Aún recuerdo la primera vez que fui a comprar la despensa en mi nuevo hogar en la pintoresca y socialmente muerta ciudad de Davis, California. Después de la obligatoria búsqueda en Google Maps que todo forastero debe hacer, me percaté de que el Wal Mart más cercano estaba a 1000 kilómetros de distancia, así que mis opciones se veían limitadas a Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods y demás mercados que cuentan con la bendición de su Saludable Santidad Gwyneth Paltrow./ I still remember the first time I went to buy groceries in my new home, the picturesque and socially dead city of Davis, California. After the mandatory search in Google Maps every foreign should do, I realized that the nearest Wal Mart was 1,000 kilometers away, so my options were limited to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and other markets with the blessing of her Saint Holy Gwyneth Paltrow, full of grace.
El choque fue inmediato: mi yogurt LALA y mi cereal de Lucky Charms habìan sido reemplazados por sus clones malignos que se hacían llamar “orgánicos, locales, gluten-free” y costaban casi lo mismo que un Chanel auténtico. Y es que la moda del vintage dejó de limitarse sólo a la ropa y al peinado y ha terminado por extenderse a la producción de alimentos. Nos olvidamos de la maquinaria pesada y los aditivos químicos para volver a cultivar frijolitos en un frasco (un Mason jar de preferencia), como en los buenos tiempos del jardín de niños. Debido a que su producción toma más tiempo y esfuerzo, el precio de estos productos es mayor al promedio y por ende se vuelven sinónimo de estatus./ The shock was immediate: my LALA yogurt and my Lucky Charms cereal had been replaced by their evil clones who called themselves “organic, local, gluten-free” with the price of an authentic Chanel bag. It seems that Vintage is no longer limited to clothing and hairstyle, it applies for food production too. We forget about industry and chemical additives to back to basics and cultivate beans in a little jar (a Mason jar is better) as in the good old days of kindergarten. Because production takes more time and effort, so the price of these products is higher that the average, therefore it becomes a synonymous of status.
En otras palabras, no hay lugar para los pobres en el Edén orgánico gobernado por la Santísima Trinidad de Gwyneth Paltrow, Blake Lively y Michelle Obama. Yo por mi parte ya empecé mi fondo de ahorro para una canastita de fresas orgánicas, locales y sin pesticidas. Si tengo suerte, habré conseguido reunir lo suficiente antes de graduarme de la universidad. ¡Recen por mi! / In other words, there is no place for poor people in the organic Eden ruled by the Holy Trinity of Gwyneth Paltrow, Blake Lively and Michelle Obama. By the way, I started to save some money to buy a little basket of organic, local and pesticide-free strawberries. If I have luck, I will have managed to gather enough before my graduation from college. Pray for me!
"With the price of an authentic chanel bag, its seems vintage is not limited to clothes and hair styles only" You made me laugh so hard and I still can't stop, your humor is too real for me Pablo. Good luck on those strawberries. On a lighter note, am all for strawberries look at those women you mention and how amazing they all look at their respective ages and Blake lively who is pregnant is fitter than most people out there,lol!
Hola Pablo!
I'm praying for you, I know you'll get there
I'm a big fan of Whole Foods, it's huge and has everything your organic heart could ever want. It's my paradise and am so happy there is one located close by.
Have a sunny day Pablo and see you again soon.
Hahaha, yes! When it comes to tasty and organic we should go to Whole Foods, its like Paradise (even tho is expensive as a Chanel
so funny! but you're right, so right. It is ridiculous that in the modern world one has to wealthy to be able to eat healthy. Fortunately, where I live I can buy organic food directly from people. I literally buy goat cheese from one old lady who I met while I was hiking in the hills…and besides her I also met her lovely goats. In fact there is a video of them in my insta profile, they're really cute:) That's one good thing about living in Mostar. If you're not lazy and you're willing to drive around a bit, you can buy a lot of authentic local food directly from people (and help them improve their life standard, with the unemployment in this region people need every help they can get).
That all being said, most western cities don't really allow one much option. If one wants to eat all organic and healthy food (but to be honest I'm a little sceptical about some food that is being called organic) one has to be prepared to save up!
I loved your collage…and the message of your post is brilliant!!!!!
Yo soy la primera que va a invertir dinero en comida en vez de, por ejemplo, otro par de zapatos, pero los precios en algunos sitios me parecen absurdos! Menos mal que en España se puede comer muy bien, sano y más o menos barato. Yo firmo que calidad de comida es todo y la clave para una vida saludable y de calidad, de hecho, he notado tantos cambios desde que he empezado a comer más sano (sin obsesionarme), pero creo que ese tema ha ido muuuuy lejos y las empresas se aprovechan de la moda de comida orgánica, sin gluten y esas cosas. Por cierto, aún no entiendo por qué hay gente que evita gluten sin ser celiáca o sin tener la intolerancia?!
Me has hecho reír, como siempre! Espero que las fresas estuvieran ricas por lo menos ;p
Feliz finde!
I like your humor a lot, or should I say sarcastic point of view. I'll donate 1$ for you hehe.
// uniqueyeah.blogspot.hr //
hahahahaha I always admire your posts Pablo lelzz sometimes the modern world is just too crazy to deal with
I remember seeing a video in youtube where some people tried drinking Gwyneth's holy moly organic drink. It was too funny to watch because it tasted like sht according to them lol dont have any idea if their claims were true though.
And I totally agree with you. I've been thinking that maybe the reason why some people opted for fast foods instead of the healthier options is simply because the healthier ones are expensive AF. Like her ein the Philippines, you can have a fast food meal for a dollar with a drink, compared to eating a salad which costs 6 dollars per bowl. That's crazy and it doesn't even include a drink lol hahaha
love lots,