Mientras escribo este post aparecen burbujas de pensamiento sobre mi cabeza con recordatorios sobre mis listas de deseos en tiendas tanto físicas como virtuales: “tengo que comprarme esos pantalones de Asos para cuando llegue el otoño” o “esa lámpara de mesa de Ikea seguro luciría muy bien sobre esa mesita de noche que había visto en aquella tienda… ¡Oh mira, una oferta!”./ While I write this post a thought bubble floats over my head with reminders about my consumption desires: “I have to buy those Asos pants before fall arrives” or “that Ikea table lamp would look amazing on that bedside table that I had seen in that store… Oh look, there’s an offer!”.
Pero no, afortunadamente no me considero un comprador compulsivo, pero debo admitir que en el pasado he adquirido cosas de las que ahora me arrepiento y que actualmente están en una repisa acumulando polvo, y en un ejercicio de honestidad personal he reconocido que no siempre he invertido mi dinero de las mejores maneras./ But no, fortunately I do not consider myself a compulsive buyer, but I must admit that in the past I have acquired a few things that I now regret and that are currently on a shelf accumulating dust, and in an exercise of honesty I have to recognize that sometimes I haven’t invested my money in the best ways.
Mudarme a Europa también supuso un cambio en la manera en la que administro mis finanzas, no solo por el querer ponerme la medalla de honor de adulto responsable (aunque a veces no me creo que estoy más cerca de los 30 y más lejos de los 20), pero también por la cuestión del espacio, ya que en este continente los apartamentos son muy pequeños a comparación de América, por lo que tener menos espacio para almacenar fue otra motivación para comenzar a replantearme algunas cosas y pensar dos veces antes de comprar algo, dando prioridad a comprar cosas que realmente me encanten (bueno a veces…)./ Moving to Europe also meant a change in the way I manage my finances, not only because I want to label myself as a responsible adult (although sometimes I can’t believe I’m closer to my 30s and further away from my 20s), but also because of the space issue, since apartments in this continent are very small compared to those in America, so having less room to store was another motivation to start thinking twice before buying a product, giving priority to objects that I really love (well sometimes…)
“Treat yo’ self” (en español sería algo así como “date el gusto”) es una frase que he escuchado en muchas ocasiones, sobre todo en memes y gifs que comparto para evadir la realidad adulta, y este tipo de contenido ha ayudado a que algunos medios muestren a los millennials como la generación que acabará con pocos ahorros en la vejez pero que está dispuesta a gastarse 6 dólares en un café de Starbucks./ “Treat yo’ self” is a phrase I’ve heard many times, especially in memes and gifs that I share to avoid my adult reality, and this type of content has contributed the way some media point millennials as the generation that will end with few savings in old age, while they spend 6 bucks on a Starbucks coffee.
Ahorrar suena una excentricidad para muchos (yo incluido) cuando los gastos comienzan a hacer un agujero en nuestro bolsillo: pagar el alquiler, pagar las facturas (desde el vital servicio de agua hasta los 12 servicios de streaming necesarios para sobrevivir a las conversaciones en la oficina), la lavandería, el café de la mañana (podríamos decir que éste no es indispensable pero sí irremplazable) y la lista sigue y los sueldos de mi generación no se jactan de ser los mejores./ Money-savings sounds like an eccentricity for many people (including me) when expenses begin to make a hole in our pocket: pay the rent, pay the bills (from vital services like the water to the 12 streaming services needed for surviving the conversations in the office), the laundry, the morning coffee (we could say this is not indispensable but it is definitely irreplaceable) and the list goes on and the average salaries of my generation do not boast of being the best.
No, tampoco dejaré de salir y de disfrutar de las pequeñas cosas (materiales) que me gustan, mi reto por ahora es hacer un esfuerzo por encontrar un punto medio entre lo que me conviene y lo que me apetece, en entrenar mi capacidad de satisfacer esos deseos de consumo desenfrenado y dar prioridad en mi espacio a los objetos que realmente me encanten, porque entre la falta de almacenamiento y los sueldos de los millennials habrá que ahogar alguno que otro deseo consumista./ No, I will not stop going out and enjoy those little (material) things, my challenge for now is to make an effort to find a middle ground between the things that benefit me vs the things I want, to train my ability to satisfy those desires of unbridled consumption and give priority in my space to the objects that I really love, because among the lack of storage and the millennial salaries there will be necessary to drown some consumption whims.
This is a great article Pablo. I think financial responsibility is very important. Thinking twice before we buy something is always a good idea. There is no point in acquiring/ purchasing too many things, not just because it costs money but because it creates clutter and becomes a nuisance. The financial times we live in are certainly uncertain. We have more job options and opportunities thanks to the Internet, but there is no job security, steady and secure jobs are a thing of a past, now it’s often all about contracts and freelance- so financial planning is crucial.
Thanks for your comment Ivana, I couldn’t agree more with you, I’ve started to realize the importance of financial responsibility after noticing that I was acquiring too much things for the size of my apartment.
yes, I think it happens to all of us. Our work room is so crowded we can barely close the door. Our house might look perfectly tidy and minimalist but there is still that one room that is filled with way too many things! Have a great weekend!
¡Ay, pero qué vida esta, eh! Qué difícil es ahorrar en estos tiempos, pero te aseguro que se puede (te lo digo yo que hacía milagros con mi pequeña paga en mis tiempos mozos jajaja).
Yo creo que hay que buscar un término medio y siempre es bien darse un caprichín de vez en cuando: alguna cosita bonita en Primark, algún objeto de decoración para darle un nuevo aire a algún rincón, un delicioso frapuccino… ¡No sé cómo pero estas pequeñas cosas alegran un montón cualquier día!
En cuanto al espacio en nuestras casas, yo vivo con mis padres y la verdad es que mi habitación se me está quedando enana… La ropa me invade (hago limpiezas cada poco) y ya no sé dónde meter mis trastos (mi colección de la Bella y la Bestia me pide a gritos que me independice para tener un espacio propio…). Yo envidio las súper casas de América, son una auténtica pasada…
Un besito Pablo
Melania | mimalditadulzura.com
Hola Melania! Gracias por tu comentario y por la motivación!
Sí, totalmente de acuerdo con los caprichos, un helado después de un día difícil me alegra un montón por ejemplo xD
Aunque sí, ese espacio de las cada en América son una de las cosas que hecho de menos, aunque gracias a las casas que son más pequeñas en España también he aprendido a valorar precisamente la importancia del espacio.
Hey Fungi!
I totally understand your point of view. Nowadays we tend to consume a lot without sometimes really giving it a second thought. That’s when things start catching dust and you begin to remind yourself you need to be an adult and think twice next time you want to purchase something. One of the many joys of life hahaha
Have a great new week!
Nice thoughts here.
I always try to think twice before to pay something but sometimes there is just so many pretty things in the shops I can’t resist.
I know right?! I always try to wait until sales season but sometimes it isn’t feasible haha!
Oye soy tu fan!
JAJAJA gracias venice!
Ughhh it’s so tough!! I think I am beyond the treat yo’ self phase in my life where I would just buy everything I wanted, but I started becoming disgusted with myself when I saw how much clothes and unnecessary things I had accumulated. Speaking of $6 coffees, I haven’t had mine yet and reading this post made me realize I can just make my own at home! Haha. Thank you so much for this lovely article!!
-PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Perla! I hope this article help you in your future purchases, we always have the possibility to think twice
¡Fungi! Leo tu post y recuerdo mi letrero neón que compré hace un año, muy bonito y todo, pero es un recordatorio permanente de no ceder a los impulsos de las cosas bonitas, como creativos siempre somos víctimas de la belleza… No hace mucho leí que vivir por tu cuenta es como ser una “madre luchona”, pero tu mismo eres la bendición…
Adán, muchas gracias por comentar
Creo que todos tenemos historias similares a la de tu letrero neón jaja!
Well your generation is not alone in this respect they say the boomers didn’t save enough either and Gen X got screwed dealing with multiple bad economies at peak earning years. Sadly it seems America’s best days may be behind it due to very complicated set of problems.
But on a more positive note, so exciting to live in Europe I wish to do the same! And LOVE your illo!
Allie of
Good point, Allie! I could imagine that Gen X is also struggling to adapt their salaries and ways of living to the times we are facing right now.
Hope you can move to Europe soon! I’m sure you’ll enjoy the experience
Totalmente de acuerdo y es que pienso igual. Yo invertía antes mucho en ropa y ya como comenté en el post me espero y no me gasto lo que me gastaba, suelo invertirlo en viajes y en salir a comer jajaja. Que pases muy buen día querido!
Sí Cata, mejor invertirlo en viajes y en la comida, algo así como experiencias no?
I think this is a situation in which many people of our generation are: wanting too much things (often even totally unnecessary) and thinking of saving something for the future….
I’m always in too! Since I’m still living with my parents I don’t have to think about bills, but really I can see that my closet and room are full so that sometimes I need some declutter, and they’re both pretty big!
The fact is that the most of our obsessions are totally accessible so you don’t think twice before buy, still they’re many so at the end you still spend a lot… Really thinking twice before buy is the only solution and try to find alternative ways to treat yourself, but it’s tough to resist when you see pretty things!
Hey Silvia! I totally understand you and as you I feel overwhelmed by the amount of things that media is always putting under the spotlight :/
Muy bien escrito, Pablo. Sabías que somos la generación con más grados de estudios de la historia y la peor pagada? Eso y agregando los precios de los alquileres/precio de un piso hace que busquemos satisfacciones rápidas como un café premium o una tostada de aguacate (en mi caso son bolsos porque me gusta que mi dinero esté en mi armario jaja). Igualmente NECESITAMOS ahorrar porque quién de nosotros cree en la jubilación? Esos son vestigios de la sociedad que desafortunadamente no podremos disfrutar, por lo que un colchón bien relleno nos hará falta.
Por cierto, AMO esa ilustración de la bolsa de Acne. So funny and yet, so sad.
Mucha gracias por pasarte a comentar, Adriana.
Sí, lo de los pisos es una locura, por lo que he escuchado es algo que pasa en todas las ciudades grandes :/ Habrá que ir guardando dinerito bajo el colchón como lo hacían las abuelas jaja.
I definitely struggle with overconsumption too. I have made way too many regret purchases. But I think it’s an important discussion to have and raise awareness about.
Yes, we still have time to improve our habits :/
Such a really good article amigo! This got me thinking about so many things that has something to do with my finances. For someone like me who works for 24/7 , I’d say that I got my needs covered but still, budgeting is still one of the most difficult things for me to muster. Just like you, I don’t stop myself from enjoying the little things that make me happy especially when it involves fun and little bit spice to life. What I prioritize now is that I have my insurance covered and do something that might make me Jeffree Star rich lol. Kidding aside, I’m amazed how time flies! It’s still four years since I graduated college and soon I’ll be 25,then 30. Expectations coming from my family adds to the pressure but I look at the bright side and work on getting my goals straight./ Thank you for the gentle reminder in this article of yours’. This stopped me from buying news sneakers haha
love lots,
Thanks for your feedback Tin, you know I really appreciate your opinions and points of views.
As you said it is also hard to deal with the expectation of growing up and acquire more responsibilities, it is something you’ll start to master just with time and with real experience
Hey Fungi!

I read the article after I just saw your Instagram!
You enjoy keeping the best balance of consumption like your great collages and illustrations , don’t you?
That empty Acne Studios tote bag is so cute and ironical
Sometimes I saw the Acne Studios tote bag on Instagram, that is so cool.
But I want to bring the bag of your illustration!!
When I am so tired, I have mistakes of shopping…
I think I am getting better because I had had lots of mistakes, hahaha
Have a lovely week <3
Hey dear Akiko,
Thanks for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts with me
I’m glad to hear that you liked the Acne shopping bag illustration *_*
Buah! No me puedo sentir más identificada con este post! De verdad, todo todito lo que haz dicho me pasa tal y cual! Y peor para mi, que fluctuo los treinta hace rato, hahaha!
Reconozco que ahorrar se me hace complicado, sobre todo con los zapatos (este mes tenia 4 en mi lista de desos… hello?), pero creo sin duda que es un ejercicio que debemos hacer. Sobre todo y más que nada, para evitar ese sobreconsumo y ese gastadero de dinero del que luego te arrepientes de no haber usado para viajar, por ejemplo… o comer hehe!
Un abrazo Pablo, como siempre te digo y aun que me repita como el ajo, MAS QUE UN PLACER visitar cada uno de tus posts!
Nos vemos a la vuelta de Chile!
Querida paz, gracias por pasarte a comentar. Ahorrar si es que una verdadera labor hoy en día, yo espero pronto poder comenzar a practicar este hábito para no llegar en ceros a la vejez.
Espero vaya todo genial por Chile
First of all, congrats to your great article – you’re so on point in everything. We’re living in consumption times, when everywhere we’re hearing – “you work hard, so treat yourself – you deserve for this beautiful new jacket/shoes/etc.” In my opinion it’s bad reasoning, because material things gives us hapiness only for few moments, moreover, if our wardrobe can not close anymore because of amount of things there, we will feel overwhelmed and even more susceptible to influence of consumption society. What’s more, I had the same like you – I bought in past few things, which I have never used/worn and I try to think twice before I buy something (of course, I’m not always succeeded, but I’m still trying anyway:P).
Take care, Pablo!
Hey Ivonne, I really appreciate your words, thank you so much for stopping and for letting me know what’s your opinion about this complex topic. Actually what I really like about you is that you’re always spotting good deals when it comes to clothes, so you’re definitely a good example for me and for many other millennials!
Such a nice article!
This especially counts for the fashion industry, loved reading it
Thank you Angela
It is always good to find a balance, I try not to buy on impulse but I have bought a few items over the years that I regretted. I guess we all do every now and then. I decluttered a few years ago, selling some items on eBay and giving the rest to charity which was very therapeutic.
Hey Miriam Thanks for stopping by and for your sharing your opinion