Comer saludable, hacer ejercicio, revisar y actualizar tus redes sociales con constancia, meditar, beber 2 litros de agua diarios, leer por lo menos 20 minutos al día, mantener unas finanzas ordenadas y pagar a tiempo las facturas, leer las noticias importantes y ver la serie de Netflix de moda para poder participar en las conversaciones, seguir una rutina de belleza, etc, etc, etc… Todos esto aunado a trabajar o estudiar y a tener una vida social más o menos saludable, ¿parece la séptima entrega de Misión Imposible, verdad? Recordar todo esto de entrada ya supone un problema, pero en el afán de enriquecer nuestras vidas en 2019 lo haremos, o al menos lo intentaremos…/ Eat healthy, exercise, check and update your social media constantly, meditate, drink 2 water everyday, read at least 20 minutes a day, keep an eye on finances and pay bills on time, read important news and watch the trendy Netflix show in order to participate in daily conversations, keep a beauty routine, etc, etc, etc… Then we also have to attend work or school and have a more or less healthy social life. Yes, it seems like a new movie of Mission Impossible, right? To remember all of this is already a problem, but in an effort to enhance our lives in 2019 we will make an effort …
2018 cerró siendo uno de los años más ocupados de mi vida, y Diciembre fue aún más caótico entre la eterna repetición de “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, el trabajo y mi viaje a México por un mes. Yo no solía creer en el inicio del año como una catarsis para marcar metas y creer que todo será mejor, pero en 2018 mi adultez se agudizó con el pago de impuestos y el comienzo de mi aventura freelancer, así que el año fiscal de alguna manera me ha hecho marcarme algunas metas que serán importantes para mi vida personal y profesional en 2019./ 2018 was one of the busiest years of my life, and December was even more chaotic between the eternal repetition of “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, the daily work and a trip to Mexico that lasted a month. I didn’t use to believe in the beginning of a year as a catharsis to set goals and thing that everything will be better, but in 2018 my adulthood became more acute as I had to pay taxes as an official freelancer, so the fiscal year in some way has made me set some goals that will be important for my personal and professional life in 2019.
¿Un consejo? Escribe todo lo que quieras lograr en 2019, pero escríbelo de verdad: al comienzo de tu agenda, en la puerta de la nevera, en tu tablero de inspiración o de ser necesario tatuatelo en la frente. También puedes imprimir una foto de Zac Efron para obtener el cuerpazo de verano que deseas, hazlo, algunos de nosotros funcionamos mejor al tener las cosas de manera visual./ An advice? Write everything you want to achieve in 2019, but really write it down: at the beginning of your agenda, at the refrigerator door, on your inspiration board or if necessary, tattoo it on your forehead. You can also print a picture of Zac Efron to get the body of summer you want, do it, some of us work better by having things in a visual way.
Los primeros días de obligaciones los he llevado más fácil gracias a mi nueva agenda de Shop (no, no me pagan, ojalá…) y es que es mejor ver mi lista de tareas en una agenda bonita que en un frío Excel. También podrías optar por un calendario digital, aunque yo en lo personal prefiero el papel, algunos estudios dicen que recordamos mejor las cosas cuando las escribimos./ These first workdays have been easier for me thanks to my new Shop agenda (no, this is not sponsored, I wish …) and it’s better to see my list of things to do in a nice agenda than in an ugly serious Excel. You could also opt for a digital calendar, although I personally prefer paper, some studies say we remember things better when we write them.
Terminar el día con una serie de Netflix, garabatear en el cuaderno o 30 minutos de lectura. Hacer espacio para esa actividad que me gusta y me abstrae del mundo suena tonto pero es mágico. Ampliamente recomendado, también puedes acariciar a tu gato antes de dormir o cualquier otra cosa que te permita olvidar las obligaciones adultas./ I like to end the day with a Netflix show, with some funny relaxing doodles or with 30 minutes of reading. It is vital to make room for that activity I like, the one that can abstract me from the world for a couple of minutes, this works like a charm, sounds silly but it is a remedy. Widely recommended, you can also caress your cat before sleep or anything else that allows you to forget the adult obligations.
El aprendizaje más grande que tuve en mi primer año de trabajo como freelancer fue el de la gestión de tiempo. Te confieso: esto fue (y es) más complicado de lo que parece, tal vez porque al final del día se trata del recurso más valioso y además es algo intangible./ The biggest learning I had in my first year of work as a freelancer was about time management. I confess: this was (and it still is) more complicated than it seems, perhaps because at the end of the day it is the most valuable resource we have and it is also something intangible.
Cobrar lo justo por mis trabajos, priorizar entregas de acuerdo a importancia y sobre todo mantener las expectativas en el plano de la realidad, porque por mucho que amé vivir en el plano de la fantasía, es necesario marcar metas que puedan convivir con mis capacidades en ese momento, ya que en años anteriores me pasé de ambicioso haciendo que muchos de mis planes colapsaran. Roma no se construyó en un día./ To charge a fair amount of money for my work, prioritize duties according to importance and above all, maintain expectations on the plane of reality, because as much as I love living on the plane of fantasy, it is necessary to set goals that can coexist with my capacities and resources in that moment, since in previous years I was too ambitious, failing in many of my plans. Rome was not built in a day.
Sí, yo también sigo buscando la fórmula secreta que me permita hacer lo que hace Beyoncé en un día sin despeinarme, pero no, no existe. Diría que lo que más se aproxima es PRIORIZAR, y es que aunque todo importe, no todo urge./ Yes, I’m still looking for the secret formula that allows me to do what Beyoncé does in a day, but no, it does not exist. But I would say the closest thing is to PRIORIZE, and that although everything matters, not everything is urgent.
De nuevo haz del papel (o de Word) tu mejor aliado: haz una lista con todos los asuntos por atender y después enuméralos por orden de urgencia. Dedicar 10 minutos del domingo a visualizar mi semana y escribir los pendientes en mi agenda también me da un poco de paz. ¿Lo único que nunca tienes que olvidar? Pagar las facturas a tiempo para evitar recargos y el brunch dominical, todo lo demás puede esperar un poquito./ Again, make paper (or Word) your best ally: make a list of all the issues to be addressed and then list them in order of urgency. Spending 10 minutes on Sunday to visualize my week and write the pending in my agenda also gives me a bit of peace. The only thing you never have to forget? Pay bills in time to avoid surcharges and Sunday brunch, everything else can wait a little bit.
Ah, y descansar también es vital, y es que hay emprendedores que dicen orgullosos que solo duermen 2 horas al día porque el tiempo no les alcanza, lo siento, yo no puedo. He de confesar que antes si lo hacía, pero ahora he comprendido que lo más importante es mi salud y que sin un cuerpo descansado y saludable jamás podré alcanzar mis objetivos, el dinero va y viene pero la salud es más difícil de recuperar. PS: Sí, hay días que han exigido desvelos, pero los evito lo más que puedo./ Oh, and rest is also vital, there are entrepreneurs who say proudly that they only sleep 2 hours a day because time is never enough, I’m sorry, I can not. I must confess that I used to do this a lot, but now I have understood that the most important thing is my health and that without a rested and healthy body I will never be able to reach my goals, money comes and goes but health is harder to recover. PS: Yes, there are days that have required sleepless nights, but I avoid them as much as I can.
Siempre creí que la vida me otorgaría el éxito profesional solo porque sí, pero no, el trabajo constante y un pastel como regalo cada vez que consiga una pequeña meta siempre estarán ahí y voy a confesar que a pesar del estrés del año pasado, estoy muy emocionado por el 2019. ¿Y tú, cómo piensas lograr tus metas?/ I always believed that life would give me professional success just because I deserved, but no, constant work and some cake as a gift everytimee that I achieve a small goal will always be there and I will confess that despite the stress of last year, I am very excited by 2019. And you, how do you plan to achieve your goals?…
Yes staying organized can be a challenge, though I am naturally on the organized side and design school taught me discipline. And oh yeah being a freelance is a challenge as well. Here in the States and in New York it does not pay the bills.
I have been looking for an agenda and forgot about! I love them I did a post on them years ago.
And yes I hear you about social media and in particular IG. In fact I spent hours last night unfollowing all these crappy accounts. I tried automation I thought it would be a good way to discover new people. OMG what a disaster. Awful. First off even though I had the box checked not to unfollow my feed it unfollowed all of my friends, family, coworkers, other influencers, brands that I liked and then left me with all these crap accounts that it followed (almost none of whom followed back, maybe about 2%) my phone died I was on it so much trying to fix my account. Don’t ever do it. I think I may do a You Tube video on this. Oh btw I don’t think I am following you on IG. Going to follow you as soon as my phone is fully charged.
Allie of
Hey Allie, hope everything is gong well!
Yes, design school also taught me discipline, which is cool right now is the amount of apps, resources and other tools that we could incorporate in our lives in order to stay organized (especially if you’re a freelancer). I think we have so many information right now that it is important to develop a way to select the good and the important.
Ohhh and thanks for following me back on IG, it is nice to keep in touch with cool people around the internet
¡Ay Pablo, vaya final de año que has tenido! Qué alegría tenerte de nuevo por aquí, espero que hayas empezado genial el 2019 y disfrutado un montón de tu México lindo
¡Yo no podría vivir sin agenda! Es un complemento/accesorio más en mi vida. Adoro la organización y llevarlo todo al día, aunque también me gusta desorganizar alguna que otra página con algún garabato o dibujos cuando tengo un día inspirador.
En cuanto a los propósitos… Esta parte la llevo bastante mal jajajaja. Fijarlos los fijo al inicio pero cuesta tanto cumplirlos… Eso sí, siempre surgen cosas nuevas durante el año que son aún más satisfactorias que los propios propósitos
Y lo mejor del post es esta frase: “También puedes imprimir una foto de Zac Efron para obtener el cuerpazo de verano que deseas, hazlo, algunos de nosotros funcionamos mejor al tener las cosas de manera visual.” JAJAJAJAJAJA, no me pude reír más :3
¡Me encanta leerte, nunca dejes de escribir!
Un besito Pablo
Melania |
Hola Melania, qué gusto leerte y una disculpa por contestar tan tan tarde pero ha sido un inicio de año muy loco y movido.
Sí, las agendas definitivamente me hacen la vida…. mmm, no diría más fácil pero menos difícil, jaja, no sé como hay personas que pueden vivir sin apuntar las cosas, además como dices me mantienen inspirado.
Espero tus propósitos de 2019 vayan viento en popa :p Me paso por tu blog a visitarte!
I totally understand you Pablo! I generally front this situation in September (for me is September the very start of the year) so for Gen maybe I’ve messed up something and I take advantage of the real start of the New year to just get back on track.^^
Keep up everything could seem a mission impossible and your tips are really precious and reflect my experience too!
Anyway for me things are fundamental: 1 – using all the help the tech can give you (I really depend on my smartphone, tablet and pc to stay organized and remeber everything)
2- don’t procrastinate (it’s hard at the start, especially when you really see the chance to postpone something with no consequences) it’s really important to save time for everything
3- make the most of very situation – thanx to tech I often use the time I spend on public transport or waitin on line to work or read, ecc….
Anyway as, you rightly said, the most important thing is not to overdo: even if you are super organized you cannot live as a machine, it’s super stressful!
We all need free time and to put phisical and mental healthy at the first place!
Hey Silvia hope you’re having a fantastical 2019! Sorry for taking a few weeks (or months?) to reply!
Thanks also for sharing your personal tips, these three advices are definitely helpful and I try to incorporate them to my daily routine as much as I can, especially the part of using all those creative and functional tools technology can provide them… even tho sometimes information and options are endless and it is difficult to choose just one!
Kisses from Spain
Great post! I’d start with writing down what the goal is as clear as possible and then what steps I think would be required to achieve the goal.
Would you like to follow each other? If the answer is yes, please follow me on my blog & I’ll follow you back.
Thanks for stopping by and for your feedback
That beyonce secret formula would be nice though, wouldn’t it? lol I WISH!
I know right? Haha
Hey Fungi!
Good to see you again. I hope this year is fantastic for you and you achieve everything you’re striving for.
I like this… “mission impossible” made me LOL! With so much to do and plan some days it definitely feels like that.
I agree jotting everything down and prioritizing your goals helps a ton.
Thank you for all your comments on my posts!
Radi, how you doing? Sorry for taking a few weeks (or months?) to come back and reply! Thanks for your valuable feedback too!
Hey Fungi!!
Your idea of Zac Efron is so great!!
I got motivation from your article, so I will try my goal that I couldn’t !!
I have lots of goal, but I have to decide priority like you.
Thank you for your wonderful article, Fungi <3
I really love that illustration of schedule note, that is so lovely!!
Have a lovely February
Akiko, how you doing? Thanks for stopping by, I’m glad this post motivated you a little bit
Aweeee muchas gracias Senyor Pablo for blessing us with this new set of wisdom! jaja Everything here is so practical and useful at the same time – all of which are badly needed in my life! lol
My 2018 was chaotic and it was mainly due to disorganization and uncareful planning. That is why, I’m keeping my journal close this 2019. I find it also true that writing down my ideas, lists of to-do, and plans make them easier to accomplish. Totally agree with you in prioritizing bills, that’s super important to avoid delays and other unwanted payments. I can’t stop laughing with the “cry on public transportation (don’t share it on stories)” hahaha I can imagine doing that with the song Reflection from Mulan playing on the background. LoL
Cheers to 2019 amigo! One month down, we got 11 more to go! Let’s brace ourselves!
Oooow Tin, hahaha THANK YOU SO MUCH for your nice words! I end up with a smile everytime I read your comments and your feedback!
Such a nice guide for the year.
It’s great to keep time for some relaxing time, nothing’s better to just enjoy a short Netflix video or reading a book.
When I’m stressful I love to pet my cats hey also help me to go to sleep haha.
I wish you all the best for this new year
Thanks for stopping by Margot!
I wish you the best for this year that is running way too fast… OMG!
I remember leaving comment on this one, but I don’t see it…maybe it got deleted?
Anyhow, your post is absolutely brilliant. Writing down things always helps me to organize myself better. There is just something about writing down things that makes me remember them better. Prioritizing is also important. I think setting realistic goals is also a great tip. I read somewhere that only 6 percent of people fulfill their new year goal. Last year I fulfilled mine and I think it has to do with being realistic. For example, my 2018 NY decision was to invest time in educating courses. I finished another art course and I even enrolled in and finished fashion sewing and pattern course with a local designer. I made my first complicated dress! When you set down specific goals, it is easier to fulfill them. Last year I also decided to improve my Italian so I took two language courses and got A2 and B2 degree. It is all about planning ahead and being realistic.
Thanks for stopping by, Ivana! I don’t know, maybe it went to the spam folder but not sure!
Siempre disfruto mucho leer tus posts. En realidad, admiro mucho tu arte y forma de escribir. Este post en particular es muy inspirador. Me gustaría ser más organizada y sé que escribir mis metas en una agenda ayuda mucho, pero tengo desde Diciembre con la agenda en mi bolsa sin escribir nada! Ahora sí voy a escribir todo lo que tengo que hacer para organizar me mente mejor. Unas de las metas que tengo es escribir y hablar el español más, porque se me está olvidando el idioma jaja… Muchas gracias por compartir esto. Te deseo un bonito fin de semana!
PerlaGiselle |
Muchas gracias por este comentario tan bonito, Perla Me alegra mucho saber que te ha inspirado este post, a veces es difícil tratar de abarcar todo lo que queremos hacer pero si que se puede.
PS: Cuando quieras practicar español siéntete libre de dejarme frases por aquí e IG y así no lo olvidas.
Pabloooo así es cerré el IG porque se me fue de las manos, mas que tu post yo lo viví,,,, pero bueno ya ni llorar es bueno, lo que si te puedo decir es que ya vivo mas feliz y mas libre!!
saludos y sigo aquí visitándote
saludos L.
Lizza, me asusté cuando no te vi más en IG. Definitivamente es una red social que quita mucho tiempo pero todo está en el balance, lo cual es difícil de alcanzar pero se puede….
Gracias por visitarme desde siempre