No es tu imaginación, los bolsos mini están por todos lados. Si echamos la vista atrás (2010-2015) seguro recordamos esos bolsos dignos de Mary Poppins, donde cabría todo lo necesario para una expedición de fin de semana al campo o para introducir alimentos de contrabando al cine. Pero las reglas del juego se modificaron desde que Le Sac Chiquito, la invención de Jacquemus, inundara el internet y pasando por Lizzo llevando todo lo necesario para una entrega de premios en un Valentino enano…. Según Lyst ahora los bolsos han decrecido un 38% en ancho y un 45% en alto./ It’s not your imagination, mini bags are everywhere. If we look back (2010-2015) surely we remember those bags worthy of Mary Poppins, where you could fit all the things necessary for a weekend expedition or your own snacks to avoid high prices at the cinema. But the rules of the game have changed since Le Sac Chiquito, the invention of Jacquemus, it flooded the internet and then Lizzo showed us that she could carry all the necessary stuff for an award ceremony in a mini Valentino bag…. According to Lyst bags have now decreased 38% in width and 45% in height.
Por supuesto que Jacquemus no fue el primero en introducir el bolso enano y poco práctico al juego de la moda. Si echamos un vistazo al pasado (años 20 a años 50) veremos que las personas de la alta sociedad rara vez llevaban bolsos grandes, asociando el tamaño de este accesorio con el status y acercándose más a un ornamento ue a un objeto funcional, más bien era la servidumbre quien cargaba los objetos necesarios. Las reglas del juego se reescribieron cuando Hermes creó la Birkin Bag para Jane Birkin en 1984, después de que en un vuelo la actriz tirará sus pertenencias de un bolso de mano poco funcional./ Of course Jacquemus was not the first to introduce the impractical mini bags to the fashion game. If we take a look at the past (1920s to 1950s) we will see that people in high society rarely carried large handbags, associating the size of this accessory with status and getting closer to an ornament than a functional object, rather it was the servants who carried all the necessary objects. The rules of the game were rewritten when Hermes created the Birkin Bag for Jane Birkin in 1984, when the actress accidentally spilled her belongings from her bag on a flight.
Años más tarde (2015) Karl Lagerfeld vería potencial en los bolsos micro para Fendi, modificando el tamaño de los llaveros Peekaboo (sigo queriendo uno) para que lucieran más grandes que el bolso mismo. A partir de ahí muchos diseñadores y casas de moda (Balenciaga, Givenchy, Hermes, Victoria Beckham, Gucci, Acne Studios) han estado jugando con las proporciones de los bolsos, pero fue Jacquemus quien jugó la carta de la exageración hasta tener un bolso donde el único propósito es llevar el lipstick o un bálsamo labial./ Years later (2015) Karl Lagerfeld would see potential in Fendi mini bags, modifying the size of the Peekaboo key chains (I still want one) to make them look bigger than the bag itself. From there many designers and fashion houses (Balenciaga, Givenchy, Hermes, Victoria Beckham, Gucci, Acne Studios) have been playing with the proportions of the bags, but it was Jacquemus who played the card of exaggeration with mini bags that had the sole purpose of carrying a lipstick or a lip balm.
¿Los motivos? Hay muchos, y no, no es un capricho fortuito y las decisiones de la moda están ligadas a aspectos sociales (aspiraciones, comportamiento, ideales) y no suelen ocurrir por mera casualidad./ The reasons? No, it is not a random whim and fashion decisions are linked to social aspects (aspirations, behavior, ideals) and do not usually happen by chance.
Una versión pequeña del puzzle de Loewe cuesta unos 900 €, mientras que la versión grande roza los 2500 €. Las opciones micro nos acercan al allure de la marca pero sin quebrar la cuenta del banco y las marcas se han dado cuenta, ofreciendo sus diseños más emblemáticos en una versión reducida. Los millennials y la Gen Z ansiamos un bolso de diseñador, pero nuestros ingresos no son la bomba y una versión pequeña del Dionysus de Gucci nos será igual de satisfactoria. Antes los bolsos pequeños por la socialité eran los caros, ahora los papeles se invierten./ A small version of the Loewe puzzle costs around € 900, while the large version is around € 2,500. The micro options bring us closer to the allure of the brand but without breaking the bank account and the brands have realized it, offering their most emblematic designs in a reduced version. Millennials and Gen Z crave a designer bag, but our income is not the big thing and a small version of Gucci’s Dionysus will be just as satisfying to us. A few years ago the small bags for the socialite were expensive, now the roles are reversed.
Obviamente toda propuesta de moda se adapta a las necesidades de la calle, y así como no vamos a llevar una silueta gigantesca de Comme des Garçons (sobre todo porque no me alcanza, oops) tampoco llevaremos en nuestra vida diaria el bolso enano de Jacquemus donde apenas cabe un tic tac. Pero observa a tu alrededor y verás que los bolsos si que son más pequeños, con el espacio suficiente para llevar el móvil, algún método de pago (que lo mismo puede estar integrado al móvil), llaves, auriculares, cosas concretas de higiene personal y un chicle que te rescate del mal aliento, aunque ahora también será necesario tener espacio para la botella de gel antibacterial./ Obviously every fashion proposal adapts to the needs of the real life, and just as we are not going to wear a gigantic silhouette of Comme des Garçons (especially because I don’t have the money, oops) we will not carry Jacquemus’s tiny micro bag in our daily life just to put a candy inside. But look around you and you will see that bags are getting smaller, with enough space to carry your phone, some payment method (which can also be integrated in your phone), keys, headphones, specific things of personal hygiene and a chewing gum to rescue you from bad breath, although now it will also be necessary to have space for a bottle of antibacterial gel.
La comodidad es un factor que nuestra generación aprecia, y por si acaso, la directora de Jimmy Choo recomienda llevar una tote bag en el mini bolso por si surge algo./ Comfort is a factor that our generation appreciates, and just in case, the director of Jimmy Choo recommends carrying a tote bag in the mini bag just in case.
In this artwork: Jacquemus Le Vanity + Boyy Mini Bag + Yuzefi Mini Bom + Chloé Faye Mini Purse + Gu_De Mini Tote
Declárate culpable si no es comprado algo por haberlo visto en Instagram. Todos tenemos ese objeto que puede resultar no tan práctico, pero su valor estético (sobre todo si funciona como prop para las fotos) nos hace conservarlo. Por otro lado hay un grado de infantilización asociado a los bolsos mini, lo cual se relaciona con el apego millennial por la nostalgia fashion y los recuerdos de la niñez en nuevos formatos./ Are you guilty of having bought something for having seen it on Instagram? We all have this object that may not be so practical, but its aesthetic value (especially if it works as a prop for photos) makes us keep it. On the other hand, there is a degree of infantilization associated with mini bags, which is related to the millennial attachment to fashion nostalgia and childhood memories in new formats.
¿Lo que más me gusta de estos bolsos mini? No sólo el hecho de que proveen buen contenido (aunque cuidado con comprar uno demasiado pequeño que sólo funcione como máquina de likes), sino que nos obligan a editar nuestra vida constantemente y a apostar por el uso de lo estrictamente necesario…. No más llevar una crema de manos que ni te vas a poner, el libro que aún no le devuelves a tu mejor amigo y recibos de compra de hace un mes./ What I like most about these mini bags? Not only the fact that they provide good content (but beware of buying a very small one that only works as a “likes” machine), but they force us to constantly edit our lives and bet on the use of what is strictly necessary…. No more carrying a hand cream that you are not going to wear, the book that you have not yet returned to your best friend and purchase receipts from a month ago.
Sources & references: S MODA + CR BOOK + FASHION MAGAZINE
Ah oui! C’est sac est tres impracticle! Truly you would need another bag to actually hold all your stuff along with these bags lol. They do not even fit a phone! This is one trend I am passing on, though they are cute! And again LOVE your graphics! You are inspiring me to create graphics for my blog and not just use photos for the opener.
Allie of
Haha yes, some of they are useless, at least for real life!
And thanks for your nice comment Allie, happy to know that this blog inspires you that way
Hey Fungi!
I’ve seen these mini bags everywhere and I must say they’re super adorable even though I don’t know if they can fit anything at all. I want one, just to test and see what I can carry in it… hahaha!
I’m for the smaller bags and am glad they’re taking the space of the “suitcases” kind of bags.
Have a beautiful day!
Thanks Radi! You should try with one, maybe not the smallest one but an option in the middle
Your article is so interesting. It reminds me of what I could find inside one of my fashion history book. I’m sure you spent a lot of time writing this article. Such an amazing work !
When I was younger I used to love mini bags so I could just carry my phone and some money when going at the club. But now nope I need my camera almost everywhere with me haha.
The jacquemus mini bag is super cute but It really bothers me to see a bag that tiny that expensive. It need to be a minimum practical. I don’t need a bag that tiny to just carry a lip balm. I have pockets for that.., haha !
I’m so in love with the vintage photos you used in this article. Now I want to put my hand on a vintage pearl or embroidered purse like this.
Thank you so much for this kind comment Margot!
I try to do my best when it comes to fashion content, so I feel happy to read that you enjoyed the content, that’s the most valuable thing from readers
Hey Pablo, how you doin? Happy to hear that even in Barcelona you are going back to some kind of “normality”, guess everybody really needed it!
Isn’t very strange to see touristic cities like Rome or Barcelona with no tourists? It feels even a bit sad, isn’t it? But on one side I’m even enjoying the no-crowded streets and places, suddendly everywhere seems so big and quiet! ^^
Anyway let’s talk of this super interesting topic: mni bags! I looooooooove mini bags! (plus there is Grace Kelly here, my fav actress ever!)
Really I’ve never fully stand when the fashion was all about gigantic bag: on one side I think that they don’t look good on me and on the other side I tended to full the bag with everything so they were so heavy to carry all day long!!!
Ok, I know that micro bag are often just “likes machines”, like you smartly said, but they’re soooooo cute! And you can always accompany them with a mini bag with just the essentials!
Light, cute, and stylish! I’m so tempted to buy even expersive ones (that really are the cutest), but ok, I’m still not so crazy ! XD
For me the problem is the dimension of the smartphones that are bigger and bigger! I mean do you remember the shell phones of 10 years ago? They were so pratical, fitted everywhere! Now I’ve got a samsung Galaxy S9 and doesn’t fit the pockets of my jeans, you can guess a micro bag…
To end, I looooove a lot the style of your illustration, If I had a modern stylish home like your, I would hang them on the wall as paints!!!! Keep on your great work, my friend!
Hey Silvia! Hope you’re doing good! The situation here is very strange, on one hand the new normality is like the same normality we were used to but with longer lines and face maks, but then you look at the city and it seems that there is something wrong…. NO TOURISTS! I imagine this is similar to Rome.
And Grace Kelly is my favorite actress too, I love her style and her attitude, specially in Hitchcock movies.
And you made such a good points, these bags can be so useful specially to make ourselves more practical and think about the bare necessities
We don’t need to carry with a lot of stuff, specially if we prefer a simpler life 
Thanks again for everything and for leaving the kindest comments!
I love the history behind mini bags! This is something that I’ve not really given a lot of thought to before, but I guess that it makes sense like most accessories it has grown and developed as a product. I personally don’t carry a lot of bags because I find that I lose them (oops!) or am carrying a camerabag which can carry them, but I still find myself buying a lot of mini bags. I recently bought one which is gorgeous, it’s like a mini picnic basket, and I’ve never used it and probably never would BUTTTT it’s beautiful to look at from inside of my home!
Thanks for reading Amy!
A bag to fit a camera would be the perfect thing for me
Hope you’re doing good!
¡Ay, ay, ay, pero qué post tan guay has redactado hoy! Me súper encanta
Igual que estos mini bolsitos, soy súper fan de ellos. Yo nunca he llevado bolsos grandes porque no me parecen bonitos, además son enormes para cuatro cosas que siempre llevo, sobraría más de medio bolso jajaja. Peeeeeero ahora tengo un pequeño problema por culpa de la pandemia… Como ahora llevo más cositas relacionadas con la protección ante el Covid (mascarillas, gel hidroalcohólico, toallitas…) pues mis bolsitos sufren también las consecuencias y algunos no me cierran al meterlo todo (qué fail), así que no los puedo usar de momento… ¡Quiero que la normalidad de antes llegue pronto, porfa!
Un besito, Pablo
Melania |
Muchísimas gracias por pasarte a leer, Melania
Toda la razón con lo que dices de que ahora con la protección necesitamos un poco más de espacio, yo por mi parte voy a llevar una tote bag porque no creo que tenga sitio suficiente en la riñonera jaja.
Un beso de vuelta!
What a trend! While I won’t be purchasing a mini bag like Lizzo’s, I agree that they can make an impression especially with styling. Thanks for the information, I wasn’t aware of the trend/history of how these mini bags came to be. Love the graphics you’ve done! Great work Pablo!!
I think if I had to choose, my debit card would have to have it’s place in my mini bag lol.
Des |
Thanks for visiting, Des! I am glad you liked this blog post
PS: Hahahaha, I like your answer
Estéticamente me encantan pero nada viables para las cosas básicas que van en mi bolso,no me entraría ni la llave del coche jiji. Un abrazo enorme precioso,espero que estés genial!!
Cata, no sabía que estabas de regreso por aquí bienvenida de vuelta!!!
I love how you articles are always so well written and informative. I agree with you. There is always a deeper reason for everything going on in the fashion world because it is also a reflection of what is happening in the world. Nothing happens without a reason and that applies to trends as well.
The mini bags are no exception. I love your collages and how you researched the option. I think you’re absolutely right. The lux brands have figured out they can make more money this way:), selling smaller bags and making the price more accessible…while saving money on the material itself. It reminds me of baby clothes. Have you ever noticed how baby clothes are expensive considering the amount of material that goes into them and then of course children grow out of them in no time…but the sellers know that new parents will be emotional (and not just the parents, I’m guilty of buying pricey clothes for kids of my friends too) and buy buy…and those little clothing items are so cute aren’t they? So, there is also the CUTENESS factor. It is a big factor.
Your art is beautiful. I love your illustrations of fashion bags.
Thanks for your comment and for taking the time to read the article, Ivana
It is cool to read, analyze and discover that fashion has to do with history, sociology and politics, while some garments are not just a pretty thing that came out from nothing right?
Haha, you got a really important point with the baby clothes, and the key factor that baby clothes are used for a very precise time since babies grow really faster!
Love this post, but not sure what to think of the mini bags! I like the mini bags that still can fit your phone, cards and keys. But bags smaller than that are more fashion art than fashion function,and I don’t think it’s sustainable to make a trend out of it. The really tiny bags won’t be here in a few years, so they’re not really worth the investment if you ask me. With that said though, I love the creativity and play with sizes, from a aesthetic point of view – it’s fun and interesting. But yeah, if I’m gonna carry something around, I want it to be functional, lol! Thank you for an interesting article Pablo! Xx
Nice point Mia! I’d say I have a similar opinion with the most tiny tiny almost miniscule bags, there are an accessory create for a certain amount of time haha!
have a great week ahead my friend!
I absolutely adore this post and all of the cute illustrations you have created, Pablo!
Frankly, I have always loved a small bag. I never carry a lot of stuff with me (iPhone, lipstick, keys and credit card is everything you will find in mine); often times I even forget to wear one which is a very boyish habit I have. The less I carry, the happier I am!
My personal favorite is LV Nano Speedy. It is tiny, but fits all of the little things and goes with pretty much any outfit.
Hope you are doing well! xx
Thanks for the nice feedback Naya, this is a very good motivation to keep working on this blog
Same as you, the less I carry, the happier I am and lately I prefer to live a simple kind of live….
I love the mini bag trend! This post is great, I absolutely loved reading about the history of it too! Thanks for sharing!
thanks for stopping by Melissa!
Hey Fungi!
Great article about mini bags, and your illustrations are more beautiful than real bags!
The phrase of “only works as a “likes” is humorous, so I laughed, hahaha.
Peekaboo key chains are so you, Fungi! You should get them:)
Anyway, I am not good at organize inside a bag. I don’t often use a hand cream outside, but I also take it in my bag always…Your last paragraph motivates me!
Have a lovely day<3
Thanks for your visit and for your sweet comment Akiko, it really made my day and made my cry T.T
Have a nice week ahead!
firstly, I must say that this is such an interesting topic Fungi! Honestly I think they’re cute, but I really don’t know what can I fit inside hahaha I feel that it is such a fashion statement to carry but most probably I’m storing all my stuffs on the other bag. i love all of your illustration as usual!
thanks for stopping by dear
They’re cute but maybe not the best option if you like to carry a lot of stuff right?
Oh, the bag is so tiny it’s the size in your review … my sister also has it. I was surprised at what its function was, but seen its shape was beautiful as a complement to the style of dress.
Are there small bags for men?
Yo para mi dia a dia prefiero un bolso mini donde me quepa mi billetera, llaves, el celu y un labial. Antes solia usar bolsos mas grandes y ufff metia de todo ahi dentro jajaja
Igual encuentro que hay algunos que se fueron al extremo y sacaron unas bags recontra enanas donde no te cabe ni el celu! me paso con ACNE me gusto mucho una mini bag pero con suerte alcanzaba el celu asi que dije no next.
Como siempre, muy buen post
Qué linda Cher, gracias por visitar
Es que a veces es mejor apostar por lo minimal, pero con algunas de estas opciones si que se pasan…. ACNE tiene cosas súper bonitas!