Espero no arruinarle el fin de semana a nadie ni romper ciertas fantasías, pero mis conflictos con el verano tienen que ver con la humedad en Barcelona y esa sensación de estar pegajoso cuando ni siquiera estás haciendo nada. A pesar de eso hay planes de verano que siempre apetecen: la sandía fresca, el lino y los atardeceres./ I hope I’m not ruining anyone’s weekend or breaking certain fantasies, but my conflicts with the summer have to do with the humidity in Barcelona and that feeling of being sticky when you’re not even doing anything. Despite that, here’s my summer edit and some basics like linen and fresh watermelon.

Los planes ambiciosos para escapar durante el verano se posponen de nuevo y no hace falta mencionar las razones, aún así la idea de pasar Junio-Julio-Agosto (e incluso Septiembre) en la ciudad tiene cierto encanto. Es un momento perfecto para cambiar la paleta de colores, aunque es verdad que intento añadir ese toque verde limón hasta en los meses más fríos. Aquí mi edit de Verano con opciones para sobrevivir a estos climas extremos:/ The ambitious plans to escape for the summer are postponed again and the reasons should not be mentioned, yet the idea of spending June-July-August (and even September) in the city has a certain charm. It is a perfect time to change the color palette, although it is true that I try to add that lemon green touch even in the coldest months. Here is my summer edit with options to survive these extreme climates:



La fátiga veraniega, o sea el Summertime Sadness que canta Lana del Rey se puede aliviar con cualquier fragancia donde aparezcan notas cítricas. Sundazed de Byredo es mi fragancia este verano, y es que huele a lo mejor de la temporada, pero sin pasar bochornos: cítricos como nota de salida, neroli y jazmín como notas de corazón y algodón de azúcar como base./ The summer fatigue also known as Summertime Sadness (as Lana del Rey says), can be alleviated with any fragrance with citrus notes included. My summer edit had to include Sundazed by Byredo, it smells like the best of the season, but without going through the heat: citrus as the top note, neroli and jasmine as the heart notes and cotton candy as the base.

Buy Byredo Sundazed Eau de Parfum

🏠 HOME 🏠

Encender una vela en verano no siempre apetece, pero la clave está en elegir aromas útiles y refrescantes. Esta vela de la colección City Candles de Diptyque con flores blancas, menta y limón convierte mi piso en Barcelona en un paseo despreocupado por los jardines de Rodeo Drive en Beverly Hills…. lástima que en ni en mis mejores fantasías me puedo costear un armario de ropa de diseñador.

Lighting a candle in summer is not the most appetizing, but there key is to pick refreshing and subtle essences. This candle from Diptyque’s City Candles collection with white flowers, mint and lemon turns my flat in Barcelona into a walking through the gardens of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills…. It’s a pity that even in my best fantasies I can’t afford a closet full of designer clothes.

Buy Diptyque Beverly Hills City Candles Collection


The White Lotus es la tragicomedia que necesito, daría lo que fuera por vivir unas cuantas intrigas en un hotel paradisíaco de Hawaii pero a veces el presupuesto no es tan holgado como el de los personajes de tu serie favorita. Es una mezcla entre Parasite y Succession./ The White Lotus is the tragicomedy I need, I would give anything to live a few intrigues in a paradise hotel in Hawaii but sometimes the budget is not as loose as that of the characters in your favorite series. It is a cross between Parasite and Succession.

The White Lotus on HBO


Si al igual que yo te has pasado a los desodorantes naturales, Salt & Stone es una buena opción. Yo estoy probando del desodorante Lavender & Sage, sin aluminio y con aceites esenciales de lavanda, salvia y romero. Un aroma que tiene esa mezcla perfecta entre lo masculino y lo femenino, entre lo amaderado y lo floral. Eso sí, si estás empezando con desodorantes naturales hay que darle un tiempo./ If, like me, you have switched to natural deodorants, Salt & Stone is a good option. For this summer edit I’m trying Lavender & Sage deodorant, aluminum-free and with lavender, sage, and rosemary essential oils. An aroma that has that perfect mix between the masculine and the feminine, between the woody and the floral. Of course, if you are starting with natural deodorants you have to give it some time.

Salt & Stone Natural Deodorant

Youth to the People es una de esas marcas comprometidas con aportar pequeños cambios a la industria de la belleza , si bien no se puede ser perfecto o tener una trazabilidad 100% limpia, ellos lo hacen lo mejor posible. El precio es bastante justo para una crema de este estilo, además de que no es pegajosa y se absorbe enseguida./ Youth to the People is one of those brands committed to making small changes to the beauty industry, although you cannot be perfect or have 100% clean traceability, they do their best. The price is quite fair for a cream of this style, plus it is not sticky and absorbs quickly.

SuperFood Air-Whip Moisture Cream


Para añadir color a tu escritorio, Greco Disco de uno de mis ilustradores favoritos, Luke Edward Hall. Y “Alfred Hitchcock presenta: cuentos que mi madre nunca me contó”, una selección de historias cortas y macabras por el maestro del suspense, Alfred Hitchcock…. estos cuentos de terror hacen que se me olviden los problemas del mundo y los 30 grados de calor por la noche./ To add color to your desk, Greco Disco from one of my favorite illustrators, Luke Edward Hall. And “Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories My Mother Never Told Me”, a selection of short and macabre stories by the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock…. these horror stories make me forget the problems of the world and the 30 degrees at night.

Luke Edward Hall Greco DiscoAlfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories My Mother Never Told Me


Mis compras de ropa son pocas, pero sustanciosas. Quiero que cada prenda que añada a mi clóset represente realmente mi estilo. Estas camisas de WeekDay sacan mi versión más colorida, sé que la rosa me recuerda un poco a un día de picnic o a una bayeta de cocina de Ikea, pero me encanta. La opción texturizada es una fantasía floral que representa mi amor por la botánica./ My fashion purchases are few, but substantial. I want every piece of clothing that I add to my wardrobe to truly represent my style. These WeekDay shirts bring out my more colorful version, I know the pink reminds me a bit of a picnic day or an Ikea kitchen towel, but I love it. The textured option is a floral fantasy that represents my love of botany. Both are perfect for a summer edit.

Weekday Shirts


Bien, lo confieso: otra de las razones por las que el verano no es mi estación favorita es porque mis plantas y flores sufren muchísimo. Este verano llevo dos fallecimientos a causa de las altas temperaturas. Sin embargo una de las flores que más soporta la temporada estival es el anturio: sofisticada, duradera y fotogénica./ Ok, I confess: another reason why summer is not my favorite season is because my plants and flowers suffer a lot. This summer I had two deaths due to high temperatures. However I wanted to recommend a strong flower for this summer edit: anthuriums do well during summer and they’re are sophisticated, long-lasting and photogenic.

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  • Both those shirts look so good on you! i love the yellow one the most! 🙂

    Sorry to hear you are suffering from the heat – I hope it passes soon for you! I find I use candles a lot more in summer as we are in the aircon so much – it can be tricky in the colder months when we have doors and windows open and I worry about the flame getting snuffed out with the breeze, haha! I think having aircon is part of the reason why I love summer so much!

    Hope you are having a good week 🙂

    • Thank you for stopping by Mica, happy to read that you like these options 🙂

      And that’s a problem with candles, so I try to light them in the “coldest” hours of the day, which is difficult haha.

      All the best, xx!

  • Oh yes I can relate, it gets SUPER humid in NY during the summer months. And I agree citrus is great for summer I have a perfume with a citrus scent. Surprisingly some plants do not do well in the summer months. I am growing lots of different flowers and some do well in the sun and others not so much. And loving the shirts! The one with the marble design is so cool!

    Allie of

    • Ooooh really?! I’ll try to avoid NY in the summer for my next visit haha.

      Thank you so much for stopping by Allie 🙂

    • Hello Sara, so happy to see you back in the blog 🙂

      Thanks for checking it out, I just feel like you…. very tired but I’ll try to make an effort haha

  • Yes, summer can be so hard for the plants. I lost my lavender and rosemary to the summer heat. The sun on my balcony was too strong for them, it killed them. 🙁 It even nearly killed some succulent, I placed them indoors and I’m keeping my fingers they survive.

    I love everything about this post, the photos, the edits, the reading recommendation (I would love to read short stories by the master of suspense), the natural deodorant recommendation (I use a natural deo from DM, forgot the name of the brand), the fabulous shirts (love both the checkered and the botanical one).

    • Hey Ivana,

      I am so sad to read that some of your plants hae suffered, I hope those succulents can make it through the heat season 🙁

      And thanks for your lovely compliments, I appreciate that you always take the time to check out the post 🙂

  • I love articles which focuses on some particular season even if just like you I’m not a super huge fan of summer.
    I think I would like it better if in Bahrain it was not lasting forever.
    I totally understand your feeling of being sticky all the time with a high humidity level.
    This fragrance seems to smell so good and you made me intrigued about the white lotus.
    And I’m happy to see theses new books in your collection since you know we share the love of beautiful books. I think my husband would love this aired hitchcock one since he really enjoys scary stories.
    And I really love your colorful shirts. There are so cool ! Such great finds !

    • Hello Margot, same, I’d say it is not my favorite season, probably it is the season that I like less haha.

      Thank you so much for checking the blog post as usual 🙂

  • I am actually not a fan of summer either, it’s nice that it’s nice out but the heat and humidity are too much. I prefer spring or fall, the in-between seasons. And I totally do the same, I tend to wear more citrusy scents when summer hits because they liven up the senses when you feel weighed down by humidity!

    • Hey thanks for your comment!

      As you I prefer balance, so in-between seasons are perfect since I can have the best of both worlds! haha

  • Yay for some fashion photos! 😉 You know I think you should also post more outfit posts here!! And haha the shirt on the right is a bit similar to an IKEA kitchen towel – BUT I’m totally here for it. I love how quirky fashion can be, and if a print is wearable, well, why not work it? The print on the shirt to the left is gorgeous too. I can definitely see it with some brown pants or a brown jacket for fall? Like a corduroy 70s style, such a good vibe. And that Byredo perfume sounds amazing, citrus is always the best fragrance for summer! Have a lovely week Pablo!! Xx

    • Ooooh thank you so much Mia, promise I’ll try to post more outfits here 🙂

      Also thanks for the recommendations, promise I’ll try these combinations next fall!

  • Hey Pablo, how’s going your summer?
    Here is hot as hell (yesterday we had 42°C) and even pretty humyd, even my levender is died for it, in short very similar to your place from waht I’ve read here, and with no travels at some beach location in program (due the pandemic is spreading again X( ), it’s becoming pretty hard to bear.
    Luckily my house is pretty fresh and I’ve got a pool at my place so I can spend half of my days there, but, despite I know I’m lucky, the things are becoming mre and more boring here….

    but let’s pass to the topic of the week!^^
    To me lemon/citrus fragrances means summer to me! I love them generally (are among my faves) but in summer I totally shift from my usual vanilla fragrances to lemon! even if, with this hot, I don’t using anymore candles, just looking at the flame makes me feel warmer!^^’
    Do you know? I’ve recently discovered Youth to the People and are wondering what product to try: you definitely gave me a very nice tip in this post!
    To end, about fashion. I’ve noticed that recently (ok its since few months) my approach to fashion is changing: maybe its just because I’m going out less, so i’ve got less temptation, but I feel like “becaming to basics”: I’m buying less fast fashion and looking more and more to quality and sustainability, maybe I’m spending more for a single piece but it’s much more reasoned then how I did before….

    Anyway your phots anre cooler and cooler and you’ve got a super stylish shirt collection, I’m jelous! XD
    Take care dear!

    • Hola Silvia, thank you so much for stopping by!

      I see that Rome is hotter than Barcelona, I remember being in Trastevere a few years ago and desesperatly looking for fountains and gelatos, hope you manage to take a few days off to a “colder” zone, at least lcoset to the house 🙂

      Thank you so much for all your feedback! Let me know if you try something from Youth to the People, not the less expensive brand but at least their products are really good and they last a lot 🙂

      All the best and enjoy your break!


  • Hey Fungi!

    I hope you have a beautiful day!! Thank you for sharing your recommendations for summer:)
    My anthuriums passed away a few months ago, but I will get it again and decorate. Your decorations are perfect. Particularly, the first photos! I spot the blue Diptyque:) Is it limited candle?

    Love your two shirts, and “Ikea kitchen towel” is lovely description:) Salt and Stone seems great, and I am interested in those books. Anyway, you are so cool behind the leaf!!


    • Hey Akiko,

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for checking out the blog post 🙂 You know your decorations always inspire me too! And the Diptyque candle is from the limited edition “City Candles” they have a Tokyo version with sakura flowers too!

  • I was so excited to read your summer edit after seeing your post on Instagram! As someone who has lived in a desert my entire life, I hate the humid sticky feeling when I travel to more humid places! I’m not sure I could live in a humid place like Barcelona. I absolutely adore citrus fragrances and candles. I am currently burning a lime, mint scented candle. I love all the photos and collages you created for this post!


    • Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Jill ❤️

      I would love to be in the desert right now, feel like humidity is not even good for concentration and for anything haha.

      Thanks again and have a lovely weekend!
