No, no viajo tanto como quisiera ni tanto como mi Instagram lo sugiere, digamos que el Internet permite alargar la duración de mis aventuras y así evadir la agenda adulta. Lo que si es verdad es que al igual que todos he desarrollado un método para viajar y un ojo avispado para encontrar opciones que se ajusten a mi presupuesto y a la personalidad de mis itinerarios; porque viajar es una de esas cosas que me gusta hacer tanto como mi tiempo y mi presupuesto me lo permitan./ No, I do not travel as much as I would like or as much as my Instagram suggests, let’s say that the Internet allows me to extend the duration of my adventures and avoid the adult agenda. The truth is that, like all of us, I have developed a method to travel and a smart eye to find options that fit my budget and the personality of my itineraries, because traveling is one of those things that I like to do as much as my time and budget allow me.
Posiblemente el punto más truculento de la lista de necesidades cuando hay que planear un viaje (después del billete de avión, tren o bus). Creo que todo depende del motivo de tu viaje y por supuesto de su duración:/ Possibly the trickiest point of the list of needs when you travel (after the plane, train or bus ticket of course). I think everything depends of the purpose of your trip and its duration.
HOTEL: Diría que es la opción idónea si tu viaje es corto o por negocios. Al final y en comparación con las maravillas de Airbnb (y de su factor sorpresa bueno en la mayoría de los casos), los hoteles continúan teniendo esa alto porcentaje de seguridad en cuanto a los servicios que vas a obtener./ I would say it’s the ideal option if your trip is short or related to business. In the end and compared to the wonders of Airbnb (and its good surprise factor in most cases), hotels continue to have that high percentage of security in terms of the services you will get.
AIRBNB: Para itinerarios más largos, Airbnb es mi opción preferida por la experiencia tan completa que ofrece: desde vivir como un local por unos días hasta poder hacer uso de la cocina, la lavadora y otros cachivaches que te permitirán ahorrar un poco de dinero hasta la ventaja de hablar con tu anfitrión quien te puede dar recomendaciones que solamente un residente conocer. Eso sí, hay algunas cosas que tomar en cuenta si te decantas por esta opción:/ For longer itineraries, Airbnb is my preferred option due to the complete experience it offers: from living as a local for a few days to being able to use the kitchen, the washing machine and other odds that can help you save some money up, adding the advantage to talk to your host who can give you recommendations that only a resident knows. Of course, there are some things to take into account if you go for this option.
– Las reviews: soy consciente de que el internet ha propagado esa idea de que las reviews en Google y en TripAdvisor son la ley, cuando en realidad las experiencias de cada usuario son subjetivas. Por supuesto que me fijo en las reviews, pero creo que hay que analizarlas detenidamente ya que en la era de la evaluación digital todo tiene más de una lectura: puede que un huésped se queje de una cosa banal o algo que para ti es intrascendente./ The reviews: I am aware that internet has spread the idea that the reviews on Google and on TripAdvisor are the law, when in fact the experiences of each user are subjective. Of course I look at the reviews, but I think you have to analyze them carefully because in the digital era, everything has more than one reading: a guest may complain about a banal thing or something that may be irrelevant to you for example.
-Tus necesidades básicas: Mientras que para mí una cafetera puede una exigencia básica durante mi estadía, para otros lo es una cama amplia o una secadora. Esto entra a título personal e involucra al presupuesto, pero digamos que mientras viajo puedo renunciar a ciertas excentricidades y así ahorrar un poco (ya habrá tiempo para alojarme en algún Ritz con masajes y cocktails incluidos)./ Your basic needs: While for me a coffee moka pot can be a basic requirement during my travel, for other people a large bed or a dryer is crucial. This is totally personal and involves the budget, but let’s say that while traveling I can give up certain eccentricities and thus save some money (there will be time to stay in a Ritz with massages and cocktails included).
-La locación: A todos nos gustaría quedarnos en el barrio de moda, llámese Malasaña en Madrid o Williamsburg en Nueva York, pero en este punto prefiero ajustar mi presupuesto a un barrio que si bien no es el de moda si haga un balance entre una buena localización, seguridad y metro-servicios básicos cercanos./ Location: We would all like to stay in the the coolest area, call it Malasaña in Madrid or Williamsburg in New York, but at this point I prefer to adjust my budget to a neighborhood that can mix a good location, security and metro-basic services.
Mis recomendaciones personales: / My personal recommendations:
Soy la clase de freak que hace listas de todo y esto no es una excepción cuando se trata de viajar, acumulando desde recomendaciones en Instagram y blogs hasta anécdotas de amigos que ya hayan visitado ese lugar, pero últimamente y pesa a mi naturaleza organizativa, estoy tratando de dejar espacio para la improvisación./ I’m the kind of freak who makes lists of everything and this is no exception when it comes to travel, accumulating from recommendations on Instagram and blogs to anecdotes from friends who have already visited that place, but lately and against my organizational nature, I’m trying to make room for improvisation.
-Las atracciones turísticas: No creo que tenga nada de malo visitar los principales puntos turísticos de una ciudad, ya que si han logrado ser un punto de interés común es por un motivo que vale la pena comprobar por uno mismo. Hay muchos viajeros más experimentados que reniegan de los lugares comunes, pero yo no los quitaría del todo de mi itinerario. Sin embargo siempre me gusta guardar espacio para el factor sorpresa o para ese rincón que tal no vez no sea turística pero que merece la pena ser visto./ The tourist attractions: I do not thing there is anything wrong with visiting the main tourist spots of a city, because if they have managed to be a point of common interest it must be for a reason that you need to check personally. There are many more experienced travelers who deny commonplaces, but I would not take them off from my travel itinerary. However I always like to save room for the surprise factor or for that corner that is not too touristic and also deserves a visit.
Experiencias: Aquí es donde no me importa gastar un poco más, y si pude ahorrar en el billete de avión o en el metro en lugar de haber tomado un taxi, una buena comida o una experiencia significativa siempre son bienvenidas./ Experiences: This is where I do not mind spending a little more, and if I could save some money on the plane ticket or if I took the metro instead of taking a taxi, a good meal or a meaningful experience is always welcome.
¿Y tú cómo sueles viajar? ¿Eres el tipo de viajero que prefiere tener todas las comodidades a pie de calle y hotel de lujo o eres más del tipo aventurero?/ And how do you prefer to travel? Are you the type of traveler who prefers to have all the amenities by your side and luxury hotel or are you more of the adventurous type?
Hey Pablo, hope everything is well with you! What a great guide and clever hacks on how to travel smarter. Though I’ve done both Airbnb and hotel, I do prefer the later as it feels so much more safe knowing what you’ll get. I do like Airbnb on longer vacations though, but a cute hotel in the middle of the city is perfect when just exploring for a few days! Have a lovely week! Xx
Hey Mia, I was off for a white but I’m finally back
Hope everything is well with you too 
Yes, you’re just like me when it comes to book accommodation while traveling
Hey Fungi! How are you?
I’m the kind of traveler that’s up to anything as long as there are new experiences and memories to be made. I try not to be too into what the hotel or airbnb offers or looks like because I like spending my days on vacation outside as much as possible.
I hope you get to travel even more in the new year and be sure to visit Vegas!
Have a great day!
Radi, hope you’re doing well!
Yes, me too! I do not care if the space is too luxurious, I’d rather go for the basic needs and of course the cleanliness. I’m like you, in most of my trips I like to stay outside as much as I can
Hope I can go to Nevada soon!
These are great travelling tips. You are so right in what you write, so many things are subjective. When we are travelling, we always need to think about what works for us. As you said, somebody’s negative review about some place might be totally irrelevant to us.
If I get the change to travel, I would like it to be about gathering experiences. Creating memories should always take priority. Still, a bit of relax can come in handy as well….
I remember when I was younger, a hotel stay seemed like prison to me, it used to be something I would never opted for because it seemed boring to me….Nowadays, I would not mind a few days of pampering in a hotel. Funny how tastes change, ha?
But still I think a small apartment would always be my first choice, a place that would allow me to cook and feel more a part of some place. Getting recommendations from locals is important too…. renting a place from someone local is the best way to get them.
Perhaps the best thing to do is as you say…stay in a hotel if it is a short stay or a business trip…and stay in an apartment if we’re staying for a few days.
Hey Ivana, thank you so much for your meaningful opinion
And about the reviews I feel like we’re always encouraging a dynamic that of course is subjective, of course other’s opinions are important when you decide to pick a certain place but in the end everything is subjective as you said.
And I think the same about a hotel, I won’t care to be pampered in a boutique hotel, but it all depends of the necessities of my trip. So nothing is 100% white or 100% black
Hi Pablo! Happy to read you again!

I like a lot to travel, but in the most of occasions i prefer to stay in a Hotel, since the service is complete and you only have to think of enjoy your time.
I’ve been satyed on Airbnb only when I go to Greece for my summer vacations : since I stay in a place for very short time (since I usually travel among many islands on sailboat), an Airbnb it’s ideal.
About the organization, I’m the kind of person that, before to leave, looks for every info available on web (google and tripadvisor are my faves too) on what to visit, how to get there and where to go to eat, and so on, and sign everything on google maps, but once I stay there I tend to enjoy at max and follow the moment, even if at the end I cannot see everything I’ve planned at the start!
Hey there Silvia! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed your stay in Greece by the way… I still have this country on top of my bucket list so I’ll ask you for recommendations if I go soon
Great post and love your photos. What I like about Airbnb is that you get a lot more space for the same money what I don’t like is the rick of the host cancelling at the last minute which happens a lot. But the much bigger spaces and having a whole apartment is quite tempting. Hotel rooms are always so small.
Hey Allie, of course… the risk of getting cancelled in the last minute is something that I don’t like about Airbnb, I would say it was my one bad experience in Copenhagen but I was lucky to found a new host in a few minutes… but imagine if you’re in Paris in touristic season or something like that haha!
Pablo amo tus fotografias cuando las veo por Instagram, buenisimo post con tu punto de vista. Yo la verdad es muy raro que viaje y no por falta de ganas sino porque de momento no tengo mucho tiempo libre ya que la vida de mama es muy agotadora y requiere mucha atencion, pero me agrado leerte y tomar tips.
Saludos y como siempre un placer saber que pasaste por mi blog.
Bye P.
Lizza, gracias por pasarte y por dejarme tan bonitos halagos
Me imagino, viajar con hijos ha de ser difícil pero quien quite y pronto puedas hacer alguno que otro viaje con tu pequeñín.
I love all these ideas. How I travel really depends on the nature and the duration of my visit, like you mentioned. I use hostels for really short visits, AirBnb for longer visits and hotels when I want to indulge a bit
I don’t travel as much as I would like either, but I am still working on that
I hope all is well on your end <3 Have a wonderful week!
-PerlaGiselle |
Say hello and let’s follow each other <3
Hey Perlita, thank you so much for stopping by! I wish you a smooth delivery!
Yo la verdad es que depende del viaje y de la duración del mismo. Si voy a estar un par de días con que tenga conexión de metro me basta y además que luego en los pequeños barrios te encuentras lugares preciosos o cafeterías con mucho encanto. En cuanto al alojamiento,he estado tanto en hotel y en airbnb y tienes toda ma razón,al final con em hotel sabes lo que hay con el airbnb vas un poco a ciegas. El temita fotos como engaña jajajaja
Un abrazo fuerte precioso.
Hola Cata, qué gusto leerte! Es que sí, el hotel siempre va a tener esa ventaja (al menos en el 95% de los casos), pero pues el Airbnb tiene unas cosas que tampoco podrás conseguir en el hotel hahaha y sí…. las fotos es otro tema aparte del que se podría discutir y discutir.
¡Qué maravilla de post y qué grandes consejos!
A mí también me gustaría viajar más de lo que lo hago, pero siempre hay algo que me lo impide. ¡Ya vendrá una racha buena y seguiré fielmente tu lista viajera!
Eso sí, cuando viajo, me gusta disfrutar de todas las comodidades posibles :3
Por cierto, me encantan tus fotones. ¡Eres el más molón del mundo blogueril y de Instagram!
Un besito Pablo
Melania |
Melania, muchas gracias por pasarte. Espero pronto puedas viajar mucho por España y por el mundo.
Gracias por tus palabras
Really enjoyed reading this blog entry, Fungi! I completely agree with you, travel preferences are subjective. I am not too adventurous when it comes to travelling and like all the amenities, that said, sometimes I try to be a little more adventurous and that’s can be a lot of fun as well. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Miriam xx
Hey Miriam, thanks for reading! I’m happy you liked the posts
I’d also say that travel preferences can change with the years, right? 
Hey Fungi!
Your travel review is so great!!
I would love to stay Airbnb like you, although I prefer to stay luxury hotels and taken a taxi before.
I am not good at new place because I’m terrible with directions.
Last year, I was lost many times in London and it was terrible taking a train alone.
However your review makes me confident!
I have an old dog, so I thought I couldn’t travel for many days.
Now, I think I can ask my sister to care my dog.
Thank you, Fungi <3
I really love your plaid coat and the picture of grid wall!
Hey Akiko, thanks for your meaningful opinion
Getting lost is terrible, but after the trip it becomes part of the funny anecdote that you’ll be able to tell over and over to friends and family haha 
every time you post travel tips it always makes me want to travel more! Love these kind of posts though, it’s my motivation!
Yes, we should travel more or as much as we can
Thanks for stopping by
I enjoy reading your travel tips.
Im feeling not so different of you when I travel.
I always love to make a list with all the places I want to visit. But most of the times my list is way too long haha.
I also love to buy a guide when I travel to have all the informations about the place I stay.
And we also use airbnb and trip advisor. I love theses applications !
Hey Margot, I’m happy to read your opinion and to know that we’re a similar kind of traveler
Lists are definitely my best friends when it comes to travel, I always bring with me a pocket notebook and more recommendations on my phone
Pablo, me ha encantado.
Yo soy una maniática cuando planeo un viaje, por regular siempre me quedo en hostel porque me gusta conocer más personas y tener un poco del ambiente local, la verdad y confesándome aquí jamás me he hospedado en un Airbnb (ya sé) jajaja aún que no sé porque nunca termina de convencerme.
Siempre que viaje averiguo todo, desde el clima hasta los highlights de la ciudad, también llegando al destino me gusta preguntar por joyas locales que casi siempre son libres de turistas jajaja.
Me gusta comer en restaurantes locales también y obvio los imperdibles, también me gusta ir a los lugares mas famosos y perderme de vez en cuando o andar sin rumbo para encontrarme con rincones escondidos.
¡Quiero volver a viajar ya!
Te mando un abrazo.
Hola Stef,
Me dio risa leerte, la verdad es que yo siempre soy un poquito maniático con los viajes y con mis mil listas pero últimamente he tratado de dejar algunas cosas a la improvisación.
Te recomiendo probar algún Airbnb, seguro que tu experiencia es buena, eso sí, diferente a la de un hotel, pero al final es algo que también tienes que probar y ya me dirás si te gusta
Yo también quiero viajar pronto, sobretodo en México pero siento que viajar dentro de nuestro país es incluso más caro que moverte al extranjero T.T
Hola Pablo! Como estas? I hope that you’re doing well. I really like to read your post, because they’re as much good as your terrific illustrations and collages
I think that I’m traveler, who rather to stay in the hotels, but on the other, I do not exclude that I would feel bad sleeping in different place – in my opinion everything is up to particular city – if I would feel safe somewhere, I could sleep anywhere. What’s more, I always think that it’s good to see the main tourist spots and then, if we have some spare time, explore something new and get lost in new place (ok, maybe not literally get lost, I hope that you know what I mean). Making room for improvisation gives us a chance to experience something unexpected, and perhaps it will make these spontaneous decisions the best memories during the entire trip.
Take care, Pablo!
Hey Ivonne, estoy muy bien, is good to know about you and see that you´re practicing Spanish haha.
Thanks a lot for the compliment, and you pointed out an important thing: everything is up to the city you’re going. There is also one more thing to take into account when you pick up your accommodation and select your itinerary
Best regards!
just stopping by to wish you a fantastic weekend!
As you know I have mixed feelings about AIR BNB had a great experience and some not so great experiences. Yes reviews are subjective for sure and not always the truth. For me I need my own space to sleep. I suffer from insomnia and I am a light sleeper. And sleeping and or being sick can ruin a trip so my own space is key.
Allie of