Seré sincero, antes de mudarme a Europa no sabía mucho sobre Portugal, pero varios posts en blogs y en Instagram me hicieron enamorarme de la paleta cromática de sus ciudades e inmediatamente comencé a investigar y a buscar vuelos. El año pasado tuve la oportunidad de ir a Lisboa (el post aquí) y me enamoré al punto de ponerla en mi lista de ciudades favoritas. Hace unas semanas tocó el turno de Oporto y es otro sitio que se quedará en mi corazón y en mi álbum de fotos./ I’ll be honest, before moving to Europe I didn’t know much about Portugal, but many blogs posts and Instagram pictures made me fall in love with the color palette of Portuguese cities and I immediately started looking for flights and city guides. Last year I had the chance to go to Lisbon (the post here) and now it is on the list of my favorite cities. A few weeks ago I went to Porto and it is another place that will stay in my heart and in my photo album.
Oporto, la ciudad de las colinas empedradas (los zapatos bonitos pero incómodos no son una opción aquí) y un laberinto en el que es fácil perderse entre los azulejos, las vistas al río y las fachadas con ropa tendida. Es una de esos lugares ideales para los viajeros que aprecian la belleza de las cosas imperfectas. Lo mejor de todo es que es una ciudad fácil de abarcar y perfecta para una escapada de fin de semana, aquí las cosas que más me gustaron:/ Porto, the city of cobbled hills (pretty but uncomfortable shoes are not an option here) and a maze in which it is easy to get lost among the tiles, the views of the river and the facades with clothes hanging. It is one of those ideal places for travelers who appreciate the beauty of imperfect things. Best of all, it is an easy city to see and a perfect weekend getaway, here the things I liked the most:
En Oporto se come bien y barato en comparación con otras ciudades turísticas de Europa. Vino, pescado y postres por los que vale la pena romper la dieta./ In Porto you can eat well and cheaply compared to other touristic cities in Europe. Wine, fish and desserts that are a good option to break your diet.
*Café Santiago: Tal vez el plato más popular y del que todos te hablan al llegar a Oporto, una especie de ritual culinario que involucra un sandwich relleno, ya sea de salchichas portuguesas, jamón o carne con queso derretido por encima y una salsa a base de tomate y cerveza. Bomba calórica./ Perhaps the most popular dish that everyone recommends you when you arrive in Porto, a kind of culinary ritual that involves a stuffed sandwich, either of Portuguese sausages, ham or meat with melted cheese on top and a sauce based on Tomato and beer. Bring the calories!
R. de Passos Manuel 226, 4000-382
*Manteigaria. Para el momento dulce, sobre todo por los pasteis de nata que también han logrado entrar a mi lista de postres favoritos. Vale la pena llevarse una cajita para casa./ For the sweet moment, try pasteis de nata, that have also managed to enter my list of favorite desserts. Don’t forget to take a box with you.
R. de Alexandre Braga 24, 4000-049
* A Tasquinha. Por si te apetece probar el famoso bacalao o algún otro plato típico que involucre pescados y/o mariscos./ In case you want to try the famous cod or some other typical dishes that involves fish and/or seafood.
R. do Carmo 23, 4050-164
*Food Corner. Si prefieres tener una carta más variada, Food Corner es la opción. Es un restaurante de varias plantas con opciones que van desde hamburguesas hasta sushi, en un rincón con estilo industrial en el área centro./ If you prefer to have a more varied menu, Food Corner is the option. It is a multi-storey restaurant with options ranging from hamburgers to sushi, in an industrial-style corner in the downtown area.
Dr. Antonio Emilio de Magalhães 4, 4000-050
Como viajero me encanta tener mi lista de lugares a visitar, pero también me aseguro de guardarme un momento para simplemente deambular por las calles y encontrar algunos tesoros./ As a traveler I love having my list of places to visit, but I also make sure to keep a moment to simply wander the streets and find some treasures.
*Ribeira. Punto obligado, un paseo al atardecer o al anoche por la ribera del Duero es una experiencia obligatoria si es tu primera vez en Oporto./ A must, a walk at sunset or during the night alongside the Duero is a mandatory experience if it is your first time in Porto.
*Catedral de Oporto (La Sé). Situada en la parte alta de la ciudad y con unas vistas magníficas./ Located in the upper part of the city and with magnificent views.
*A Vida Portuguesa. Si quieres llevarte un souvenir que no sea el típico llavero o imán que terminará en una venta de garage, esta es la opción: vajillas, jabones, papelería, etc. Además visitar la tienda por su espacio ya vale la pena./ If you want to take a souvenir that is not the typical keychain or magnet that will end in a garage sale, this is the option: dishes, soaps, stationery, etc. Also visiting the store for its space is already worth the experience.
R. de Cândido dos Reis 36
*Librería Lello. Probablemente has escuchado de este sitio si eres fan de Harry Potter. Es tal vez la librería más bonita que he visto y algunos dicen que es la más bonita de Europa. Lo único malo son las colas y que ahora hay que pagar 5 euros que se descuentan si después compras algún libro./ You’ve probably heard of this site if you’re a Harry Potter fan. It is perhaps the prettiest bookstore I have ever seen and some say it is the prettiest in Europe. The only bad thing is the queue and now you have to pay 5 euros that are discounted if you later buy a book.
R. das Carmelitas 144, 4050-161
Hey Pablo, happy to read you again! How you going? Hope everything goes great for you!
And happy you had such interesting travel!
Really I’ve always vaguely wanted to visit Portugal, but I’ve never seriously thought of it when I decide my next travel: and I was soooo wrong!
Your pics are really amazing (OMG, you are a so talented photographer other than illustraror!!! You’re genial!) and totally make me want to visit Porto too!
Plus now that you gave us all the most important basics info I can go easy!^^
Super cool and interesting post, dear friend!
Hi Silvia, I’m always happy to read your comments
And thanks for all the compliments, I need to practice more with my camera but I’d love to take pictures around
You should definitely put Portugal in your bucket list, I’d say it is an underrated destination in Europe but their cities (at least) have a lot of things to offer!
Have a lovely evening xx
Pablo, this post is so good! I’m totally obsessed with fall right now but this post got me dreaming about a weekend to a more warm city, like Porto. The city sounds great and so does your tips! Crazy though that you have to pay to visit a book shop? Like what? But perhaps it’s more of an attraction than an actual book shop! Anyways, will definitely return to your guides when I visit Portugal. And as always, love love love your editing and visual communication in your articles – so on point every time! /Mia, Xx
Thanks for your compliments, Mia! You should definitely go to Porto, it is not an overpriced city such as many other in Europe and it has many things to do.
And yes, you have to pay to visit the book shop, kinda shocking but then you understand that it has became an attraction and they don’t sell many books…. But it worth the ticket, I must say.
Oh this trip looked and sounded wonderful your descriptions and in particular the food oh la la. Love your presentation really brings the city to life. Still hoping of these days we will meet up in Paris for FW. Funny I was in Paris waiting outside a show and this guy came up to me and said “Hi Allie” for a nano second I thought it was you. But he then introduced himself; he was the fashion director for the site that I was writing for covering FW. I guess he knew I was writing for the site and looked me up lol.
Allie of
I know, food is one of the most interesting things when we travel right? Hahaha.
Aaaaah I would love to meet you in Paris FW one day! I’m sure it will happen soon!
I love your collage and pictures like always ! You’re so creative.
I travelled twice in Portugal with my parents around 10 years ago. We even did Porto.
And since then I really want to come back to this beautiful country. I loved it. I would even love to live there.
I’ll remember all your infos for the day I’ll come back to this city.
Merci beacoup Margot!
Let me know if you go back soon and visit some of these recommendations
Your photographs are amazing. They make me feel I’m there. I love how you edited your photography. You have a great eye for collages, always picking out the best images to put together. Plus, I really like your outfits too. Very stylish combos for this beautiful city. Your travel tips are great too. You picked up wonderful spots to recommend. I’d love to visit that bookstore! I bet that doesn’t surprise you:):)!!!!
I’d love to visit Portugal too. I love Latin culture & countries, I feel really close to them culturally. Maybe because I was raised a catholic? I don’t know, but I really feel attracted by so many different aspects of Portugal, from the rich history, beautiful language, music ( I adoreeee Fado!!!) to delicious cuisine.
Thank you SO MUCH for these compliments, Ivana! I’m always happy to ready your comments and your feedback
I tried to pull out colorful garments in order to combine with the city tiles hahaha
I hope you can go soon to Portugal! Fado is pretty popular in Lisbon and I’d say it should be your next big destination!
this is such mood! I love the collages you make, it’s a nice visual to the places you go.
thank you dear!
Hey Fungi!
I wasn’t familiar about Porto until this post of yours. Thanks for sharing your travel experience. This reminds me to start thinking of where to go next. Love creating travel guides, so I for sure want to travel more in the new year.
Hope you’re having a wonderful day!
Let me know if you come to Europe soon Radi
Adorei sua postagem de hoje, sempre estou aqui acompanhando seu blog. Tenho aprendido muitas coisas legais aqui e te agradeço por compartilhar…
Beijos .
Meu Blog: Dicas da Web
just stopping by to wish you a lovely day!
Hey Fungi!
Thank you for sharing your travel to Portugal!
I’ve never been there, but I could feel the atmosphere in Macau.
Someday, I would love to see the lovely neon, tiles, sunrise and sunset in Portugal.
Anyway, your outfits are very great, in particular striped shorts!!
Happy Halloween,
Thanks for stopping by Akiko! I think you’d love Portugal!
Thanks for all the compliments…. hope you’re having a fantastic month so far!
Qué bonito! Usted lo dibujó? *ojos*
Such a pretty place to explore! Wish I could visit the place someday. Your outfits are bomb btw!!! Love them so much <3
love lots,