¿Si tu vida digital fuera una película, cómo luciría? En mi caso la banda sonora estaría compuesta por el cantar de un grillo y una nube del desierto cruzaría con lentitud el panorama desolador en el que se encuentran mis publicaciones tanto en este blog como en Instagram./ If your digital life was a movie, how would it look like? in my case the soundtrack would be composed by a cricket sound effect and a tumbleweed would slowly cross the desolate panorama in which my publications are, both on this blog and on Instagram since I’m feeling constantly overwhelmed by how fast everything goes by.

OVERWHELMED ….. You’ll get there, eventually 🏃🏽💨

Los espacios y el tic-tac del reloj configuran nuestra existencia, y desde que opté por trabajar 100% como freelance, mi agenda ha cambiado de manera drástica y he tenido que optar por un estilo de vida que si bien me permite ser dueño de mi tiempo (y trabajar en pijama de la cintura para abajo si es que tengo una llamada de Skype), también ha supuesto muchos retos./ Spaces and the ticking of the clock configure our existence, and since I opted to work 100% as freelancer, my agenda has changed drastically and I had to choose a lifestyle that allows me to be the boss of my time (and working in pijamas from the waist down in case I have a Skype call), but it has also been a challenge that I’m still facing.

En un ejercicio de honestidad les voy a confesar que mi ausencia se debe a que me he sentido agobiado en parte por la vida laboral, pero también por como ésta se diluye con mi tiempo de ocio y por ende con los estímulos constantes de las redes sociales: tiempos apresurados, compartir una foto por si el mundo se acaba, el cotilleo en forma de corazoncito y la eterna pregunta de “¿y ahora qué puedo compartir?”/ As I already told you, in an exercise of honesty, my absence is due to the fact that I have felt overwhelmed in part by working life, but also because its dilution with my leisure time and therefore with the multiple stimuli of social media: hasty times, sharing a photo in case the world ends, gossip in the form of a little heart and the eternal question of “what can I share now?”

El “no hacer” (y a últimas fechas el hecho de no compartir contenido en redes) nos angustia, provocando esa sensación de estar desaprovechando el tiempo, pero supongo que de vez en mes no está mal replantearnos nuestra existencia y pausar (con todo el autocontrol del mundo) la vorágine de acontecimientos para buscar pequeños placeres como el que encontré yo ilustrando estas viñetas con tres pretextos para sentirse agobiado, en un ejercicio de mirar el lado bueno de las cosas./ It seems that free time (and lastly, the fact of not sharing content on social media) anguishes us, making us feel that laying in the couch with a magazine is a waste of time, but I suppose that every once in a while it is not wrong to rethink our existence and pause (with all the self-control of the world) the whirlwind of events to look for small pleasures like the one I found illustrating this vignettes, with three pretexts to feel overwhelmed, in an exercise of looking at the good side of things.

Y sí, prometo que a pesar de que me agobie, ya no desapareceré tan seguido del ámbito digital./ I promise that even though I feel overwhelmed, I will not disappear so often from the digital universe.

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  • Hey Fungi!

    It’s so good to see you back… don’t ever disappear from the digital world for this long again LOL. I’ve missed your beautiful illustrations and was checking back in to see if you’ve posted anything new.

    But I totally understand where you’re coming from. It can be so overwhelming trying to keep up with everything going on online and at the same time trying to enjoy your day to day life.

    Happy new week!


  • Primero, y como siempre, felicitarte. Tanto tus ilustraciones como tus letras, te llevan a soñar… me encanta! Eres muy grande, Pablo!
    En mi opinión, creo que es sano también tomarse un tiempo de descanso… al menos es lo que voy hacer yo ahora, para así volver con más fuerza y energías renovadas a darlo todo… Así que tomate el tiempo que sea necesario, que nosotros estaremos aqui siempre para cuando quieras regresar!
    Un abrazo gran Pablo!

    • Qué hermosos comentarios me haces siempre, definitivamente son una motivación para seguir adelante con este proyecto! Un abrazo de vuelta!

  • I’m glad to see you back
    But it’s always good to make some break.
    It actually give me more motivations and inspirations when I stopped social media for a bit.
    Your illustrations are so beautiful like always.
    And I really agree with you when you say time flies so fast…

    • Thank you Margot! Yes, breaks are also necessary in order to stay inspired and to reload energy!

  • Hey Fungi!
    I am so happy to see your wonderful blog again!
    Your illustrations are so elegant and playful, especially I love the last one!
    I don’t read novel often, but I watch cheesy films.
    I also think we need the time that we feel like waste!
    Waste time is manure for me 🙂
    I’m looking forward to see your next article!!


    • Thank you Akiko, is always good to read your comments and get inspired by your creativity from the other side of the world, thank you so much for being there always!

  • The world seems to have become obsessed with social media, I remember when I started my blog a few years ago – I did not even have a Twitter or Instagram account. I enjoy creating content on the blog but feel overwhelmed by social media as well, that constant sharing of our personal lives. It is sometimes just nice to sit back & relax just living!

    • Yes, I feel the same as you. I created this space in 2009 but with no main intention than sharing a perspective, things have changed a lot since that!

  • I’m so in love with your art! These illustrations are gold!!! They fit the article perfectly…..and I do like the subject of your post. You’ve covered this modern dilemma perfectly! You have no idea how much I can relate to everything you have written. We’re under constant pressure to show what we do, to present ourselves well, to network, to impress others, to meet our career goals and to make it all look easy…and it does get overwhelming!

    Even people who are not freelancers feel pressured, but when you’re a freelancer it is that much harder because people don’t realize that working for yourself can be even harder! Just because a freelancer work time is flexible, people act like they have all the time in the world. Everyone only has 24 hours in a day.

    Social media is a whole other thing….it puts pressure on everyone: worker, student, parents, children, even grandmothers I would say. It can be really stressful if we let it consume us.

    For bloggers, content creators and influencers it’s a whole new level of pressure and having to be online. Even people who are only doing social media for fun, or blogging as a hobby admit they often feel stressed….so I can totally relate with everything your wrote here.

    Today we have things at our disposal that we never had before…If I want to learn every possible technique to paint waves with acrylic paints, all I have to do is head over to YouTube and watch countless tutorials…There is a tutorial for everything, an online class and what not. It’s all wonderful, but sometimes our brain—really really needs a break.

    • Hi again Ivana, is always a pleasure to read your words and realize that we feel under the same kind of pressure in many senses, not only in the digital panorama. Thanks for your kind and deep comments, they’re always a source of inspiration when I want to motivate myself to keep creating! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Pabloooooooooo me siento igual, pienso dejare un momento esta agobiante vida de las redes sociales, se me acaba el tiempo, la inspiracion y sepa Dios que mas, perooooooo luego pienso el mundo sigue girando, muchas mas personas crecen y crecen y siento que me quedo atrás, Es todo un dilema jojojo

    Saludos P amigo y espero seguirte viendo seguido.


    • Ay Lizza, verdad? Creo que alguna vez lo comentaste en Stories, creo que estos juegos de comparación al final nos envenenan y no nos ayudan tanto a crecer…. al contrario, así que de vez en cuando a apagar el wifi que tampoco se acaba el mundo!

  • ¡Bienvenido de nuevo, Pablo! Se te echaba de menos por este mundillo digital 🙂

    ¡Pero te entiendo perfectamente! Yo este año tampoco pude estar al 100%, mi tiempo libre disminuyó completamente por trabajar y estudiar. ¡Todo sea por una buena causa! Al final siempre he intentado sacar un huequito para dejarme ver por redes sociales, pero es que llegaba taaaaan cansada a casa que sólo quería cenar y ver la tele un rato. Ahora ya ando más relajada y la semana que viene me quedo de vacaciones, yuhuuu!

    No te agobies y ten siempre presente que lo primero es lo primero, además todo tiene su recompensa. Nosotros estaremos aquí felices esperando tus publicaciones 🙂

    Un besito amigo ❤
    Melania | mimalditadulzura.com

    • Muchísimas gracias Melania ❤️Yo también echaba de menos compartir cosas por aquí, si por mi fuera me la pasaría bloggeando todo el día pero como dices a veces hay otras cosas, entre el trabajo y la vida cotidiana de repente es difícil llegar y me pasa igual que tú, a veces sólo quiero llegar a ver la tele jaja.

      Un beso y gracias por tu apoyo!

  • Oh, I’ve noticed you disappeared for a while. Glad to hear from you again. I miss your awe-spiring words and your really good visuals!
    Somehow, I feel like I’m somewhere in Spain or in Europe everytime I read or view your posts, so don’t ever disappear, ok? I still dream of travelling to Spain and hope to meet you personally.

    Love lots,