No quiero convertir esto en una carta de amor al blazer, ¿pero tienen unos minutos para hablar de lo maravillosos que son los blazers?. El blazer es esa prenda que tiene el poder de elevar un look a niveles imprevisibles, son el aliado perfecto que nos defiende casi en cualquier situación: en un paseo de domingo sin pretensiones, en la foto del recuerdo de la reunión a la que no te apetecía mucho ir y en citas de negocios para lidiar con el estrés laboral pero sin abandonar el coolness./ I don’t want to turn this post into a blazer love letter, but do you have a few minutes to talk about how wonderful blazers are? The blazer is that garment that has the power to elevate a look to unpredictable levels, they are the perfect ally for almost every occasion: for an unassuming Sunday stroll, to look good in the picture of that party you didn’t want to attend and for that business appointment, you can look stressed but your coolness shouldn’t go away.
¿Qué es? Según el canon, un blazer es una chaqueta cruzada y llega a la altura de los muslos. Es un punto medio entre una chaqueta de traje o americana (la diferencia es que la americana es una prenda más formal) y una chaqueta deportiva de corte casual. No confundir, la americana tiene una tira de botones oscuros (suelen ser dos) y es la pieza que va con el traje./ What is it? According to the canon, a blazer is a double-breasted jacket and reaches thigh-high. It is a midpoint between a suit jacket (the difference is that the suit jacket is a more formal garment) and a casual sporty jacket. Don’t get confused, the suit jacket has a strip of dark buttons (there are usually two) and it is the piece that is worn with the suit.
Hay dos versiones: La primera con la historia del club de remo del St. John’s College en Cambridge, Inglaterra en 1820. El equipo llevaba chaquetas deportivas brillantes para protegerse del frío en las sesiones de entrenamiento, así como para ser identificados durante la competencia. El término “blazer” aparecería por primera vez en 1952 cuando un artículo se refirió a esas chaquetas rojas como “blazers” por ser de un rojo flameante (blazing red). Un nombre pegadizo y que ha sobrevivido bien al paso del tiempo, a pesar de que ahora hay blazers en variedad de colores./ There are two versions: The first one with the history of the rowing club from St. John’s College in Cambridge, England in 1820. The team wore bright sports jackets to protect themselves from the cold during training sessions, as well as to be identified during the competition. The term “blazer” would first appear in 1952 when an article referred to these red jackets as “blazers” for the blazing red color. A catchy name that has survived well over time, although there are now blazers in a variety of colors.
La segunda versión es del año 1837 y cuenta que el capitán del HMS Blazer vistió a su tripulación con chaquetas azul marino con elegantes botones de latón para recibir a la Reina Victoria en el barco./ The second version is from the year 1837 and tells how the captain of the HMS Blazer dressed his crew in navy blue jackets with elegant brass buttons to receive Queen Victoria aboard.
– Lady Di adelantándonos todas las tendencias que usaríamos actualmente. ¿Blazer con sudadera y gorra? Reto aceptado./ Lady Di anticipating all the trends that we would currently use. Blazer with sweatshirt and cap? Challenge accepted.
– David Bowie tiene una buena colección de looks que incluyen blazers y americanas. Cualquier look de Bowie es merecedor de un altar./ David Bowie has a good collection of outfits that include blazers and blazers. Any Bowie look is worth a standing ovation
– Marge Simpson luciendo un blazer rojo en su trabajo como agente inmobiliaria. El blazer como símbolo de su independencia económica./ Marge Simpson wearing a red blazer at her job as a real estate agent. The blazer as a symbol of her economic independence.
Mientras hay prendas que destacan por funcionar para situaciones muy contadas -algunas de ellas incómodas, como los Manolo Blahnik de Carrie Bradshaw que son bonitos pero que refuerzan la frase “para lucir, hay que sufrir”- el blazer destaca por tener un perfil de prenda formal sin dejar de ser cómoda, también es exquisito y elegante pero sin dejar de ser esencial hasta en el armario de los que no queremos ir tan sofisticados. ¿Más ventajas? Se adapta a cualquier situación pero no por ello deja de estar de moda y si adquieres uno de buena calidad será como solucionarte 1,000 atuendos en una sola compra./ While there are garments that stand out for working on very specific situations – some of them uncomfortable, such as the Manolo Blahnik by Carrie Bradshaw that are beautiful but reinforce the phrase “to look good, you have to suffer” – the blazer stands out for being a formal piece but still comfortable at the same time, it is also exquisite and elegant but still essential even in the wardrobe of those who do not want to be so sophisticated. More advantages? It adapts to any situation but it doesn’t stop being fashionable and if you buy a good quality one, it will be like solving 1,000 outfits in a single purchase.
¿Las reglas para elegir un blazer? El ajuste y la forma son lo más importante y probablemente tardarás en encontrar la opción que más se ajuste a tu tipo de cuerpo, pero que a la vez te deje suficiente espacio para moverte sin parecer un robot. Yo he encontrado opciones vintage preciosas, pero que me quedan enormes, cuestión de probar, aunque para algunos perfiles la opción oversize des interesante./ The rules for choosing a blazer? Fit and shape are the most important characteristics and it will probably take you some time to find the option that best suits your body type, but at the same time it has to leave enough room to move your body without looking like a robot. I have found beautiful vintage options, but they’re enormous, a matter of trying, although for some profiles the oversized option is interesting.
In this collage: David Bowie wearing Balenciaga Bottle-Green Twill Blazer + Lady Di wearing Oscar de la Renta Double Breasted Wool Blend Twill Blazer + Marge Simpson wearing Mugler Scuba Blazer
En mi armario hay un par de blazers en colores básicos, pero lo mejor de esta prenda es que se presta para la experimentación y en el mercado hay opciones de colores más arriesgados, siluetas que desafían a la versión más clásica y tejidos diferentes (para el verano hay opciones en materiales como el algodón y el lino). ¿Cómo es el blazer que mejor te represente?/ I have a pair of blazers in basic colors, but the best thing about this garment is that it lends itself to experimentation and you can find some risky options in the market: bright colors, different silhouettes that defy the most classic versions and different fabrics (such as cotton and linen for the hotter months). How is the blazer that best represents you?
Picture in the cover artwork via AnOther Man Magazine
Fuentes/ Sources: Vogue Australia + Revista GQ + Town & Country Mag
What a great article! Blazers are style essentials. I have a few vintage ones that I wear all the time. I’m very partial to blazers. They look great with everything. I agree that blazers are comfortable. Your collages are fantastic. It was great learning more about their history. Blazers are wonderful.
Thanks Ivana! Hope you have a wonderful week
Hey Pablo, how you doin?
Hope you’ve managed to get some fresh air despite everything, I’ve truly realized how important is to be able to go out from time to time during this quarantine! And How important are small thing like a run in the park that before were totally normal!
So I hope you’re dealing with all this situation in some way, even if I guess we’ll have to wait some times before to back to the normality….
Anyway, about the topic: first of all, I really love your illustrations here! It’s someting so cool, modern and fashion that makes me proud to know the author! Believe me, you’d have great success in this field!
Second: I agree with your love for blazers, I can totally feel you, since it’s the same for me. A blazer is an ace that saves you in many situations!
So during time I’ve accumulate many of them, from the basics to the more decorate, in every shape and material and I can say that probably are one of those pieces that I use more.
I could wear cap. trackpants and sneakers to go to gym, but adding just a blazer the whole story change!
Recently I’m more and more into male and slightly oversized blazers, I find them super comfy and super stylish!
Your article was really super interesting, full of unusual considerations, tips and info. Now I wanna try that Marge simpson look in the last collage! ^^
Have a great week end, my friend!
Take care!
Thanks for your nice words Silvia! You always put a smile on my face with your feedbacks and I truly appreciate your constant support here and on my IG
I totally agree with you in everything you said! Blazers are my hero and I wouldn’t mind to have more, I’m currently looking for a piece in a bold catchy color
I really love wearing blazers! They give such an amazing style to your look! Wonderful Post!
thank you for visiting Jiya
Hehe Marge Simpson: D A great photo collages !!
I have honestly not put too much thought into blazers before! I had to wear one for a few years at school as part of a compulsory outfit and honestly that took a lot of the fun out of it for me. I would definitely give them another go though, especially considering just how many people through history have outrightly supported the Blazer Movement. Plus, they’re effortlessly stylish and look gorgeous!
Hope you can find one that suits your style! There are many comfortable options nowadays
Love blazers, will never let go of that section of my wardrobe, for sure! Thanks for this post!
Thanks for visiting Ellis!
The blazer is such a good piece indeed! Definitely a wardrobe hero to count on. I have a black blazer that’s sliightly oversized with a subtle emphasis on the shoulders. I love that it has this sneaky edge to it. I’ll definitely layer it up with a slip dress and a simple tee and jeans shorts combination this summer. Would love though to get a colorful set, with matching blazer and pants. I have one in velvet that’s in forest green, but a bright blue or pink would be so chic for summer! Have a lovely week Pablo!! Xx
Your blazers sounds like a dream come true! I am actually looking for a piece like that
Oh It makes me so happy you drew Lady Di.
She’s such an inspiration ! And I’m a big 90’s style lover !
And this article was fabulous. I love to read about fashions in your blog.
Blazers are such a cool piece and it’s so versatile.
There is so many ways to wear blazers that’s why I love them. You can easily be casual or chic with a blazer !
Lately I want to make so many blazers but I guess I’m mostly making suit jacket because I always want to make it with a bottom in the same fabric to match it perfectly.
Hey Margot!
As we discussed on IG, Lady Di is one of my style icons, she managed to put out really uncommon combinations
Thanks for your lovely comment!
I LOVE blazers, they are just so chic. I can see why the caught on so readily in the fashion industry. And I had no idea the name came from a bright red color. The rowing club makes sense. And I am glad for one, that this is one fashion trend that is here to stay. And LOVE your illos!!
Allie of
Thanks Ally! Hope blazers could stay for a loooonger season, but at least they are a wardrobe essential
Blazer choices from your collection are all very cool. The model of the blazer is good and looks firm in shape. Greetings from me in Indonesia
Thank you for stopping by!
How cool you’re visiting from Indonesia
totally love the illustration and this type of fashion content! I totally agree that blazer is such an investment for everyone’s wardrobe. Now that it has so many silhouettes and materials, there are more occasions we can wear it to. It literally makes any outfit goes from ordinary to extraordinary
thank you for sharing with us
have a great week ahead!
Thanks for visiting dear
I totally agree with you, you can go from zero to hero with just this piece
Hey Fungi,
Yep, blazers are everything in fashion. Ohh I would love to try a blazer with a sweatshirt and a cap. That’s a combination I haven’t worn yet. Thanks for the idea!
In my daily life, I don’t wear as much blazers, but I do admire them. So many awesome looks can come from throwing on one.
Hope you’re having a great day Fungi and see you in IG.
Thanks for visiting Radi!
Let me know if you try the sweatshirt + cap combination, I think it would look on you
Hey Fungi!
Great article about blazer! I am often confused about a blazer, but your explanation is so clearly!
Thank you so much!
Your collage illustrations are so cute, and I really love Diana’s outfit because I have a pink blazer ! You found the great pink blazer from Oscar De La Renta. That is perfect!!
Anyway, I answer your question about Tabi of Kimono. You are right! Tabi shoes from Martin Margiela are inspeired Kimono’s Tabi
Kimono’s Tabi is not shoes, but it is like socks. Japanese gardener wear Tabi shoses that called “Jika-Tabi”
You can see them following URL!
Have a lovely weekend, Fungi!!
Hey dear Akiko!
Good to know that you learned something new from this post and thank you so much for your kind words.
Aaaaaaah I have a good eye right! Love that version of the Tabi shoes!
I just love wearing blazers… what a wonderful post dear
Beauty and fashion/Rampdiary
thanks for visiting
Collages in this post are outstanding, love them (Marge never looked better imo
I am a huge fan of blazers too! I have had them in so many colors of the years, but a classic (slightly oversized) black blazer has been my go to lately. It can make even the most basic outfit make so much special! Now, that I have said that, I realize I am missing a bright red one.
Great article here, Pablo! I love your fashion posts a lot xx
Thanks for your nice words Naya! I love that the idea of Marge being the fashion icon we all need haha
Have a great weekend.
thanks Ivana! Happy Monday by the way !;)
I love a good blazer! I think they’re an essential for everyone’s wardrobe! I prefer oversized blazers rather than fitted ones. I’ve seen a few fashionistas rock cropped blazers on instagram and I’ll admit they look pretty interesting! I have yet to find one that I feel comfortable committing to lol. Blazers can be really versatile if you’re willing to try different styles!
Des |
p.s. Lady Di really was a trendsetter .
I know right? You have very nice options in your closet Des!
Oversized blazers are my favs too
They look good with almost everything!