Hay muchas cosas que se han transformado después del primer encierro (yo ya ni los cuento) allá por Marzo-Abril del 2020. Me centré mucho más en tener mi casa bonita, me volví a enamorar de los libros y de las múltiples posibilidades que me ofrecían y además de eso reconsideré mi relación con la moda y con mi ropa./ There are many things that have been transformed after the first lockdown (I don’t even count them anymore) back in March-April 2020. I focused much more on having a nice house, I fell in love again with books and the many possibilities that they offered and besides that I reconsidered my relationship with fashion and my clothes.
Me he estado preguntando cuanta ropa es necesaria, no me malinterpreten; me encantan las pasarelas, la moda, leer sobre ella, dibujarla, etc. Pero durante la cuarentena me volví muy consciente del espacio que actualmente poseo y del estilo personal que quiero tener y en el cual estoy trabajando./ After lockdown, I wondered how many clothes are necessary, don’t get me wrong; I love runways, fashion, reading about it, drawing clothes, etc. But during quarantine I became very aware of the space that I currently have and the personal style that I want to have and in which I am working.
Con la ropa y con los accesorios puede ser difícil ser imparcial: un flechazo de amor y no sabes si puedes confiar en tu juicio. Tal vez es un efecto del bombardeo publicitario y otras tácticas perversas o tal vez al final esa chaqueta y tú si puedan escribir una historia de amor que dure más de una temporada. A veces hay que tomar riesgos, pero a veces es mejor dejar enfriar el deseo por unas horas para darte cuenta de que no necesitas una tercera chaqueta roja./ It could be difficult to be impartial with clothes and accessories: a quick crush and you don’t know if you can trust your judgment. Maybe it’s an effect caused by the hype and other wicked tactics or maybe in the end that jacket can have a love story that lasts more than a season. Sometimes you have to take risks, but sometimes it’s better to let the desire cool for a few hours to realize that you don’t need a third red jacket.
Tristemente me di cuenta de que algunas de las prendas que tengo fueron producto de una compra impulsiva o de ver una foto en Instagram y querer subirme al tren de una tendencia que duró menos que Google Plus./ Sadly, during lockdown I realized that some of the clothes I have were an impulse purchase or something driven by seeing a trend Instagram that lasted less than Google Plus.
Sigo comprando fast fashion, pero siempre que puedo intento apoyar a proyectos con más corazón o gastar un poquito más en algo de mayor calidad. Muchas veces se trata de calcular al revés: puedes tener una muy buena bufanda para el invierno en vez de comprarte 7 diferentes en Primark. Es un esfuerzo que tu cartera, tu clóset y el planeta van a agradecerte./ I still buying fast fashion, but I try to support smaller projects witha heart or spend a little more on something of higher quality. It’s often a matter of calculating the other way around: you can have a really good winter scarf instead of buying 7 different ones at Primark. It is an effort that your wallet, your closet and the planet will thank you for.
Algunos datos fríos / Hard data
Según datos del Parlamento Europeo, citados en este artículo publicado por S Moda, cada persona tira 11 kilos de ropa al año, y eso sólo en Europa. Esto sin hablar de lo que tiran las empresas textiles. Independientemente de que no te puedas permitir una prenda sustentable, a los consumidores también nos toca cuestionarnos nuestras prácticas de moda y plantear alternativas. La moda se ve como algo frívolo, pero su producción es todo lo contrario./ According to data from the European Parliament, cited in this article published by S Moda, each person throws 11 kilos of clothes a year, and that only in Europe. Not to mention what textile companies throw away. Regardless of the fact that you cannot afford a sustainable garment, as consumers we also have to question our fashion practices and propose alternatives. Fashion is seen as frivolous, but talking about its production is the opposite.
Start ups para dar segunda vida a deshechos textiles, plataformas de intercambio de ropa, más negocios de ropa de segunda mano y proyectos de sostenibilidad cada vez más cercanos en nuestras comunidades .También hay voces grandes que están ayudando a difundir lo importante que es tener una “conciencia de moda”, como Vivienne Westwood o Stella McCartney./ Start ups to give second life to textile waste, clothing exchange platforms, more second-hand clothing businesses and more sustainability projects in our communities, specially after corona virus lockdown. There are also big voices that are helping to spread the importance of having a “Fashion consciousness” like Vivienne Westwood or Stella McCartney.
Esta revalorización de mi ropa y de mi estilo también está ligada al color. La gente en muchas ciudades europeas, incluida Barcelona suelen optar por prendas en colores neutros, por supuesto no es una regla implícita, pero sinceramente es lo que sueles encontrar en las calles y en las tiendas. No hay mucho espacio para el color y supongo que mucha de la ropa que se presenta en Fashion Week termina siendo para otros países./ This revaluation of my clothes and my style after lockdown is also linked to color. People in many European cities, including Barcelona, tend to opt for clothes in neutral colors, of course it is not an implicit rule, but honestly it is what you usually find on the streets and in stores. There is not much room for color and I suppose that a lot of the clothes what are presented on Fashion Week end up being for other countries.
Me di cuenta de que la sostenibilidad y un armario que pudiera tener juego no estaba ligado a prendas en color blanco o negro. Supongo seguimos ligando la sostenibilidad a proyectos de ropa negra y aburrida, pero cada vez hay opciones para todos los gustos. Si bien es cierto que mis prendas más versátiles tienen tonos neutros, durante el confinamiento me volví a enamorar de los colores vivos./ I realized that sustainability and a versatile wardrobe were not only linked to garments in white or black. I suppose we continue to link sustainability to boring black clothing projects, but options for all tastes are incresing. While it is true that my most versatile pieces have neutral tones, during lockdown I fell in love with bright colors again.
Es una tendencia a la alza, pero más que una tendencia debería ser una práctica constante, un hábito. La moda también es experimentar, pero ese cambio que la industria de la moda necesita hoy mismo empieza desde nuestro guardarropa, estudiando bien nuestras opciones y exigiendo transparencia a las compañías. “Compra menos, elige mejor, haz que dure”./ Fashion means experimenting, but the change that the fashion industry needs today starts from our wardrobe, by studying our options well and demanding transparency from companies. “Buy less, choose better, make it last.”
I love your tips. I couldn’t have said it better myself- Buy less, choose better, make it last.
I think a lot of people link sustainable fashion with expensive ‘sustainable’ brands but they forget that even those ‘green brands’ often take a lot of natural resources to make. I heard that organic cotton is quite problematic because it wastes tons of water- and some say that only cotton is sustainable. Things are not that simple. In the long run, the most sustainable wardrobe is one that is functional and lasts longs, that means we should wear what we got and stop throwing away clothes when we get bored of some trend. To be able to this, we need to see what kind of clothing items work for us. Exploring vintage and second hand options is another great way to be more sustainable- as you showed in your article. I also love that you said that we don’t have to buy all black or neutral to have a sustainable wardrobe- some people (like me) love to wear bright colours. It all depends on what you love, I think. I get a lot of wear from my vivid colours.
Hey Ivana,
Thanks for checking it out! I know you are really conscious about clothes and how we use it, since you’re always trying to bring content related with using a piece in many different ways.
You mentioned something really important about materials and fabrics, this is a topic we should care about in order to build a nice wardrobe that can survive through the years
Yes, it pays off to invest into quality materials. Have a great day!
GREAT POST PABLO! I totally agree with you. Being in quarantine really made me think about being more intentional when it came to shopping. As much as I love clothes and styling I really wanted to make sure I was purchasing items that were going to stay with me for more than a season, more than a year! My love for neutrals have grown during quarantine and I don’t see that love disappearing anytime soon lol.
I love the photos you used in this post and you’re killing it in that blush suit! Very much spring, fun yet powerful!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Pablo! Hope you’re enjoying your week!
Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com
Hey Des, welcome back! I am happy to have you here
Exactly, in the end it all comes with decisions and trying to expand our clothes for more than one season.
PS: Thanks, that blush suit is currently my favorite piece and I am excited to wear it in the upcoming spring
Excellent post! I am making a grudging truce with a few neutrals, but for the most part dislike wearing them. I find they do look good on others, but for me, they are, as you said, boring. I have been working on my wardrobe for a little longer than the pandemic. I have more than enough clothes. Now I am down to trying to insure that I have no orphan pieces – items that go with nothing else. I don’t plan to buy much in the way of clothing this year. And if I dispose of any, it will be donated to charity.
Thanks for stopping by Michelle!
I totally agree with you, sustainability and good purchases have to be linked with the style and with the things that look good on us right?
As you I’m not making a lot of purchases this year, just a few.
Hey Fungi,
This is such a great post. I feel the same way about fashion after the lockdown. Different in the way that I shop, smarter and less. This came about once I cleaned out my closet and donated some clothes. Got me thinking that it would be good to spend less no matter how trendy something is. I hope I can last until the end of this year at least!
Have a beautiful day!
Thanks for checking it out Radi!
And I like that you’re always showing us different ways to style the same piece but in different ways, thanks for that!
This is really a thoughtful and relatable post. I feel the same way about fashion after the lockdown. Things have changed a lot. I totally agree with you. Great words. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Thanks for checking it out Mariann!
Glad to read this 
My fashion was kinda put on hold since lockdown, especially with my housemates being discouraging about dressing up. But on the other hand, I’ve never dressed up so nicely to just lay around the house all day before
Thanks for stopping by, Satanja!
Even if you stay at home all day, a little bit of glam can help to level up those lazy days. For example, a fancy nice pajama instead of the typical pajamas haha
WOW! Your pictures are exquisite! Loving all these looks!!
xx Sara
thank you so much Sara
Oh I love your article !
First I love you outfits. This pink suit is amazing and I love your red turtle neck sweater. It’s such an amazing pop of color.
And just like you I’m all about the colors.
I mean nude, black and white outfits are nice but a little bit boring no ? I always preferred to not look like anybody.
And I feel you. I’m currently working on a fashion week article and I noticed in the last spring couture fashion shows some of them are starting to be a lot more sustainable. Viktor and Rolf used some of their leftovers fabrics from past collections to create something new and I think it was genius !
Hello Margot, thanks for your lovely comment as usual
You know I am trying to wear more color, but sometimes it is difficult to find options, specially for guys.
I saw your article with the haute couture options and Viktor and Rolf are genius when it comes to use pieces and leftovers from past collections!
Yes this crisis has changed many things and we are living in very difficult and strange times. And indeed it has us all re-evaluating so much: live in cities or suburbs? Work in an office or from home? Travel less? Buy less? With clothes I always try to live by the 80/20 rule. %80 classics/neutrals and %20 trendy/colorful pieces. I am doing much less fast fashion not that I will never buy it, but much less. I try to do pre-loved designer and possibly renting.
Allie of
Hey Allie, I hope you’re doing good!
I totally get your point and thanks for sharing me that 80/20 rule, I feel that I am following it but sometimes I have to be really strong when it comes to avoiding a trend that will dissapear too fast.
Renting is also an option and pre-loved is currently my favorite thing, specially at vestiaire
Hi Pablo! I went through similar phases with having a nice house and reading more when lockdown started. I moved in with my boyfriend when the pandemic hit so I’ve spend the past year decorating our place little by little. As a full time student, I never had much time to read, but when the pandemic started I made reading a priority again. In the past year, I’ve reread the Harry Potter series and I know we already talked about the Millienium series on Insta!
I love this sustainable approach to fashion. It is so important to be mindful when shopping for our clothing and buying pieces that will last for years to come. I enjoy supporting small businesses too!
Your blog and photography is amazing btw! I love all the graphic design and colors on your page!
Hey Jijll, thank you so much for leaving a comment in this post
Good to know you made time to read, I also rediscovered this hobby a few years ago but I really enjoyed it during the first lockdown.
And thanks for all your compliments, really appreciate them!
As always, such a great article! I did kind of touch on a similar subject with my article today, on how to create a timeless style. It’s quite interesting that a timeless style often is about neutral clothing pieces, but I don’t think it has to be that way. Yes, maybe it’s easier to style a white t-shirt, rather than a floral one, but if you know some styling techniques, it’ll be as easy. And if a floral t-shirt suits your style better, or colorful ones as in your case, then go ahead. Declare it as a wardrobe staple! The idea that we have to give up on a fun fashion in order to create a sustainable one is terribly boring and narrow. With some effort you can make your fashion statements last for years too, and you can live a sustainable fashion life and a fun one at the same time. But yes, it’s all about knowing what to invest in, have a good styling game and also the confidence to push through. Well, haha sorry for the rant – but thank you for another great and insightful article! Have a lovely weekend Pablo! Xx
Hello Mia!
I know you’re always talking about similar topics and I have copied many of your tips, so thanks for care about sustainability and clever fashion. As you mentioned the possibilities with printed and colorful clothes are there, we just have to explore! Now I feel like I can have a really clever and useful wardrobe not only with neutrals, but also with bright colors.
Hey Pablo, how you doin there in Barcelona?
Here we’re still dealing with lockdowns and vaccine: luckily Rome is not in full emergency so we’re half opened ( and half-free), but in other regions of Italy there is the full lock down again….
I really hope that everybody gets his vaccine asap so that we can back to our normal lives again (but seems that there will be a looong way before it)
Anyway,you can really say that this pandemic changed our lives and our approach with many fields of it!
Thinking that a person like me, that was used to spend a lot of time outside, now is all about plants, nice pillows and scented candels says everyhting!^^ But to be honest, now i’m even pretty happy to have discovered that I can really enjoy my time at home, relaxing and havin fun even without going to some cafè, shopping or clubbing!
And I experienced a huge change even on fashion, but unlike you, to me it was induced essentially by 2 factors: 1) fast fashion is now all about hoodies, tracksuits and leggins so bored me pretty soon, and 2) if I can’t wear and show off my clothing it’s useless having new ones, isn’t it?
The trends, on the other side, are becoming less and less interesting and I miss that “sparkle” that made me want a trendy piece, even when i knew well that it would be last long just few months.
So my approach to fashion is became more and more oriented to the sustainable field, on one side giving preference to the sustainabel brands ( and vintage clothing when possible), on the other trying to use more what I’ve just have got in my wardrobe. Think that I usually wear the major part of my cothing on average a couple of times!
And your idea of choose better and make it last is totally agreeable in this scenario!
well, another super interesting post: I love to read your ideas and opinions, you always came out with something unexpected about your topics and this makes me think about my own opinions about!
Plus, your photos and collage are just fab!!! Loooove your sense of style and now totally want to copy your super cool pink suit outfit!
Take care and stay safe, dear!
Hello Silvia,
Thanks for your beautiful comment as usual. I heard that many zones in Italy are going back to lockdown or partial lockdown, but I hope you manage to find some interesting things to do…. this is driving me a little bit crazy haha.
Well I am happy to know that you found many ways and new hobbies, then we realized that the most simple things in life were the best rights? And we can link that to fashion and clothes, and realize that we can live trends and fashion without buying a lot of stuff and you are always confirming that with your interesting outfit posts.
Thank you so much again for your detailed feedback, really really appreciate it
Just stopping by to wish you a great weekend!
AMAZING Post Pablo!! I´m a bit obsessed with the gorgeous color of the suit!! Oh my it looks so great

I´m totally up for more colorful clothes again as well, it really brightens up the mood and now that spring is kicking in I love to wear some more bright colors
have an awesome weekend,
Hello Tiziana, welcome back! Happy to have you here
Thanks for your lovely comment!
Hi Pablo!
Wow, first of all, look at you! I want that pink suit too now hah, it is literally so cool. Great photos!
I find the statistic (11 kg) to be very upsetting. Luckily now there is a way to donate good quality but perhaps unloved clothes to those in need. There are many charitable donation bins like this where I live. But learning how to be a responsible consumer matters a lot too. I find that after I’ve cleaned up my wardrobe Marie Kondo style, everything I am left with are actually the things I love a lot. There is not even one piece of clothing that I want to get rid of. Not just that, but I did not buy anything during 2020 and somehow the world did not end
Thanks for spreading the word! xx
Hello Naya, welcome back and thanks for your lovely comment.
And yes, 11 kg per person could be translated to a lot of clothes. As you I try to recycle or donate, but the problem is that many countries don’t have these options and maybe some textiles are a bit difficult to recycle, depending on the quality.
As you I didn’t buy a lot of pieces during 2020, wouldn’t say “anything” but just a few pieces.
¡Ay, echaba de menos pasar por tu blog! Y sigue tan guay como siempre
(Soy lo peor, lo siento, no me odies… Espero pasarme más por aquí a partir de ahora e intentar organizarme mejor, prometido)
Después de este breve inciso, te digo una cosa: adoro las fotografías y su edición… ¡Qué maravilla, por favor! Cada día te superas más
En cuanto al tema de la ropa, no me acuerdo de la última vez que me compré algo (benditas colaboraciones, aunque ahora pocas..), puede ser tranquilamente hace casi 2 años. ¿Y por qué? Básicamente porque mi armario va a explotar de un momento a otro y voy intentando crear looks nuevos con lo que tengo… ¡Los básicos ayudan un montón en estos casos! Entre eso, el confinamiento en chándal y la cierta incertidumbre en cuanto a mi economía, pues mis hábitos han cambiado un poquitín. Eso sí, algún que otro bolsito o accesorio del pelo (coleteros de lazos) han caído porque son irresistibles. Y yo no suelo tirar ropa, y si la tiro es porque la pobre ya no puede estar peor, ni siquiera es válida para donarla. No sé a ti, pero yo le cojo mucho cariño a mi ropa y me cuesta un montón deshacerme de ella…
Un besito, Pablo
Melania | mimalditadulzura.com
Hey Melania, mil gracias por pasarte de vuelta y bienvenida otra vez
No te preocupes, puedes volver cuando quieras, siempre estara jaja.
Y gracias por tantos cumplidos, poco a poco voy mejorando la fotografía, espero poder sacar más tiempo para hacer más cosas.
Y totalmente, el tema de la economía es otra cosa que me hizo frenar el comprarme cosas porque si, y yo tampoco suelo tirar la ropa solamente porque si jajaja, también me cuesta, pero eso es bonito si es que construiste una especie de relación con la prenda
Hey Fungi!!
How are you? I really love both outfits! It is fantastic that you found your colors items!! In particular, those brick red color matching sets are so you. Love your pictures, places, and lovely graphic design!!
I also I made an impulse buy sometimes, buy I love to think about them how to style with otherwise clothes in my closet! When some of them regret items, I think that it was a great lesson although I was very very shocked…, hahaha. Have a lovely day, Fungi!
Hey dear Akiko, thank you so much for visiting my site and for your wonderful comments
I know! Sometimes it is difficult to resist right? Then I look at my bank account and I regret it haha!