Ya era un fiel creyente de que apoyar a los negocios pequeños y a mis amigos creativos importa, pero situaciones caóticas como la que seguimos viviendo me han convencido al 100% para dejar mi dinero y mi apoyo en estos perfiles tanto como sea posible. De acuerdo, no voy a negar que sigo comprando en grandes superficies, pero también soy un creativo pequeño y sé lo mucho que pesan impuestos, procesos de creación y el papeleo engorroso que Instagram nunca te cuenta./ I was already a faithful believer that supporting small businesses and creative friends matters, but chaotic situations like the one we’re living have convinced me 100% to give my money and my support to these profiles as much as possible. Okay, I’m not going to deny that I still shop at department stores, but I’m also a small creative and I know how difficult is to struggle with taxes, creation processes, and the cumbersome paperwork that you never see on Instagram.

Hoy te comparto algunas acciones pequeñas, pero contundentes para apoyar a ese amigo creativo que tiene un negocio pequeño o un proyecto (llámalo canal de youtube, blog, etc). Algunas de estas acciones cuestan 0 euros (o el 0 de tu moneda local)./ Today I share some small but powerful actions to support that creative friend who has a small business or a project (call it YouTube channel, blog, etc.). Some of these actions cost 0 euros (or 0 of your local currency).



Cualquiera que esté intentando construir una cuenta de Instagram consistente sabe que el engagement es la clave y es imposible seguirle el ritmo al algoritmo de Instagram que cada vez se vuelve más indescifrable. Comentando haces que el trabajo de tus amigos creativos se vuelva mucho más visible. PS: Apoya a creadores pequeños, no sólo a los famosos, a este grupo Instagram ya les da suficiente visibilidad./ Anyone who is trying to build a consistent Instagram account knows that engagement is the key, it’s impossible to keep up with the Instagram algorithm that is becoming more and more indecipherable. By commenting you make the work of your creative friends become much more visible. PS: Support small creators, not just the big ones, Instagram already give enough visibility to this last group.

2. SHARE 🔃

No siempre es posible comprar, así que si no puedes hacerlo difunde en tu red social de preferencia, si algo te gusta de verdad no sigas haciendo scroll y toma un minuto para compartirlo. Muchas veces pensamos que nuestros amigos creativos están trabajando por amor al arte, pero la verdad es que a Hacienda ese tipo de historias no le tocan el corazón. Compartir también ayuda a enriquecer el engagement y no hay mejor publicidad que el “boca a boca”./ It’s not always possible to buy, so if you can not do it, spread it on your preferred social media, if you really like something stop scrolling and take a minute to share it. Many times we think that our creative friends are working for the love of art, but the truth is that those romantic stories mean nothing for your local Finance Ministry. Sharing also helps engagement and there’s no better publicity than “word of mouth”.


Comprar menos y mejor, pero sabiendo a donde va el dinero. Este punto puede parecer obvio, pero necesario mencionar. Poner tu arte en el mundo implica tiempo y gastos (alquiler de un estudio, materiales, clases, un dominio web). Como creativo no me refiero a que rompas tu alcancía, pero puedes guardar tus compras especiales para ese pequeño negocio: ¿un cumpleaños o una boda?, ¿lleva un detalle a una cena?, ¿navidad? Además la persona que reciba el regalo recibirá algo mucho más especial y puede volverse un nuevo fan de tu creativo favorito./ Buy less and better, but knowing where the money goes. This point may seem obvious, but it is necessary to mention. Putting your art in the world involves time and expenses (renting a studio, materials, classes, a web domain). As a creative I don’t mean that you have to break your bank account, but you can save your special purchases for those small business: a birthday or a wedding? A detail to bring to a dinner? Christmas? Also, the person who receives the gift will receive something much more special and can become a new fan of your favorite creative friend.

Más tips para comprar conscientemente y mejor en los posts de MONEY DIARIES./ More tips to buy consciously on THE MONEY DIARIES blog post


Esto va especialmente para quienes tengan un blog, trabajen en una revista o sean creadores de contenido. Muchas veces hacemos fotos y nombramos productos de marcas ya bien posicionadas y de a gratis. ¿Por qué no guardar una de tus menciones para un negocio pequeño o creativo pequeño? Esa persona se pondrá genuinamente feliz./ This is especially for those who have a blog or work in a magazine or as content creators. Many times we name popular brands and take photos of products that are already positioned and free. Why not save one of your mentions for a small or creative small business? That person will be genuinely happy.


Las menciones en la vida real son tan importantes como las menciones en Instagram. Si conoces a alguien que busque servicios creativos o colaboraciones con artistas, nombra a tus amistades creativas para abrirles un hueco y expandir su networking. Puede que esa conexión no termine en nada, pero puede llevar a otro contacto y así sucesivamente./ Mentions in real life are just as important as mentions on Instagram. If you know someone looking for creative services or artist collaborations, name your creative friends to make room for them and expand their networking. That connection may not end in a real project, but it can lead to another contact, and so on.


La última, pero no menos importante. Perseguir una carrera artística supone mucho esfuerzo y en muchas ocasiones los creativos experimentamos vulnerabilidad, frustración o falta de ánimo. Así que es crucial impulsar a tus amistades creativas en los momentos más bajos./ The last, but not least. Pursuing an artistic career takes a lot of effort and on many occasions we creatives experience vulnerability, frustration or discouraging. So it is crucial to jumpstart your creative friendships in the lowest moments.

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  • This is such a wonderful post. I love how you showed different ways we can help our creative friends. Both moral and financial support is important.

  • So beautifully said, Pablo! This is a great post, full of useful tips.

    When I just started my blog, the very first PR invitation I got was from a very small fashion company that had a humble gathering at their store to present their new collection. Clothes were modeled by designer’s daughters, nieces and friends. It was a very warm, humbling yet authentic atmosphere that I will never forget. Even now I appreciate it when big brands or influencers with much bigger platforms highlight indie brands or mention talented bloggers with smaller audience. I feel that with Instagram’s sad excuse for an algorithm, it is much harder for people to be seen than it was a couple of years ago. Supporting small businesses or accounts is crucial!


    • Thanks for your beautiful words and for sharing your experience with me Naya ❤️

      Unfortunately Instagram’s algorithm is playing an important role at the moment, so it is crucial to help friends to get visibility 🙂

  • These tips are so good Pablo!!! So many important sentences and perspectives right here. Commenting, sharing and supporting are all so essential. The creative field can be cruel in so many ways, but also great. Which is why creative friends needs all the support! You’re always providing the best tips Pablo, always with so much positive energy and thoughtfulness! Xx


    • Thanks Mia! As you said creative areas could be so cruel, so it is important to give our support to our creative allies 🙂

    • HAHAHAHA I know! As you I have a hate-love relationship with IG since you have to be all day in order to get visibility T.T

  • Hey Pablo! How you doin? How is the situation at your place?
    Since here in Italy are almost back to some kind of normality I guess there’s only a matter of time before will be the same even in Spain!
    I hope you’re enjoying those last spring days someway, and are doing good and stay healthy and safe!

    About your post, well, I guess this is a very important topic at the moment: and you really developed it very well! I mean it’s too easy to say “support your creative friends, buy from them!”: but maybe they style isn’t exactly your, or maybe you don’t need your products, or even you have not the possibility to buy from them so often (I mean, I like a lot an Italian brand called Lazzari, but it’s so expensive!!!)!
    Instead you’ve proposed here many ways to support your creative friends (or fav brands) that everyone can follow with no much efforts! That’s the way!
    Really I tend to support any creative reality i like, not only national, ’cause if I see something I like I’d be happy to have more and more of it!
    And in the same way I refuse to share thing ar brands I don’t like, even if they would pay me!
    I think you did a very good thing for many realities with this post!

    Stay safe and healthy my friend!

    • Hello Silvia! Everything is going well here, but it feels weird to see the city with no tourists in this time of the year, I imagine it is the same in Italy haha. Anyway I still go out with my face mask and hand sanitizer 😉

      And good point! Sometimes your style is different from the products your friends could offer, so recommendations, likes and comments are very good ways to help… and they cost zero bucks 🙂

      All the best Silvia!

  • Ya sabe que siempre cuenta con mi apoyo aquí, en instagram, facebook, twitter y hasta en metroflog. Excelente post! Lo quiero mucho <3

  • Such an amazing article here Pablo !
    It’s so important to support small creators especially if the creators are our friends. And you’re right there is a lot of different ways to support them.
    I’m always so amazed by your works. By the way if one day you’re selling your illustrations I’ll be here !
    And I want to thanks you for all you support you give me all the times I’m writing a new article or post a new picture. It means a lot and it always motivates me a lot. You’re the best !

    • Thanks Margot!

      Your words are so important to me since you’re a creative too!

      I’m planning to sell some stuff soon but still need to plan a lot of details 😀


  • Totally love this post Fungi! those are great ways to help small brands and our creative friends! especially in the era like this. I feel that mentioning them and sharing their work in our blog or in our social media will help.
    thank you for sharing these tips with us

    style frontier

    • Thank you so much dear! And good you mentioned small brands, sometimes we forget that they have really unique special products and that they need our money even more than big corporate brands!

  • Hey Fungi!

    You have always been so supportive from day one… for which I thank you so much! It’s so nice to have friends to connect with even if we live miles apart. I love that we can connect over our passion for blogging.

    Hope you have a beautiful day! Talk soon!


  • Hi Pablo! How are you? I forgot to mention in my last comment how much I loved you illustrations for this post. I want that illustrated green cacti and chair:).

  • Hey Fungi!

    Your themes are always interesting, and this article is so great and true, too!
    I love to find new creator or artists of interior products and name their account on my instagram.

    I also love to present small brand products for my family, friends, and business partners. Some people looks unhappy to get small brand’s product. They look very happy when they get something from popular brands. I love a person who looks so happy or curious about it to get small brand’s product.

    I am looking forward to opening your online shop! My Etsy shop is small, but there are lots of things to do for it…I have to read again your article about time management and pomodoro!

    Have a lovely weekend, Fungi!


    • Hello dear Akiko,

      I’m super happy to read that you found this topic interesting 🙂 And yes, I don’t know why we tend to share a lot about big brands but when it comes to small brands we hesitate if we should share it or not…. of course sharing is love and we spread word to other possible clientes and communities 😀

      All the best!

  • Me encanto este post amigo! yo desde hace un tiempo ya me estoy haciendo el habito de comprar en comercios mas pequeños y ojala a granel, obviamente hay cosas que necesitamos que solo estan en los mercados mas grandes como supermercados o grandes tiendas de retail pero siempre es bueno tener en cuenta comprar a los emprendimientos pequeños que recién comienzan y generalmente encuentro cosas unicas 🙂
    Por fin me estoy poniendo bien al dia con tu blog y me doy cuenta que me encanta leerte 🙂
    Te dejo un abrazo enorme ^^

    • Mil gracias por tu visita Cher 😀

      Yo también estoy intentando seguir esos mismos hábitos, obviamente no siempre se puede pero intentar apostar por cosas más pequeñas le va a hacer el día a alguien!

      De verdad gracias de nuevo por pasarte ❤️