No, no me he unido a la fiebre de las Kardashians y mi trasero aún no adquiere proporciones inmensas (lo deseo pero esa es otra historia). Cuando mi coordinadora editorial en EVMD Magazine me pidió escribir un artículo sobre las Kardashians, el clan más poderoso y ambicioso de la telerrealidad mundial casi me niego, pues no soy fan y no conozco demasiadas cosas del universo Kardashian donde entre tantos nombres (Kris, Kim, Kanye, Kourtney, Khloe, Rob, Caitlyn, Kylie, Kendall, ¿algo más?) resulta fácil perderse; se trata de un imperio que entre reality shows, libros y millones de seguidores en Snapchat cosecha ganancias millonarias, y claro, todo queda en familia./ No, I am not into the Kardashians fever and my butt doesn’t have immense proportions yet (I’d wish, but that’s another story!). When my editorial coordinator in EVMD Magazine asked me to write an article about the Kardashians, the most powerful and ambitious clan from the reality TV, I almost say no, because I’m not a fan and I do not know a lot about the Kardashian universe where among many names (Kris, Kim, Kanye, Kourtney, Khloe, Rob, Caitlyn, Kylie, Kendall, anything else?) it is easy to get lost; is it an empire that between reality shows, books and millions of Snapchat followers is reaping tons of dollars.
Son muchas las quejas y adulaciones que el clan Kardashians recibe día a día, y también son muchos los chismes que sus Snaps generan (¿alguien dijo Kim versus Taylor Swift en algo que podría ser catalogado como la telenovela de las 6 de la tarde?)./ There are many complaints and adulation that the Kardashians clan receives daily, and there are also many gossip generated by their Snaps (just to mention quicky the Kim vs Taylor Swift battle that is turning right now into my favorite soap opera).


 Las ames o las odies, las Kardashians han construido una marca donde cada suspiro, cada beso y cada comentario se monetizan. Y es que la matriarca del clan, Kris Jenner logró pasar de dependienta de una tienda de ropa para bebés a posiblemente, la ejecutiva más poderosa del showbiz en donde el programa de televisión con dramas más banales que las relaciones amorosas de Taylor Swift es sólo la punta del iceberg: talk shows, programas de televisión spin off, líneas de ropa y accesorios, maquillaje, apariciones en público, campañas de moda, libros con autobiografías que nos pueden ayudar a ser mejores seres humanos (aja) y hasta recetarios./ Love them or hate them, the Kardashians have built a brand where every sigh, every kiss and every comment are monetized. And the matriarch of the clan, Kris Jenner went from a saleswoman in a baby clothing store to possibly, the most powerful executive in the showbiz world where the TV show (with more banal dramas that Taylor Swift’s relationships) is just the tip of the iceberg: talk shows, spin off tv shows, clothing lines and accessories, makeup, public appearances, fashion campaigns autobiographies book that can help us to be better human beings (yep) and even recipe books.

Kris es un genio de los negocios, e incluso podríamos aprender técnicas de gestión corporativa y branding de la dinastía Kardashian para ponerlas en práctica en nuestras propios planes empresariales, aunque nadie puede negar que hay un gran equipo contribuyendo al éxito de la corporación K: publicistas, managers, abogados, estilistas (esos looks infernales de Kim Kardashian o la sutileza de Kendall Jenner no son casualidad) y uno que otro colado./ Kris is a business genius, and the Kardashian dynasty can teach us a lot of project management and branding tools, although no one can deny that there is a great team contributing to the success of the K Corporation: publicists, managers, lawyers, stylist (those infernal looks wore by Kim Kardashian or the subtlety of Kendall Jenner are no coincidence).

 ¿Pero por qué nos fascina tanto el mundo de las Kardashians y en dónde radica el savoir faire de monetizar sex tapes y los berrinches de un reality show? Tal vez en esa manera de conectar y de alejar el mito de la celebridad inalcanzable, glamourosa y etérea; porque con un poco de dinero todos podríamos ser Kylie Jenner y acceder a cirugías milagrosas dignas de ser negadas o todos hemos sido protagonistas de una cat fight al estilo navajero de Khloe Kardashian. Se trata de un espejo de realidad aumentada en donde los miembros del escuadrón no temen al ridículo, mientras la cuenta bancaria permanezca a tope, porque ya saben, “no importa si hablan bien o mal de ti, lo importante es que hablen”./ But why this Kardashian world is so fascinating for us and where lies the savoir faire of monetizing sex tapes and the tantrums of a reality show? Perhaps in that way to connect and ward off the myth of the unattainable, ethereal glamorous celebrity; because with a little money we could all be Kylie Jenner and access to miraculous surgeries to be denied for years or we all have been involved in a cat fight like Khloe Kardashian. It is a mirror of augmented reality where the members of the squad are not afraid of ridicule, as long as the bank account remains active, because you know, “no matter if they speak bullshit about you, the important thing is to talk and keep the conversation flowing”.

 Podríamos pasarnos horas hablando sobre el trasero de Kim Kardashian (aunque como punto favorable podríamos decir que gracias a estas chicas se ha cambiado el panorama del cuerpo delgado en la cultura popular), sobre las relaciones afectivas de Kendall Jenner o sobre los labios de Kylie; incluso podríamos entrar en un debate para saber si nuestra sociedad ensalza y celebra la estupidez, aunque pensándolo bien no sé si las Kardashian sean tontas, tal vez los tontos seamos nosotros que con cada like seguimos celebrándoles./ We could spend hours talking about Kim Kardashian’s butt (although as a favorable point we could say that thanks to these girls the perception of a small body has changed for good in the popular culture), or about Kendall Jenner’s new boyfriend or about Kylie’s lips; we could even get into a debate over whether our society extols and celebrates stupidity, but on second thought I’m not 100% sure if the Kardashians are silly, perhaps we are the fools here because we just fill their bank account with every like and every tweet.

La próxima vez que aludas o condenes las ‘tonterías’ de las Kardashians, recuerda que cada pelea, comentario, Snap o pintalabios tiene detrás una táctica fríamente calculada que no es más que un reflejo del mundo en el que vivimos y de los deseos más oscuros que, en menor o mayor manera todos perseguimos./ The next time you celebrate or condemn the ‘nonsense’ of the Kardashians, remember that every fight, comment, Snap or lipstick is backed with a coldly calculated tactic that is merely a reflection of the world we live in and of the darkest desires that in a greater or a lesser way we all pursue.

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  • Wow, I didn't even know that they earn money in those ways. How I wish I can experience that. "O c'mon, talk behind my back or talk about me through your social media. I won't even care. Your words are money for me." Although I might consider to be talked by a lot of people of the good things I've done. Not those kind of things which I can see about them all over the internet. It's so crazy, tbh.

    Augustin Ra | Indie Spirit

    • Hi there, Augustin! Yes, it is amazing how celebs and people in the media (call it influencers, or however you want) are making money out of it!

      Thanks for your opinion! 😀

  • La verdad es que toda la familia Kardashian no me puede importar menos 😀 No los odio ni mucho menos, simplemente es una categoría que no me interesa en absoluto. Lo que sí es verdad que seguramente no se trate de una personas tontas, ya que han conseguido montar un negocio de ese estilo, algo que muchos intentan pero no lo consiguen… 😉
    Feliz finde!

  • OMG I think the real genius here Pablo is you! hahaha I'm also not a fan of the Kardashians, but to be fair, they do have a really good branding/styling or whatever, in short they all look good and I think that's one of the main reasons why many people likes them. Because they (somehow) reflects the physical look that most people want. I get all of your points here and I totally agree with you and I think that the most important thing that I can learn from the K clan is to be brave. Although they do not portray it in an exact positive way, but it's kinda like their being fearless about the general public's opinion is what made them successful (though I don't define success the Kardashian way) lol And this is such a wonderful read Pablo, I freakin love you! and you just gave me an idea for my work hahaha thanks a lot dearest! love you so much and p.s not a fan of Kim too but can't help checking out about the #taylorexposed drama though I pretty much know that it won't do me any good hahaha

    love lots,

    • Hey Tin! Thanks a lot for this comment, I really appreciate it! 😀

      Yes, even tho you're not a fan of the Kardashian squad, we must admit that they are getting a lot of profit for this 'showbiz' situation; and actually even if we hate them we can learn a lot of things from them as you mentioned 😉

      PS: Let's see how this #TaylorExposed telenovela end up! I'm sure that gossip about it will be around us for a lot 😉

      Tons of love for you too from Barcelona!

  • Hello, Pablo!

    This is such a great post. They may seem to have encountered a lot of controversies but at the end of the day, bad publicity is still publicity. Haha also, I must say they're really good in business! More especially now that the Kylie Lipkits' on trend! Lol.

    Hope to hear from you soon!! 🙂

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance
    Instagram: airishabella | gorgeousglance

  • Una pasada de post! Tanta razón…
    Pero nos guste o no algo que haga una Kardashian es motivo de habla durante días, por no comentar que las adolescentes de hoy en día sigan sus pasos como si fueran sus ídolos y modelos a seguir. En fin, toda la razón del mundo. He encontrado tu blog y me encanta, me voy a quedar por aquí como seguidora! Te invito a que pases por mi blog 🙂
    un besazo guapo!

    Elena de

  • When people say that they are stupid I just roll my eyes. Nobody who can sell their pee is not stupid.

    New post is up on UNIQUEYEAH !

  • Hola Pablo!
    I didn't expect a Kardashians post, but why not right?! I'm quiet fascinated by the way they make so much money, literally from anything. Hats off to them for that. My favorite is Kim because to me she's the one who makes it all happen, the business woman that has no stop sign.
    Feliz semana! Saludos de Vegas!

    • Hola Radi! Me encanta verte comentando en Español, estoy seguro que poco a poco mejorarás 😉

      Thanks for your lovely comment as usual! Not a big fan of them, but If I have to pick up one I'll definitely choose Kendall 😉

  • Hola Pablo! Me encanta como escribes xD me sacas mas de una sonrisa!
    Hmm la verdad es que no soy fan del clan Kardashian pero si me causan mucha gracia y admiro esa facilidad que tienen para hacer dinero es que se pasaron!!! Tremenda la madre olala.
    Excelente post Pablo, me gusto mucho y eso que no soy fan 😀

  • Hola Pablo! Personally I'm not huge fan of Kardashians too, but I agree with you that they created powerful company and yes, I'm also think that a lot of managers/persons, who would like to run their own business could learn a lot of from this dynasty, especially when we speak about branding tools. What's more, you did really great job on this post, Pablo!

  • Querido Pablo!
    Una reflexión interesantísima como siempre. Yo no soy fan de las Kardashian, ni de nadie, me gustan personas creativas que me sirven de referencia, pero nunca es nadie de la cultura pop. Al igual que tu reconozco el mérito de esta familia, el haber convertido su vida en un reality tan bien renumerado. Y obviamente, no son nada tontas, de hecho si se comportarían como ladys inteligentes, tal vez dejarían de interesar al público. Supongo que todo es estrategía de marketing y al igual que en la política, en este campo no existen las casualidades.
    Hoy me puse al día con tu blog y disfruté una vez más tus maravillosos textos e ilustraciones. Tengo ahora un “fungitime“ obligado una vez semanal jaja
    Besos mi querido amigo artista!


  • I think this family has monetized on the fact that people LOVE to HATE celebrities. It is such human nature and they've taken it on a whole new level. They're often called stupid, but the question is whether they're actually pretending to be stupid…sure, they're all uneducated and can't put a decent sentence together, but they're anything but stupid. I think this all clan is pretty brilliant when it comes to manipulating the media…They have made a fortune with their reality drama and social network mastery. I think the mother of this family might be a real showbiz C.O. She may be the one planning the whole thing! So yeah, I totally agree with you. I think there is a lot of planning and media manipulation in everything they do…and they all managed to turn themselves into brands, so that's achievement of some sort…and if they are willing to sell their privacy to do it, who are we to judge them? most people share their private lives for free, I'm often shocked by what some people will share on social media just to get attention…at least this family had the sense to make a business out of it! So, I'm not a fan but I'm not a hater either. I just avoid news about them because it isn't terribly interesting.

  • Santa Maria!!! This was awesome, it needs to be published in a magazine Pablo, you wrote so well where you never praised them or criticized them but just sated facts, I enjoyed reading the whole piece and I was in smile but you made me laugh by saying that the fight between Taylor and Kim is your favorite soap opera lately. This was a master piece dear and you are right that they are business moguls regardless of how we feel about them. Great post Pablo!