Mientras que para algunos la felicidad puramente materialista puede ser encontrada en una caja de zapatos o en el nuevo smartphone con cámara capaz de retratar la selfie perfecta, para mí no hay dicha que se compare a la de tener nuevos libros y revistas, y es que cada nueva compra representa para mí una pequeña navidad que merece ser celebrada en mi sofá de lectura con una taza de café./ Materialistic happiness can be found in a pair of shoes or in the newest smartphone with a camera capable of snap the perfect selfie, but for me there is no happiness that compares to have new books and magazines. Everytime I buy a new magazine this is an experience that represents a small Christmas that deserves to be celebrated on my reading couch with a cup of coffee.
Desde niño me han maravillado las revistas y me atrevería a decir que fueron vitales para ayudarme en mi decisión de carrera. Recuerdo mucho una de mis clases de Mercadotecnia en la universidad donde una compañera presentaba como proyecto final una revista de modas con la premisa de ser un objeto de colección, el profesor (omitiré nombres por mi seguridad cibernética) la reprobó poniendo como justificación la estadística certera de que la gente cada vez compraba menos revistas y se orillaba más al consumo de contenidos digitales; se trataba en ese momento de un dato difícil de debatir, pero que al día de hoy ha dado un giro de 180 grados que ha vuelto a colocar a la edición impresa en el punto de mira, pero con características muy específicas: objetos de culto con un extraordinario sentido de la estética./ Since I was a child I have been amazed by magazines and I would say that they were vital to help me in my career decision. I remember a Marketing class at the university where a colleague presented a fashion magazine as her final project with the premise of being a collector’s item, the teacher (I will omit his name for my cybersecurity) didn’t like the proposal, justifying his decision with statistics that showed how people were buying fewer and fewer magazines and were more focused on the consumption of digital content. At that time, it was something difficult to argue, but today it has taken a 180 degree turn that has placed the printed edition in the spotlight, but with very specific characteristics: cult objects with an extraordinary sense of aesthetics.
En este artículo me he aliado con Ana del blog FINE ALCHEMY para contarles un poco sobre el renacimiento de la edición impresa, sobre nuestras publicaciones favoritas y sobre la importancia de las lecturas tranquilas en un mundo donde la rapidez por devorar contenidos se cierne como una amenaza, más que como una ventaja:/ In this article I’ve partnered with Ana from FINE ALCHEMY blog to tell you a little about the rebirth of the printed edition, about our favorite magazines and about the importance of slow readings in a world where the swiftness to devour content looms as a threat, more than as an advantage:
Al igual que yo, Ana comenzó consumiendo revistas durante la adolescencia, cuando Vogue y las típicas publicaciones juveniles representaban la aspiración máxima. Tras unos años sin consumir revistas por varios motivos (contenido repetitivo, la aparición de las redes sociales), Ana me cuenta como Instagram fue el escaparate en el que descubrió una nueva forma de consumir revistas a las cuales fue imposible resistirse: papel mate, gráficos espectaculares y lo más importante, temáticas específicas./ Just like me, Ana began consuming magazines being a teenager, when Vogue and the typical youth publications represented the maximum aspiration. After a few years without buying magazines for various reasons (repetitive content, the appearance of social media), Ana tells me how Instagram was the showcase where she discovered a new way of consuming magazines that were impossible to resist: matte paper, stunning graphics and most importantly, specific themes.
Ana y yo alabamos que hoy en día haya tanta opciones y estilos de revistas, ya que estas posibilidades años atrás hubieran sido imposibles de imaginar, en un mundo donde el campo editorial sólo era dominado por grandes nombres y ninguna de estas revistas de nicho hubiera tenido oportunidad de sobrevivir. Un ejercicio de valentía por parte de muchos editores que logran hacer milagros con el papel y con un equipo de trabajo pequeño, sirviendo también como inspiración para muchas personas que siempre han soñado con lanzar una publicación y que ahora son testigos de un panorama más favorable./ Ana and I praise that today there are so many choices and styles of magazines, since these possibilities would have been impossible to imagine a few years ago, in a world where the editorial field was only dominated by big names and none of these niche magazines would have had a chance to survive. An exercise of courage by many editors who manage to do miracles with a small work team, also serving as inspiration for many people who have always dreamed of launching magazines, having a good panorama and a favorable scenario right now.
Galerías de arte, concept stores e incluso tiendas especializadas en ellas. Las revistas independientes (también llamadas revistas de nicho) se levantan como objetos del deseo en una época donde lo digital pareciera ser un enemigo al que es difícil plantarle cara. ¿Pero cuál es la magia que se oculta detrás del papel y cómo sobreviven las revistas de nicho en el mundo actual?/ Art galleries, concept stores and even stores specialized in them. Independent magazines (also called niche magazines) are raised as objects of desire in a time when digital seems to be an unbeatable enemy. But what is the magic behind the paper and how do independent magazines are able to survive in today’s world?
La principal ventaja de las revistas de nicho es que se dirigen a un número pequeño de lectores, que por ende logran construir una comunidad alrededor de ésta, ofreciendo una especialización sobre el tema, logrando un contacto más directo con la audiencia, a diferencia de una revista más comercial y de mayor tiraje donde el contenido se sobrecarga debido a tantas personas involucradas en el proceso de producción, quienes en una lucha por obtener grandes ventas, terminan dejando de lado la parte más creativa./ The main advantage of independent magazines is that they are aimed at a small number of readers, who therefore manage to build a community around it, offering a specialization on the subject, achieving a more direct contact with the audience, unlike typical-commercial magazines where content is overloaded due to so many people involved in the process, who in a struggle to obtain great sales, end up leaving aside the creative part.
¿Lo mejor de las revistas de nicho? Se trata de equipos pequeños que por tanto pueden tener decisiones más centradas y comprometidas con los intereses de su audiencia./ The best part about independent magazines? They are created by small teams, therefore they are able to take focused decisions, committed to the interest of their audience.
Lo que es un hecho es que este tipo de publicaciones suelen ser más caras si las comparamos con la típica revista de toda la vida. Ahora tenemos revistas a precio de libro que podrían suponer indecisión en posibles nuevos compradores. Ana, que es un ávida compradora de revistas recomienda hacer una investigación previa antes de la compra, tomando en cuenta todos los aspectos: desde el contenido escrito hasta la parte visual (el layout, los editoriales, la portada e incluso su potencial como material fotografiable porque hashtag gram)./ What is a fact is that this type of publications tend to be more expensive if we compare them with the typical magazines of a lifetime. Now we have magazines that can cost the same as a book, meaning indecision in possible new buyers. Ana, who is an avid magazine consumer, recommends doing a preliminary investigation before buying, taking into account all aspects: from the written content to the visual part (layout, editorials, cover and even its potential as a photographic prop, because hashtag gram).
Pero créanme, hay tantos tesoros y contenidos invaluables en muchas de estas páginas que la inversión vale la pena, además hay que tener en cuenta que muchas de ellas son publicaciones que muchas veces no aparecen más de dos o tres veces al año, lo que supone una calidad tanto a nivel técnico como de contenido./ But trust me, there are so many treasures and invaluable contents in many of these pages that the investment is worth it, in addition it is necessary to bear in mind that many of them are publications that often do not appear more than two or three times a year, which supposes quality both at technical and content level.
¿Impreso o digital? Esta es una pregunta que siempre me gusta hacerle a la gente que lee, y para Ana el ganador es la edición impresa por el efecto sensorial que incluye desde la experiencia romántica de coleccionar revistas hasta la parte que involucra la comodidad, las texturas y el olor del papel. Pero sobre todo por la desconexión que un libro o revista puede tener con comparación a los medios digitales./ Printed or digital? This is a question I always like to ask people who read, and for And the winner is the printed edition for the sensory effect that includes from the romantic experience of collecting magazines to the part that involves comfort, textures and the smell of paper. But above all because of the disconnection that a book or a magazine can have compared to digital media.
¿Las revistas han vuelto para quedarse? Ana es partidaria de que ambos formatos (digital e impreso) pueden convivir en armonía e incluso trabajar de la mano, complementando la información en ambos canales, ya que al final el amor por lo analógico y la parte artesanal han vuelto a adquirir presencia para hacer un balance con la parte digital./ Do magazines are here to stay? Ana is in favor of both formats (digital and printed) and she thinks they can coexist in harmony and even work together, complementing the information in both channels, since in the end the love for the analog and artisan part have regained presence to do a balance with the digital scenario.
Arquitectura, moda, cocina, viajes, estilo de vida… Los temas son infinitos y las propuestas actuales son tantas, que cualquiera que sea tu interés terminarás encontrando una publicación que te enamorará. Pero aquí hay algunas publicaciones que han robado nuestros corazones:/ Architecture, fashion, food, travel, lifestyle… The topics are endless and the current proposals are so many, that you will end up finding a publication to fall in love with regardless of your interest. But here are some publications that have stolen our hearts:
*ROMANCE JOURNAL: Creada por la agencia creativa Ro&Co./ Created by the creative agency Ro & Co.
*UNCONDITIONAL: Editoriales dedicados a la figura femenina con una sensación más artística./ Editorials dedicated to the female figure with a more artistic vibe.
*THE GENTLEWOMAN: Una joya del diseño editorial contemporáneo con mujeres inspiradoras./ A jewel of contemporary editorial design with inspiring women.
*APARTAMENTO MAGAZINE: No se trata de la típica revista de casas perfectas, sino de viviendas reales alrededor del mundo./ It is not the typical magazine of perfect houses, but of real houses around the world.
*DRIFT MAG: Sobre la cultura del café en diferentes ciudades del mundo./ About coffee culture in different cities of the world.
*LOST IN: Guías de viaje inusuales con historias de habitantes de sus ciudades./ Unusual travel guides with stories of inhabitants of their cities.
*KINFOLK: Una revista que no deja de sorprender, cada número gira en torno a un concepto específico./ A magazine that never ceases to surprise me, each number revolves around a specific theme or concept.
Si bien las publicaciones digitales y las redes sociales han ayudado a democratizar los contenidos, las revistas han vuelto para especializarse en cualquier tema. ¿Cuál es tu favorita?/ While digital publications and social media have helped to democratize content, magazines have returned to specialize in many themes. Which is your favorite?
Pictures by Ana from FINE ALCHEMY BLOG
I love magazines too as they’re so fierce with the layouts, pictures, colors, texts and everything. You can’t really get that same authentic feeling from a website. When I was younger I had a subscription of Elle and I always used to read it through once and then cut out all the best photos/typographies/layouts and put them up on my door. Haha loved to do that and could do it for hours. With that said though, I rarely buy magazines anymore though I love the feeling of reading a new one. Perhaps should start again? Have a lovely May Pablo! Xx
Hi Mia! I know right? It is difficult to compare a digital magazine or an eBook with the magic and feeling of paper, but the best is that we’re able to choose and mix the options to our lifestyle 🙂
And yes you should go and try some magazines! There are many interesting proposals out there for a content creator like you!
Best ❤️
I adored the edit and the article! Thank you so much for the collaboration on this article! 😀
I hope it will be an inspiration to people see magazine as an object of art and inspiration! And… buy them even more!
Thanks for your valuable help in the creation of this article, Ana ❤️
I love magazines! Just like with books, I prefer ‘the real thing’ but I love that so many books & magazines are nowadays available online. Nothing compares with holding a nice book or a magazine in a hand. If a cup of coffee happens to be lying somewhere around, then it’s my definition of a paradise. I resonate with everything your wrote. Magazines used to be everything back in the day, their influence was massive, but since the social media appeared they have been facing reduced sales. It is interesting to see how they have responded to them. Some of the magazine started imitating the social media ascetic, imitating and replicating content on platforms like instagram or tumblr, making it all about that sparkling millennium visual feel, getting rid of writing and substituting it with captions. However, I think that in the long run, it is going to hurt them because nobody wants a copy of something that already exists. It is much better to stay unique, be brave and follow your artistic vision, while doing all you can to find your audience. Audience always exists, they are millions of people in the world.
The magazines you represented in this post, the kind you have talked about, they are the kind of magazines that are going to last. That’s my opinion anyway. These publications won’t lose their readers. I think it is super important to stay true to what magazine stands for because your readers will reward you with their honestly. Moreover, if you’re selling something nobody else has, then you’re going places. Magazines that have presented a unique content are going to find buyers across the globe. For example, a lot of people forget that the majority of world’s population is bilingual. Eighty percent of European millennials are multilingual. I read in 6 languages so I’m potential buyer of a lot of magazines. I might even buy magazines that are written in languages I don’t speak if I for some reason feel drawn for them. When it comes to magazines, everything is important. Design is important and so is quality photography & illustration. Besides the visual, the text is important. Words are important, texts are important, writing is important. Everything comes together to form a good publication.
Treating magazines like a collector’s item is a great marketing idea. I’m totally the type to hold onto a magazine if I think it’s worth keeping. I read different magazines, I don’t buy them all, but I do buy magazines occasionally. I’m not a magazine snob and might buy something just for fun. I’m not interested in cars, but if a car magazine has great writers I might buy it just to read that one columns of some funny guy that cracks me up. If you have something than nobody else has, then you’re up to something. Hiring good reporters & writers is really important to keep a magazine going, especially if you are selling at a higher price. The higher the price, the more it should offer. I believe that magazines are here to stay. If a certain magazine attracted readers in the past, the chances it that it will attack them now. Perhaps social media isn’t such a bad thing, perhaps it has pushed magazine to be more creative and unique.
Wonderful post and collaboration, I loved reading what she has to say…your design and presentation is always top notch. Very inspiring!!!
Hey Ivanna, hope you’re having a nice week!
First of all thank you so much for taking the time to write such an extensive feedback, just want you to know that I always feel motivated by your opinions and they help me to have a better point of view about the ideas I talk about in this blog.
As you I will always prefer the “real thing” despite the digital tools and the benefits of an ebook, the connection I have with a book will be always a crucial thing to me not only as a book lover but also as a graphic designer. As you said magazines back in the day were a huge influence and they were like the internet precursor, but suddenly the rules of the game changed and now they have to adapt their contents to the digital scenario. Really interesting that you pointed out how mass print media is trying to emulate the way social media channels communicate their news, but at this point of the game magazines that want to succeed really need to offer something else that is impossible to find in the digital world, right? Time will talk but I’d say your prediction is 99,99% presumable.
Thanks again for your kind words and looking forward to hear more from you! 🙂
I’ve always loved read magazines, an I’m still subscribed to Glamour and Elle, and definitely are the photograpies the thing I like the most in them!
I’m pretty “digitalized” about ebooks, but really still not with magazines, isn’t fun?^^
Thanks for stopping by! I used to read the Mexican edition of Elle Mexico because I really liked the design of the magazine, but the content was always the same so I decided to stop buying it. Even tho I would say that Elle magazine still has a good proposal when it comes to famous mass publications 😀
A mi me encantan las revistas, las compraba, las compro y las sigo comprando. Para mí es más cómodo tenerlas y lo mejor para inspirarte. No quiero entrar mucho en lo que dijo ese profesor porque vamos tela…
El mundo del 2.0 está muy bien pero estamos tan sumergidos que el día que haya fallos o no funcione, a ver que pasa. Un fuerte abrazo querido
Qué gusto saber que sigues consumiendo revistas y que sobre todo las lees y te inspiras en ella ❤️
Sí, lo digital está bien pero llega un punto donde quiero desconectar y consumir otro tipo de contenido jeje.
Working in the publishing industry for years I so appreciate this. So sad to see print and the world of magazines struggling and being so challenged. I am a blogger and vlogger and there is a lot of talent out there but still it is not the same as the art and creativity that is created in the pages of a magazine with world class photographers and the beauty of art telling a story. Long may print live!
Allie, thanks for your valuable opinion ❤️ I think the same, in the end to create a magazine can also be considered a work of craft, it takes to many hours that we really need to start appreciating print and other design issues!
Hey Fungi!
Thank you so much for your friendship and always such lovely comments. They really make my day!
I’ve got to say I love getting inspiration from magazines and social media. I think they can both exist in harmony because a person can draw inspiration from each one. There’s just something so special about enjoying a magazine in your hands with a cup of coffee. You can always go back and appreciate the content over and over again. I love reading Vogue, but your suggestions also sound so interesting especially the Drift magazine.
I hope you have an amazing day! <3 Radi
You’re more then welcome, Radi ❤️
Let me know if you try Drift magazine, the pictures are so inspirational in this magazine!
Best to Vegas!
I very much hope that printed magazines are here to stay, I love the feel & smell of paper and could not imagine reading my magazines on an iPad or computer instead. My favourite magazines are all about my two passions food & travel 🙂
I would recommend you to read Drift Magazine and The Gourmand, as a foodie you would enjoy them! Actually there are many publications about food and travel 🙂
Hi Fungi!
I am reading in a cafe in Tokyo!
I also love indepemdent magzines.
Your opinion about it is really true.
I had been often disapointmet that my market is small…but I noticed the important things in small market!
Thanks, Fungi and ANA!
I am interested in Unconditional and Drift!
Have a lovely day<3
Thanks for reading, Akiko ❤️Your comments are always a motivation to keep up doing articles, thank you so much and let me know if you check out those magazines 🙂
Pablo, xx
I actually never bought any of theses magazines !
Now I rarely buy magazines but you make me want to go find theses magazines !
Next time i’m taking the plane I’ll look for more independant magazines than the main famous ones.
It was such an interesting article.
Let me know if you buy them or if you try some new ones 😉
La primera época de Orsai, las tengo tooooodas. Me gusta bastante Jot Down, y estoy suscrita desde hace años a Cuadernos de Cine (ex Cahiers du Cinema España). Monocle, Vein y Revista Eñe, que tiene una impresión preciosa. Seguro que me dejo varias…
Conozco Orsai porque precisamente la recomendaste en clase y tengo alguna, es buenísima! Jot Down también vale muchísimo la pena, voy a echarle un vistazo a las otras 😀
Al final hay tantas que cuesta decidirse, ¿no?
there’s something beautiful about having something tangible to look at and actual pages to flip. Although I admit I usually look for my fashion inspiration online, I do remember the good old days of a glossy fashion magazine and it gives me a great sense of nostalgia!
Thanks for your comment, Yuka! Same as you magazines gives me this sense of nostalgia, they remind me of my childhood and teenager days 😉
Hola amigo querido!
Me encanto este post porque me sentí muy identificada con ustedes dos, desde niña siempre ame las revistas y como toda mi vida me la pase viajando cada vez que tenia una colección aceptable ya teníamos que viajar de vuelta y las tenia que regalar 🙁
Existe una magia en el papel y no la cambio por ninguna publicación digital. Lo estético, el tacto, las imágenes impresas… todo forma un conjunto hermoso que se traduce en una revista si a eso le sumamos que hoy en día existen tantas revistas independientes que para mi gusto son mil veces mejor que la típica Vogue mi deseo de tenerlas todas es cada día mas grave jajaja
Mi sueño es tener mi propia revista algún día, quizás inevitablemente digital en primera instancia para después dar paso al papel. Quien sabe? si lo logro algún día no dudes que te pediré que formes parte como creativo 😀 <3
Un abrazo Pablo! siempre es agradable leer tu contenido.
Cher, qué gusto verte de nuevo por aquí y como extraño tu blog, espero regreses pronto ❤️
Aprecio mucho tu feedback y la verdad es que me siento como tú respecto al tema, soy un nostálgico cuando se trata de estas cosas.
Y ya verás que algún día tienes tu propia revista!
Yo soy aún consumidora de revistas, de marcarlas y coleccionarlas en estanterías… Así el 2.0 avance hasta el infinito, como bien dices, no hay mejor feeling que hojear y oler esas paginas!
Un abrazo gran Pablo, como siempre POSTS dignos de revista!
Sí! Recuerdo que alguna vez me recomendaste The Gentlewoman, me falta comprarla 😀
Un post fantástico, sobre todo que me identifico mucho con todo lo que has escrito.
Un beso
Gracias por el spam! ❤️
Este post es uno de mis favoritos, no tengo muchas revistas así, porque no es tan fácil conseguirlas, ojalá pronto pueda ir y comprar algunas, no conocía a Ana, ahora mismo la busco, tienes un tesoro en tu casa
Woaah another interesting topic on your blog! This is why I super love your blog Pablo. I also love reading a lot though most of the books I’m reading now are academic in nature because of my studies. However, I still try my best to find time to sit down and read books and magazines. I usually read novels when I’m not doing anything. I also love reading newspapers. It’s amazing how people are becoming more open to independent magazines. I used to work for a few months for a mag and it was a wonderful experience. It’s true that because most of them are run by few focused individuals, their outputs are much better. Considering the printing cost in our country, most independent magazines we have are digital, which is why the magazines that I like (especially those with great photos and graphics) are only available online, so I only have access with them online. Just like you, I love reading in printed paper and I also adore the smell of paper. lmao
Btw, I super love how artistic your blog is, ever since I first visited your blog, it gives me the feeling that I am reading a digital magazine created by a number of artistic people! I saw Ana’s Instagram account and I love her photos too, they’re fantastic! (just like your’s) Spanish people are so creative!!! I can only imagine how artistic Spain looks like! I’d love to go there but I might just get lost because I might just confuse the verbs and the pronouns hahahaha
Best of luck Pablo!