El término ‘blogger de moda’ se tiende a asociar con el tipo de blog conocido como ‘egoblog’ (ya saben, personas que comparten fotos de sus looks), pero hay que entender que no todos los blogs de moda son sinónimo de egoblogs, hay algunos que se centran en la información pura, anécdotas fashionistas, análisis de tendencias, etc. Sin embargo los medios y la cultura popular se han encargado de fomentar una idea general del blogger de moda como alguien narcisista, hueco y trivial; algo que aplica para algunos, pero en mi opinión he conocido a muchos bloggers que distan de este estereotipo y son verdaderos profesionales… en el mundo hay de todo./ The ‘fashion blogger’ concept tends to be associated with the type of blog known as ‘egoblog’ (you know, people who share photos of their outfits), but you must understand that not all fashion blogs are synonymous of ‘egoblog’, there are some sites that just focus on pure information, fashion anecdotes, trend analysis, etc. However, the media and the popular culture have been responsible for promoting a general idea of fashion blogger: a narcissistic, void and trivial person; something that applies to some persons, but in my opinion I have met many bloggers who are far away from this stereotype and they’re true professionals… you can find anything you want in this world!
Ahora viene la parte divertida: sigo a un montón de bloggers de moda en Instagram y es gracioso ver como algunas fotografías cliché se repiten una y otra vez, hábitos extraños que Marty McFly nunca atisbó en sus viajes al futuro y que me gustaría exponer en esta serie de posts ‘Fashion Blogger Habits’./ Now the fun part: I follow a lot of fashion bloggers on Instagram so it’s funny to see how some cliché pictures are repeated again and again, strange habits that Marty McFly never peeked in his travels to the future and I would like to comment in this series of posts ‘Fashion Blogger Habits’.
Porque ya saben, el blogger de moda siempre mantiene un escritorio perfectamente ordenado, no importa si hay una tonelada de trabajo por hacer y las tazas de café y los papeles con anotaciones se acumulan, en su lugar siempre habrá flores frescas, un bowl con muesli y frutos rojos y revistas cuidadosamente seleccionadas (una que otra joya casualmente abandonada por el lugar también puede aparecer en esta fotografía idílica)./ You know, the fashion blogger always keeps a perfectly tidy desk, no matter if there is a ton of work to do and the coffee cups and papers with notes are there, is important to take care of some details: a jar with fresh flowers, berries and granola and magazine carefully selected (an occasional gem abandoned by the place can also appear in this idyllic picture).
We all wanna be Insta famous, but girls: Watch out with your electronic devices! (photos via @thetiafox, @dearmilano, @ohmylady)
Vale, vale… he de admitir que yo también he pecado, ¿pero a quién no le gusta crear un poco de esa idea fantasiosa del fashionista contemporáneo? Mientras el café no se derrame sobre tu laptop todo está bien… porque claro, si quieres que la foto para Instagram quede perfecta habrá que arriesgarse un poco y poner alguna taza de té peligrosamente cerca de los aparatos electrónicos./ Okay, okay… I’m the first to admit I’ve snapped a few, but who does not like to create some narrative of an imaginary fashionista? Just take care of that cup of coffee that is dangerously close to your laptop… of course, if you want a perfect Instagram picture some risk is necessary.

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  • I hate it when people thinking that fashion blogging is a joke yet some people do that as their career to earn a living and that is not cool. I love the idea of taking a nice picture with my cup of coffee beside me as I blog but that is just dangerous because any spill means a temporary death to my blog. Great post dear!

  • Yes, some people seem to think that all fashion bloggers are ego driven maniacs:). While that might not be true, it is true that there are many stereotypes that are founded on truth, as you have pointed out. Insta photos of most fashion bloggers do have their recurring themes, but that goes for all people trying to get some attention on insta. I don't think this is a bad thing, some things just look better. Flatlay photos are predictable but they have their charms. Nevertheless, once everyone starts doing the same thing, it can be boring. So, my motto would be that it is always good to try something new. We don't need to repeat poses all the time just because they are flattering. Life is all about taking risks…and if we don't take them we will always have to settle for being somebody's copy…and that is never a good thing. It is good to know about these blogger stereotypes so that we can avoid them.
    I hope you had a lovely Monday!
    Thank you for your comment ( I will try wearing a suit with sneakers).

  • Hola Pablo! I really enjoyed your post – it makes me that I thought about blogging from different side and honestly, I also saw that some of the bloggers have really similar photos on their IG accounts and those preciously chosen details on desk like – you have mentioned – jar with fresh flowers or granola – have repeated really often. You're right – in some way it's risky, but maybe sometimes "perfect photo" is more important?
    Again, you did great job on these illustrations, dear, I'm impressed on your talent, my dear 🙂

  • Estoy contigo Pablo, debo confesarte que yo tambien he pecado en alguna ocasion en subir fotos "bonitas" cuando mi mesa de trabajo no daba oara mas ��


  • Hola Pablo,
    Interesting post.I find the most important and cool part about instagram is that we bloggers get to express ourselves. That being said everyone expresses themselves in a different way. I quiet like these desk shots, I seem to always like each photo.
    Again gorgeous illustrations!
    Happy week!

  • ¡Ay, pero qué razón tienes! Yo siempre suelo tener el escritorio ordenadito pero no poseo en ese momento elementos bonitos como los que salen siempre en esas típicas fotos. ¡Siempre lucen perfectos! Qué raro… Y lo de la joya… aaaay :3

    Un abrazo ❤
    Melania |