Tengo dos grupos de amigos: los que se unen a la invitación para ir de brunch esperando la foto cenital perfecta (y por supuesto no subir de peso) y aquellos que me dicen que el brunch no es más que un desayuno excesivamente caro. Para mí cualquier excusa para comer siempre es bienvenida. ¿Pero desde cuándo el brunch se convirtió en la coartada perfecta para levantarnos de la cama en un domingo de pereza y hacer una hora de cola?/ I have two groups of friends: those who join the invitation to go for brunch waiting for the perfect zenith photo (and of course not to gain weight) and those who tell me that brunch is nothing more than an excessively expensive breakfast. For me, any excuse to eat is always welcome. But why brunch means now the perfect alibi to get out of bed on a Sunday of laziness and make an hour of queuing?
Personajes como Carrie Bradshaw promocionaron del acto del brunch como una fantasía de comunión en una ciudad como Nueva York donde extrañamente el cuarteto de amigas se reunía con facilidad para hablar de los problemas de la vida; aunque supongo las penas les afectaban un poco menos entre la ropa del diseñador y unas cuantas rondas de mimosas./ Characters such as Carrie Bradshaw promoted the act of brunch as a fantasy of communion in a city like New York where, strangely, the quartet of friends easily met to discuss the problems of life; although I suppose the sorrows affected them a little less between the designer’s clothes and a few rounds of mimosas.
Por otro lado existen los detractores del brunch que piensan que no es más que un desayuno con un poco de maquillaje, ligando este concepto a la “turistifación” y a la gentrificación de los barrios, transformando espacios degradados en lugares de aparente abundancia donde con la aparición del kale y los pancakes se elevan los costes de vida y habrá que repartir el presupuesto millennial entre el pago del alquiler, los tragos después de la jornada laboral, el seguro médico y la cuenta de Netflix… ah, y en los ahorros si puedes (ja). ¿Pero cómo una comida que mezcla pancakes y alcohol y que deriva en tiempo de comunión ha terminado en controversia?/ On the other hand there are the detractors of brunch who think it is nothing more than a breakfast with a little makeup, linking this concept to touristifaction and gentrification of specific neighborhoods, transforming degraded spaces into places of apparent abundance where with the appearance of kale and pancakes the living costs rise and the millennial budget will have to be divided between paying rent, the drinks after a hard working day, the medical insurance and the Netflix account … ah, and don’t forget to save at least 10% (ha). But how does a food that mixes pancakes and alcohol and that derives in time of communion have ended in controversy?
Las copas de bloody mary hacen un llamado a la relajación y a socializar en un mundo que no se caracteriza precisamente por llevarse las cosas con calma, y sí, aunque el precio del brunch sea elevado en comparación al de un desayuno convencional puede ser una recompensa después de una semana de trabajo arduo. Aunque no puedo evitar preguntarme si alguna vez habré sido un agente gentrificador por el solo placer de probar los huevos benedictos que prometían mejorar mis domingos a cambio de tener que sacrificar un alto porcentaje de mi salario en los alquileres que no hacen más que subir en las grandes ciudades./ A bloody Mary calls for relaxation and socializing in a world that is not characterized precisely by taking things with ease, and yes, although the price of brunch is high compared to a conventional breakfast, it may be a reward after a week of hard work. Although I can not help wondering if I have ever been a gentrifying agent for the sole pleasure of trying those Benedict eggs that promised to improve my Sundays in exchange for having to sacrifice a high percentage of my salary in rents that do nothing but go up, especially in big cities.
¿Atacar el brunch es atacar por tanto a la gentrificación o son conceptos aparte? Sí, el mundo está lleno de problemas más graves que decidir si el brunch es solo una comida o una institución, aunque no está de más pensarlo o debatirlo en lo que esperas en esa cola interminable para entrar a ese restaurante del que todos hablan…. Bon appétit!/ To attack brunch is therefore to attack gentrification or are they separate concepts? Yes, the world is full of more serious problems than deciding whether brunch is just a meal or an institution, although it does not hurt to think or debate about it while you wait in that endless queue to enter that restaurant everyone talks about …. Bon appétit!
I love to brunch but I feel like I don’t do it enough!! So yummy though to just eat for hours, perhaps a glass of champagne and hang out with friend/s. I do prefer to do brunch at home though, always fun sitting in someone’s kitching and just empty the fridge haha. Way to keep it budget-friendly too. Have a lovely week Pablo, hope everything is well! Xx
If it is budget-friendly count me in! Thanks for stopping by, Mia
Beautiful art. Your illustrations go so well with your writing. Great series! The bloody Mary one is gorgeous and so is the girl with the red bag. I love the splashes of red paint, they command attention….and add to the subtle irony of the article.
I do see your point. What is the purpose of brunch ( this mix of breakfast and lunch that can also be called early lunch?) if we have to wait for it for hours. Sometimes it is the idea itself that sells. Call something brunch and make more money on it. I think some famous chefs (the late Antony Burdain perhaps?) admitted that for chefs it is the perfect opportunity to get rid of leftovers and make a pretty sum in the process. But restaurant ethics aside, your article made me think.
How often we do things just because others do them? Brunch does have its advantages…and for those of us who like food, any chance to indulge in food is a good one. Still, one wonders where does it all lead. This modern life, the constant stress and the fact that everything that we indulge in (or need) is getting pricier and pricier…0r so it seems.
Is brunch a meal or an institution? Perhaps it is both. A mean that has been institutionalized?
Ivana, your comments always cheer me up!
I loved the thing you mentioned about Antony Burdain, is not the first time an important chef shares something like that, actually I started to think about all the famous dishes around the globe that started with leftovers :O
Until some years ago brunch was very poplar here in Italy and I had it almost every week, but really I think that after some times it tend to bore…
Really it’s a very nice chance to meet and chat with your friends in a nice place, but after some times became a kind of routine, and more, you tend to spend all your sundays almost only for it, and when the weather is nice and there is sun it’s a pity!
So now I have a brunch very less times than before ( and my friends too), preferring, if possible, to have some other activity together.
Still a nice brunch is always a good idea for when you have no plans for week end and just want to spend some time chilling with your friends!
Hey same situation with me, I have less brunch than I used to do when I arrived to Barcelona, now I am more into another kind of activities with friends, but i think i prefer a good dinner with a few drinks ;D
Wonderful art and insightful blog post as usual amigo! You know, here in the Philippines brunch is something commonly associated with those who receive higher paycheck and yes, millennials. Although the concept isn’t something that has reached “debate” level yet, I think brunch is just a perfect excuse for me to meet up with friends.
I don’t say no to food regardless if it’s breakfast, lunch or brunch hahaha
love lots,
Hey querida amiga, muchas gracias for commenting this post
Im always so in love with your illustrations or collages. !
You’re really creative !
I think I never went for a brunch, it was more for a breakfast.
Usually we brunch at home. It’s more cheap and also because since I’m not living in a big city I’m not sure we. have theses kinds of places here in Catania.
And usually if we go out to eat I don’t want to wait in a queue I just want to be served right away haha.
But I love you thoughts here.
Have a good week.
Thanks Margot, you’re really sweet!
And yes, brunch at home is way cheaper than do it around the city
that’s what I do with my friends and partners too.
Have a nice day!
Hey Fungi!
I feel like I’ve been only once to a proper brunch and found it to be fun, but at the same time something I can enjoy in the comfort of my own home hahaha, Make a nice lunch and sit in front of the tv in your cozy wear, This sounds like the perfect brunch time right now!
Thank you so much for commenting on my posts and stopping by. Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for always stopping by, dear!
Your title instantly made me laugh
It is a fun debate to have but then I am also one of those people that like any excuse to eat
Have a wonderful weekend ahead, Fungi!
Yes, any excuse to eat is a great excuse!
have a lovely week ahead!
Hey Fungi!
What a interesting article and lovely illustrations!
I used to have brunch without line, now I love to have it at home with my dog, Goro.
People spent waiting in line fo weekend brunch, they are good at do it.
I am not good at it, so I decline their inviting brunch.
Sometimes I feel lonely, but I prefer to see and read good blogs like yours with my pancakes and hot coffee.
Sometimes I accept their inviting, and you might my big smile on my Instagram.
Anyway, I am not really fun of long line…
Long line makes me stomachache.
I’m looking forwarad to see your next article,
and the red lines on on your illustrations are so beautiful!!
Have a lovely weekend, Fungi <3
Hey Akiko, thanks for the feedback, is always nice to have your opinion here
Thanks for making my day with this sweet comment
Best from Spain to Japan!
brunch is my favorite meal of the day, especially on Sundays! I love your illustrations as well =)
Thanks! Yes, Sunday is made for brunch or for breakfast in bed if you’re too lazy haha
Yo soy de las que me gusta tanto comer que me da igual si es moda o no… haha! Además, siendo honestos, yo creo que quizá ya no se paga por todo lo qué comes, si no por la foto bonita que vas a subir a tu feed! Así de chalaos estamos, pero qué vamos hacer? Es parte de la supuesta “evolución”. De momento, aquí servidora, cuando puede, se come un brunch o lo que haga falta… aún que nunca he tenido paciencia de hacer esas colas infinitas (a excepción de cuando voy a El Pachuco, hehe),
Un abrazo gran Pablo!
Jajaja sí verdad? Yo te digo que ya hago las meriendas y no estaba acostumbrado a eso, pero sí, en muchos sitios es verdad que se paga por eso: por la foto xD, pero qué le vamos a hacer?
Personalmente me encantan, aunque a España haya llegado tan tarde. Hace 7 años cuando llegué a Inglaterra me extrañaba, como podían comer dulce y salado pero me acostumbré y ya tenía solo el concepto del brunch ahí (eso sí, los precios no eran los que hay ahora). Tengo amigos también como los tuyos y al final opto por ir con los que no se quejan ajjaja ya sabes que me gusta comer y si sé que es de buena calidad pues el precio pasa a ser segundo plano.
Un abrazo precioso
Gracias por pasarte Cata!
Eso sí, hay tantos lugares que de verdad ofrecen calidad, y si es así pues ya me tienen
¡Ay, los brunch! Es un concepto que me encanta y que no paro de ver por todos lados, tanto en Instagram como en persona. Me llama muchísimo la atención pero no me acaba de convencer su horario porque yo no suelo comer nada a mitad de mañana y creo que luego sería de incapaz de probar bocado en la comida jajaja.
Eso sí, creo que es el plan perfecto para un domingo especial (cumpleaños, aniversario…) en tu ciudad o para coger muchas fuerzas para después visitar y recorrer un sitio que todavía tienes sin descubrir
En Asturias, cada vez hay más cafeterías/restaurantes que ofrecen brunch en su oferta gastronómica, pero no te creas que triunfa mucho. Aunque yo babeo con todos ellos, así que a ver si un día me animo y me sumo a este delicioso plan.
Un besito Pablo
Melania | mimalditadulzura.com
Jajajaja ay me pasa lo mismo que a ti, yo es que si me espero a probar bocado a media mañana ya me desmayo o me pongo de mal humor jaja, creo que lo mejor es picar alguna cosa pequeña y ya después marchar al brunch
Besos de vuelta!