Sé que llego tarde a los propósitos de año nuevo, pero por otro lado creo que siempre es buen momento para ponerlo todo patas arriba y hacer ajustes que te lleven a ser una mejor versión de ti./ I know I’m late for the New Year’s resolutions, but on the other hand I think it’s always a good time to turn everything upside down and make adjustments that will lead you to be a better version of you, so I really wanted to talk about the magic of a vision board.


El inicio del 2022 fue como un torbellino donde el trabajo y las obligaciones no me permitieron sentarme a organizar mi agenda anual como es debido. Como buen ilustrador y diseñador gráfico siempre hago moodboards para cualquier proyecto de mi vida, de hecho lo hacía antes de estudiar diseño gráfico. No importa si se trata de redecorar mi casa, poner una mesa temática, planear outfits o un proyecto de trabajo…. cualquier excusa es buena para hacer un moodboard y visualizar. / The beginning of 2022 was like a whirlwind and unfortunately work and obligations did not allow me to sit down and organize my annual agenda properly. As an illustrator and graphic designer I always make vision boards for any project in my life, in fact I did moodboards before studying graphic design. It doesn’t matter if it’s about redecorating my house, setting a themed table, planning outfits or a work project… any excuse is good to make a vision board and visualize the future.

Simplemente visualizar lo que quieres sobre una temática ya es dar un primer paso. ¿Pero por dónde empezar? Identificando “el problema” o la pregunta que el moodboard intentará resolver, desde una cuestión profesional hasta algo más personal como cambiar tu estilo de vestir o hacer una fiesta temática. Incluso hay profesionales fuera de las industrias creativas que utilizan los moodboards para visualizar guías que puedan resolver una cuestión en su área de trabajo, desde psicólogos hasta recursos humanos. Después viene la exploración y el esfuerzo por encontrar representación gráfica para abordar esa pregunta o problema y por último utilizar todo ese imaginario como una guía./ Simply visualizing what you want about a theme is already taking a first step. But where to start? Identifying “the problem” or the question that the vision board will try to solve, from a professional issue to something more personal like changing your style of dress or throwing a theme party. There are even professionals outside the creative industries who use vision boards to visualize guides that can solve an issue in their area of work, from psychologists to human resources. Then comes the exploration and the effort to find graphic representation to address that question or problem and finally use all that imagery as a guide.

Siempre que termino de armar un moodboard me resulta cautivador y fascinante encajar piezas de distintas fuentes (revistas, Internet o un flyer) en una sola imagen. Y tal vez no seas el tipo de persona al que le gusta recortar revistas viajes para hacer collages, pero la infinidad de herramientas que hay para visualizar una meta (Pinterest, apps o la puerta de tu nevera) te harán ver que la magia de crear un moodboard está ligada a usar algo gráfico como una guía./ Everytime I finish a vision board, I find it captivating and fascinating to fit pieces from different sources (magazines, the Internet or a flyer) into a single image. And maybe you are not the type of person who likes to cut old magazines to make collages, but the infinity of tools that exist to visualize a goal (Pinterest, apps or the door of your fridge) will make you see that the magic of creating a vision board is tied to using something graphic as a guide.

Tampoco pasa nada si no logras realizar todo lo que estaba en tu moodboard. Al final es una herramienta que también servirá como un recordatorio futuro de donde estabas y del camino recorrido: no pasa nada si no ahorraste todo lo que te propusiste o no concretaste un proyecto al 100%, hay que celebrar las pequeñas victorias que por ende terminarán en una más grande, todo empieza por un moodboard./ But take into account that nothing happens if you don’t manage to do everything that was on your vision board. In the end, it is a tool that will also serve as a future reminder of where you were and the road you have traveled: nothing happens if you did not saved the amount of money you set out at the beginning of the year or if you do or did not complete a project 100%. You have to celebrate the small victories that will therefore end in a larger one, it all starts with a vision board.

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  • So nice to see a new post published on Fungi Express. Your post about visual boards was very interesting to read. I’m not surprised that you used to do them even before studying graphic design. You always were a creative person. I think visual boards can be most useful for creatives- but even people who are not on the creative side can find them useful. They give us a change to organize our ideas visually – and that can be helpful in many ways. It can serve as a reminder but also as an inspiration.

    Visual boards are something that I used to do and I’m not entirely sure why I don’t use them often anymore. I agree with you. We have to celebrate the small victories. It doesn’t matter if we don’t finish every project or don’t accomplished some goal or materialize some inspiration from our visual board. The important thing is that we are living, breathing, making plans, improvising…. Visual boards can help make our life more fun.

    • Hello Ivana,

      Thanks for coming back to Hey Fungi after all this time 🙂 I am sure that vision boards are helpful beyond graphic design but my major definitely shaped the way I am seeing this resource.

      Take care my friend!
      Pablo xx

  • Pablo you’re back! Hope you had a marvelous holiday and that 2022 is treating you well so far. It’s been some time since I actually put together a vision board but I agree with many of your points about why they are magic. Vision boards are wonderful for manifesting our goals and inspiring us to make them happen. Just putting one together is such a good feeling. And thank you for the reminder that it’s fine if we don’t manage to finish everything on a vision board because what we have managed to achieve is what matters.

    • Thanks for the warm welcome dear!

      I am happy to know that this served you as a reminder. But I actually think that you do a lot of fantastic vision boards style on your blog for your posts, so that’s a way to keep doing vision boards too :)!

  • Yes you are right vision boards are just that a tool. They are a way of getting inspired, of staying focused and even for generating ideas, in this way they are super positive. I am glad you explained it this way and not the whole “magical” law of attraction. Personally I feel that whole LOA is nonsense and first world drivel LOL. And love your board it here so pretty and of course well designed.

    Allie of

    • Thanks for checking it out Allie! I hope you manage to create an awesome vision board for your next professional or personal project 🙂

  • Hola Pablo!!!! Welcome back to the magic blogsphere! We missed you! 🙂
    How you doin’?
    Hope that this break was useful to you (even if, reading your words, seems that you had been pretty busy…) and you’ve started this 2022 in the best way!

    But let’s pass to the topic of the day: vision board!
    You couldn’t pick a better idea for the start of the year!^^
    Like you, I was ever fashinated by the idea of a vision board as a “guide” to your goals of the year, but honestly I’ve never been able to do it properly for myself
    And this is pretty strange since I’ve learned well how to do it when I was at Fashion school (vision boards are basics in fashion design too), and I’m even pretty good on it when concerns a project, but when it’s about myslef it became just a pile of a lot pics with no sense or order that become more and more huge every time I take a look at it.
    Your vision borad instead is very pretty, so clean and fresh and harmonious! I bet it will be very helpful to you!

    Anyway, I’ve totally loved the conclusion of the post: the vision board can help but it’s not magic! You have to roll up your sleeves and go fot it! You rock! ^^
    Wishin’ that you can get all your goals, anyway, with or without the help of your vision board, Pablo!

    • Hello Silvia ♡ I really appreciate the warm welcome and I am so eager to share a few new things on the blog this year! ♥︎

      I am super happy to know that you enjoyed this blog post, and I also hope that you find a lot of inspiration for your professional / personal projects through the help of vision boards. As you well said they are a constant resource at Fashion school or creative school.

      Take care and enjoy the last days of winter!

  • Hey Fungi!

    Hope you’re doing great!

    Wow…I love this vision board. So colorful and really inspiring! I remember creating a vision board once. It was really fun and something nice to do instead of scrolling on my phone. It really makes you dream!

  • Hey Fungi!

    I hope you are fine with beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing the great article about vision boards! It is so motivating, and your board is so cool and lovely:)

    You are true, Fungi! I have two secret vision boards on Pinterest, but I couldn’t manage to do them… After reading your article, I recognized. My vision boards are too large for me. Just Seeing a lot of fascinating satisfied me. I forgot to manage it. Today, I will make small boards by old magazine’s papers for some projects! I am looking forward seeing your next post<3


    • Thanks for checking out the blog post, Akiko! ♥︎ I am happy to read that you found a little bit of inspiration in this blog post 🙂 Let me know if you make some small boards with your papercuts! Hope you find the inspiration for your personal / professional project 😉

  • The vision board looks amazing! i believe in the power of visualisation and yours looks great!
    I like how you combine the packaging from Le Sabo together with illustrations, photos, and magazine cutout
    I might need to go back to my vision board so i can aim for my 2022 goals better
    I’m wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead
    style frontier

    • So happy to read your comment over here 🙂 And yes, I save that packaging from Le Labo since I found it so inspirational in terms of design and typography 🙂

      Take care!

    • So good to read that! Digital vision boards are also a good option, I have a few on my desktop to remind myself about some goals 🙂

  • Pablo! Tenía años sin visitar mis blogs favoritos, entre ellos el tuyo me da mucha calma saber que no estamos solos en eso de no decepcionarnos si no concretamos las metas de nuestro moodboard al 100. All the love, xo Sandra.