Al igual que Cher Horowitz de Clueless (1995) veo las rutinas de belleza como un momento de control en un mundo lleno de caos. Veo muchos paralelismos entre belleza y cine, además de que noche de películas con mascarillas faciales y parches para los ojos siempre es un combo apetecible./ Like Cher Horowitz from Clueless (1995) I see beauty routines as a moment of control in a world full of chaos. I see a lot of parallels between beauty and cinema, and a movie night with face masks and eye patches is always an appetizing combo and there are a lot of beauty moments in films.


Es rebatible como la industria del cine (sobre todo Hollywood) habla sobre la belleza de una manera tan concreta, cuando se trata de un concepto con infinidad de interpretaciones. Pero hay ciertos momentos de belleza en el cine, que vale la pena recordar y que tal vez sean ese masaje cerebral que necesitas en estos tiempos de locura. Hay de todo, desde recomendaciones cómicas hasta otras más tétricas./ It is debatable how the film industry (especially Hollywood) talks about beauty in such a concrete way, when it comes to a concept with infinite interpretations. But there are certain beauty moments in films that are worth remembering and that may be that brain massage you need in these crazy times. There is everything from comical recommendations to more gloomy options.

La Muerte Le Sienta Bien/ Death Becomes Her, 1992

Meryl Streep describe a esta cinta más como un documental que como ciencia ficción. Una historia sobre la pérdida de control sobre el aspecto físico que funciona tanto como sátira, pero también como crítica a las sociedades obsesionadas con la alteración del cuerpo./ Meryl Streep describes this film more like a documentary than science fiction. A story about the loss of control over physical appearance that works both as a satire, but also as a critique of societies obsessed with altering bodies.

Los Ojos Sin Rostro/ Eyes Without A Face, 1960  (Les Yeux Sans Visage)

Una película que causó controversia en su estreno. El Doctor Génessier intenta por los medios más tétricos reconstruir el rostro de su hija Christiene, quien quedó desfigurada por un accidente de coche. Ayudado por su secretaria, secuestra a bellas jóvenes parecidas a Christiane para devolverle la belleza a su hija./ A film that caused controversy at its premiere. Doctor Génessier tries by the most grim methods to reconstruct the face of his daughter Christiene, who was disfigured by a car accident. Helped by his secretary, he kidnaps beautiful young women like Christiane to bring back the beauty of her daughter.

Legalmente Rubia/ Legally Blonde, 2001

Muchas de las escenas de esta película ocurren en el salón de belleza. Amistad, sesiones de terapia y algunas lecciones de estilo./ Many of the scenes in this movie take place in the beauty salon. Friendship, therapy sessions, and some style lessons.

Clueless, 1995

Si hay una película que podríamos etiquetar como el paraíso de las tendencias de belleza de los 90 esa es Clueless. Además de que concordamos con Cher Horowitz: “un makeover da sensación de control en un mundo lleno de caos”./ If there is a movie that we could label as the paradise of the 90s beauty trends, it is Clueless. Besides that we agree with Cher Horowitz: “a makeover gives a feeling of control in a world full of chaos”.

Pretty Woman, 1990

La comedia romántica definitiva, aunque mucha gente la considera tan deleznable como simpática. Julia Roberts como Vivian en la bañera, entonando a Prince en un mood de “suspensión de la realidad” total. Es un momento al que aspiro, pero no tengo ni bañera ni el dinero para gastar en Beverly Hills./ The ultimate romantic comedy, although many people find it as despicable as it is sympathetic. Julia Roberts as Vivian in the bathtub, singing Prince in a mood of total “suspension of reality”. It’s a moment I aspire to, but I don’t have a bathtub or the money to spend in Beverly Hills.

American Psycho, 2000

No hay muchos momentos de belleza con hombres en pantalla, así que el único que se me ocurrió ilustrar fue el de las rutinas de Patrick Bateman. Sus rutinas de belleza son más complejas que las de cualquier influencia de belleza. Exfoliación diaria, ejercicio a las 6AM y una mascarilla facial que le deja la piel cristalina… ¿alguien sabe dónde comprarla?/ There aren’t many moments of beauty with men on screen, so the only one I could think of to illustrate was Patrick Bateman’s routines. His beauty routines are more complex than those of any beauty influencer. Daily exfoliation, exercise at 6AM and a face mask that leaves your skin crystal clear… does anyone know where to buy it?

Vértigo, 1958

La obsesión de un hombre por intentar emular un recuerdo por medio de un look concreto. Vértigo es de esas películas que se disfrutan entre menos se sepa de ellas, así que no desvelaré nada./ The obsession of a man to try to emulate a memory through a specific look. Vertigo is one of those movies that you enjoy the less you know about them, so I won’t reveal anything.

Bella de Día / Belle Du Jour 1967

Séverine, el personaje más icónico de la carrera de Catherine Deneuve. Bajo esa apariencia inmaculada (vestida por Yves Saint Laurent de pies a cabeza) y su impoluta pero aburrida vida burguesa, yacen sus deseos más oscuros. Prostitución, moral, religión y looks dignos de contemplación./ Séverine, the most iconic character in Catherine Deneuve’s career. Her darker desires líes beneath that immaculate appearance (dressed from head to toe by Yves Saint Laurent) and her pristine but boring bourgeois life. Prostitution, morals, religion and outfits worthy of contemplation.

Desayuno Con Diamantes (Breakfast At Tiffany’s) 1961

O como Holly Golightly se cepilla y se pinta las cejas, además de que afronta las mañanas de resaca con mucha dignidad./ Or how Holly Golightly brushes and paints her eyebrows, plus she faces hangover mornings with great dignity.

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  • Hola Pablo, como estàs? 🙂
    Has visto, yo también hablo un poco de español! (en realidad solo el poco que aprendí de mis viajes por España) XD
    – Really Spanish is very similar to Italian, so it was super easy to learn to me: I understand it pretty well but since I’ve never studied it I don’t know precisely the grammar and how to write many words ^^ –
    But lately I’m trying to read your posts in Spanish so that I can learn it better and in the easiest way! Since I’ve got this chance let’s take advantage of it! 😉

    But, let’s pass to the topic of the day: you really surprised me, I’d nerver imagined you’d came out with a topic abut the beauty in movies,and I totally loooooved it!!!
    The strange thing is that I’ve even saw all the movies and series you’ve mentioned here, and it’s pretty surprising since I’m not a very cinema expert: plus the typical average user…
    Anyway I’m over happy you’ve mentioned Clueless: it was my fav serie when I was little (and one of my fav ever)!!! I wanted so much to be like like Cher when I grow up! ^^
    I’ve never really thought on how much beeauty was present in movies, it really made me think….

    And I have to mention (again) your wonderful illustrations: OMG they’re iconic!!!!
    The Audrey Hepburn and the Catherine Deneuve ones are my fav but, to be honest, in my opinion, the coolest is the one from “Death becomes her” !

    Another super interestin post, Pablo!
    It’s alwys a pleasure to pass here! 😀

    Buen fin de semana, besos!

    • Hola Silvia,

      Me da mucho gusto saber que hablas un poquito de Español! I can say a few words or short sentences in Italian, luckily they are a bit similar but I love that Italian sounds so musical *_*

      And I am happy to know that this post was a surprise to you, I wanted to come back with something different mixing two of the things I like the most: cinema + beauty.

      And Clueless is the place we have to look at when we want to grab some inspiration from the 90s! Definitely the best 90s icon!

      All the best Silvia!

  • What a fabulous list of iconic movies! And what a wonderful way to tie them together. Now I will be considering beauty routines in every movie. LOL! But it’s an important point that these beauty rituals are so much a part of one’s life – even if they are very simple, like mine – that they show up in films.

    Wonderful post, Pablo!


  • So many fabulous illustrations! You captured so many iconic moments from iconic films. You really spoiled us with this post. I love your style of illustrating. How you recapture a feeling of a certain film but do it in your own style really inspired me. Beautiful beautiful illustrations.
    I have seen most of the films you mentioned but not all of them. Now I really want to see those I haven’t seen before (like American Psycho and Belle Du Jour).
    Death Becomes Her is a fantastic commentary on Hollywood. I love the scene you captured.
    Legally Blonde does have some of the best scenes in a beauty saloon. She gets her best ideas while having a mani!
    Clueless is such an iconic film and I love the moment you captured. The same is valid for Vertigo and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. You have an excellent taste in films.

    • Thanks for your lovely comment and compliments Ivana 🙂 I am happy to knos that you appreciate this blog post, wanted to come up with something different.

      Let me know if you watch something new, there are many things that could inspire your art, specially art related to fashion illustrations!

  • Yes the power of makeup and fashion/clothing to transform and transcend is really at the core of why we like it so much. I so need to check out Belle Du Jour and Les Yeux Sans Visage I have heard of the first one but not the second oh la la. And as usual LOVE your illustrations!

    Allie of

    • Thanks for stopping by Allie!

      Let me know if you watch Belle Du Jour or Les Yeus Sans Visage, these are really interesting films and you can watch them to practice your french!

  • Hey Fungi!

    I hope you are having great weekend! I am excited about with your illustrations, and brain massage sounds so cute! Breakfast At Tiffany’s is the best movie for me, and I saw the beauty moment many times:) I saw Clueless on Netflix last month, so I can remember the moment! So pretty!!

    There are four movies I haven’t seen yet. I am interested in all of them, and your selection is always fascinating! I laughed at your review about American Psycho, so I might see the movie tonight 🙂


    • Hey Akiko,

      Thank you so much for your beautiful comment as usual 🙂 Let me know if you watch any of these films, I know that you already watched American Psycho!

      Best regards!

  • Such a beautiful article and the illustrations are just magical (as always!!). Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of my favorite movies. I fell in love with Audrey Hepburn and the style of the movie when I was 15. I was just so amazed by the elegance, the fashion and the 1960s NYC. I agree, the scene when she gets ready to Sing Sing is just perfection. The way she brushes her eyebrows and gets dressed; love it! Hahah and her apt is just amazing, I want half of a bathtub too, lol. Hahah okey, I definitely need to watch BaT asap, I can’t get enough. Also, it’s been awhile since I last watched Clueless. So iconic as well! Hope you’re having a lovely week and May Pablo!!

    • Thanks for checking it out, Mia!

      Audrey has an iconic style, I feel like I could do a post just talking about her looks and it won’t be enough since the inspiration is endless 🙂

  • Hello Pablo,
    oh wow, this post is incredible! First of all your drawings are so on point. Funny and beautiful! This post must have taken you a long while 🙂
    You really catch those iconic moments in your drawings.
    I don´t know all of the movies, but most of them and I´m sure from now on I will look out for the beauty routines in the next movies that I watch.
    have an amazing start in the new week,

  • Love these beautiful and perfect art pieces of illustrations. I am totally in love with your style of illustrating. Details are so good and the list of iconic movies is really amazing. Thanks a lot for sharing your views!

    Lots of Love
    Mariann Yip

  • I haven’t seen all of these movies but I did think some of them sounded a little scary and not the kind of film I’d usually see. I did enjoy clueless though, and breakfast at Tiffanies is always a classic! 🙂

    Hope you are having a good week 🙂

    • Thank you Mica! Maybe you enjoy some of the fun recommendations like Pretty Woman, Clueless or Legally Blonde 🙂

  • Hey Fungi,

    Ohh my two favorites are Pretty Woman and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. These are definitely classics that sometimes I like to re-watch mainly for the fashion and the storyline. It’s fun to draw inspiration from movies.

    Have a fabulous day! Hasta pronto!

  • This is such a fun post Pablo! I always really enjoy makeover scenes in films. Recently, I’ve noticed more makeup removal scenes in recent shows like “Grace and Frankie” and “How to Get Away With Murder”. I find these scenes equally interesting because it shows how important our appearance is to us. These are amazing illustrations btw!


    • Thanks for checking out th blog post Jill!

      I have to check those TV shows! Thanks for these extra recommendations 🙂

  • Hi Pablo i hope you are well!
    totally love how you explain the details of each moments in the movies!
    it’s a great perspective of these different genre of movies and I totally love all of your illustration as always!

    • Hey dear, happy to see you hear again 🙂 !

      Thanks for your compliments and I am glad to read that you enjoyed the post!