth Of The People oil seems great although I am a lazy person for skin care.
    Your section is always perfect, Fungi!!


    • Hey Akiko,

      Thanks for your lovely message and for your constant love on the blog 🙂

      Let me know if you have any interesting skincare tip for me! Thanks for the complimcents too!

  • I love your holistic approach to aging and taking care of your skin. I always say that aging is a privilege and shouldn’t be looked down as something negative. I think every age has its benefits and charm. Every decade of our lives has its attraction. I feel that I grow more comfortable in my skin with time.
    Finding what works for us and finding products that are skill loves are what we should strive for, instead of buying everything that’s on the market. I think many make the mistake of either using too much products without researching them or of changing up products too quickly. A product needs time to work.
    Happy birthday and I wish you all the best. I also celebrate my birthday at the send of April.

    • Hey thanks for your comment Ivana. I like to believe that beauty has to start from curiosity and that it is linked to wellness but in many senses, not only about skin and physical appearance 🙂

      Thanks for your kind words and for your message as usual ❤️

  • Ah yes it is never too soon to take of your skin. Don’t smoke, use sun screen religiously, use moisturizer twice a day, after 30 breakout the serums and start taking antioxidants. And being a graphic designer you are like me and are a sucker for packaging!!

    Allie of

  • Hey Fungi!

    Welcome to the 30’s club. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. How did you celebrate?

    Honestly I don’t think you should worry about the 30s because your skin looks great. And I know that you know a lot about skincare, so you’ll be young forever.

    Happy weekend!


    • Thanks for your kind message Radi!

      I had some cake and then went to the movies, nothing in a big scale haha!

  • Happy birthday to you Pablo.
    And theses lessons are so true.
    Constancy and less is more are for me the best advices.
    I don’t know neither how I went without a moisturizer when I was younger.
    I just love to take care of my skin every morning and night.
    Routines are the best.
    And I love what you said at the end. A perfect skin doesn’t exist and this is ok.
    We should be easy with ourselves.

    • Hello Margot, thanks for your message and for your compliments!

      I know you’re a skincare love so you know I share the same opinion with you 🙂 And totally agree with the quote that a perfect skin doesn’t exist and we’re fine with it 😉


  • Believe me when I say I PORED over every word on this!! I try to take good care of my skin, but because I have Crohn’s Disease I worry that it will have an effect on me and cause me to age faster. So I’ve become increasingly aware of my skin and the blatant fact that I should be taking good care of it.

    You mention the importance of suncream, and I completely agree! I was wondering if you had a favourite suncream? I’m so pale that I always get burnt (and how I cringe at all the times I’ve been burnt in the past!), so it would definitely be interesting to know.

    Either way, I understand the importance of embracing ageing. It’s inevitable, after all – stressing about it will only make it worse.

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

    • Thank you for reading Amy!

      Oooh I imagine you have to look really carefully at the tags and at the packaging. I use ISDIN SPF and you can easily find it in Spain, really good texture and the best part is that it is not greasy 🙂

  • Happy belated birthday Pablo! I’m 21 now, but I look forward to turning 30 in the future because I feel like some people don’t take me seriously as an adult sometimes… These are such great beauty tips. It is definitely easy to fall into the trap of buying every latest skincare launch, but it’s definitely not great for your skin. I’m very curious about that AHA toner! I’ve never tried Youth to the People, but I’ve heard such good things about the brand


    • Thank you so much Jill! ❤️

      Let me know if you get this specific AHA toner, I’d say it is one of my favorite products at the moment :)!