Roma es una de esas ciudades donde es muy fácil ser turista, por lo que es necesario abrir bien los ojos para no terminar perdido entre una horda de visitantes liderados por un palo con la figura de *inserte un animal aleatorio aquÍ*. Aún así el hechizo de esta ciudad no se extingue y al menos yo sería capaz de volver una y otra vez./ Rome is one of those cities where it is very easy to be a tourist, so it is necessary to open your eyes in order to don’t end up lost among a horde of visitors led by a stick with a random animal figure. Despite that, the spell of Rome is not extinguished and I could go back to the eternal city many times.
Creo que éste fue uno de esos viajes inusuales donde no llevábamos nada escrito y ninguna experiencia turística planificada (tal vez debido al cansancio pre-vacaciones), y al tratarse de nuestra segunda vez en Roma, no incluimos las experiencias mandatorias -como Vaticano o Coliseo- en el itinerario, pero las cuales recomiendo y sobretodo si es tu primera vez en la ciudad eterna./ I think this was one of those unusual trips where we did not have anything written and no planned tourist experiences (maybe due to our pre-holiday fatigue), and being our second time in Rome, we did not include the mandatory experiences -like Vatican or the Colosseum- in the itinerary, but which I recommend and especially if it is your first time in Rome.
Mientras cruzaba la Piazza di Spagna me pregunté: ¿Qué harían hoy los personajes de la Princesa Anna y el periodista Joe (Audrey Hepburn y Gregory Peck) si Vacaciones en Roma ocurriera en el 2018? ¿Arriesgarían la vida entre los selfie sticks paseando por Pantheon y harían la cola para ver la Bocca della Verità (con transmisión en directo vía Instagram como prueba irrefutable de la visita)? La dinámica no sería muy diferente, pero seguramente la princesa Anna no podría comprarse todo lo que compró con 50 liras en 1953: un gelato, unas sandalias, un corte de pelo y encima le sobró una moneda para pedir un deseo en la Fontana di Trevi./ While crossing Piazza di Spagna, I asked myself: What would Princess Anna and Joe (Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck) do if Roman Holiday happened in 2018? Would they risk their lives among selfie sticks strolling through Pantheon and queue to see Bocca della Verità (with live streaming via Instagram as an irrefutable proof of the visit)? The activities would not be very different, but surely Princess Anna could not buy everything she bought with 50 liras in 1953: a gelato, a pair of sandals, a haircut and even spare coin to make a wish at Fontana di Trevi.
En este post de viaje, mis recomendaciones no hablarán del Foro Romano ni de las experiencias famosas que puedes encontrar en Lonely Planet, son solo algunos lugares que se pudieran robar la atención (y el apetito) de Joe y la Princesa Anna en unas vacaciones en Roma contemporáneas./ In this travel post, my recommendations won’t talk about Roman Forum or the famous experiences that you can find in Lonely Planet Rome edition, these are just some places that could steal the attention (and appetite) of Joe and Princess Anna during a contemporary Roman Holiday.
El alojamiento en Roma no es precisamente barato. Vigilar el presupuesto en una de la ciudades más turísticas de Europa y el mundo fue complicado, pero al final pudimos ahorrarnos unos cuantos euros para comprar pizza y gelatos. Nuestro AirBnb estaba muy cerca de Vaticano y de una estación de metro, además de tener todas las comodidades y replicas de cuadros de Matisse como decoración./ Accommodation in Rome is not exactly cheap. Monitoring our budget in one of the most tourist cities in Europe and the world was complicated, but in the end we managed to save a few euros to buy pizza and gelato. Our AirBnb was very closet to Vatican and a metro station, as well as having all the comforts and replicas of Matisse paintings as decorations.
Puedes encontrar el apartamento AQUÍ./ You can find the apartment HERE.
*Gelato: La dieta del gelato y una razón poderosa para volver a Italia siempre que sea posible. No tengo una recomendación específica porque todas las gelaterias de Roma que probé me gustaron./ The gelato diet and a powerful reason to return to Italy as much as possible. I do not have a specific recommendation because all I loved all the options I tried in Rome.
*Da Enzo: Una trattoria apretada y encantadora escondida en una de las callejuelas de Trastevere y con uno de los mejores platos de pasta que he probado en TODA MI VIDA sin exageración./ A tiny and charming trattoria hidden in one of the streets of Trastevere and with one of the best pasta dishes I have tasted in ALL MY LIFE with no exaggeration.
Via dei Vascellari, 29, 00153
*Cantina e Cucina: Nuestro favorito tanto que repetimos un par de veces. Opciones para todos los gustos en un ambiente acogedor con ronda de shots gratis mientras esperas a ser sentado./ Our favorite, we even repeated a couple of times. Options for all tastes in a cozy atmosphere with a round of free shots while you wait to be seated.
Via del Governo Vecchio, 87, 00186
*Trastevere: Posiblemente mi barrio favorito de Roma. Al lado del río Tíber y con callejuelas llenas de colores con invitaciones constantes a gelaterias y trattorias./ Possibly my favorite neighborhood in Rome. Next to the river Tiber and with plenty of colorful streets and constant invitations to gelaterias and trattorias.
*Piazza Navona: Sí, sé que es una de las plazas más turísticas, pero la magia y la vibra de este lugar (sobretodo al atardecer) con las fuentes y los pintores alrededor representan una de las postales más bonitas de Roma./ Yes, I know that it is one of the most tourist places, but the magic and vibes of this places (especially at sunset) with the fountains and painters around, represent one of the most beautiful postcards of Rome.
*Villa Borghese: El área verde de la ciudad, ideal para descansar y hacer un picnic. Galeria Borguese también está en esta área./ The green area of the city, best option to reset and have a picnic. Galleria Borguese is also in this area.
*Monti: Si quieres alejarte del bullicio del Coliseo, el barrio de Monti es una buenaopción para callejear y visitar tiendas vintage y galerías de arte./ If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the Colosseum, the area of Monti is a good option to stroll around and visit vintage shops and art galleries.
*Giardini di Aranci + Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta: Desde aquí es posible tener una de las mejores vistas panorámicas de Roma, además hay un secreto que nos contaron amigos locales: el portón de la Soberana Orden Militar de Malta tiene una cerradura a través de la cual se puede ver la Cúpula de la Basílica de San Pedro./ Go here to have one of the best panoramic views of Rome, there is also a secret that some local friends told us: the gate of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta has a lock through which you can see St. Peter’s Basilica.
Conclusión: Hay que pisar Roma por lo menos una vez en la vida. Siguiente parada: el sur de Italia…/ Conclusion: You have to explore Rome at least once in your life. Next stop: the Italian coast…
Tengo mil ganas de ir, de mis viajes pendientes. Un abrazo querido mío
Te va a encantar! Gracias por pasarte!
Hey Fungi!
Such a beautiful travel diary. I absolutely love the photos and your gelato + sight seeing tips. I swear whenever I decide to travel to Europe, I’ll be following your suggestions word for word,
Glad you got to visit for the second time and explore even more! Seeing locations other than the really famous architectures always adds more fun and beauty to any trip.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! <3 Radi
Thank you as usual Radi!
I’m glad you enjoyed this virtual trip to Rome! Please include Rome (and if you can other Italian cities such as Florence or Venice) in your itinerary, they are mandatory stops!
I’m very happy you liked so much my city, dear friend!
Very beautiful travel diary!
Thanks for your comment! YES! Rome is always a pleasure!
I just love how you wrote this article thinking about one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies.
Such beautiful pictures, you make me want to go ASAP.
Yes! You need to go to Rome! It is so beautiful!
I’m happy to hear you’ve enjoyed Rome so much. It truly is a city like no other…an eternal city. I really enjoyed reading your travel guide. You found some really nice spots. I do agree that gelato in Italy is the best.
Great photos too…love your shorts.
Hey Ivana, hope you’re doing great! As usual thanks for your valuable feedback and hope you come back soon!
OMG! You have such a beautiful blog! I love the layout, everything! This post made me want to go back to Rome to fully immerse myself in the gelato diet! Lol. I don’t know anyone who can get enough of something so yummy! Thank you for sharing! <3
-PerlaGiselle |
Welcome to Hey Fungi, Perla! And thank you so much for your lovely comment!
Hey Fungi,
Your photos and writing about Rome is so wonderful,
and your color tone as same as your illustration is so comfortable…♡
It is so far from Tokyo to Rome, but your blog makes me to hope to visit there.
I really love your outfit, shirt, shorts, sneakers, bag, and sunglases, all is simple but so cool and so Fungi !!!
Thank you for great rome <3
Hey Akiko, you really need to visit Rome one day! Thanks for your lovely comment, it was difficult to choose what to wear with almost 40 degrees, haha!
De mis ciudades favoritas. Estuve casi una semana y siento que me faltó mucho por ver, sin duda quiero regresar pronto!
Por cierto, es verdad que el alojamiento es caro pero la ciudad no es muy grande y si te quedas en un hotel (o en tu caso, en un airbnb) por la zona del vaticano tienes de todo (supers, cafés, restaurantes, metro), el precio está muy bien y te alejas un poco de lo caótico de las callejuelas del casco antiguo
Ahh, qué ganas me dieron de volver :’)
Sí, eso tienes razón, creo que la ciudad es relativamente fácil de navegar
Yo apenas vuelvo y ya tengo ganas de otra ronda por Roma
OMG this so makes me want to go to Rome! Your trip looks amazing and love all the suggestions. Can’t wait to go to Paris.
Allie of
You should take a train or a short flight from Paris to Rome if you have the time!
Hola Pablo! I visited eternal city once in my life and I hope that I’ll come back to Rome – in my opinion this city has special atmosphere, but on the other hand, during my 1-day trip, I ate there the worst and the most expensive pizza (on the other hand, the best pizza in my life I also ate in Italy, but on the Italian coast, nearby to Rimini). It’s great that you decided to skip typical tourist spots and explore something new in this great city. Moreover, I can’t wait to see your review of Italian coat!
Take care, Pablo!
Hola Ivonne, hope you’re doing great!
Hope you can come back to Rome, I bet nothing has changed a lot but there is always a good reason to go back, despite the tourist crowds this is a place that worth a visit!
Oh amigo! Why do you always have the best photo/art?? You should know that every time I visit your blog, I feel like I’m reading my favorite magazines! Rome is indeed a very pretty place. Haven’t been there but the photos are giving me romantic vibe! If I had the chance to be in Rome, I’ll surely check your recommended place especially Da Enzo! jaja If it’s Pablo approved, it’s surely good!
love lots,
Hey amiga, muchísimas gracias por este hermoso comentario
I’m sure you’ll visit Europe soon and especially Rome, when you go there you have to take this recommendations into account (especially the ones related with food ;))
Such a lovely post on Rome Pablo!! Have been to Italy several times but never to Rome, but would of course love to go. Love your reflections on Roman Holiday – that film is just too adorable. I’ve had such a major crush on Audrey Hepburn since I saw her in Breakfast at Tiffany’s when I was 15, so I of course had to see her in her other movies. And in Roman Holiday I was introduced to Gregory Peck and had to see him in To Kill A Mockingbird which is one of my favorite movies. Haha so, that aside, Rome must be magical! Xx
Hey Mia, thank you so much for your constant comments and support
I’m happy you liked the references to Roman Holiday, it is definitely a charming film that I could see over and over!
Nice article, I loved it.

Such nice place, Rome looks amazing
Great shots too
Thanks for stopping by, Angela!
looks so fun! the unplanned trips are always my favorite, no expectations and you get to be totally spontaneous!
Thank you for stopping by! Spontaneous trips are the best don’t you think?
La ciudad eterna… ¡Enamora! Por lo menos a mí, que sería feliz visitándola cada año. Adoro sus calles, su historia por todas partes, su gente, su comida, sus maravillosos gelatos…
He tenido la suerte de visitarla en dos ocasiones pero, si te digo la verdad, no he profundizado del todo en ella. ¡Me quedan 1000 y un sitios todavía que descubrir! Así que espero hacerlo muy pronto.
Por el momento, me apunto tus recomendaciones sin ninguna duda ^^
Un besito Pablo
Melania |
Hola Melania, a mi también me encantaría visitar más seguido Italia
Me encantan tantas cosas de ese país (sobretodo la comida y como mencionas los maravillosos gelatos, te digo, no hubo día que no comiera uno jaja).
Espero puedas volver pronto y si pruebas alguno de estos restaurantes ya me contarás….
Besos de vuelta!
Roma es y será una de mis ciudades favoritas por siempre! A pesar de los miles de km que hicimos diarios, siento que aún así me faltaron cosas por ver… lo cual es bueno por que significa que tengo que volver hehe! Para que hablar de la comida, hubo una hostería que se clavo en mi corazón casi tanto como el día de mi matrimonio, hahaha! Qué cosa más buena!
Me encanta leer tus post, se que te lo repito siempre, pero es que madre que bonito escribes… e ilustras!
Un abrazo Pablo!